Is God helping us so we can have what we want or are we servants of Him? I am of the mind that no spiritual gift can be taught simply because a gift is, by definition, free to the recipient. Religions, by T. W. Doane. I was thinking of asking him on YT about it, but never got around to doing it. This is the gospel were speaking of. Roberts destroyed all of that, and the churches to boot. 2. Or Amos? He also undermines the importance of Bible study, not understanding balance. They will sue you if you don't make a cake for their wedding, which can result in men with guns coming to your house to take everything you own by force. This is what Spencer claims in his video on The Laodicean Church Third Adam 2 Trainer. (, Without it, he cant go to Kenya. Spencer claims: God touched Evan Roberts heart and God raised him up and it went throughout, and it started from there. No, God certainly did not. 7 and 8 into Keswick theology. 24:46), And that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name among all nations, beginning at Jerusalem. (Lk. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. ), He is very set in his ways being the only way that things should be done. 1:24-31; 2 Th. Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania (12A) Calling to mind thoughts of Fantastic Voyage and the cantina scenes in Star Wars among others, launching Phase 5 of the MCU, the third in the Ant/Giant-Man series doesn't waste time getting down to business. He would be a carnal and lukewarm Christian up until that point. They are not special kinds of dedication and unique empowerment or enabling by God for pastors or preachers. Rice even believed in tongues speaking, which fits his pentecostal heresy on the Holy Spirit. 1:9 for example) which automatically extends to preaching the gospel to every creature (Lk. Turning from and forsaking all of ones sins and losing ones life isn't a workit is part of believing in Christ and being converted. 20:29). All? Hutson is a false teacher along the same lines as Hyles (Am. % Sori ' Wengen ie fue b5ts ' preset te r PRY nen Riv Pgh la sa J Parisien fer: | Nib gaat 2 a ' Pad) : Vag rot Its very bad and it floods majority of evangelical and Baptist churches today. That manifested the Holy Spirit in Him. (i) Rice rejected the salvation that changes a person and is supernatural and dramatic. In this video he also gives way to much credibility to those in evangelicalism, claiming some of them to be saved just compromised or ignorant to the truth. He taught theistic evolution. Scofield Reference Bible. 16:17-18; Eph. The great commission is for EVERYONE. 1:5-9). 3:1-10) and a major mark of salvation (e.g. He completely rejected Biblical repentance and Christs Lordship, which is a perverted gospel (Gal. Feb 24. I dont want to doubt what happened to him, his experience, but this is not salvation language anywhere in Gods Word. No products in the cart. There is yet another video that he recommends on his channel that propagates the same Welsh Revival error. Hes got a lot of influence in his life from this heresy, in his doctrine, teachings, Bible interpretation, favourite authors, and the Bible school he graduated from. That she would learn from these people speaks to her true spiritual nature (1 Cor 2:14-16). What in the world?? They deny he was truly a calvinist. Yes, Panic! He says his gospel is Rom. Really? 5:18-20), and they WILL do that (Phil. Ive spent much time with folks from southern USA (I went to university in the USA three different times) and have friends from there, saved and unsaved. 2:19). They are rare, but do exist. Hutson denied that repentance means to turn from sin (p. 4), rejected that it is sorrow for sin (p. 8), and denied that it means a change of mind that leads to a change of action (p. 16), so he concluded that repentance is merely to change ones mind. That is a perverted gospel (Gal 1:6-7) which means he was accursed (Gal 1:8-9). This is the carnal and salesmanship showmanship of many IB churches, but he doesnt speak against it. Being a fundamentalist has to do with the fundamentals and it is a historical position. A righteous man falling down before the wicked. This was Spencers pastor and teacher for years. If his western city is invariably "smoky" and even hellish in aspect, throughout his poem "Edinburgh" the Scottish capital is glimpsed "high in heaven"; Smith is struck by the east-coast city's unpolluted . Being a fundamentalist has to do with the fundamentals and it is a historical position. Its very concerning, because to get this wrong is to possibly have a wrong view of salvation and what salvation does and who the Bible describes as lost. The only calling we read of in scripture is the one unto salvation (see Matt. These men believe and teach the same deluded and perverted gospel that Hyles did, the easy-believism/quick-prayerism 1-2-3 pray after me, no/false repentance, false teaching on evidence of salvation with no-fruit and no-change necessary, turning evangelism into a type of salesmanship, corrupted gospel warned of in Gal. 1:6-9) and another Jesus (2 Cor. Not only that, he was a positive preacher. The day of pentecost is over (Acts 2)! he completely corrupted and wrested Rom. Brown and his cronies are way above admonishment and correction, their pedestal is somewhere in the third heaven. He was as responsible as any fundamentalist leader for changing the definition of repentance to an unbiblical one. (Wilfred C. Smith) 200540-41 Or 2 Cor. These things reveal that Spencer is a very compromised man and cannot actually speak the truth. Its lacking doctrinal content Spencer says, yet he exalts it and gives hundreds of them away to flood Africa with heresy. As noted with the example of Ravi Zacharias, a heretic and wolf in sheeps clothing, whom he refused to denounce in the video The Falling Away. Snce that time even more evifence has comdHe doesnt speak against the carnal circus he calls church that he preached in during deputation, where the house was overflowing with people and whoever brought the most visitors won an actual car (6 Great Lessons From The Welsh Revival, time 03:00). I'd come across his videos when looking up stuff about enneagrams because I didn't feel right about the whole thing. Can you say, Just. Its not for a lack of believing that prevents people from being converted (oh no, the world is full of believers); but sinners refusal to repent because of their wilful rebellion against God and His Authority (Jn 3:19-21; Lk. 3:1-7 a man, husband, his, he) that is married (husband of one wife . Thankfully truly regenerated born again believers trust in God and not in man (Jer. 23). . One can't be a fundamentalist and obey the Bible, and obeying the Bible is more important than being a non-scriptural title or even idea. 1:11; 2 Tim. 11:12-15) and the eternal damage he has done to people over the last century throughout the world is unfathomable. All one has to do is rightly divide the word of truth and compare Scripture with Scripture. There is actually a lot of heresy in the Scofield. 3:16-17). They reduced unity and fellowship to the fundamentals. Why is it that men that soundly and faithfully adhere to the Word of God and are exceedingly careful in preaching the true gospel and not any form of easy-believism/quick-prayerism, not see results like this in Africa even to a hundredth? Nowhere is right (and you cannot use the apostles call as apostles; they were the 12 apostles and then there was Paul the apostle to the Gentiles). This is what salvation is to him but its not in line with Scripture, and this mirrors majority of fundamentalists including Spencer); etc. 1:9-16). Rigggght. 17:30-31; II Pet. He is only doing damage to cause of Christ. Hes got a lot of influence in his life from this heresy, in his doctrine, teachings, Bible interpretation, favourite authors, and the Bible school he graduated from. 25:06 Can you tell me your thoughts/insights about "missionary" Spencer Smith? Thats what he tried to emphasize. Fundamentalists separated from others, those deemed liberals, for not believing and teaching what they called the fundamentals. And has helped me understand the seduction of our age toward other christ's.:) Doorman7 Fundamentalism is a movement that responded to theological liberalism in the early twentieth century. Ill leave it at that. The Bible doesn't explain these people as saved, but they are labeled so by this new theology (the theology of Keswick/higher life). 4:1) and that he was clearly of another spirit (2 Col 11:4). Pointing to the pastor of the church he is preaching in, he belches, if that man preaches a Bible we are going to stay with the man of God and keep our mouths off of him [this part is screamed]. Is that how God loves His children, who are inseparable from His love (Rom. 5. In 1950 Scroggie was called indisputably the foremost living Keswick teacher. Keswick theology is very unscriptural and terrible heresy. It is not surprising then that one hears Spencer say, weve seen thousands of people saved in their ministry in Kenya. Supported the gap theory. Consider the following video: (scroll down to the bottom, the last 8 or so videos are all on Sexton). Chapter and verse? (books are recommended in his amazon store account). They are a major backbone of the Keswick theology, and the Pentecostalism that arose out of it, which provides all the more evidence that they are corruptions of Biblical Christianity. Scripture is sufficient. I mean all, which is something that Spencer and the rest of the Old Boys Club would never admit, because it doesnt fit the man-centred man-worship and man-exaltation of the extremely man-centred pragmatic Old Fundamental Boys Club, but Gods Word however is VERY clear on it! Although their music and dress might appear right, and they might embrace the KJV, I would sayconservativelybetween 75% and 100% of people on average in these churches are actually lost. How about Jeremiah? 1:11; 2 Tim. 1:18). No he wasnt! Also, he is not a true missionary. (What Korah did was evil, but questioning a pastors teachings is NOT! This is what salvation is to him but its not in line with Scripture, and this mirrors majority of fundamentalists including Spencer); etc. I know Spencer Smith personally. To follow the Bible within fundamentalism is like trying to store the new wine in old wineskins. Ive seen his videos in the past but I stopped watching after he went on record saying the c19 vaccine is a prelude to the mark of the beast. Fundamentalism is not a scriptural movement. He, like many evangelicals and IBs today, pushed an intellectual, non-volitional type of repentance. I've seen one video where he said he's, "Not in that camp (Reformed)," but he didn't speak negatively about it in any sense. This is actually demonic and meant to monger fear and stop people from obeying Gods Word in testing, judging, correcting and reproving the man of God (i.e. This is a very classic CCM ballad melody. This is what Spencer claims in his video on The Laodicean Church Third Adam 2 Trainer. ( Spencers gospel is anemic. 3:16-17), preaching lies and a false gospel, damnable heresies (2 Pet. 3:15-16; Mk. missionary spencer smith critique. 7. What about who Jesus is (Phil 2:10-11)? It is impossible to stay in fundamentalism and still be faithful to the Bible. No one should be a fundamentalist, for fundamentalism has never been faithful to the Bible and has never contended for the truth. 4:8; Heb. 24:42-51; 25:1-13; 2 Tim. Rice the great revivalist icon of IB fundamentalism, was a big leader in the Old Boys Club and heretic for a lot of reasons. 3:10; 1 Tim. 17:30-31; II Pet. We dont ask Jesus to come into our heart; we repent and we believe. 11:28-32). Third Adam (1) - Missionary Spencer Smith: YOU ARE HERE:.. News video on One News Page on Saturday, 4 February 2023 Missionary Spencer Smith. I don't think you'll find a ton of agreement with him on a subreddit dedicated to r/Reformed theology. The bible labels these people mostly as lost. 1:1-4; Gal. Evan Roberts not only put a stop to the real Welsh Revival, but was an enemy to it and destroyed it, and along with that, destroyed Welsh Baptist churches and Welsh Christianity as a whole. With words purposefully put in his mouth by Younga self-described universalist24 The Shack's "Jesus" proclaims that his Papa "God" is "the ground of all being" because he "dwells in, around, and through all . I don't recommend his videos. How someone interprets this church of Rev. MyMUSE Account. race relations -- religious aspects -- christianity. ASIAN YEARBOOK OF INTERNATIONAL LAW VOLUME 18 2012 FOUNDATION FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF INTERNATIONAL LAW IN ASIA HANDONG INTERNATIONAL LAW SCHOOL Kevin YL Tan - 978-90-04-37973-2 Do He works in Kenya and the Dominican Republic, helping train national pastors. 28:18-19). I'm curious as to why you don't think that the Covid-19 vaccine is a prelude to the MArk of the Beast. This is plain heresy. In a few videos he declares that God called him to preach. Then there is a video on that very subject, How Do I Know If I'm Called To Preach? Where does the Bible say that God calls us to preach? Fundamentalists separated from others, those deemed liberals, for not believing and teaching what they called the fundamentals. And Weve seen a lot of churches started. Online describing The results of our 2019 IBOM Kenya Conference are: 5 Church Dedications, 300 in the Providence Baptist College, 40 Graduates of the Providence Baptist College, and 2,114 saved. Rice the great revivalist icon of IB fundamentalism, was a big leader in the Old Boys Club and heretic for a lot of reasons. We invite you to browse our site and trust it will be a blessing to you. Sexton continued to embrace and praise these ungodly heretics like Hyles after everything had come to light (calling him a man of God who fell) and then Schaap in 2011 after his blasphemous teaching on communion was brought to the public spotlight (see here Clarence Sexton Praises Jack Schaap and Clarence Sexton Lies Again For Jack Hyles and Clarence Sexton Continues Praising Jack Hyles, Schaap, and John Stancil) and up until Schaaps statutory rape of a child was made public there was much promotion of Schaap by Sexton in print and video on the websites used by the Baptist Friends group that was founded and led by Sexton; but then they all disappeared without a trace or explanation. ! (time 36:20). The outcome is that I suffered from various mental illness including BPD, Anxiety disorder and I'm highly suspicious that I may have adult ADHD. It is inter-denominational. For do I now persuade men, or God? Why is it that men that soundly and faithfully adhere to the Word of God and are exceedingly careful in preaching the true gospel and not any form of easy-believism/quick-prayerism, not see results like this in Africa even to a hundredth? Smith obviously has no issue with easy believism false gospel (cf. Its about as terrible as it gets, to the point of nauseating. 23:59 December 07, 2019 paul massey bbc documentary. Refusing to Denounce Error as Commanded in Scripture and Claiming Lost People to be Saved. He says they are blind, naked, wretched, poor, miserable, but strangely cannot discern that they are unsaved. Bear in mind, this is one of two videos he has online to show his gospel (Ive only watched one), what he believes and what he would want someone to watch that was interested in salvation. You will see sin or scorning or foolishness or error and you will say something negative about it. Very often, people who are often negative are assumed to be unspiritual, but thats not what we see in Scripture at all. I am so glad that the popular American Christian journal, Christianity Today, has finally opened up the debate concerning whether it is proper to replace filial words with more 'dynamically equivalent' words for Muslim readers in new translations of the New Testament for the Muslim world.The article entitled: 'The Son and the Crescent', written by Collin Hansen, can be found at: http . The only calling we read of in scripture is the one unto salvation (see Matt. God's Counsel, Man's Choice, Life's Consequences - Spencer Smith | Listen Notes 1. Listen to Missionary Spencer Smith. ). Fundamentalism has tied Christians into false teachings and instead of marking and avoiding, they ignored and united with disobedience. Many false professors in the bible believed (Jn. In the video The Falling Away - Missionary Spencer Smith he uses unbelief to categorize the lost and ungodly modernists. His video actually broke down the things that I didn't feel comfortable with and why. In the video "The Falling Away - Missionary Spencer Smith" he uses "unbelief" to categorize the lost and ungodly modernists. 13:24). Error on Unbelief. What about repentance (Ac. He is only doing damage to cause of Christ. He embraces Southern Gospel, which is just another form of CCM, and then also CCM itself, with the fleshly self-promoting squeaky syncopated nauseating singing, as seen in this music video he has on his channel ( The truth is, he actually didnt believe in Biblical repentance at all, for he believed faith and repentance were the same thing, and it didnt require sorrow: One who believes in Christ has repented. 3:5-9). There is no such thing as an outpouring of the Spirit of God. 6:3-5; 2 Jn. The Version table provides details related to the release that this issue/RFE will be addressed. In the same Welsh Revival video Spencer exalts another Keswick theologian in that of Amy Carmichael, the first Keswick missionary in fact (to India), who had a lot of good things to say, a lot of good quotes. She mightve had some good quotes but her doctrine was far from good; she was steeped in that heretical Keswick/ revivalism theology. She was a heretic in a lot of ways, not just because of the terribly unscriptural and perversive keswick theology but also her embracing of mysticism, which happens to be rampant in Keswick theology as well. All those words describe only lost people in Scripture, and there is a lot of scripture that reflect that. SPENCER ASSOCIATES WITH, EMBRACES AND PROMOTES HERETICS. 1. collateral beauty man talks to death monologue; new england patriots revenue breakdown; yankees coaching staff salaries; economy of russia before the revolution Whether its being preached in truth or not is the difference between life and death, Heaven and Hell. Today it doesn't even separate over a different gospel. Of course, no repentance or its principles. All these things make it clear that Sexton is a hypocrite and heretic, one warned of by Jesus (Matt 7:15) and by Paul who declared, grievous wolves [shall] enter in among you, not sparing the flock. (Ac. 16:16 to support their heresy that salvation requires both faith and baptism, but according to Spencer these people theyre not telling lies, theyre just telling half truths. What?!? . So called fundamentalists today are practically the same as evangelicals which are practically the same as modernists. Is that chastening language? They give credence to lost people knee deep in heresy and the world, when that is worst thing he could do. I find it ironic that Spencer has videos that expose pentecostalism heresy, knowing Pentecostalism is the baby of Keswick theology. This sermon is the epitome of man-centredness and man-worship and ear-bleeding. I mean a lot. In one of his videos he claims Elvis Presley was a Christian. God is NOT 3 PERSONS as Spencer believes. Negativity is a trait of the Holy Spirit. Does the Holy Spirit not indwell and lead him and teach him? He was as responsible as any fundamentalist leader for changing the definition of repentance to an unbiblical one. 1:6-9. He says they are blind, naked, wretched, poor, miserable, but strangely cannot discern that they are unsaved. It doesnt separate from heretics such as Jack Hyles, Jack Schaap, Larry Brown, Paul Chappell, Clarence Sexton, Rick Flanders, John R Rice, Curtis Hutson, Mike Sullivant, Bob Gray Sr., Sword of the Lord men, etc. Not really even close and the credence he is giving people really isnt reality either. The devils also believe (Jam. There is no way that the Bible can can fit into the wineskin that is fundamentalism. Hutson hated the biblical doctrine of repentance so much (like Hyles), he wrote books against it and removed the doctrine from well known hymns while editor at Sword of the Lord. 2015 Drummer Spencer Smith officially left the band in 2015. Refusing to Denounce Error as Commanded in Scripture and Claiming Lost People to be Saved. 6:12; 2 Pet. I mean I don't agree with every point spencer makes, but things like Vaccine Passports to just get into a grocery store that they've been talking about seems eerily similar to what Mark is going to do. 3:10-11) since he doesnt separate as the Bible says all true believers will (2 Cor 6:14-18), being in non-stop rebellion against the doctrine of separation, which then means, Zacharias, like all other evangelicals, is living in continuous disobedience to scripture, not keeping His commandments, and, therefore, a liar about knowing and loving God (1 Jn 2:3-5; Jn 14:15-24). I used to watch him a little bit. 23:59 December 07, 2019 Larry Brown is a heretic who embraces other heretics and wolves in sheeps clothing including Jack Hyles & Schaap. He is referring to the unscriptural and heretical Keswick theology/revivalism, which actually gave birth to Pentecostalism. No results, no good. Its extremely man-centred, with the expectation of unquestioning loyalty to the man of God behind the pulpit. 5:21-22; Tit. No demon possessed false teacher will be in line with Scripture. He has conned many churches to support him as a missionary to Kenya, when he does not even work over there. 1. cleveland, tx funeral homes . . Secondly, although every person is called to preach, not every person can be a pastor. Broader terms: Race relations -- Religious aspects; Christianity; Narrower term Concerning the Welsh Revival video, he said a 16 yr old girl stood up in a prayer meeting and said I love Jesus with all of my heart; they said the outpouring of the Spirit of God was so strong when she did that, and basically that started it [the welch revival] (. Doesnt understand Kent Hovinds apostate state, or wont be clean about it, which is heresy either way. Thats the gospel. Thats very anemic and shallow, and not interpreting in context or rightly dividing the word of truth. He taught a universal church. He is a false teacher, an overt liar, and a fake missionary. 2:20-21), or worse yet, we are identified with the false teachings and the false teachers themselves (2 Jn. (4) Must be ordained by elders (1 Tim. Fundamentalism is known for its compromise in areas of denominational differences, heresy, false gospel, cheap and carnal soul winning tactics, baptism, false teachers, etc. On a side note, many of his videos have feel-good elevator music playing in the background, which is both concerning and dangerous. First of all, every born again Christian is called to preach." Unbelievable. 10:1-5, 26-29), yet this is not a salvation passage according to Spencer and the church is still saved. This manipulative sentence is a good reflection of the horrible man-centredness of the fundamental IB churches and their gospel of self-fulfilment. 5:12-6:1; 1 Cor. Ill leave it at that. There is a video on him preaching The Gospel, by that title. He is trained in theology and is a missionary working under Lighthouse Baptist Missions. Demonic bondage. r/Reformed exists to be a place where reformed believers, in a broader understanding of the term, can come together, unified by a clear Gospel witness, to exhort one another, spur one another on intellectually in reformed theology, and discuss doctrine. We thank God for his hand upon this work. This is the IB bigness that Spencer learned well at Crown College. Can you say, Just. Spencer has a few promotional videos on Hutson preaching. So any man who is truly born again and has a desire for the office and meets all the qualifications, all of which is confirmed by the elders of the church, can be a pastor (or deacon). Rather Expose Them Christian News Blog. It certainly wasnt based upon the Bible. Scroggie also embraced the possibility of contemporary speaking in tongues and embraced the heresy of the universal church instead of practicing separation, which he despised. Everything that Spencer describes in the video that changed the culture, that changed people from being drunkards and thieves and villains and filthy, happened PRIOR to Evan Roberts coming on the scene (which was 1904) and it happened because of the real Welsh Revival. What about surrender (Lk. A serious lie. Try restaurant style recipes at home. These religious freedoms fall within a zone of personal and institutional autonomy and thus are . Yes the Roberts revival was all about the singing and the so-called praying and the love of Jesus but it was actually heretical and even demonic, preaching another Jesus and another gospel while being led by another spirit (2 Cor. Clarence Sexton, Temple Baptist Church and Crown College. I guess God mustve forgotten to put that in His Word. Spencer seriously undermines sound doctrine: You know there is some doctrinal issues in this Bible but I dont think its a deal breaker. All these things are heresy. Show Missionary Spencer Smith, Ep Dwight Smith - Modern Modernists - 19 Mar 2020 For the past 3 years I've tried unaccountable mental meds. They are merely religious, with the subtlety and deception of being very close to the truth, which is a major hallmark of the devil (2 Cor. (3) Must meet all the qualifications as presented in 1 Tim. Wow, nothing like defending and promoting a wolf in sheep's clothing. Spencer posts one of Browns sermons Submission brings Submission (. He reviews this Bible ( 4. Roberts was a very influential false teacher and exponent of heretical Keswick, continuationistic, and demonological errors. Sure, Scott Pilgrim himself (Michael Cera) is an . best lebron james cards to invest in; navage canadian tire; is festive ground turkey good. They were legit fundamentalists and stayed separated from error. (time 15:30). He would be a carnal and lukewarm Christian up until that point. These are all markers of second blessing and Keswick/ revivalism/ higher life/ victorious life, etc, theology used to describe people that are allegedly saved but indistinguishable from the world. Thats definitely not good. Rice would even preach at Pentecostal meetings. In one article he wrote, 'Anointing' is a sign of the gift of the Holy Ghost or special anointing with Holy Spirit power which anointing was an obvious picture of an enduement of power. Sexton does not preach the true and pure gospel that must include true Biblical repentance and saving faith and Christs Lordship, and he is one that purveys a lot of other false doctrine and practises that booster his corrupted gospel. Since when does God vomit His children out of His mouth? I have never met a five year old who was truly saved (that includes adults who were saved at five), and I have met many. They reduced unity and fellowship to the fundamentals. 16:15; Matt. Is he pro or anti-Reformed? Gods wrath is not on the lost because of their unbelief but because of their ungodliness and unrighteousness: For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness; (Rom. 11:4. what was bolivar's ultimate goal? To get to this heretical position, he had to pervert and wrest a lot of scripture such as Rom. He says if you do any of these things to the pastor, God will take care of you like He did Korah. They are false professions but he doesnt seem to have enough discernment to know the difference.

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