No one can speak on behalf of the whole group on that basis We are backbenchers and frontbenchers and believe in the power of insider and outsiderstrategies in the Labour Party and will have MPs pushing both within the group. Socialist Campaign Group of Labour MPs Rally Online on TWTtv, Black-E Main Space 27.09.2022 7PM - 8:30PM Rally With people facing the deepest attack on living standards in decades, we urgently need to build an alternative to the soaring energy bills, pay cuts, food poverty and housing insecurity faced by millions. [57], During the 2016 referendum Corbyn led Labour in campaigning to remain. It could also be, that she is a democrat too and finds difficult to breath in the stench of fascism that the Labour leadership is producing right now. This decision and the division it causes severely undermines efforts to unite to defeat antisemitism and fully implement the EHRC recommendations and to challenge and defeat this disastrous Conservative government. Its up to us the people on the ground whod rather not give-up on the despicable and often authoritarian (show me your papers) Labour party. From the bore whos too ignorant to say one vote fewer! Thats a sign of a lightweight. LabourList has been told that the new group includes Labour backbenchers Lloyd Russell-Moyle, Clive Lewis, Nadia Whittome, Rachael Maskell, Dawn Butler and Kim Johnson, and frontbenchers Sam Tarry and Olivia Blake. Corbyn spoke at 15 rallies from London to Hastings to Aberdeen, reached more than 10 million people with his Remain messages on social media, made six statements in the Commons and put forward Remain arguments during interviews on Sky, BBC, ITV and Channel 4. Not a Socialist. Talk about fiddling while the party burns.. Spaffing money up the wall too late comrades that boat has sailed He doesnt care coz hes well minted and it doesnt affect his life. This would be a much more Seems to be a gang of soft left MPs going through very expensive PR exercise for themselves. The SCG statement describing the reinstatement of Corbyn as correct and the continued suspension of the party whip as wrong and damaging has 32 signatories, including 27 Labour MPs plus Claudia Webbe. [31][32], Tony Benn could not stand because he was not currently in Parliament at the time, having just lost his seat. He told The Times newspaper "I am here today because thousands of people who elected me just cannot afford to pay. Richard Burgon MP Pauline Bryan [36], Following this election the party rules were changed to quadruple the number of MPs required to nominate a candidate to launch a leadership challenge from 5% to 20% (lowered in 1993 to 12.5% for elections where the incumbent had resigned). The Nottingham East MP explained: The grounds for Jeremys suspension remain unclear. Corrupt or corrupted? The way to operate in the UK is for them to be active in extra-parliamentary campaigns and the trade union movement. [61] Anti-Corbyn MPs had been briefing the media "for months to expect movement against Corbyn on 24 June",[62] suggesting that the opposition to Corbyn was not primarily motivated by his actions during the referendum. To be fair the victims were remembered in Parliament at News, politics, insights, inside information from the left. In a document shared following a meeting of the group on Wednesday evening, the left Labour MPs urged members dismayed by the suspension to stay and fight for his reinstatement and for the policies for the many not the few. Since then, three (3) more similarly robust US Government funded studies (Bashash, 2018, Green, 2019 and Till 2020) have been published. By George Eaton LONDON, ENGLAND - DECEMBER 14: John McDonnell MP addresses striking workers at a rally near at Heathrow Airport on December 14, 2020 in London, England. [35] Following this defeat Kinnock introduced a Policy Review, which many on the left thought would lead to an abandonment of the party's commitment to Clause IV, public ownership and the transformation of society. Defy billionaire-backed media and become a monthly supporter from just 1 per month. Get your popcorn in. Olivia Blake MP 13 May 2020. [2] The Campaign Group maintains close links with Momentum., These SNP, Tories, Lib Dem MPs are more Socialist than Sam Tarry, The Socialist Party already exists, build it up with JC as their star signing then there is a chance to attract unions, members and supporters John McDonnell, then Chair of the Socialist Campaign Group, argued "Our sincere hope is that the prime minister desists from relying upon a [David] Cameron coalition to force his education policies through in the face of this overwhelming opposition within the parliamentary Labour party. Socialist Campaign Group of Labour MPs Rally, How To Intervene in Police and State Power with Copwatch Network, Left Book Club x TWT: Socialism and Literature, With Yara Rodrigues Fowler, Wendy Liu, Elif Sarican. Why would you follow AOC FGS? LabourList has more readers than ever before - but we need your support. Among its planned funding streams are a levy of 1,000 per MP to be taken from their training budgets and contributions from NVLA..Shes a stunner but they all like to play Hollywood in the USA.Now in dear old blighty its playing kings and queens and lords and ladys with Knights of the realm..ITs all theatre and not worth the price of a sad . SCG MPs who did not sign the statement released on Wednesday: Paula Barker; Olivia Blake; Dan Carden; Marsha de Cordova; Rachel Hopkins; Imran Hussain; Kim Johnson; Lewis; Rachael Maskell; Andy McDonald; Nav Mishra; Charlotte Nichols; Kate Osamor; Lloyd Russell Moyle; Sam Tarry; and Whittome. Police (Fraud Squad) involved. Holby -I like your sense of humour. The statement set out the ideological basis for Benn's 1988 campaign to be Labour leader. News, politics, insights, inside information from the left. [58] Analysis from academics at Loughborough University found that the BBC had excluded Labour voices during the campaign and instead covered the campaign as a Conservative Party civil war.[59][60]. Cant see him here: We stand with people all around the world in solidarity with the Palestinian people and in defence of their inalienable rights. One member of the group, when approached by Skwawkbox for comment, denied that the new group represented a split from the SCG. Some activists have been campaigning for this to end for over 20 years. Reiterating that Corbyns EHRC reaction undermined Labours ability to tackle antisemitism, the leader said: I have taken the decision not to restore the whip to Jeremy Corbyn. Just read that report by unite on Ford report.First thoughts is how can anyone remain in a party of criminals that stole members money to pay staff to divert money and destroy Jeremy Corbyn and a socialist government in waiting..The hatred and bile can be understood especially when dealing with fascists now in charge and out of control.The part that Mcnicol played as G Secretary was the fulcrum for criminal behaviour and in any other party the Police would be called in..This I cant understand.ITs all too late and they know it with just token resistance from a minority who stay and ?keep feeding the parasites infesting the Labour party. Originally called the Gay Labour Group, [3] the purpose of this organisation is to campaign within the Labour Party and wider Labour movement to promote the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender ( LGBT) peoples, and to encourage members of the LGBT community to support the Labour Party. Rebecca Long-Bailey MP [40], John Smith won the electoral college vote against Gould with 91% of the vote. A younf Socialist female bame leader would be the lightening rod for progressives across the country As we can all see thats been a rip-roaring success. Mick Whitley MP Speaking as a grass-roots socialist and trade unionist : It got posted on the next report too. True enough. Following the 1997 General Election, 7% of Labour MPs were members of the Campaign Group. Momentum accused Starmer of making it up as he goes along while being farcical and incompetent, with the co-chair Andrew Scattergood saying: They cant remove the whip from our movement.. [2] Corbyn was immediately nominated by Campaign Group MPs including John McDonnell (who became chair of his campaign), Diane Abbott, Ronnie Campbell, Kelvin Hopkins, Michael Meacher, Dennis Skinner, Richard Burgon, Clive Lewis and Cat Smith. Two minutes before the deadline Corbyn reached the threshold of 35 nominations, having been 'lent' nominations from MPs who did not support him but were persuaded to nominate him by grassroots members and Campaign Group MPs. [66], Following the 2019 general election, the Socialist Campaign Group reformed for 20192024. To raise one glaring error in the section: Evidence of potential harm, the Policy Papers authors state: There have also been some more recent studies reporting associations between exposure to fluoride and adverse developmental neurological effects[. Fingers crossed many I would like to see the that is OK by me. In the days following the referendum a number of Corbyn's critics resigned from the Shadow Cabinet and the parliamentary party passed a vote of no confidence in Corbyn by 172 votes against to 40 for. To support the SKWAWKBOX and raise awareness of the independent Left media, visit our store for T-shirts, hoodies and more. Rosie Duffield about to leave Labour according to Guardian website. Derek James reports on the split in the Socialist Campaign Group and the prospects for the 'insider' strategy. Promise to clean out the stables from top to bottom, no one is above the law we are truly all in it together and as Socialists we will never leave anyone behind. However, this time rather than a new 'rank and file' initiative, it seems that a group of 11 Campaign Group MPs and one member of the Scottish parliament are forming a new parliamentary caucus. [68][69] Both were defeated by Keir Starmer and Angela Rayner respectively.[70]. An MPs Strategic Coordination Proposal document, obtained by Skwawkbox, says that the groups budget to March of this year will be almost 32,000, with a first year of operations costing 133,000. Grahame Morris MP Loach, a. Thanks plain citizen I always appreciate the gesture of a little bit of the personal lives of our posters and also the info posted and thats why I dont hide myself although I know it can be used against the future.My future is limited but I think its sometimes worth taking the risk of developing a picture with personal information although boring everyone is never the intention even if it does. Richard Burgon MP LOL. and it is a brilliant film definitely to be recommended! Jeremy Corbyn, Labour MP for Islington North and for many years Campaign Group Secretary, remarked that the group was the biggest job creation scheme in the Palace of Westminster. [43][44], In 2007 only 24 of 353 Labour MPs were members of the Socialist Campaign Group and party rules required nominations from 45 MPs (12.5% of the Parliamentary Labour Party) to make it onto the ballot paper. Has the Overton window moved that far? With everyone concentrating on just surviving the Tory government then its good that you continue to highlight a silent poison flouride in water.IF there was any benefit from adding flouride to fresh water without any problems then we and Cafod would have done so years ago when providing free clean water from boreholes in the third world countries.,.I am retired but not de..commisioned and will continue in a small way to defend ordinary people especially the working-class who are invisible to the authorities across the world. Sorry comrades to be so harsh but with the climate crisis, the cost of living crisis, Right Wing Tory Authoritarianism and War mongering we dont have the time for Left Wing Labour to turn things around or the Lefts CUSTERS LAST STAND! The February 1988 edition of Campaign Group News included "The Aims and Objectives of the Labour Party" a statement agreed by the Campaign Group of Labour MPs and circulated "to provide a focus for political discussion and education within the party and to be the basis of our long-term political work". I remember my Mum and Gran always having some in the kitchen during my childhood (near Oldham so looks like we are both Lancastrians and like you I am retired but not decommisioned!). FWIW, I like the new financially independent group is honest, specifically: * That its not separatist against the authoritarian pro-neoliberal, (anti-socialist) centrists; * that it remains like a thorn in its side within the historical Labour party (until the aggressive RW gets its act together and suspends every single group member and the tens of thousands of former party members who support, raise money for, sustain community links and campaign in support of the new group; * that it is investigating a new organisational structure (not least to protect itself from the authoritarian pro-crony-capitalism clique currently serving Sir Keir of the Establishment Starmer, but sure as eggs someone else in the very near future). [9], In 1989 Margaret Thatcher's Conservative Government announced plans to introduce a flat-tax to fund local Government. She is a member of the far right Democratic party, a party born out of slave owners and has never from its birth ever ever! Claiming there is widespread "anger and. Devoid of political heavyweights like Right Wing Labour, irrelevant. These Rebel MPs Are Planning a War with Labour Austerity Jeremy Corbyn, John McDonnell and their socialist mates won't let a Labour government implement more austerity. Im sorry to say the list is not what I would call left, soft left yes, which is why they arent going for the jugular. Until that is done the Gulf War will be the first of many such wars where Western countries declare war on Third World countries, allegedly for reasons of international law but in reality for an unjust economic order and against people attempting to claim their right to self-determination like the Kurds. And all they have is their heads but they say We wont nut you as a tiny minority we will try to persuade you hmm. I wont give up. The SCG MPs called for the party to unite behind the implementation of the EHRCs recommendations, and stressed the importance of the labour movement coming together to take the fight to the Tories in the face of the pandemic. Open Letter To The Socialist Campaign Group May 14, 2021 by Chelley Ryan Dear Socialist Campaign Group, A few days ago I made the gut wrenching decision to resign my membership of the Labour Party after 11 years. He pursued a 'carrot and stick' approach to undermining the Campaign Group by promoting MPs who were willing to leave the Campaign Group and renounce their previously held views and by isolating those who remained members. Totally off subject but thought I whould throw that in there as I have messed around in this field for many years now and vertebral every smith that uses it has to mask up because its not pleasant stuff. [4], The Campaign Group would go on to back Eric Heffer and Michael Meacher in their unsuccessful bids for the leadership and deputy leadership in 1983. Portugals PM Costa stuns with majority win in snap election SKWAWKBOX privacy policy and GDPR information, on Exclusive: the 11 SCG MPs setting up a new new left group, Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), After both CLP chairs, now Newham branch chair quits role and sham of a party over destruction of democracy, Starmer personal ratings lower than Corbyns were at same point in leadership,,, Proud widow of wrong sort of Jew tells Starmer: Mike faced antisemitism from you, not members, Student apologises publicly to Corbyn for allowing pretentious d*ck Starmer to use him for photo opp, Coyle suspended from Commons for abuse with racial overtones, Starmers Labour abstains on vote to protect journalists from state persecution, allowing Tory win, JLM tells Greens: how dare you welcome Jews we dont like. Everything changed in 2015. My grandfather was apprenticed to be a plumber before he joined the colours and went off to the Somme. ", This page was last edited on 30 January 2023, at 22:23. Where do they stand on the dangerous, fake pandemic? [74], As of 2008 the editorial board was Jim Mortimer (chair), Diane Abbott MP, Tony Benn, Jeremy Corbyn MP, Anni Marjoram, Bill Michie MP and Pete Willsman. Combat medals without taking part, Tory Rory here in the UK is similar. "[8], During the 198485 miners' strike MPs from the Socialist Campaign Group took action to support the striking miners by visiting picket lines and raising money to be donated to the miners' relief centres. with Corbyn as honorary President would be a more exciting development. [65], On 24 September 2016, Corbyn was re-elected Leader of the Labour Party in another landslide victory, increasing his share of the vote from 59.5% to 61.8%. Former Shadow Home Secretary. [2], Both John McDonnell, then Chair of the Campaign Group, and Michael Meacher, a member of the Campaign Group, sought nominations to run against Gordon Brown. With prices rising every year Ill be lucky to live the rest of my retirement in dignity. Gabbard is another one. It would be accurate, at least. What a vile individual he is ! [16] He sought to reduce the number of left-wing Labour MPs by centralising control of candidate selections and used "open shortlists in a fast and loose way, mainly to ensure that left candidates are excluded or defeated. Rupa Huq has had the Labour whip restored following her suspension from the party after she described then, This year marks the 25th anniversary of the Good Friday Agreement. Much was submitted -including some put together by JVL of However, three (3) of the five cited footnoted references [21, 23 & 24], claiming that the evidence does not support the US-funded Bashash 2017 and Green 2019 studies, were published before 2017 and thus it is absurd to use them to dismiss such important findings. if they are waiting in the wings and working surreptitiously Arwyn, Rosie Duffield does probably believes that comes the next General Election she stands better chances at retaining her seat as a LibDem MP. [50], Corbyn outlined an anti-austerity domestic agenda and an international agenda opposed to military intervention. She was sacked from Cabinet the following year. Jon Trickett MP [75], A website of the same name, providing electronic versions of some of the articles in the printed edition and lists of Campaign Group MPs, was run from 1999[76] to 2010.[77]. Thanks for your solidarity so SKWAWKBOX can keep doing its job.

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