Dynamic Programming is a method of solving problems that represent a specific structure where a problem can be broken down into subproblems which are again similar to the original problem. We are currently experiencing a system-wide issue with a delay on all activations. Article continues below advertisement. Hell, a lot of the stuff they accuse the story of, the story itself pokes fun at (such as all the accusations of pedophillia, something that Doc Scratch was openly considered creepy for in-universe) This really just feels like someone who was trying really hard to find bad things to say about the series. With this particular screenshot its shown that shes portraying the thug stereotype thats more obvious with how shes talk. And thats not even touching anything a part of Homestucks spin-off game, Hiveswap. and i think its mostly to do with homestucks treatment of femininity vs masculinity in a way that is not typically done The April 2019 epilogues are less a long-awaited conclusion to an epic and more the last spasms of a stream-of-consciousness-turned-webcomic that collapsed under its own weight years ago. His use of a wheelchair, for example, is frequently exploited as a weakness to make fun of. Could things have been done differently for better effect? Maybe you watched a lot of Naruto, so your big project is filled to the brim with edgy ninjas and impractically sized swords. I dont know what to say or think about any of this at this point. Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty is the latest product to feel the review bomb burn. Umm no. In the final act of Homestuck were told the artifact defeats Lord English, and were told he dies after getting sunk in a black hole. Calliope isnt an unbiased narrator. Gross Margin. Constantly seeking out fetishistic situations and sexualizing characters in a fantasy story as well reading straight up bullshit from in-between the lines. The Meat/Candy dichotomy is one Hussie developed for himself long before the release of the epilogues. I think one of the most impressive things about the webcomics music is how much of it there is (a lot of much there is, thats how much). Kismessitudes really were just abusive relationships (we never saw a healthy example, the "dead ringer" of a black romance, Spades Slick and the troll's Black Queen, has BQ stab Slick in the eye and cut off his hand and Slick later shooters her. I didn't even know that there is a stereotype until now. ya. Hussie is a white man. The fact that Jewish people are often depicted as having horns as a negative stereotype is a fact i didnt know until this lovely anon brought it to my attention, so that adds onto the antisemitism presented by hiveswap/friendsim! What was the point of Homestuck? When I logged in every post I saw on the issue was complaining about how more people were complaining about people complaining about the Caucasian thing than there were people complaining about the Caucasian thing. hey 2tupiid! On the other hand, Terezi Pyropethe second character with a disability in Homestuckis blind. cough Cronus cough. I didn't pick up on things like that when I first read Homestuck because I'm from England and didn't watch American 'real life' shows, ie, media set in our world or a variation of it, or listen to genres like rap, hip-hop, etc. Dont try to make me part of some angry mob. Tumblr community vs. every other community. Dividend Yield. There's a lot of back and forth about this headcanon because on the one hand she's a swimmer, and so the reasoning goes she should be fit, on the other hand, she does spend a lot of her time in the deep sea, and has evolved to do so, which might mean she has a fair amount of blubber. Cart; chantelle jamieson married The counterargument to this is that John, the only character who is 100% confirmed to be canonically straight is very frequently paired with Dave and Karkat. However, even then, Hussie thinks, a distance from the leader could possibly lead to an even more insatiable fandom. She spends extra time on characters feelings and their conversations with each other, much to the annoyance of Dirk. He doesnt let characters act like their nature would suggest, and instead manipulates them to fulfill some larger purpose. Moreover, it occurs over and over again, too. But maybe that's just my take. As for Karkat using "autistic" as an insult did he really? WebAnswer random questions and Ill give you a Lana del ray lyric that will reveal a deep truth about you. A particularly long entry in a book series can get up to 200 thousand words. After the epilogues to the story released in April 2019, the story stands at just over 1 million words. Alternia, at least at first, is a dark joke about our real-world society. Wi-Fi 6E is the latest Wi-Fi technology that provides faster speeds, lower latency, and improved overall network performance. He forces Rose to consent to being kidnapped, then makes her wife, Kanaya, blame herself for it all. Written and directed by two white creators, "The Help" serves as a classic example of "white savior" tropes in Hollywood. How the hell do people extrapolate that? Last year, the worlds S.U.V.s collectively released almost a billion metric tons of carbon dioxide. EDIT: I feel as though I should note that aside from controversies 11 and 7, I've attempted to portray these controversies as neutrally as possible (and my only opinion on 7 is that I think the female characters in Homestuck are very well written). Usually it's individuals but I really want to spread the subject matter to be broader, and Homestuck is what we're doing the next episode on. But there are uncomfortable aspects to it. We have different media, slang, food, hobbies, etc, so Hussie's references soared straight over my head. https://linktr.ee/moblack, Pumpkin Party in Sea Hitlers Water Apocalypse, pages that change their formatting to fit different, this first conversation between John and Terezi. Jake even blames himselflaterintheconversation, and John lets that slide. 164 Followers. Still, Hussie doesnt think every aspect of fandom is completely horrible. Some forms like writing fanfiction or creating fan art are a positive, fun activity. Read it on a computer. And thats just me. From a human perspective, she's an unmistakably gay character. I saw a lot of promise in Johns relationship with Roxy. Ill give credit where credit is due, and then some. Dirk is Homestucks ultimate villain. It spent its last moments introducing characters and mechanics only to turn around and not explain jack. It aims to find out the shortest path during a salesman visiting cities below illustration. Hearing that person use the word r*****ation made me so uncomfortable because r**ard is a slur and shouldnt be used no matter what. Yeah, honestly the content of these docs probably says a lot more about the author of them they they do anything about Andrew Hussie. The content vacuum created by a cryptid leader results in overwhelming conditions of parasociality, and the projections of personality, morality, and biographical data onto the blank-slate leader can get ludicrous, and often pretty spiteful. They obviously "matured" when dead. Even considering the medium of the text itself, its a remarkably online object. He is, by my estimation, the most interesting part of either epilogue, anyway. Using the silly word follies, readers can infer that whatever happened to Tavros, in his wheelchair (as readers apparently need to be reminded), they were light-hearted and amusingbecause of his disability. The only reason people are so attached to the original joke is because it was taken away from them. Set aside time just as you would for reading every novel, but be prepared to set aside much more of it. Like how Vriska, a character who spent the entire comic inserting herself into important story events in a quest to become the most important character of the narrative, ends up trapped in Candy, locked away forever from canon. There is no denying that. Theres the aforementioned not-finishing-the-story-ness I talked about earlier. But mainly I was relieved to see the protests happen, because it answered a more fundamental question I had before starting on this story, which was wondering whether the country had any real fight in it., And while the writer says he saw this nation-wide spark as a very positive development, he wondered if this was even a story that needed telling anymore., In the end, he decided it was. And then there is the matter of Tavross robolegs, which are built for him after the trolls time in their game session. WebMost toxic K-Pop fandoms include ARMY (BTS), EXO (EXOTIC), Twice (Once), and more. There. If you actually read Hussie's tumblr about that incident, you would see that he specifically changed it not because people were upset about it but because other people on tumblr were using the canonicalization of tricksters as white to be nasty to others and he didn't want anything to do with that. There are these four kids: John, Rose, Dave, and Jade. Okay, geez! $24.00. Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty is the latest product to feel the review bomb burn. But how much is that purpose worth? I still maintain that any album with a song entitled Pumpkin Party in Sea Hitlers Water Apocalypse is a good album by default on principle now and forever. Oops. In Meat, the story blasts through at a lightning pace, but the characters we love get thrown into the background as the story concerns itself more and more with Dirk and Calliope. and the other half is him being completely oblivious to what the original poster means. The result is probably one of the coolest pages in the whole comic, and one of the coolest things Ive seen done in fiction changing nothing but the size and color of the text. Also, (controversy incoming) in my honest opinion, as long as you don't have children, there's nothing wrong about incest. hating her or not hating her and liking her as a character and oh my god can we please stop talking about Vriska). Homestuck is two or three biggish novels' worth of illustrated text, Okay so later John says nominally Jake is indeed not at fault for being abused but appreciate for a moment how a story about kids playing a computer got to this point. He has on multiple occasions, appropriated AAVE while writing her. In case you don't know what I am talking about: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ojLmFm-WUrCZ7fXALowpiAW7jklCfq14n0Zz1ECdsX0/mobilebasic, https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Z_pA2pfbnyXjxMx4PZm_LNbRSO3cZuZJ2jOOD1RpE0o/edit. In addition, his disability is usually synonymous with the fact that Tavros is considered by the characters around him to be a loserTavros as a loser in his social circle, combined with his disability, make him a common object of ridicule. Quite a bit of it, has, unfortunately landed on rachel, who if I recall correctly, is in charge of a lot of the business decisions, or at least enforcing them. What Pumpkin, unlike Hasbro, is not a media giant with multiple branches and properties under its wings; it's a (very) small business with a very direct relationship between items sold and revenue made. What is the cost? EVERYONE IS DEAD). You know where else that happens? WebThis kind of perspective on friendship in the internet age is a big part of why Homestuck is rather progressive in its views of interpersonal relationships the relationships among characters are never downplayed because of the medium that they happen in, and its a refreshing take in a world that is constantly tut-tutting the idea of talking to strangers. I am pretty sure you weren't meant to like her doing that. WebMuch of Problem Sleuth's success can be ascribed to an audience's willingness to accept that all the weirdness is just part of the joke, and the next logical step that we see in Homestuck, where the Internet itself becomes raw material for narrative, allows for an even greater expansion of possibilities. I dont know. Not formally, and nowhere near as dangerous as more conventional cults can be, but close enough to draw meaningful comparisons. Sure, each panel is a webpage connected by links, but almost every panel only has one link, and thats to the next panel. The difference should be obvious, Devils advocate here: She's small, not neccesarily young. The mock content warnings that show up at the beginning of the epilogues are not mock anything and are entirely legit. But theyre also very upsetting in general. Theres a bias inherent in that fact alone. WebHomestuck has three characters with definite disabilitiesTavros, Terezi, and Solluxthough for the purposes of this article, I will focus on Tavros and Terezi as, ever since Sollux has become blind, we simply have not had much screen time with him to merit analysis Okay, so the plot hole is also a cue ball and the whole story is pool and chess and I think blackjack. What Hussie describes is a dynamic that we see play out again and again online. Last year, the worlds S.U.V.s collectively released almost a billion metric tons of carbon dioxide. Delorosas constant rape was considered unapologetically trashy romance and porn. Its fitting. Hussies Psycholonials, a visual novel released in the spring of 2021, follows Zhen and Abby two girls who must figure out what to do with a mess of a revolution and empire that they themselves prompted. Following the incident, What Pumpkin, Hussies former Homestuck production company (which he has since left), threatened to sue Sarah Z. To feel what its like to be faced with a behemoth of a story and to be forced to choose: Meat or Candy, one path or the other. Everyone ends up miserable, the worst version of themselves. Im not sure how much there is thats truly positive about those things, but there is plenty which is negative. If it is morally wrong, I want explanations.). It wasn't even that funny! Characters can use special super-moves called Fraymotifs, a portmanteau of the words fray and leitmotif. They're not human. Music is even baked into the comics mechanics. And he called himself on it too. Or like how this first conversation between John and Terezi is way different knowing John spends his dying breaths bleeding out, poisoned, hate-fucking Terezi in the back of his dads Sedan. But then, homosexuality in a society where bisexuality is the norm is kind of a different thing. Reminder to message me @colorfulconstellations if you would like to apply to be a mod! Since my social justice related posts seem to encourage more discussions than ones that do not rely on social justice critique, I figured I would use this next post to explore a very talked-about and controversial aspect of Homestuckits ableism. Vriska herself is a huge controversy (i.e. Because automatic fire is inaccurate. She takes her time, narrating with a kind of dry, verbose voice. The largest, most active Homestuck community. Gross Margin. Can you imagine what my first attempts at writing looked like? So, you are saying I can't write about people who are not me? Media analysis, fiction, and the art of writing the perfect story. The language is deeply rooted in the now, and leans into the internet vernacular with words like simp, e-girls, reply guys, and cringe. At one point, one of the protagonists moves from being a fan, to dating a member of the popular K-pop group BTS (which also happens to be one of the biggest, most influential fandoms of the moment). Fanfiction that places Dirk and Kanaya in heterosexual pairings. Example: MLP makes money not only by merchandising but also by ad sales, etc. Still, I think after a bit, writers that stick with it eventually realize these early influences never leave them. Take for example this moment early in the comic, with one of the four original kids, Dave: And compare is with a similar moment much later in the comic with a different character, one of the Trolls, Terezi: The music in the later combines Terezis Theme with the song from the original and the main melody from Crystalanthemums which at this point has been associated with her and her rival Vriska for some time now. Calliope and Dirk at times fight for control of the narrative, Dirk engineering the story to fit his purposes, and Calliope trying her best to let events play out as they would naturally. I had no idea what Tab was, for example. So Im almost made to feel bad for even entertaining John/Roxy as an idea in the first place if the results were to be this disastrous for everyone involved.

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