[3] At the news conference, it was mentioned that Lowry Digital would complete enhancing and restoring the tapes. (NASA/Newsmakers), This artists concept shows the Command Module, undergoing re-entry in 5000 F heat. Fellow conspiracy theorist Mike Bara, author of Ancient Aliens on the Moon, similarly alleged NASAs astronauts were stunned by an incredible discovery. In The Los Angeles Times, Justin Chang called it "a stirring companion piece to Damien Chazelle's recent 'First . [7] The camera's video format was incompatible with existing NTSC, PAL, and SECAM broadcast television standards. Baysingers wife and daughter watched the Apollo 11 landing on TV while Baysinger and Rutherford listened via Baysingers equipment. Mr Bara, who also appeared on the History Channel, said both of NASAs astronauts were evidently upset by something they saw on the Moon within 30 minutes of landing. The Apollo 11 missing tapes were those that were recorded from Apollo 11's slow-scan television telecast in its raw format on telemetry data tape at the time of the first Moon landing in 1969 and subsequently lost. The National Association for Amateur Radio I found Rutherfords story within an hour (with the help of my wife Tina and son Joe). What do you say? [INSIGHT]Alien shock claim: UFO hunter says he has spotted 'god-like' beings[PICTURES]Apollo 15 astronaut's Moon landing confession: 'Can't do anything now'[INSIGHT]. - Nov 12, 2018 6:00 pm UTC. If the Service Module had collided with the Command Module, a re-entry disaster similar to Space Shuttle Columbia could have occurred just as the USA was taking the conclusive steps of the Space Race. Alan Butler, author of Who Built the Moon?, said on Ancient Aliens: One of the most interesting questions with regard to our interaction with the Moon, is why we have never gone back there since the end of the Apollo missions. When Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landed on the moon on 20 July 1969, Nasa used two film cameramen at mission control in Houston to capture the moment back on Earth. Maybe he could find out things that NASA did not want the public to know about. Only July 17, the first thrust maneuver using Apollos Service Propulsion System (SPS) was made, course-correcting for the journey to the Moon. "The real story is the mission control side of things," says Ben Feist, a Toronto-based software engineer who is organizing and processing the audio for placement on a NASA-sponsored website. What happened in those two minutes has been subject to a lot of controversy.. I was also intrigued because both in my classes and in our observatory public outreach programs I encounter people who ask whether I think we really went to the Moon. Hansen's research is focused on developing better speech recognition technology to analyze taped discussions of groups trying to solve problems. But the true value, from a human perspective, is how the project captured and preserved the perspective of all the unsung heroes of the Apollo missionsnot just the astronauts who were front and center in the public eye. The live auction will begin on July 20 at 11 am EDT. NASA administrator Jim Bridenstine told a press conference NASA will go to the Moon as soon as possible. "I'd like to enter Aldrin in the oatmeal-eating contest," says Collins. Hansen's students set up the Explore Apollo website highlighting some key moments from the tapes for the idly curious who might be less inclined to wade through the entire archive. At the time, the NTSC broadcast was recorded on many videotapes and kinescope films. [27] The tapes had been purchased in 1976 at a General Services Administration auction, by Gary George, then an engineering student at Lamar University. Many of these low-quality recordings remain intact. Could they have seen something there that they didnt want to tell the public because of the implications?. Sven Grahn and Richard Flagg picked up transmissions from the Apollo 17 command module in orbit around the Moon using a 30 foot radio telescope dish, but they heard only two recognizable voice transmissions, each consisting of only a few words.4. But of the innumerable things that could go wrong, one of them was entirely unexpected: the possibility that the Service Module, scheduled to break apart and safely burn up in Earths atmosphere, could accidentally have a piece of its debris collide with the Command Module, ruining re-entry and killing the returning astronauts on board. The Apollo Command/Service Module was used for the Apollo program which landed astronauts on the Moon between 1969 and 1972. It was an entire team of people working together to make it happen, and all of this audio is their side of the story.. I think that Apollo 11 is one of the biggest engineering accomplishmentsin human history, Greg Wiseman, an audio engineer at NASA Johnson Space Center in Houston involved in the project, told Inside Science News Service. The launch and this one corrective burn were so successful that the other three scheduled SPS maneuvers were not even needed. "You throw a match in that Clear Lake area, and it'll explode," says a voice in mission control. Mr Childress said: The astronauts apparently talked about seeing extraterrestrial objects on the Moon, including flying saucers parked along the edge of a crater within their view.. New York, And if you have a news tip, correction or comment, let us know at: community@space.com. This prompted Rutherford to mention Baysingers work and the attention he got from the Collins Company as another example of interesting, homegrown, small-operation science in Louisville. So, NASA technically hasn't lost any of the Apollo footage only the original tapes with that footage. "Roger, we got you, we're go on that alarm," came the reassuring reply. In the aftermath of Apollo 11, investigators determined that the proper procedure for avoiding contact would be to properly time the firing of both the roll jets and the Minus X jets, which would lead to a 0% probability of contact between the two spacecrafts. If it failed, it would lead to certain death, similar to the demise of the Soviet cosmonaut Vladimir Komarov. Instead of a series of thrusters firing to move the Service Module away from the Command Module, shifting it to a different trajectory and eliminating the possibility of a collision, the way the thrusters actually fired put the entire mission at risk. A photo taken during the Apollo 11 50th anniversary show of the Apollo 11 rocket projected on the Washington Monument in Washington, DC on July 20, 2019. Appearing on the History Channels show Ancient Aliens, Dr Michael Salla, author of Exopolitics: Political Implications of the Extraterrestrial Presence, said the fact has been at the heart of a lot of intense debate. Even from our perspective in 2019, 50 years later, humanitys achievements from July, 1969, still mark the pinnacle of crewed spaceflight. (Heritage Space/Heritage Images/Getty Images), This schematic drawing shows the stages in the, return from a lunar landing mission. We may chalk it up to good fortune that the following words never needed to be spoken: In their exploration, they stirred the people of the world to feel as one; in their sacrifice, they bind more tightly the brotherhood of man. Future US, Inc. Full 7th Floor, 130 West 42nd Street, The item consists of three metal reels of Ampex 148 High Band 2-inch Quadruplex videotape, each between 45 and 50 minutes in length. It is best to listen to the tapes while simultaneously viewing the same mission elapsed time on the transcript, since often the recordings are faint. [2], A team of retired NASA employees and contractors tried to find the tapes in the early 2000s but was unable to do so. [18], News that these analog data tapes were missing emerged on August 5, 2006, when the print and online versions of The Sydney Morning Herald published a story with the title One giant blunder for mankind: how NASA lost moon pictures. By shifting the Service Module to a significantly different trajectory, it wouldnt even re-enter at the same time as the Command Module, but would skip off the atmosphere this time. You can unsubscribe at any time. Rutherfords story briefly mentioned how Baysinger had been previously successful in constructing a device to detect radio signals from Jupiter and in tracking and reproducing pictures transmitted from Earth-orbiting satellites. He independently detected radio transmissions from the Apollo 11 astronauts on the lunar surface. Heres how it works. Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own. . They almost look like they want to vomit thats how disturbed they look. On July 20,the Eagle (lunar module) undocked from the Columbia (command and service module), made a powered descent, and landed on the Moons surface. The moonwalk's converted video signal was broadcast live around the world on July 21, 1969 (2:56 UTC). [14], This low-quality optical conversion of the Apollo 11 moonwalk video imagesmade with a TV camera taking pictures of a video monitoris what was widely recorded in real-time onto kinescope film and NTSC broadcast-quality two-inch quadruplex videotape. The famed astrologer has been credited with predicting numerous major events from throughout history, but what predictions did he make for 2023? Missing Two-Minutes of Apollo 11 5 views May 9, 2022 0 Dislike About Space Today 13 subscribers It's time to "Tell The Truth" - The missing two-minutes from Apollo. Ed. So-called Moon landing experts who have studied the Apollo 11 mission have boldly accused NASA of holding back vital information on what really happened on July 20, 1069. Engineer Gary Johnson hand-drew schematics for rewiring the Apollo Service Modules jettison controller, and the changes were made just after the next flight: Apollo 12. But find them he did. Lunar Eavesdropping quietly sat in the rolls of microfilmed Courier-Journal editions in the reference sections of (mostly Kentucky) libraries, awaiting rediscovery. Four days after that, the astronauts successfully returned to Earth, but that was not a foregone conclusion. This was incorrect, as NASA stated that the footage on the tapes was already preserved by the agency. (Image credit: NASA) NASA's Apollo 11 mission comes to life in 19,000 hours of newly available audio. So how did Larry Baysinger come to be eavesdropping on Apollo 11 the night of July 20, 1969? And so it went as Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin descended to the surface of the moon aboard the Lunar Module Eagle on July 20, 1969. [20] On August 16, 2006 NASA announced its official search, saying, "The original tapes may be at the Goddard Space Flight Center or at another location within the NASA archiving system" and "NASA engineers are hopeful that when the tapes are found they can use today's digital technology to provide a version of the moonwalk that is much better quality than what we have today. She developed a strong passion for all things space, and guiding readers through the mysteries of the local universe. The astronauts might not have successfully returned to Earth, however, if the procedure used to jettison the fuel from the Service Module had let it come into contact with the Command Module. Thanks to a year-long project to locate, digitize, and process all that extra audio (completed in July), diehard space fans can now access a fresh treasure trove of minutiae from the Apollo 11 mission. In one clip, recorded minutes before the 363-foot-tall Saturn V rocket lifted off from Kennedy Space Center in Florida, ground controllers can be heard telling Armstrong, Aldrin and the third member of the crew, Michael Collins, to flip various switches in preparation for launch. Surplus WWII equipment was both available and inexpensive at that time and Baysinger has fond memories of high school road trips to Lexington (Kentucky) and Indianapolis (Indiana) where a radio enthusiast could find particularly good hunting for military surplus. FOLLOW NBC NEWS MACH ON TWITTER, FACEBOOK, AND INSTAGRAM. Those projects and their stories might be sitting in a drawer somewhere, waiting for a QST reader to bring them to light. Lunar Eavesdropping: Louisvillians hear moon walk talk on homemade equipment, sporting Rutherfords byline, appeared in the Wednesday, July 23, 1969 issue of that paper front page of section B, the local news section (see Figure 1). 3. "[21] NASA also had ongoing research reasons for finding these higher-resolution tapes, as the Constellation program shared some similar tasks with the original Apollo program. Now Hear This! By then, 20 seconds had passed since the alarm sounded. Fortunately, Wiseman and UT-Dallas scientist Abhijeet Sangwan were able to take parts from one to make the other operational, with the help of a retired NASA technician. Mr Whitehead said: It is interesting when you watch the feed of when they came back from the Moon and theyre not sitting there jumping up and down for joy and saying, I had the most incredible experience of my life, I was on the Moon. Apollo 11 was the spaceflight that landed the first two people on the Moon. [8], This live conversion was crude compared to early-21st-century electronic digital conversion techniques. There was a fault in how the Service Module was configured to jettison its remaining fuel: a problem that was later discovered to have occurred aboard the prior Apollo 8 and Apollo 10 missions as well. 4. [28], NASA held a news conference at the Newseum, in Washington, D.C. regarding the missing tapes on July 16, 2009 the 40th anniversary of Apollo 11's launch from Cape Kennedy. [12] When Armstrong first came down the Lunar Module's ladder, he was barely visible because the contrast and the vertical phase were not set correctly by the scan converter operator. Apollo 11 landed 13 degrees, 19 minutes north latitude and 169 degrees, nine minutes west longitude July 24, 1969. "If the tapes are as described in the sale material, they are 2-inch videotapes recorded in Houston from the video that had been converted to a format that could be broadcast over commercial television and contain no material that hasn't been preserved at NASA.". (NASA / AFP / Getty Images), Astronaut Edwin E. Buzz Aldrin Jr., Lunar Module, Pilot, stands near a scientific experiment on the lunar surface. Show more. [3] Their findings included a videotape recorded in Sydney after the conversion but before the satellite transmission around the world, videotape from CBS News archives (direct from NASA, without commentary) and kinescopes at Johnson Space Center. "If it does not occur again, we're fine.". This story has been corrected to reflect that. The data tapes were used to record all transmitted data (video as well as telemetry) for backup. George's Apollo tapes are expected to sell for $1-2 million on the upcoming 50th anniversary of Apollo 11. As NASA prepares to mark the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 Moon landing next year, it has released newly unearthed backchannel conversations from the mission to the public, giving us an unprecedented peek at what was happening behind the scenes. [1], Nafzger stated that the team did find several post-conversion copies of the broadcast that were of higher quality than what had been previously seen by the public. 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