He led the people well and united the people around Athens. Foster a culture of inclusion and belonging. A Handbook of Greek Mythology. A middle-of-the-road approach to reflecting on your work demonstrates your ability to accept criticism while not allowing it to disrupt your confidence and productivity. This attempt failed, however, and after Theseus killed the sons of Pallas he was secured as the heir to the throne of Athens.[4]. This is something he will never recover from and builds his catharsis. On the third occasion, Theseus volunteered to talk to the monster to stop this horror. Managers want to work with people they can trust, so dont lie about your weaknesses during your job search. In other versions, Theseus tried to abandon Antiope so that he could marry Phaedra, a princess from Crete; when the jilted Antiope tried to stop the wedding, Theseus killed her himself. The sons of Aegeus brother Pallas (often called the Pallantides) had hoped to inherit the throne if their uncle Aegeus died childless. Medea therefore tried to trick her husband into killing Theseus. "The ship wherein Theseus and the youth of Athens returned had thirty oars, and was preserved by the Athenians down even to the time of Demetrius Phalereus,[vii] for they took away the old planks as they decayed, putting in new and stronger timber in their place"[9], The ship had to be maintained in a seaworthy state, for, in return for Theseus's successful mission, the Athenians had pledged to honor Apollo every year henceforth. Responses like this one communicate that you either: You want to come across as confident and competent in your answer, so save your jokes for Slack channels after youre hired. He worked hard to protect Athens and helped develop their power structure. He told Aethra that if she had a son, she should wait until he had grown up and bring him to the stone. To journey to Athens, Theseus could choose to go by sea (which was the safe way) or by land, following a dangerous path around the Saronic Gulf, where he would encounter a string of six entrances to the Underworld,[iv] each guarded by a chthonic enemy. Demetrius Phalereus was a distinguished orator and statesman, who governed Athens for a decade before being exiled, in 307 BCE. Theseus battle with the half-bull Minotaur was an especially popular theme in Greek art. The goal isnt to lie about your weaknesses its to frame them in a way that highlights your soft skills and suitability for the role. The numerous heroic deeds ascribed to him were seen by the ancient Athenians as the acts that led to the birth of democracy in the Attic city-state, the cradle of Greek democracy. When responding to What are your weaknesses? best answers include: I can sometimes be impatient when working with others. Later, as king of Athens, Theseus expanded the boundaries of his kingdom and dramatically improved the government. Theseus has had a rich afterlife in modern popular culture. Young, brave, and ambitious, Theseus decided to go alone by the land route and defeated many bandits along the way. Theseus his weakness was hubris. Transform your business, starting with your sales leaders. Theseus's Strengths: Brave, strong, clever, good with disguise. At the time, it was plagued by bandits and monsters. When King Minos heard what had befallen his son, he ordered the Cretan fleet to set sail for Athens. Difficulty delegating can be a weakness for many employeesespecially as they progress in their careers and have more people to delegate to. Shortly after finally meeting his father, Theseus voyaged to the island of Crete. Showing you have the skills to address this shortcoming establishes that you value teamwork and respect your colleagues. See how innovative companies use BetterUp to build a thriving workforce. Graves, Robert. There are different versions of what happened to Ariadne there. However, Theseus was not fooled. Medea, the Marathonian Bull, Androgeus, and the Pallantides, Abduction of Persephone and encounter with Hades. This also hints that youre looking to, good weakness for job interviews shows introspection and growth, without interfering with your capacity to be a gre. Hippolytus rejected her. Self-awareness, resilience, and humility are some of the best traits you can possess as a worker. Pittheus understood the prophecy, got Aegeus drunk, and gave Aegeus his daughter Aethra.[4]. Ward, Anne G., ed. We fear the challenges he faces- Minotaurs, bandits, becoming trapped in Hades- as well as his foolishness. Sometimes, Im too hard on myself. Weakness: Symptoms, Signs, Causes & Treatment - MedicineNet When Theseus returned victorious to Athens, where he sacrificed the Bull, Medea tried to poison him. [18], In yet another version, Phaedra simply told Theseus Hippolytus had raped her and did not kill herself. What dangerous creature did Theseus encounter in Crommyon? Sensing Sciron's weakness, Theseus agreed and started washing the man's feet. Morford, Mark P. O., Robert J. Lenardon, and Michael Sham. It's important that my team feels supported and appreciated, so I've been reading up on mentorship and giving clear feedback to ensure they're becoming their best selves.". So, if youre applying for a team leadership role, its not a good idea to say, I struggle with public speaking speaking in front of others is likely a key part of your duties. He suffers knowing he has caused his fathers death, and later, the death of his own son. Learn how and when to remove this template message, "Medea | Characteristics, Family, & Plays", "OVID, HEROIDES IV - Theoi Classical Texts Library", Greek Myth Comix: The Story of Theseus, Pt. Theseus then met Sinis, who would bend two pine trees to the ground, tie a traveller between the bent trees, and then let the trees go, thus tearing apart the travellers limbs. Forgetful. (Plutarch, Life of Theseus). Hercules come to rescue him from the underworld. 406 BCE), welcoming the dying Oedipus into Athens and guaranteeing his burial. [1] As the subject of myth, the existence of Theseus as a real person has not been proven, but scholars believe that he may have been alive during the Late Bronze Age,[2] or possibly as a king in the 8th or 9th century BCE. (Plutarch, The theory, expounded as natural history by. Finally, Theseus defeated Procrustes (sometimes called Damastes), who had two beds that he would offer to travellers. 73 terms. The early modern name Theseion (Temple of Theseus) was mistakenly applied to the Temple of Hephaestus which was thought to be the actual site of the hero's tomb. At Crete, Minos daughter Ariadne fell in love with Theseus and agreed to help him kill the Minotaur if he would take her with him to Athens. The Amazons were a fierce race of warrior women who lived near the Black Sea or the Caucasus. Why does Phaedra fall in love with Hippolytus? Theseus's Parents: King Aegeus of Athens and Princess Aethra; however, on their wedding night, Princess Aethra wandered over to a nearby island and lay with Poseidon. The latest insights and ideas for building a high-performing workplace. When Theseus returned to Athens, he found that the Dioscuri had taken Helen and Aethra to Sparta. Famously killing villains, Amazons, and centaurs, his most celebrated adventure was his slaying of the fearsome Minotaur of the Cretan king Minos. Of course, the theme of betrayal gets flipped on its head when Phaedra betrays Theseus by passing love notes to his son, Hippolytus. The secret to how to answer What are your weaknesses? lies in honesty, self-awareness, and a genuine desire to improve. As the unifying king, he is credited with building a palace on the fortress of the Acropolis. Wife of Theseus; sister of Ariadne; falls in love with her stepson Hippolytus, Son of Theseus and Antiope; cursed by Theseus and dies in a chariot accident. Theseus's best friend was Pirithous, king of the Lapiths. The Birth of the Minotaur Born part man and part bull, the Minotaur was ultimately the result of Minos' hubris, Poseidon's anger, and Pasiphae's lust.. Poseidon and Minos The story of the Minotaur begins with the death of Asterius (or Asterion), the sacred king of Crete.Since he was childless from his marriage with Europa, Minos - one of Europa's children with Zeus and a stepson of . Theseus most significant achievement was the Synoikismos, the unification of the twelve demes, or local settlements of Attica, into the political and economic entity that became Athens. Apollodorus, Library and Epitome: A mythological handbook from the first century BCE or the first few centuries CE. [i], Plutarch's avowed purpose is to construct a life that parallels the Life of Romulus, the founding myth of Rome. This made Zeus the strongest Greek god in Greek mythology. At Eleusis, Theseus fought Cerycon, who challenged travellers to a wrestling match and killed whomever he defeated. Who Is Theseus? Ares gave Hippolyta a gift of a magical belt that would grant her the title of Queen of the Amazons in the city of Themiskyra, near the Black Sea. The Phytalidae were said to have been the direct descendants of the fourteen tributes Theseus saved when he killed the Minotaur. According to some traditions, Theseus actually volunteered to go to Crete, vowing that he would kill the Minotaur and bring an end to the terrible tribute once and for all. Amazon woman; wife of Theseus; mother of Hippolytus. They also fail to convey a growth mindset and a willingness to learn. See also Euripides, Hippolytus 3437; Pausanias, Description of Greece 1.22.2, 1.28.10; Apollodorus, Epitome 1.11. For example: if youre interviewing for a client relations job, a position-focused weakness is that you dont know your clients needs yet youll need time to set up meetings and get to know them better. [6] So they set a trap for him. Thankfully, you dont have to. Phaedra tried to convince Hippolytus to sleep with her. DE | [10] In all versions of the story, however, Theseus finally managed to drive the Amazons away from Athens after the death of Antiope, though only after Antiope had given him a son named Hippolytus. In some stories, he was thrown from a cliff by Lycomedes, the king of Scyrus. How to Answer "What Is Your Greatest Weakness?" (Plus Examples!) Heracles also visited the underworld, but it was to fulfill one of the Herculean labors. Why does Theseus not want to travel by sea? Perseus Digital Library. The Athenians also wrote many tragedies concerning Theseus career which no longer survive. Minotaur - Greek Mythology Im an extremely social person and love getting to know my colleagues; I find conversation enriches the experience at work. Aegeus did not understand the prophecy and was disappointed. He was known for helping the poor and less fortunate and also founded modern-day democracy. Symbol or Attributes of Theseus: His sword and sandals. It was presided over by the Phytalidae, the hereditary priests of Theseus. Persephone is, after all, a married goddess, and so Theseus behaviour towards her would not only have been considered immoral but also impious (Diod. Plutarch, Life of Theseus 15.1, quoting a lost tragedy by Euripides. Euripides: Euripides Hippolytus (428 BCE) tells the story of Phaedras illicit passion for Hippolytus and Hippolytus subsequent death. Arcite. 100. Take a hard look at your skills and past experiences. Sic. His retribution was to stipulate that at the end of every Great Year, which occurred after every seven cycles on the solar calendar, the seven most courageous youths and the seven most beautiful maidens were to board a boat and be sent as tribute to Crete, never to be seen again. There he persuaded Persephone to forgive him for the part he had taken in the rash venture of Pirithous. Thus Theseus was raised in his mother's land. [6] The ship on which he and the other tributes embarked had a black sail; before the ship left for Crete, Aegeus made Theseus swear that if he managed to return alive he would have the black sail changed to a white one. 423 BCE), where he helps retrieve and bury the bodies of the Argive heroes killed in the failed war of the Seven against Thebes.. Here are 10 examples of the best weaknesses to mention in a job interview: 1. Ovid: Theseus major exploits, including his battle with the Minotaur and his involvement in the Calydonian Boar Hunt, are treated in Book 8 of Ovids famous epic the Metamorphoses (ca. Pirithous then chose Persephone as his bride, even though she was already married to Hades. When this happens, it might feel like a trap. Theseus forgot to put up the white sails instead of the black ones, so his father, the king, believing he was dead, died by suicide, throwing himself off a cliff of Sounion and into the sea, causing this body of water to be named the Aegean Sea. Helen of Troy, Greek Helene, in Greek legend, the most beautiful woman of Greece and the indirect cause of the Trojan War. UK |

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