But it all had to come from somewhere, which is why we will be looking at the. Are we still going out? I turned my TV up real loud too so everyone would think all our TVs had something wrong with them. [heads across the room, greeting other guests]. Not necessarily. Dr. Peter Venkman: [looks and sees Stantz in the driver's seat]. Dr. Egon Spengler: [Desperate] And where do you put these ghosts, once you catch them? Well that's great. Ray, has it ever occurred to you that maybe the reason we've been so busy lately is 'cause the dead HAVE been rising from the grave? Bite your head off, man. Dr. Peter Venkman: Ghostbusters is an extremely quotable script, even if it doesnt contain each and every famous line from the final film. Successful test. Dr. Raymond Stantz: They hate this. Walter Peck: Yeah, I know that Louis: "Going out of business. Thanks so much. Something I loved from my childhood. Dr. Peter Venkman: Dr. Egon Spengler: That's it, c'mere Francine. [Louis and the Tall Woman begin disco dancing. You are to vacate these premises immediately. Hey Ray. What the HELL are you doing? To go into business for ourselves. I was just exercising. You are a poor scientist, Dr. Venkman! Alleged ghost sightings and related supernatural occurances have been reported across the entire Tri-State area. I am the Keymaster! Dr. Peter Venkman: Dr. Peter Venkman: I'm fuzzy on the whole good/bad thing. This time, at the fashionable dance club, "The Rose." Dana Barrett: Thank you. Groundhog Day, while popular on release, has continued to receive immense acclaim as one of the best 90s movies of all time. The Ghostbusters script may have started as a wild Aykroyd idea, but thanks to his creativity and Ramis and Reitman keeping it grounded, a unique and beloved franchise was born. Dr. Raymond Stantz: Dana Barrett: [Coming in] Dr. Peter Venkman: You never studied. LET'S DO IT! Walter Peck: Get tickets: http://www.ghostbusters.com/movienight Watch Ghostbusters now: https://www.sonypictures.com/movies/ghostbusters Subscribe for more exclusive content: https://bit.ly/GhostbustersSubscribe Follow Ghostbusters on Social:https://www.ghostbusters.com/?hs308=youtubehttps://www.facebook.com/ghostbustershttps://www.twitter.com/ghostbustershttps://www.instagram.com/ghostbusters Suit up for classic comedy! Dana Barrett: ,Winston Zeddemore: This is Casey Kasem. We most certainly can, Dr. Venkman. It stars Bill Murray, Aykroyd, and Ramis as three eccentric parapsychologists in New York City who start a ghost-catching business. [to Egon] Dr. Raymond Stantz: Dr. Peter Venkman: Do you want this body? Dr. Peter Venkman: As a transit cop chats amiably with a female cashier, the subway turnstiles begin spinning unaccountably. The film even ends with Ira, Harry, and Wayne in a faux Head and Shoulders commercial reminiscent of the iconic "We're Ready to Believe You!" ad from the original Ghostbusters. [Dana starts passionately making out with him, moaning audibly]. Are you troubled by strange noises in the night? Welcome to Teesstar.com, some of our products are recommended for you. I've WORKED in the private sector. You're not supposed to have pets in the building. No, I'll tell *you* what's hazardous. [possessed by Vinz Clortho a.k.a. This is preposterous. He was also a doctor. Of course you forget, Peter. Dr. Peter Venkman: Uh, are you habitually using drugs? It's looking at me. Spengler steps forward. A PKE surge of incredible, even dangerous proportions. You volunteered, didn't you? Meter and Raymond takes photos, dejected; motions the others to move behind a bookcase, they 'stealthily' emerge from behind the bookcase, the ghost transforms horrifically and snarls aggressively. [possessed by Zuul] Quite simple really. Dana. Dr. Peter Venkman: Excuse me. Venkman is critical and sarcastic about the encounter, Stantz is ecstatic about it, and Spengler lets them know that the trip brought with it useful scientific data. ", [while trying to catch the Slimer, the Ghostbusters cause a lot of damage to the hotel with their energy streams]. Male Student: It's whatever it wants to be. Mr. Smith, quickly. Gozer the Traveler, the Destroyer. Yeah, but I didn't know you we're gonna be giving me electric shocks. It's true, your honor. Walter Peck: Today, the entire Eastern Seaboard is alive with talk of incidents of paranormal activity. "We know we've got a knocking! This is big, Peter, this is very big. July 6, 1983 Draft (credit: Lawrence Duane), Aug. 5, 1983 Draft (credit: Keith Alioto). Ghostbusters by Harold Ramis and Dan Aykroyd Final Shooting Script October 7, 1983 FADE IN EXT. Dana Barrett: [gets off the elevator and Louis comes out of his apartment]. I gotta split. Can't you do something about it. Dr. Raymond Stantz: What's causing it!" What do you mean, "bad"? No sweat, I'll take a rain check on that. Alcohol? So how can you break put from the pack and get your idea onto the small screen? I'm excited to be a part of it! And for the ones that are there, you can laugh and enjoy them as they are. Bye! Well, no sense in worrying about it now. Aaaaaahhh! Dr. Peter Venkman: Dr. Peter Venkman: Two statues on Barretts apartment building come to life and take over the bodys of both Barrett and her nerdy neighbor, Louis Tully. How 'bout a little music? The Keymaster]. Some people think I'm too intellectual but I think it's a fabulous way to spend your spare time. Move 'em out. Dr. Egon Spengler: Dr. Peter Venkman: A librarian at the New York Public Library is spooked by an actual apparition, prompting the three to seek it out. The Keymaster, Venkman tries to wipe the slime off of his hand, Dana, possessed by "The Gatekeeper," answers the door, She slams the door in his face. Venkman! Hey Where these stairs go? HEY, ANYBODY SEEN A GHOST? But now, as if some unforeseen authority [the Ghostbusters arrive at the Sedgewick Hotel in Ecto-1, fully decked out in uniform and gear]. Dr. Raymond Stantz As fun as Ghostbusters is, its hidden strength is in its ability to be more than it seems. Simply turning it off would be like dropping a bomb on the city. Needs some suspension work and shocks. Dr. Peter Venkman: Coachman: I hope we can take care of this. Dean Yeager: Winston Zeddemore: Hotel Manager: [as he, Peter and Egon leave the hotel, Ray calls out to the witnesses]. dr jatinder singh pmo office contact number. NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY -- DAY The sun shines brightly on the classic facade of the main library at Fifth Avenue and 42nd Street. I tried to think of the most harmless thing. Dr. Peter Venkman: May I help you? Louis: Listen, I'm usually very psychic, and I have a terrible feeling that something awful is going to happen to you. The boys in gray slugged it out with a pretty pesky poltergeist, then stayed on to dance the night away with some of the lovely ladies who witnessed the disturbance. Since I joined these men, I've seen shit that'll turn you white. All right. Mother, Father and Kids wave goodbye to the Ghostbusters. Exactly what are you a doctor of, Mr. Venkman? They wouldn't touch us with ten-meter cattle prod. I think he can hear you, Ray. Dr. Peter Venkman: Spengler slowly shakes his head. Con Edison Man: OK so she's a dog Dr. Raymond Stantz: Aaaaaahhh! Hey, he pulls the wagon, I made the deals. The resource brings a game based on "Ghostbusters", a 1984 American supernatural comedy film. I know; do exactly as I say. Dr. Peter Venkman: I'm not paying that ticket! Louis: METER MAID just . Dr. Raymond Stantz: Dr. Peter Venkman: But it's been quiet for years! What are you supposed to be, some kind of a cosmonaut? It was never, ever this bad, though! Each one of us is carrying an unlicensed nuclear accelerator on his back. Winston Zeddemore: You can have it your way, Mr. Venkman. Dr. Raymond Stantz [Aggravated] Wait, wait, wait! [Annoyed] Dr. Peter Venkman: Dr. Peter Venkman: Gatekeeper! Various New York people carry out unfriendly activites. We don't wanna lose her. They each have distinct personalities, ways of speaking, and approaches to things. [abruptly closing her door] And he wasn't alone. The Destructor is coming. I got a great workout. I've only been with the company for a couple of weeks, but these things are real. I want that door open NOW! Dr. Raymond Stantz: Dr. Peter Venkman: So the Ghostbusters are in there climbing all over the house, knocking out walls and ripping up floorboards in their nicely remodeled kitchen. Hotel Manager: And then, in 1920, he started a secret society Dr. Peter Venkman: Dana Barrett: Dr. Peter Venkman: [Ghostbusters shoot at Gozer, but she disappears]. Male Student: Load a trap here, open, unlock the system. I've tried everything, honey! Dr. Peter Venkman: Thank you! Okay. [the Slimer charges at Venkman] Are you moving us to a better office on campus? Lie down there, relax. Sleep here. He's an ugly little spud, isn't he? If he does that again, you can shoot him. Dr. Peter Venkman: Maybe I've got a Milk-Bone. Einstein did his best stuff when he was working as a patent clerk! Please! As a result, the final film has dialogue that isnt actually in the script, a lot of which does come from Murray. Dr. Raymond Stantz: Above all, the primary trio (latter quartet) are relatable everymen. I'm gonna need to draw some petty cash. Woman at Party: Investigating, the officer discovers a huddled mass of ghosts and vapors hovering directly over the tracks. Well, listen, maybe if we start dancing other people will join in! Dr. Peter Venkman: That oughta do it. Boy, it's getting crowded in there, and all my recent data points to something big on the horizon. HOLDIN'! Then, during the third reconciliation of the last of the McKetrick supplicants, they chose a new form for him: that of a giant Slor! Dr. Raymond Stantz: Ah, if there's a steady paycheck in it, I'll believe anything you say. I'm not at liberty to say. What do you mean "big"? Gozer the Gozerian good evening. Hotel Manager: That said, the script is still funny, and some of the best lines in the film are still here, either exactly as is or in some variation. As they say in T.V., I'm sure there's one big question on everybody's mind, and I imagine you are the man to answer that. Dana Barrett: The phone-in topic Today: "Ghosts and Ghostbusting." Dr. Peter Venkman: Do you know how much a patent clerk earns? [to librarian Alice] The architect's name was Ivo Shandor. Myth? Dr. Peter Venkman: Click to view and download the entire Ghostbusters script PDF below. Yeah, we can do more damage that way. Dr. Raymond Stantz: Let's get ready. Dr. Peter Venkman: [after Gozer disappears] Louis first appeared as a fellow refugee of the creature which was to become Peter Venkman's interdimensional love interest. This is a major disgrace - forget MIT or Stanford, now. I HATE YOU, VENKMAN! Looks like we're in the teens somewhere. Turning off these machines would be extremely hazardous. Dr. Raymond Stantz: Below are some framegrabs taken from the outtake reel found on the 2019 Ghostbusters 1 & 2 4K/Blu-ray set. We came, we saw, we kicked its ass. ghostbusters commercial script. Venkman turns to the real estate agent]. What have you seen? I think we'd better split up. Egon pinpointed a small community in northern New Jersey as the likely epicenter of major psychic activity, due to its central proximity to three nuclear power plants and a number of chemical waste storage areas. 'Scuse me Egon? New York City street Pinkish-gray slime oozes out of a street crack. Your honor, our system was working just fine until the power grid was turned off by wally wick here. Peter Venkman (Bill Murray), Ray Stantz (Dan Aykroyd), Egon Spengler (Harold Ramis) and Winston Zeddemore (Ernie Hudson) take a chance on going freelance, de-haunting houses in a new ghost removal service. Dr. Raymond Stantz: I'm glad you could come, how you doin', give me your coats. And the sun became as black as sack cloth, and the moon became as blood. [hands Egon a petri dish filled with ectoplasmic residue] Ray for a moment, pretend that I don't know anything about metallurgy, engineering or physics, and just tell me what the hell is going on. Dr. Raymond Stantz: Sumerian, not Babylonian. Tell me what this is. I'm gonna throw up. Dr. Peter Venkman: The owners don't even like us to talk about it. Dr. Peter Venkman: What do we do? [the Ecto-1 is getting a police escort to Dana's apartment building]. Janine Melnitz: Dr. Peter Venkman: I thought Gozer was a man. Then a weird ANIMAL CRY is heard--a cross between a chicken CROWING and a wolf HOWLING. Right. Dr. Raymond Stantz: Dr. Raymond Stantz: This makes them that much more fun and easier to connect with, which is part of what makes the movie so enduring with kids and adults alike. All right, I'm gonna turn over the next card. Louis: This is the Ghostbusters' commercial that appears in the film, as written in the script. Reitman went so far as having Sony executives . [the possessed Louis growls at the coachman with his red-glowing eyes]. Ghostbusters, what do you want? They gave us money and facilities - we didn't have to produce anything! Dr. Peter Venkman: Dr. Peter Venkman: Egon, your mucus. You gotta do something! That was your whole plan, huh, "get her." [picking up his radio and speaking slowly] What I'm about to say may sound a little unusual. [impatiently slaps Peter on the forehead] Hey, Dean Yeager! Janine Melnitz: It's that darn ghost again. Egon Spenglers interaction with secretary Janine Melnitz gives us an amusing exchange, along with the famous spores, molds and fungus line. Great, how's it going down there? We're paying you, are we? Dr. Peter Venkman: Dr. Egon Spengler: Why worry? [Dana Barrett has just transformed into a demon]. Dr. Peter Venkman: What sign are you waiting for? Before its cinematic release in 1984, the original script for Ghostbusters was written to be very different from the story that audiences are familiar with. Dr. Peter Venkman: We certainly can, Dr. Venkman. [quickly] We'll enjoy it! [reading from the printout] I'm a partner in this facility and I'm going to cooperate in any way that I can. I'm warning you. While funny, it also gives us an example as to how uniquely written these characters are. [standing] While the Blues Brothers proved popular, he would later conceive of Ghostbusters, further catapulting his stardom and solidifying his stamp on pop culture with two of the best 80s movies of all time. Dr. Peter Venkman: Now you either *show me* what is down there, or I come back with a court order. Dr. Egon Spengler: Dr. Peter Venkman: OK? Dr. Peter Venkman: Dr. Raymond Stantz: Put your hands on your chest. The awards reflect something Paul Feig indicated in interviews, which is that Rowan is meant to be a dark mirror of Abby and Erin, with all three characters being outcast scientists whose ideas are rejected by society, with the Ghostbusters using their knowledge for good and Rowan using it for evil. These are the blueprints for structural ironwork of Dana Barret's apartment building, and they are very, very strange. Personally Lenny, I think it's a sign from God, but don't quote me on that. But it all had to come from somewhere, which is why we will be looking at the Ghostbusters script. We'd like to get a sample of your brain tissue. It's Peter. Its only after government incompetence brings back the ghosts that the mayor goes for the privately managed but voter-friendly option. That's 5 for 5, you can't see these can you? Create script breakdowns, sides, schedules, storyboards, call sheets and more. [on the walkie talkie] Does this pole still work? Every ancient religion has its own myth about the end of the world. [excitedly] It was right here. This is a major disgrace. We got it. I love this plan! Dr. Raymond Stantz: Dr. Peter Venkman: Accepted as canon because this does not contradict any established continuity. As filmed, the parts with the family were eliminated (though some of the dialog was repurposed for the Ghostbusters II commercial), just leaving Peter, Ray, and Egon to give their spiel in front of the firehouse. special olympics records ghostbusters commercial script . Janine Melnitz: Have you or your family ever seen a spook, spectre or ghost? As a friend, I have to tell ya you've finally gone around the bend on this ghost business. Are you currently menstruating? [Venkman shakes hands with Peck and still has ectoplasm on his hands]. Female Student: The Hotel Manager comes running up behind them, after being hit by fifty gallons worth of melted marshmallow, screams hysterically, the Ecto-1 is getting a police escort to Dana's apartment building. [ the Ghostbusters draw their handsets ] Dr. Raymond Stantz , Dr. Egon Spengler , Winston Zeddemore : HOLDIN'! I'm gonna get him a nice fruit basket. Peter grabs Ray's ear, Egon pulls out a calculator and starts punching in numbers. Dr. Peter Venkman: Winston Zeddemore: [Walter Peck storms out of room] I don't know. Dr. Peter Venkman: Walter Peck: Dr. Peter Venkman: I tried to think [they all look over one side of the roof], [they all see a giant cubic white head topped with a sailor hat, Peter looks at Ray]. Sir, what we have here is what we call a non-repeating phantasm, or a class-5 free roaming vapor, real nasty one too. Here is the story structure for theGhostbusters screenplay: Dr. Peter Venkman, Dr. Ray Stantz, and Dr. Egon Spengler work for a university. Oh, good, that makes me feel so much better. Still making headlines all across the country, the Ghostbusters are at it again. Also new rings, mufflers, a little wiring. [possessed by Zuul] Whoa! Do you believe in God? Yes. Dr. Egon Spengler: You will perish in flame, you and all your kind! Dr. Peter Venkman: I also play raquetball. And then she threw me out of her life. If you have a ghost, But you don't want to play host, You can't sleep at all, So who do you call Ghostbusters - Ghostbusters. [to the male student, and holding up another card] While Venkman encounters a possessed Barrett, Egon talks to possessed Louis and realizes theyre both connected to whatever is going on with the apartment. Are you troubled by strange noises in the middle of the night? Your theories are the worst kind of popular tripe, your methods are sloppy, and your conclusions are highly questionable! Stimulants? Dr. Peter Venkman: Because I'm curious. Tell him about the Twinkie. Both videos have also been uploaded to the official Ghostbusters YouTube channel (embedded below), but the top and bottom of the videos were cut off to change it from a 4:3 to 16:9 aspect ratio. Dr. Peter Venkman: [alternate wording from cable TV version]. Quietly! What are you so involved with over there? [to a cellmate looking over his shoulder blueprints] Gozer was very big in Sumeria. Differences and Similarities For a great comparison of how a classic quote evolved from script to screen, we can take a look at the moment when Venkman is slimed by Slimer. I don't think you're crazy. Dr. Raymond Stantz: Dr. Peter Venkman: Vinz, you said before you were waiting for a sign. Janine, sorry about the bug-eyes thing. Myth? Dr. Peter Venkman: Oh yes you will, I'll make sure you will. Dr. Peter Venkman: Dr. Raymond Stantz: Yes, I don't like this. Dr. Raymond Stantz: Dr. Egon Spengler: Each one has a role to play and fill, keeping the world of the Ghostbusters script unique and unforgettable. Dr. Raymond Stantz: I'm sorry, I'm just not getting any readings. Louis: Okay; sticks? Dr. Peter Venkman: I am The Gatekeeper! Every ancient religion has its own myth about the end of the world. I don't either. Back off man, I'm a scientist. I'm making a special exception in your case. The three comics, plus Ernie Hudson, play the New York City-based team that provides superna more More Ghost Busters quotes Collection Edit Buy Dr Ray Stantz: And then I slammed the refrigerator door and I left. Policeman at Apartment: Dr. Raymond Stantz: Very scientific. The point of view pans out to reveal a security guard watching television. No, no, I'm fine, I feel great! Just gimme the address Oh sure, they will be totally discreet. He wants to shut down the protection grid, Peter. The mayor wants to see you guys. Art Deco, very nice. The Keymaster, while trying to catch the Slimer, the Ghostbusters cause a lot of damage to the hotel with their energy streams, Venkman arrives at 55 Central Park West, a few minutes after Louis was chased out by the demon Vinz Clortho, the Ghostbusters are tiring as they climb twenty-two flights of stairs in their proton packs, Inspecting Dana's refrigerator for paranormal activity, to the library ghost, as Spengler analyzes her with the P.K.E. [over walkie-talkie] Dana. Ray. Dr. Peter Venkman: Dr. Peter Venkman: Oh, that's okay we can just put it right back in there. [the ghost transforms horrifically and snarls aggressively. Dr. Peter Venkman: The ghost is incarcerated here in our custom-made storage facility. [Ray looks at Peter, who nonchalantly nods yes], [Lightning flies from her fingers, driving the Ghostbusters to the edge of the roof and almost off; people below scream]. Personally, I liked the university. Sir, what you had there is what we refer to as a focused, non-terminal, repeating phantasm or a class-five full-roaming vapor. Dr. Egon Spengler: Dr. Peter Venkman: Dr. Peter Venkman: Ho! [Egon is running tests on Louis who has been possessed by Vince Clortho a.k.a. This is the Ghostbusters' commercial that appears in the film, as written in the script. Hotel Manager: There's definitely a VERY SLIM chance we'll survive. Has it happened before? Let's show this prehistoric bitch how we do things downtown. Look, this wasn't here! [to a policeman] $5,000 I had no idea it would be so much, I won't pay it. Dr. Peter Venkman: Can you move? In the Ghostbusters' commercial, Egon looking down to find his mark was an actual flub by Harold Ramis that everyone agreed fit his character. Don't cross the streams. Okay, Ghostbusters. Write and collaborate on your scripts FREE. Dr. Peter Venkman: Well yeah, you know what I did? Winston Zeddemore has The Twinkie line. Dr. Peter Venkman: Library Administrator: I get the point! Boy, the superintendent's gonna be pissed! Dr. Peter Venkman: Dean Yeager: Let's talk serious, for the entrapment, we're gonna ask you for 4 big ones $4,000 for that, but we are having a special this week on proton charging, and storage of the beast, so we are gonna ask for $1,000 fortunate. Winston Zeddemore: Dr. Peter Venkman: This is also a big reason why Ghostbusters was a big hit then and still a big hit now: relatable, down-to-earth characters and solutions going against paranormal and exaggerated problems. Hey, break this up! My uncle thought he was Saint Jerome. Raymond, look at this. We can be on the verge of a four-fold cross rip. This product is made of . The usual stuff isn't working. It seems the Goz' has been puttin' some moves on *my* would-be girlfriend. Dr. Peter Venkman: Dr. Raymond Stantz: Symmetrical book stacking. Dr. Peter Venkman: As filmed, the parts with the family were eliminated (though some of the dialog was repurposed for the Ghostbusters II commercial ), just leaving Peter, Ray, and Egon to give their spiel in front of the firehouse. Ghostbusters- June 15, 1984 ("Combined Continuity & Master Subtitle/Spotting List"), The graffiti on the Paranomal Studies Laboratory door read, ", The opening sequence takes place in a nice, converted farmhouse where this family has been bothered by incessant knocking that they're unable to trace. ), What is Direct Characterization Character Building Tips. Shut it off! Caption: "5 YEARS LATER". "We'll have to get back with you on that.". Dana Barrett: Fire and brimstone coming down from the skies! You've never been out of college. Janine is seen answering the telephone with a big fake smile on her face. Dana Barrett: Venkman? She's not my girlfriend. You have been a participant in the biggest interdimensional cross rip since the Tunguska blast of 1909! Spengler slowly shakes his head. Sorry, this isn't your lucky day. Shut this off; shut these all off. Dana Barrett: The #Ghostbusters are ready to serve all your supernatural elimination needs. Dropping off or picking up? We never talk any more. Miss Barrett, you seem to think there is something wrong up here in your mind that says: he enjoys taking his evenings off and spending them with his clients. The full television commercial (as filmed, but without the on-screen graphics), along with five minutes of outtakes, can be found on the 2019 Ghostbusters 1 & 2 4K/Blu-ray set. [hears a siren approaching and an old, gray station wagon pulls up in the driveway]. Very simple, really. Hotel Manager: Ho! And I love Jesus's style, you know. We didn't have to produce anything. Louis: We go to jail - peacefully, quietly. So they're okay! Shut it off. [slaps Ray] No, we're exterminators. Dr. Raymond Stantz: Forget it, Venkman. Dr. Peter Venkman: Dr. Peter Venkman: Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey! ,Dr. Egon Spengler SMOKIN'! Listen you smell something? Yeah, well, I do. Anything. Dr. Peter Venkman: I've worked in the private sector they expect results! Dr. Raymond Stantz: The Original Ghostbusters Script Was (Literally) Out Of This World. You're right, no HUMAN BEING would stack books like this. I don't think he's human. Bye, Louis. Winston Zeddemore: You know, it just occurred to me that we really haven't had a successful test of this equipment. Dr. Peter Venkman: There's serious metal fatigue in all the load-bearing members, the wiring is substandard, it's completely inadequate for our power needs, and the neighborhood is like a demilitarized zone. [Walter Peck gets kicked out of the Mayor's Office] They expect results., Dont cross the beams./ Cross the beams., Thats a big Twinkie./ Tell him about the Twinkie.. Gee, I think all I got is acetylsalicylic acid, generic. Dr. Peter Venkman: Winston Zeddemore: I won't pay it. Police Captain: You are a poor scientist, Dr. Venkman! Dr. Egon Spengler: Ray Stantz thinks of the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man and Camp Waconda. Dr. Peter Venkman: That would have worked if you hadn't stopped me. Janine is a more normal person than Spengler ever could be, to the point where he doesnt notice, or possibly care. You could believe Mr. Pecker. the flowers are still standing! A strong comedic cast, talented director, and a memorable theme song catapulted the movie to the history books. I swear, they're just coming to me.

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