In prehistory it was once a freshwaterlake, with an area estimated to vary between 490 656 miles. Ancient Greek legends tell of a hidden above-ground and below-ground pyramid complex at Hawara known as The Labyrinth that contained Twelve Great Halls. The envisioned revelation, the feared end of the world that will herald an age of purification through horrific and chaotic means Was this German silver mine really defended by two Roman forts and a line of "spike defenses? A remnant of ancient Lake Lahontan, Pyramid Lake was formed during the Pleistocene Epoch (i.e., about 2,600,000 to 11,700 years ago). The Egyptian authorities suspect there to be artifacts hidden under the water, possibly a treasure trove of information as well, which the Egyptian government has been reluctant to fully explore. Three great pyramids link the Avenue: the pyramid of the Sun, the Moon, and the Feathere By bringing together top experts and authors, this archaeology website explores lost civilizations, examines sacred writings, tours ancient places, investigates ancient discoveries and questions mysterious happenings. Regardless of how they were constructed, the Egyptian pyramids of the Giza Plateau represent one of mankinds most astonishing engineering achievements. The tunnel was deliberately blocked by the Maya hundreds of years ago Archaeologists hope it will reveal a hidden "cenote" -- an underwater cavern CNN This month, archaeologists in Mexico. According to Herodotus, ancient Egyptian priests spoke of a long-held tradition of the creation of underground chambers by the original builders of ancient Memphis. Even more than 1 layer! If Hawara has Twelve Great Halls, as the ancient Greeks wrote about, the water tunnels under the Great Pyramid may be even more significant. It felt like I was meant to leave something personal behind. Very much like the lyrics of the famous She may be ancient Egypts most famous face, but the quest to find the eternal resting place of Queen Nefertiti has never been hotter. The Bosnian Pyramid, which is even larger than the Great Pyramid, also has water tunnels which look remarkably similar to the water tunnels running under the Giza Plateau. The Giza Inspector confirmed it had never been opened, which one would find odd, unless they had already tried to open it and had been unsuccessful. Archaeologists have been able to take a closer look at one of the United Kingdoms most famous shipwrecks. Maybe the saltiness of the water stems from thousands of years rain water; filtering its way to the tunnel and carrying minerals and such which was already in the earth. I climbed down to a narrow ledge and got my first look at this mysterious chamber. It passes beneath the causeway leading between the second Pyramid and the Sphinx. Large pyramids, totally overgrown, recently were discovered in Indonesia, as well as one big one in West Java. Chicago, IL. Enigmatic Carvings on Underwater Ruins in China Mystify Investigators The archaeologist Arnoldo Gonzalez said on Monday that researchers believe the tomb and pyramid were purposely built atop a spring between 683-702 AD. The percentages displayed a sodium level which is higher than the fresh water of the Nile River, and lower than the salinity of the Mediterranean Sea, which the Nile flows into. The Pharaoh would then set sail and begin his adventure. The water tunnels under the Giza Plateau may also have a duo purpose in carrying out ritual enactments on the journey to the Underworld. Hidden Underworld of the Giza Plateau is Finally Brought to Light . Subterranean Tunnels - Underground Alien Bases From what I could see in the darkness, it didnt look all that sturdy and I had no idea how old or maintained it was. The Water Babies of Pyramid Lake - Paranormal & Ghost Society The Nile, which flows north, and is considered to be the largest river in the world, is approximately 5 miles east of the Giza Plateau. Historic water levels of Lake . I was told this chamber was for the favored onesthe guardians which tended to be the highest of priests. It is this curse, many said, that had brought the settlers and ignited the war. The flooded chamber has proven impossible to drain due to an unknown source of water. He used digital scanning devices to help him locate the Pyramid. Another thing that many might not realize is that this spectacularly beautiful locale is steeped in dark history, and tales of strange creatures, mysterious disappearances, and sinister curses. Ancient Origins 2013 - 2023Disclaimer- Terms of Publication - Privacy Policy & Cookies - Advertising Policy -Submissions - We Give Back - Contact us. Le code postal de l'Rsidence les Bords de Noy est 80250. Pyramid Lake covers 125,000 acres, making it one of the largest natural lakes in the state of Nevada. From this subway, we have unearthed a series of shafts leading down more than 125 feet, with roomy courts and side chambers. Rock Lake's 'Pyramids' are Just Silty Rock Piles But now they are coming into the Light and what is being found raises even deeper questions. Entrance to the Osiris shaft. pyramid lake underwater tunnels - (Author provided). Experts say that the flames are in fact depictions of the Mayas World Tree or Tree of Life, whose roots were believed to reach into the underworld. These Atlanteans may indeed be the true builders of the ancient pyramids. The new discovery connects two previously known flooded caves . It may be that the water tunnel system was built prior to the actual building of the pyramids. From this subway, we have unearthed a series of shafts leading down more than 125 feet, with roomy courts and side chambers. Tahoe's Tunnel of Doom - Tahoe Quarterly Is underground water a pre-requisite for all pyramid building? The Bosnian Pyramid , which is even larger than the Great Pyramid, also has water tunnels which look remarkably similar to the water tunnels running under the Giza Plateau. So where is this salt water coming from? Then, in 2016, a new and even more bizarre underwater discovery captured attention. Believe it or not, tourism has been around since the time of the Egyptians. So it goes that the water tunnels brought up more questions than answers, reminding us all that we have so much more to learn about our ancient history. Dr. Selim Hassan tried to clear the chamber but, after four years of pumping, the water level had not descended. It is a ghoulish story to be sure, but is likely based on exaggeration aimed at making the Natives look like savages. It certainly changes the way one might look at that lake sitting on your iPad screen. Curse of the Pyramid Lake Water Babies | Granby Drummer Reuter notes that increasing water flow to Pyramid Lake and the lower Truckee River is critical for water quality. Tunnel 3 is 5,709 feet long and connects to Tunnel 4 known as the Carley V. Porter Tunnel. In 2003, a tunnel was discovered beneath the Feathered Serpent pyramid in the ruins of Teotihuacan, the ancient city in Mexico. This water source connected both east and west of the pyramid. In the darkness, we were led to an iron-gated entry under the causeway between the pyramids. We seek to retell the story of our beginnings. The Truth Behind The Malibu Underwater 'Alien Base'. Sunken pyramids of Wisconsin's Rock Lake. The Greek historian Herodotus wrote about the pathways between the Labyrinth of Hawara and the Giza Plateau being linked, much like an ancient underground subway system. The name Teotihuacan came later from the Aztecs, who called it "the city of the gods." The city was certainly on a bigger scale than everything else in the Americas at that time, but not much about the people of the city is known as no written records have ever been found. I got reading over 1000TDS, over 2000EC and low ORP 045. An article about the find stated: We have discovered a subway used by the ancient Egyptians of 5000 years ago. Ancient Greek legends tell of a hidden above ground and below ground pyramid complex at Hawara known as The Labyrinth that contained Twelve GreatHalls. For centuries these ancient tunnels have remained hidden and off-limits to everyone but a select few. Mudlarker Finds Bronze Age Shoe on a UK Riverbank Dated 2,800 Years Old! This monument to the forgotten explorer William Bitter lies buried by the shifting sands of time and the sea floor. According to Von Schmidt's vision, his diversion tunnel would divert the Truckee via a dam and canal toward Squaw Valley, dive underground, reemerging at the head of the American River, where it would then deliver 200 million gallons of water a day to San Francisco through a complex system of pipes and aqueducts. The mermaid curse is certainly not the only ominous legend associated with Pyramid Lake. Sacred Mushroom Rites & the Hidden Meaning of the Egyptian Ankh, UnEarthing Ancient Alien Artifacts in Mexico, Trinfinity & Beyond by Dr. Kathy J. Forti, Fractals of God: A Psychologists Near-Death Experience and Journeys Into the Mystical, water analysis of water under the great pyramid,, Exploring Hidden Mysteries Under the Sphinx, A Personal Story of Unconventional Self-Healing, Fatima Prophesy: The 3rd Secret Becomes True, Atlantean Outposts in Antarctica Reveal New Surprises, African Dogon Tribe Reveals Man's True Origins, Atlantean Physics Behind Ancient Egyptian Magical Rods, Part 2 - New World Future Timeline Revealed, Part 1 - UPDATE New World Agenda Timeline REVEALED, Studies Link Monsanto's Glyphosate to Ocean Death, WikiLeaks: Government Conspires to Keep the People "Unaware", Lost Atlantean Structure Discovered in Baltic Sea, "I'll Have the Edward Snowden Room, Please", Electile Dysfunction in the Age of Conspiracy Theory, Life is All About How You Handle "Plan B", Mozart Music Provides Big Benefits in Tuscan Vineyard, Vote Your Consciousness vs. Newfoundland Condemned Iron Mine connects with tunnels. hi, I was searching google about water tests in tunnels of pyramids, and Im glad I found your text here. If the Great Pyramid was indeed intended as some kind of ancient power plant, as some physicists and engineers have theorized, then it would indeed need water to generate power. My magnetometer had a higher reading than the norm, suggesting something else entirely. Someday, someone will find it and wonder who it belonged to. The energy down there feels electrified, the air even feels cleaner. Water tunnel found beneath Mayan ruin that provided ruler a path to I climbed down to a narrow ledge and got my first look at this mysterious chamber. Beneath the Great Pyramid - Part 2. What they found is mind-boggling. Before a Pharaoh could face the trials of the Twelve Great Halls, he first had to secure passage in the form of a boat that would carry him down the river of the Underworld. It is still there to this day, but its exact location has been lost. A Mysterious Underwater Stonehenge Has Been Found Underneath Lake Michigan. The story goes that when the man brought the mermaid to the village to announce his intentions to marry her, they were met with disdain and the man was told to take the strange creature back to the water. It is no secret that beneath the Great Pyramid are vertical shafts, tunnels, hidden chambers, and even a subterranean lake. mining the copper in upper Michigan - thus linked to the King Solomon Mines and/or Temple. Only two black basalt and granite sarcophagi were still there, both empty with their heavy lids slightly ajar. Beneath the Bosnian Valley of the Pyramids there is an extensive underground tunnel and chamber network which runs for a total of more than ten miles, connecting all pyramids and other places together. Its hermetically sealed by some form of ancient technology process. At 188 square miles and reaching depths of more than. Then, two things happened: either Chaos or Gaia created the universe as we know it, or Ouranos and Tethys gave birth to the first beings. Today it is a smaller saltwater lake called Birket Qarun . While the Paiute people at first tried to live in harmony with the white settlers, and traded with them regularly, most of the tribe did not appreciate the disruption to their way of life and resented the presence of the settlers on there ancestral lands. However, the Egyptian authorities deny and often ridicule anyone attempting to verify this hidden subterranean city. Together with other scientists, he completed a side-scan sonar study of the lake floor. After ending a series of descents, Frank Joseph was able to confirm the existence of Rock Lake's man-made underwater structure. Mysterious Underwater Ruins In Canada And America - Ancient Pages The surrounding area of Pyramid Lake has long been inhabited by members of the Native Paiute tribe, which is comprised of three related groups of Native Americans; the Northern Paiute, from eastern California, western Nevada and southeast Oregon, the Owens Valley Paiute from the California-Nevada border, and the Southern Paiute, who occupied the Colorado River basin and Mojave Desert. And then I saw it, a stone slab cover to a sarcophagus buried just beneath the waters surface. Ancient Chinese Earthquake Detector Invented 2,000 Years Ago Really Worked! Underwater tunnels are used as an alternate means of transportation. Interesting, if true. The archaeologist Arnoldo Gonzalez said on Monday that researchers believe the tomb and pyramid were purposely built atop a spring between 683-702 AD. Consultinga map, the only known salt water lake in Egypt is Lake Moeris, which is 50 miles southwest of Cairo. Gotthard Base Tunnel. The inspector handed me the key and allowed me the honor of opening this secret doorway. Making matters even weirder is that Pyramid Lake has no outlet whatsoever. Learn how your comment data is processed. Do these pyramids also have extensive water tunnels running underneath them? The tunnel was found under the Pyramid of the Moon, the second-largest structure in the ancient city (the largest is the Pyramid of the Sun), according to the International Business Times. Navy halts use of fuel storage complex above Hawaii . To this day, both visitors and locals alike often report hearing the disembodied voices of babies crying or the laughter of children wafting from out across the still water, which are often heard even by people who have never heard of the old tales of Water Babies. Off to the left of the cavern area is a tunnel entrance, leading to other tunnels that may extend for miles, linking other pyramid sites. Pyramid Lake | Alberta Canada When you think of pyramids, most people think only of those in Egypt and Middle America. Bosnian Pyramid Tunnels. I continued my descent to the second level, the longest, where thelighting was low, lit by a single bulb hanging from the ceiling which someone had thought to put in place years ago. The CBBT opened on April 15th, 1964, when it replaced a vehicle ferry service that had been in place since the 1930s. Or it might be a container of highly magnetic source materials. Researchers Dr. Carmen Boulter and Klaus Dona are using space-based technology to penetrate the Hawara complex for underground anomalies. Water samples were collected for analysis. Huge Underwater Pyramid Discovered Near Portugal - reddit It is said that the mermaid was so infuriated with the way she had been treated and her banishment from the tribe that she cast a curse on the lake, promising that all who lived there would forever experience hardship and misfortune. Tunnel discovered under Egyptian temple may lead to Cleopatra's tomb Since even before settlers arrived there were long tales of ghostly, demonic spirits inhabiting the clear waters, such as serpents and a type of water imp that were known as Water Babies. However, my inside sources reveal it to be anything but a tomb. Eerie indeed, but even more so considering that hearing these voices is said to be a bad omen, with a local saying being 'If you hear them you will have bad luck, if you see them you are dead. The phenomenon is said to be particularly prominent in the spring, when such reports experience a surge. 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A vast network of underground chambers and water tunnels have been discovered beneath several of the world's most well-known pyramids, including the Great Pyramid on Egypt's Giza Plateau. In truth, we are just beginning to put together the puzzle pieces that have eluded us for centuries. Sometimes locations with sinister legends and weird phenomena are some of the most stunningly beautiful places in the world, somehow managing to balance natural beauty with strange, ominous tales. Perhaps even stranger than the disappearances are the occasional cases of the corpses of drowning victims in Pyramid Lake turning up floating around in nearby Lake Tahoe and vice versa. The lake has about 10% of the area of the Great Salt Lake, but it has about 25% more volume. The story of how these bizarre creatures came to be varies. pyramid lake underwater tunnels - The pyramids in Bosnia were discovered in2005, in the town of Visoko. Home. I am sure you are familiar with his legend which states that he was born in a manger surrounded by shepherds, about Ivanka Trumps Family Is Making Egypt Great Again, about 2,600-Year-Old Halloumi Cheese Uncovered in Saqqara, Egypt, about 10 Tourist Spots That Ancient People Visited, about The Dream Stele: How a Dream Changed the Course of Egyptian History, about How Egyptian Pyramid Builders Moved Construction Materials by Water, about Equivocal Pyramids All Over The World, For Sale In Britain: A Small Ancient Man With A Colossal Penis, Sacred Marvels: 17 Cathedrals That Will Take Your Breath Away, In Pictures, Egyptologists Reveal a Lost Chamber in the Great Pyramid With Cosmic Rays, The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse: Unleashing the End of the World. A military police escort hovered nearby. These stories were confirmed when these large cavities were discovered during a survey conducted at Giza in 1993. Today, this impressive bridge remains one of only 10 in the world of this nature. It was well documented in the past by early Egyptian archeologists, some who supposedly stumbled unto entrances. Only two black basalt and granite sarcophagi were still there, both empty with their heavy lids slightly ajar. As always, there is so much going on below the surface. Our open community is dedicated to digging into the origins of our species on planet earth, and question wherever the discoveries might take us. As I crouched down to obtain my samples, my Mena House hotel key card literally leapt out of my backpack. These raids graduated to full skirmishes and culminated in the the Paiute War, also known as the Pyramid Lake War, which occurred in 1860 around Pyramid Lake and consisted of two violent engagements that killed around 80 settlers and an unknown number of Paiute. 3,200 km of copper cables were used for the construction of this 57km tunnel. The Hidden River of Mercury at Teotihuacan: Path - Historic Mysteries In the past they referred to this hidden place as that shaft complex. Large pyramids, totally overgrown, recently were discovered in Indonesia, as well as one big one in West Java. Rugby World Cup Winners List, Gandhi was . This chamber is known to flood and this year the water had mysteriously risen higher than expected. 16 Jun June 16, 2022. pyramid lake underwater tunnels. Feb. 8, 2014 Updated: Feb. 8, 2014 6:17 p.m. 3. The Giza Inspector used a wood strip to attempt to retrieve my key card, but the card slid down further into the silt where it will probably remain forever. Mission to Inner Earth - Is it Really Hollow? This is especially true when it comes to the many mysteries surrounding all the worlds pyramids. The tests showed something I hadnt expected. One theory is that the bodies floated there. The water looked to be about mid-thigh on a man but could be deeper in parts further back. I got an explanation that I should mix it with standard tap (or distilled) water in 1:10 or even more. Its possible this could be the depository of ancient and advanced knowledge the Atlanteans hid behind in the event of a future global catastrophe. A vast network of underground chambers and water tunnels have been discovered beneath several of the worlds most well-known pyramids, including the Great Pyramid on Egypts Giza Plateau. The area of highest activity is between Oakville and Toronto. Im super sensitive and I feel kind of good nervous when I drink it. The Paiute of Pyramid Lake were known as the Cui Ui Ticutta, meaning Cui-ui eaters, with Cui-ui referring to a type of fish endemic to the lake. Subscribe free to the Trinfinity & Beyond Blog. A pyramid was accidentally found under the water, close to the Azores when a local sailor was looking for good fishing grounds. The theory of Lake Tahoe and Pyramid Lake connected by und pyramid lake tunnels - How ironic that it was to be my room key. Truly masterful work. Throughout the history of civilization, the concept of the apocalypse has been ever present, in one way or another. China has many pyramids and some are extremely tall. Ever since 1986, when explorers discovered one of the world's largest subterranean lakes at Dragon's Breath Cave, divers have attempted to probe the farthest reaches of the underground cavern. The pyramid is located in an area of the mid-Atlantic that has been submerged for the last 20,000 years. Hampton Roads Bridge Underwater Tunnel, Norfolk Virginia - YouTube Credit: Skin Divers Exploring the Great Pyramid's Underground Water Tunnels As Greek mythology goes, the universe was once a big soup of nothingness. While most people might not realize it, they most certainly have seen the lake at some point, since its image is used as the default screen saver for the Apple iPad devices. Instead, they let me lead the way with the caveat, be careful. (The liability factor in traversing such shafts would be off the charts in the U.S., but things are different in Egypt. Researchers had to send a robot with a camera down to view much of the underground horizontal shaft. One of my sources, a expert timeline reader, claims it is a dimensional portal that only those that have the correct DNA can ever hope to open.

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