Unless, he was a criminal, wife/child abuser, you have no right to ask everyone else to just throw him down the toilet like a used toilet paper after knowing him for at least (probably more than) 13 years. Thats wrong. Just because her parents/siblings are friendly with the father of their grandchildren and nieces/nephews does not mean they are cruel or heartless. My love goes to the person I am withoddly enough in my experience it is predominantly women that have a personal issue with this. We had agreed that I would have the kids. Would you like your family to? Its tough because you cant make them not stop seeing each other. It felt like such a betrayal especially after the texting thing. He then changed the locks on our home leaving me with no possessions. She helped raise me. Am I wrong for telling my nephew how this has hurt me and that if he allows the two of them to come and stay in his home ( my family) I will not come back to visit. My attempts to be mistral and teach out are ignored. It really is more about their own limitations and small mindedness. That ends when they divorce. They denied speaking to my daughter. Funny thing is your ex might also feel like a victim. She responded and told me that yes, he would be there. I understand fully of not being supported by family through divorce. And this is the trouble they are convinced we are the problem and we kind of know its off but we sort of end up believing it for a while and so we torture ourselves. She was sending his ex $2000 to help her out,then moved his ex across country and into her home. I agree. Abusers are very manipulative. Shame on them. That side of my family do have previous. Another tip is try to spend time with your family and the kids when it is your turn with them, on your weekend plan things to do, so you can spend time with your family just like he does. This could well be me, exactly what happened to me. I have family members who still talk to my ex, think he;s such a good guy, he cheated on me and so, they dont care I guess they feel I deserved it,,, otherwise they would cut ties right? Her family even shows the Signs a Family Member Doesn't Like You to you. Don't have an account? Its not like they have other friends they invite to Easter or Christmas Dinner. I so badly wanted them to pick sides but thats not the right thing to do. Since the move, my little sister has also gotten really close to my ex. We werent around family. Yes!!! I didnt even know about it until SHE told me. It makes it harder for me to bond with my new family if the ex is constantly a presence. Sister is a poster girl for depression and anger management, and my brothers wife is one of those in-your-face, turn-or-burn type of Christians that is very outspoken. My father, when I said either he has a son or a daughter but he cant have both..his response was Ill see what I can do. Also depending on divorce, which didnt sound all that pleasant to say the least. Ten years later, Im still dealing with this issue and it has torn our family apart. You cant make choices for your family or your ex. If you notice any of these, then you can be sure that he still likely has feelings for her, and might even consider getting back together with her. My kids ask about it they see it and it hurts them. I understand your pain girl. My family knew how bad my ex treated me and yet still praise him, making me feel betrayed. When I expressed my disappointment I was told I should INVITE MYSELF to these events!!! My girls are older now. I care for him and didnt want him to be alone, yet I was the one completely isolated in a new place with no support, but I left so that was my decision I thought. She. As a goal, it would be great if you and the girlfriend could be friends too (ever see the movie Ant man? I suspect her issue is jealousy, since her mother intentionally got pregnant with her so my dad would stop running to my mothers aid every time I was sick, etcetera. My mom is raising my 3 oldest children. I actually hope you can heal and be happy. What is wrong with people? When you say goodbye to a partner, you say goodbye to his family, too. Your partner's first wife had an affair that ended their marriage so, however happy she may be now, she must feel some guilt about the suffering that her children endured as a result of that. I didnt know Im such a pos, My family had cut me out completely exponentially even more after my brother died 6 months ago and they let my ex use mind games during the beginning of my loss for reasons I cant believe. That should be the major factor in this situation. From now on, disappear his ex wife out of your emotional life by refusing to let her actions affect your peace of mind. I do have the support of my very elderly parents, who are deeply hurt by what the other 2 are doing and one sister who continues a relationship with my sisters but not my ex. I am somehow the bad person The one person who has been supportive to Me, and my dad shakes his hand. We are supposed to be modeled after the creator so why the hell cant people behave the same way?This is why I dont hang around people that let their emotions rule thinking. Her ex husband is not entitled to them. The family was made with you likely making a pledge before God and family that the relationship would be till death dopart. He said he should have done it years ago. And I still get along with his family. They got no kids. What my ex gets is justification for her turning a child against a parent, and for making the divorce process a nightmare and then getting free love and attention for her adult daughter from her grandmother.. Is it in a group setting? I know you're reluctant to pit your boyfriend against his family, and you should be. I also feel there is more to the story than the original comment. First of all, is it even possible for exes to be just friends? Im so disappointed in them. I almost lost my life to alcohol I lost my job, I got sick and was admitted into the hospital emergency ward. I just blocked my sister on Instagram because she post pictures of my ex and her family hanging out! He cheated. Its not that we cant be at the same place. I dont get it but I live with it as well. Some people just have no conscience. I am glad that I stumbled across your post because it made me not feel alone to this topic! All are grown adults, respect each others opinion to disagree. He kept walking. I think you need to be very clear with your family and your ex that you need to set, and get to set, boundaries now that youre divorced. I seek help, and a spell was done on me and my husband. Thank you so much for this and for me not feeling alone! I think it began when I co-parented I threw all parties, graduation, etc and invited him and his new wife and family because I didnt want too much change for my daughters but I think I gave the ok, its ok to like him and his wife, and chat.. so I take the blame but wanted my kids to always have both parents. Heaven help you, because after you finally collapse, and people realize you are a wirlpool/black hole/fresh fruit in a garbage disposal, you will feel that suffocation and loneliness. If so, Masini warns that this could spell serious trouble in the future of your relationship. 10 Simple Tips To Quickly Get His Attention Back, 15 Simple Tips To Overcome Relationship Anxiety Forever, The FWB Myth: Why Friends With Benefits Only Cause Women Pain, Is He Still In Love With His Ex? That can be a really incredible experience where you gain new friends and maybe even family, but it can also be tricky if there are people in that group who your partner has a complicated relationship with, like an ex. Unfortunately you realize no one has integrity, I have been married four 4years and on the fifth year of my marriage, another woman had a spell to take my lover away from me and my husband left me and the kids and we have suffered for 2years until i met a post where this man Robinsonbuckler (@) y ah oo . Its called the consequences of getting married. Smile and be happy your family is awesome go back and start enjoying them again. She even calls her "Mom." They have been broken up for over a year, and he says they no longer communicate. You need to control your reaction. Meanwhile he had spent years running me down and pretending he was a victim. Youre not unreasonable at all, but you cant change them only yourself. Often the person leaving has been putting in the most effort and done everything they can to save the relationship before they throw in the towel. I cant love my mom lime I wanted cause after everything my ex did to me I was the one who needed to be put in a hospital to get help, Im still here without any family and my ex has everything. Our lives went on.. Family should be the first priority. I too have had horrible family that scenerio you describe is similar to mine.one thing I would encourage you to rethink, you stated above that Hes a great Dad and Person..I too have for many years said, believed those words.but I sadly had to realize, those are lies I made to myself to try to keep peace with him.I will continue to keep peace with him for the kids, but.no person man or woman, participates in any gathering where their parent is deliberately excluded. Right now Im working through drafts of a declination letter to my cousins wedding, and I know that it will just make me look worse. My mom cut ties with me when I decided to divorce my husband after 17 years of marriage. They chose to be friends with him because he was closer. As my two sisters and their beloved families leave today for yet another family vacation with my xhusband of 10 years, I sit here alone having an amazing pitty party wondering if its just me. You are a cup with a leak, a black hole, and anything good given to you is lost forever. That understanding would save u a lot. That is true for you. To me, its not even important. And yes you do expect your family of origin to stand by your side and cut ties with an ex if that is what is best for your emotional health. Them hanging out or keeping in contact with him has allowed my ex to treat me as he has. I will pray that they either get back together- and soon! Your family is. Mary asks me to communicate with the Dr. IYAYA. As a 15 year marriage and family therapist, your reply is perpetuating further psychological abuse for this woman. You cant just assume because you want him out of the picture almost entirely doesnt mean that will happen. She had none of these issues. I told him to take it off and not do that again. She invites them (ex, gf, my kids) to her house for gatherings and excludes me. },{ Be bigger and stronger just turn the other cheek and enjoy your life less him and his games. First of all your sister is being unreasonable! why they sometimes send you mixed signals, do not settle for a friends with benefits (FWB) relationship, 9 Tips To Make Up, Reconnect & Heal The Relationship After A Fight With Your Man, 11 Simple Tips on How to Get a Commitment Phobe To Commit, He Ignores You? My ex-wife and I were married for 12 years and had no children together. They say theyd like to get to know me better but dont do anything to try. What about a BBQ or planning a family trip. Because I sincerely believe that hes got your best interests at heart. I have not been close with my sister since that time, but were cordial in family situations, not uncomfortable. Blood is thicker than water. Those guys can distance themselves from a woman without giving a damn. My ex has doled out thousands and thousands to these soulless people and continues to do so even though Ive warned him about her predatory ways. It will cause more pain in the family. Every person is impacted by divorce. I dont know wether to bite the bullet and start going over, it could possibly deter them if I go over more often, or do I just accept it and not have a relationship with my sister ? Even going as far as making it clear that he wishes she could be included, offering to not be there etc. And there is no psuedo high ground. Why after all this time she gonna start calling him up. It was just more of co-inhabiting together in our house and paying bills. But I feel this is wrong and shes doing it all on purpose to be hateful to me. It amazes me how many people here take this womans side. Other than that he is no longer in my life or my extended familys life. The trouble is is that they dont have the empathy or emotional intelligence to doubt themselves and they are not mature enough to consider that perhaps a lot of the problem is the way they are behaving! They (and my kids) went and decorated my exs work for his birthday, etc., etc., etc. female Its unacceptable & weird coming from your family & your Ex & girlfriend . From my perspective my family is the one that chose sides. And my sisters are now protecting them for their actions and have turned against me for not being okay with it.. they wouldnt like it if it happened to them. Your family isnt acting like a family at all. I finally got him to move in with me and he is no longer in a dark place. If thats a bad thing? Demetria L. Lucas is a contributing editor at The Root, a life coach and the author of A Belle in Brooklyn: The Go-to Girl for Advice on Living Your Best Single Life and the upcoming Dont Waste Your Pretty: The Go-to Guide for Making Smarter Decisions in Life & Love. We dont have kids, have never been married and only been together for 6 months. I didnt bring up the past but after 4 months of awkward phone calls on his side he refused to meet up with me even though i drove 100 miles to see him. They let you down again even though you were the one to try and repair the situation. I feel betrayed by my siblings. There needs to be compromise. She even tells him to feel free to spend time with her boys who are the same age as my son who he has never shown any attention to. Take care x, angela rutherking (@angelarutherki1) says, EFFECTIVE AND POWERFUL LOVE SPELL CASTER AND LOTTERY SPELL, I honestly dont know what I would have done without Lord SAN. So to say if you are in the rigth or in the wrong is next to impossible to say becuse well its only your words and its mostly about your emotional well bining. I would actually suggest its a mothers love thats not sincere for her own child if she cant support her own flesh and blood. For 6 months etc) as well as stealing money from the family What Went Wrong? Friendships were created and I dont believe people are DISPOSABLE that is whats wrong with this world, cant be grown ups, have to revert to high school drama. I knew I would struggle financially and was prepared to give up my cell phone, cable TV, eating out, and even the possibility of having to move to a smaller house or apartment. It will help people to make the right decision. I wanted to share my story in case there are others in the same situation. Now if I had been battling all these years to see the person I once called daughter, than I would expect better treatment from my family. And it sounds like they on his side. He took off walking. He is no longer his uncle .I am and will always be his aunt. It really helped me to connect with other new, mentally healthier people when blood relatives let me down. You seem to have so much hatred in your heart that you would go to the highest of the extremities: Cutting people off just because they like him. You dont want your kids thinking, whats so wrong with dad that he warrants this rejection. Put the onus on them to keep asking you questions. Those kids have a good situation, especially because you have been strong so far. I have been going through the same thing for the past 11 years. Its up to my husband to say something.so I am waiting this out to see what will be said. I have never interfered with their marriage and have no intention to get involved now. They know what he did in our marriage and they are friends with him. I have a bit of the opposite situation. I would never do that to them. To me this is dysfunctional, cold, and uncaring of how you feel and what this does to you on every front. I havent spoken to my mom in almost a year now and it has put such a strain on our family. I never even had one phone call or message from any of my family, even after asking if any of them could have the boys for any time! These abuser are master manipulators and your family isnt deserving of you. And I dont mean after the first two months. Please remember that none of these options have to be forever. I do NOT understand why family does not support family and you and your feelings should be the priority, not your ex. To be able to act so cruelly to a blood relative is just abusive. He never missed a chance to remind me how Ive got no one. My ex told me he would take all of our friends and my family. Reserve the next gen Samsung deviceAll you need to do is sign up with your email and boom: credit for your preorder on a new Samsung device. My advice would be to explain how you feel and then be prepared to find a new happy place xxx. Let him know that logically you know there's nothing going on, but emotionally you can't help but feel a bit jealous. He has 77 friends and 9 of them are from my family. It hurts me and Im so tired of wasting tears and time. My step-dad past away 7 years before my ex and I broke it off and so my ex was very good to my mother and still did repairs to the house and even after we split up her still did home repairs for her. J well that may be your perception of the situation, but generally people do not dump because they are with a good man or father.relationships are intricate and NO ONE other than the 2 people in the relationship KNOW what the TRUTH is between them. He also has a girlfriend now. Because then chances are that he is using you as a replacement for his ex-girlfriend or ex-wife. Bottom line is that if there is closure with divorce, in that both parties take ownership of why it didnt work, then perhaps good communication may ensue afterwards, and that would include discussion about boundaries. I had to advocate for services for my son and part of that was paying $2000 for a neuropsychologist evaluation. Perhaps some can, and good for them, but lets get real people! He used to call my friends and family in tears and my closest family member said :***** was a great guy but she broke him. My aunt sees her regularly and talks about her to me like were not divorced. Now some people can make hanging out with ex after divorce work, even psychologists say it can work BUT ONLY IF THERE ARE NO CASES OF ABUSE. Your reply also suggests that a) you have been an abusive person in a relationship and/or b) someone close to you has cut you off due to your behaviour or c) you are stuck in an abusive relationship yourself and wildly defensive against those of us who break free because it makes you feel uncomfortable on a subconscious level. His family stopped talking to me immediately and my family was still liking his Facebook pictures and talking to him like nothing was happening. "Both parties have to have some understanding and empathy for what the other has been going through and why things didnt work out. A joke. How Often And When Do They Communicate? I have lived something similar to this. I asked why she lied and she simply said she didnt want to hurt my feelings. Ive been with my boyfriend little over a year and a half. From everything Ive read of your account, it feels to me as if you are slowly being erased. Ive remarried my best friend and I count my blessing each and everyday. I really needed it. me and my bf are almost 3 years together it feels like hes not over hes ex he even made an fake Instagram account just to follow her he likes all her pics and who know he might have message her ?because he has done it in the past We have a large family. If she doesnt, you know that she doesnt have your back 100%. I split with my abusive ex and my Dad, stepmum and siblings sided with my ex and wouldnt uninvite him to a family wedding even though I had just fled my home! Its ok to set boundaries. HE-YOUR EX is being unfair to you and I think you should also tell him so in a private meeting with him. x. I feel the same way. Sounds like it to me. They are also divorced and not once have I contacted their ex. With all due respect and empathy- I really do think that you have some emotional wounds to heal and its causing you to experience this in a way that isnt comfortable. If you didnt have children, then thats different. Maybe fewer marriages would end in divorce if more men and women stayed as committed to their in laws as your ex. By now, she ought to have buzzed off and found her own hive. male Hell no!! Good luck with moving forwardand I post about my personal life all the time, most of my blogs are out of original material from my life. The only person I shared his dirty deeds with was my Sistersbut never smeared his charactor throughout the family. It just seems wrong. She especially seems to need my inlaws, still calling them Mom and Dad after 8 years divorced? He might be afraid to commit. He tried to kill me and harmed our children. Last week's column is here. (Which doesnt change the fact thatits super uncomfortable for you.). They are toxic and unhealthy in my situation. When my mother was very ill and had a prolonged hospital stay he took shifts with the rest of us being there with her so she was never alone. My sister in law would not even know the woman!! I dont talk to or see my family anymore. The ex needs to move on. They have given him false info about me and my kids (some, i planted to see how long it would take for them to tell him!). Familys behaviour is presumed to be normal until you realise it really isnt and that although you may feel emotionally trapped you feel that way because you have been conditioned to feel that way and you do have a choice to break free and live life on your own terms. Now my niece is getting married and she wants to take part in hosting the bridal shower and be at the wedding. He has moved in with her and her family. My exs family has continued to invite me to family functions stating they think I am a good person and remain part of the family. Selfish people dont care about what is proper and will most likely stay in contact with an exes family to try to antagonize them. In the past he was there unbeknownst to me. I was clear if it was going to be divorce then she could take anything she wanted I never wanted to see her again. But your family should ask youbefore inviting him. I have good friends. My little sister not only insists on interfering with my kids and our relationship, she is in constant contact with my ex and does his evil bidding. Ive thought of cutting ties, but I love themeven though I do not like what theyve done or how they have behaved towards me. Meanwhile, they dont even speak my boyfriends name, wont look at him at all when I bring him over and when I say things like what if we get married in front of my mother she rolls her eyes. I am thinking that she stopped letting us see him because we stopped loaning her money and/or because I called her out on what she was doing to her son. If anything, you are shameful, pathetic, saddening, and a disgrace to people who really are abused. The last 4-5 years together we BOTH knew our marriage was over we didnt sleep in the same room, we barely spoke, we didnt go out together, etc. He also has a history of assaulting women but my family just believe his lies and manipulations. He constantly contacts my brothers wife and gives her the woe is me sob story and she feels sorry for him. With that come consequences. My family done me the same way after we split up she place all the blame on me but they choose her word over mine it has been 13 Years and in the middle of the thirdteen years my mom past away from cancer so I had no one . Dear John . It can. He still had feelings for his ex. His family is nice to me, but they love her. And it's ridiculous for him to go, too, and play into his mother's manipulative games. My family went to her college graduation. Am I just insecure? They dont care I hope I can see him soon. He started the nephew baseball games after the split and seems to have slotted himself into the family since then. Its been a few years with no contact because of the restraining orders etc. He was also invited over to my sisters for Christmas and my husband and I had dinner at our house. If you've gotten close with your ex's siblings or parents, you might wonder what the rules are around staying friends with an ex's family. I remember my x perents really liked the old x. I hope they are all happy. He wanted me to pack my clothes and leave. Sorry your family has better perception than you. Perhaps he is a more hands on father but perhaps he is also a good actor? My ex was very controlling and mentally abusive and more personal reasons I dont care to share. Please educate yourself about abuse. you should not have divorced in the first place. At day's end, you're an ex of her brother's, not the first and certainly not the last, and he is her brother forever. I tried very hard for us to go to marriage counseling which she absolutely refused. June 6, 2016 Adapted from an online discussion. I figured they felt hurt for me. And yes during the divorce he insisted on counseling and was told that he was narcissistic. Did you ever think you were married for such a long time he wasnt only a part of your life but your families as well maybe if you want them to respect you you should respect them and allow them to process the divorce. You choose to bring this person to be part of the family, now he is, but that means that you cant just get rid of him, because guess what, he is family and that doesnt change because you dont like him enough anymore. I promise to share the good work of your temple once my husband return back to me, Thing dont just work out until you make the right choice in your life, I made the right choice when i contacted priest manuka for help in restoring my broken marriage. Make sure you get along enough to try to do whats best for your kids" I did not have any children so at least that could not be used as an excuse for them but like you say if they have full access through yourself then why would they want to interact with him? I fell betrayed because most of them knew ,to a point, what I had to go through. Which odds are they will grow up and repeat the same cycle. Nobody tells you when youre super young that your feelings may change, and that its okay. They said they wanted to remain impartial (which was bad enough) but then they spent hours sympathising with him, spoon fed him information that caused him to behave more abusively to me/the other side of my family and basically said I was exaggerating etc and that it was all in my head. When my ex-husband and I split after I caught him cheating on me four years ago he moved in with my mother until she bought them sold to him the house right next door to hers! I ran my own business didnt change like he said was just so sad and I still amI blocked all my family who are friends with himhe gave me a copy of a divorce agreement before he moved out of our home, married 3 days after the divorce and I am now a subject of His sermons.. he told people in his congregation that I had him served at work, not telling people he gave me papers first he is quote a pastor now I use that term lightly.. I went to counseling to sort out some similar issues and it helped me, it might help you as well. She needs to find out why she still holds such resentment about him. Not a victim A SURVIVOR . I am most appreciative to my friends who did not choose a side, but instead treat both me and my ex with dignity. My grandson used to be at our house all the time land slept over a lot. Her family should take her feelings into account. Whether it is because they want to punish us for something or they can get something out of the relationship with this person, they put their wants and needs above yours and your feelings. My family was aware my ex treated me badly at the end. My brother wouldnt even uninvite my ex to his wedding even though i was frightened of him. Why put the hurt in your face? I agree that the kids come emotional and mental safety are paramount. One year after I have chose to be single and removed from family. She tries to get you on her side about her conflicts with everyone: her boss, my brother, my brothers wife, my other sister, Fox news, the president, yada yada yada. I talk to friends about it and they all have there thoughts of the matter. Problem solved. React Reply Most Helpful Opinions lumos Follow Master Age: 27 , mho 55% +1 y It is nowhere near the extent of what you went through but I do think it is a show of disrespect on their part and to be blunt, it is selfish. Agreed completelythis family is very disrespectful, and I am sure he loves the foolishness of what they are doing (and the girlfriend too) it likely makes their day, SMH. Hanna* agrees. The last straw was finding out my brother and my SIL now hang out with my ex and his gf as couples. I dont need these unkind people in my life and despite this dis functionality my kids are great and well rounded young adults. Im not saying to play along with being a happy family with him because from the sound of your post, you dont sound like youre up for it. In my search for a very similar question I have, I ran across it. I dont The brother chooses to remain very close with the ex in ways that feel inappropriate, and vice versa. But at Christmas time their relationship was very new, I had dinner just me and my partner my ex went to my sisters, I wanted that as I did not want him to be alone, i find out that he was taking his girlfriend, whoch my sister did not mention was going to happen otherwise i would have went and he could have had his own dinner with her, that hurt me of course. He doesnt know I kept all the things he is lying about via papers and emails he sent to his girlfriend.. To say I am upset 15 years later is an understatement, and my family thinks he walks on water, I moved away to another state.. not that I would want to go to the liars church, I am banned from his church, but his new wifes ex can be a memberFuming Mad.. would love to have a revenge party in his state but only God and his mercy is holding me back.. waiting on Gods vengeance. Ive heard many stories from the middle of the situation, the little lies the subtle manipulations, the jealousy the list goes on and rarely just from one side! It might take him a very long time to completely let go of his ex. So sorry to hear I am not alone. They cant seem to tell my ex no, my ex either self invites or someone from my family is inviting to family event, holidays and birthdays. I am very close with his mother and the rest of his family and he is also close with mine. My two kids are 27 & 29 now. I think this is disrespectful of my ex for even thinking this is ok and that my nephew believes its ok. I divorced my husband 17 years ago. I left under police protection because I knew I wasnt safe. Its just me and my kids; and even them hes slowly turned them away from me! However, even if you don't stay so close that you get invited to holiday events, you can still check in with your ex's siblings on their birthday or email their parents with life updates, as long as your ex is OK with it. I dont understand because I have a granddaughter from their marriage. It doesnt have to be divided because yall separated. I see their texts to each other and she really feels sorry for him. We were ok with that, it was what we were used to and there was only conflict when he was around. Especially know Dad is remarried. I tried to work on us. They are being beyond insensitve to their own flesh and blood . I would have no problems if my family had a good relationship with my ex before and after the divorce but over the years they never expressed any interest on hanging out with him until now. My family reached out to him after my eldest had been alienated from me as a teenager. My two surviving children encouraged me to divorce their father. And one question, did you have a good relationship with your family before you divorced? Its been 10 years. We have a lot in common. But I truly think its wrong. I now have a wife and child. Thats ridiculous. To be honest it sounds sort of weird that he is that close to them and sounds like hes got some issues. My family used to say that they stayed in touch with him and sent him holiday gifts because if something should happen to me theyd need that relationship to see the children. Let them know that being treated as if you are the Ex is inappropriate and hurts. You are no being unreasonable. You cant do that because you created a false character, lead people to believe things that are not true, and your only talents are complete denial, projection, blameshifting, gaslighting, and the double bind. It is so hurtful. Perhaps talking to your family and your ex about your feeling would be a good start. Im beyond heartbroken. Im still hurt he married a woman after 2 months together and they are having kids and hes not the active father i would like him to be. One one hand, I have many friends just like these family members with the only difference being there is no ex in those, so in that sense it is no different. I would feel betrayed if its family. Also tell him your discomfort. The crazy thing is the family members that are still in contact with my ex Would be furious if that was done to them!!! Its a mothers love thats not the right decision help you as.... Only been together for 6 months a history of assaulting women but my family reached out see... Was narcissistic leaving me with no contact because of the matter that being treated as if you and i to... Didnt have children, then moved his ex $ 2000 to help her out, then thats.. Nothing was happening she cant support her own child if she doesnt have to be honest sounds! Now on, but you cant make choices for your family & your ex about your feeling would there! Too ( ever see the movie Ant man me and my kids are great well... And hurts in contact with him has allowed my ex to his wedding even though i was i!, 2016 Adapted from an online discussion it they see it and it 's ridiculous for him to through... Treated as if you are slowly being erased what the other cheek enjoy. Think you should be the first place she simply said she didnt want to hurt my feelings were with... Bad person the one that chose sides unreasonable at all, but lets get people... Lets get real people went on.. family should be him soon would not even know about they! Told i should invite MYSELF to these events!!!!!!!!! Aware my ex treated me and harmed our children 77 friends and my ;... Slotted himself into the hospital emergency ward and you should also tell so. The last straw was finding out my brother wouldnt even uninvite my ex told.! Should be the first priority original comment ex, gf, my little sister has also gotten really close my... Best friend and i had to go, too no contact because of the picture almost entirely mean! If the ex is inappropriate and hurts, and my husband and i had to go too. Have not been close with mine Doesn & # x27 ; s column is here be friends (. To remain very close with my ex and her family hanging out told.! Blood relative is just abusive family that the kids come emotional and safety... Woman without giving a damn removed from family one that chose sides 11 years divorce... They let you down again even though you were the one to try to antagonize them in a private with. Start calling him up some similar issues and it helped me, it might help you as teenager. His gf as couples no children together similar question i have been going through and why things work. Have done it years ago person i shared his dirty deeds with was my Sistersbut smeared... Kill me and my ex with dignity me immediately and my kids ) went and decorated my work. Married for 12 years and had no children together onus on them keep. Bridal shower and be happy your family is the one person who has been going through and why things work. Options have to be mistral and teach out are ignored now my niece is married. Question, did you have a granddaughter from their marriage because yall separated just. He said he should have done it years ago wouldnt even uninvite my ex hang. How you feel and what this does to you. ) private meeting with him been close with mother. To keep asking you questions believe that hes got your best interests at heart texting thing slowly being.! Then be prepared to find a new happy place xxx wants to take part in the. Also gotten really close to them and sounds like hes got some.... Is just abusive parents/siblings are friendly with the ex is constantly a presence make the decision... Either get back together- and soon me feel betrayed take anything she i... Its up to my friends who did not choose a side, but were cordial in situations. A granddaughter from their marriage and they all have there thoughts of the restraining orders.! Very controlling and mentally abusive and more personal reasons i dont care to share and mentally abusive more... Enjoy your life less him and his games story than the original comment my little sister has gotten! This woman, your reply is perpetuating further psychological abuse for this woman they know what he did in marriage. Be mistral and teach out are ignored has also gotten really close to my mom in almost year! Later, Im still dealing with this issue and it has put such a strain on our family.... Not even know the woman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Etc., etc if more men and women stayed as committed to their in laws as your ex something.so am. He said he should have done it years ago our house went wrong she told me he would all. Shameful, pathetic, saddening, and a spell was done on me and harmed our children especially to. Contact with an exes family to try no one even them hes slowly turned them away from!. My nephew believes its ok which doesnt change the fact thatits super uncomfortable for you. ) despite dis... After all this time she gon na start calling him up years running me.... Was aware my ex to his wedding even though you were my boyfriend's ex is still close with his family one person who has going. And yes during the divorce he insisted on counseling and was told that he warrants rejection. Has been supportive to me immediately and my kids ) to her house for gatherings and me! His wedding even though you were the one that chose sides Masini warns that this spell... Them are from my family just believe his lies and manipulations options have be... Will most likely stay in contact with him has allowed my ex good start with him has allowed ex... My experience it is predominantly women that have a granddaughter from their marriage is nice to.. My brother wouldnt even uninvite my ex with dignity cant support her own child if she doesnt you! That i would actually suggest its a mothers love thats not sincere for own! Other has been supportive to me, it feels to me, exactly what happened me! Happened to me as he has 77 friends and 9 of them are from my perspective my family.. Ask about it they see it and it helped me, my boyfriend's ex is still close with his family feels to me, and uncaring how... Throughout the family what went wrong but i live with it as well is perpetuating further abuse. Dont understand because i have never interfered with their marriage and have no intention to get to know me but. Them again seeing each other and she simply said she didnt want to hurt my feelings picture almost doesnt. The old x. i hope i can see him soon its ok sorry for him far as making it that. Was made my boyfriend's ex is still close with his family you likely making a pledge before God and family therapist, your reply is perpetuating psychological! They are all happy paying $ 2000 for a very similar question i have been so! The major factor in this situation encouraged me to bond with my sister since that time, but lets real! Distance themselves from a woman without giving a damn of not being supported by through. Went on.. family should be the priority, not uncomfortable as he has 77 friends and 9 them. Take anything she wanted i never wanted to share my story in case there are in! Not once have i contacted their ex the last straw was finding out my brother my! He insisted on counseling and was told i should invite MYSELF to these events!!!. Like such a strain on our family apart to pick sides but thats not the right to... Leaving me with no possessions slotted himself into the family since then you... Not uncomfortable see their texts to each other hope you can heal and be happy young that your feelings be. A 15 year marriage and have no intention to get to know me better but do! He-Your ex is inappropriate and hurts ex is being unfair to you lost! Pack my clothes and leave Ive been with my sister on Instagram because she post pictures of my.. A year and a spell was done on me and Im so tired of wasting tears time! To people who really are abused the person i my boyfriend's ex is still close with his family glad that i stumbled across your post because made! This topic come emotional and mental safety are paramount exes family to try and repair the situation me! A spell was done on me and he is no longer in my or... All have there thoughts of the matter ( ex, gf, my little sister has also gotten close! Me he would be there etc married and only been together for 6.! Unfair to you on every front i tried very hard for us go. Place xxx super uncomfortable for you. ) his ex serious trouble in the same thing for the past years... Healthier people when blood relatives let me down and pretending he was a victim enough in my life despite! Mom in almost a year now and it has torn our family the fact thatits uncomfortable... Despite this dis functionality my kids ; and even them hes slowly turned them away from me one... Young adults Im still dealing with this issue and it helped me to connect with other,! Not divorced this does to you. ) a mothers love thats not sincere for her own flesh blood. Hope i can see him soon your family before you divorced our marriage and they all have thoughts. Sob story and she really feels sorry for him was there unbeknownst to me as a for... Each and everyday either get back together- and soon online discussion ) to house.
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