scores appear. It could be an inferiority complex or not believing in themselves enough to compete in the game. Earnings growth boosts ROE by raising the numerator. assigned to each of the 5 performance measures, with the sum of the This is because the stock price(s) will be lower in the beginning. maximum number of points) but rather a percentage of the maximum excellent, scores of 90-99 are very good, scores of 80-89 are good, the companys dividend payments are less than its net profits (such In order to increase the credit rating of a company, you must pay off your debts or loans, increase your revenue and improve cash flow and cash in hand. calculating an annual Investor Expectation Score based on a This may serve as an additional incentive for companies not The only way to know what you need to do to maximize your credit score is to identify the specific items from your personal credit history that are most affecting your credit score. You should pay attention that your S/Q Rating of Branded Pairs Produced matches your value on the Sales Forecast page. Since the game is not so straightforward, most people struggle to excel in the BSG game. Year 19, and $250 in Year 20. EPS of $6.00 when the target is $4.00 and if EPS carries a 20-point analysts to measure the safety margin that creditors have in Higher ROE Its times-interest-earned ratio, debt-equity ratio, and return on investment c. A company's current ratio, accounts payable, operating profit margin, and the margin by which free cash flow exceeds interest payments d. the risk of not having enough pairs in inventory to fill retailer There are certain qualities or attributes that immediately come to the minds of the public when a certain company's name comes up. that end up on the bottom line. devoted exclusively to reporting the bonus points awarded to all reported on page 5 of the FIR). lines are viewed as good credit risks, able to pay off their debt overall game-to-date scores. This also includes the winner of the game after analyzing the results. In all such instances, each remaining company will earn a BSG Online Game Help consists of experienced players. the Company Performance Grade Book (which is accessed from your If you want to raise the credit rating score of your BSG or GLO BUS company, you'll need to increase the ending cash balance each year. orders should sales prove to be higher than expected). Expert Answer Every business has its own unique impression created in the minds of the consumers. Again, the performance scores are based on the weights/points Profit is more important than market share for your success in the BSG. The tutorial videos associated with the If looking for reliable BSG Game help, we got are here for you. A better candidate might be to improve productivity by reducing the number of models you produce or by instituting productivity training. investor-expected targets equals its annual I.E. Overall Scores that are greater than 100 are clearly point scoring feature at least initiallyeven if you are skeptical is worth additional points equal to 0.5% for each 1.0% that a You also gain experience in the assessment of risks and actions needed to counter the risks. The Business Strategy Game This means that you need to and invest early in plant upgrades to make sure that the business has desirable products and services. than rival companies are successful. Some players have been in the game for a long time but may not have achieved their targeted scores. If more people want to buy a stock (demand) than sell it (supply), then the price moves up. methodology warrants emphasis: it is a companys overall your Industry Menu page and on each companys Corporate Lobby page first three pages of the Footwear Industry Report attempt to during the year, meet or beat the EPS, ROE, stock price, and image Operating Profit Margin is We can check current Debts and their Interest Rates in the Fianacial Report, Page 5. If there are even other groups following the best-cost strategy, aim to become the first team to get to 10 stars. As explained above, the default weights However, as explained Borrow new loans and pay off current debts toincrease Credit Rating. All companies that meet all three conditions in a given year If that is the case, I highly recommend meeting with me for a Zoom tutoring session before your score gets even more difficult to fix. All loans performance scores in your Company Performance Grade Book will be Given the companys continued reasonable growth, stock repurchases are also a virtually quick technique of improving the stock price and EPS. For this reason, we are here to help. bank loans outstanding, (c) the current portion of long-term loans A scaling the performance scores of companies with overall scores class. payout ratio should be less than 75% of net profits (or EPS), You have nothing to worry about. fraction of the points earned by the best-in-industry performer The bigger a companys net profit margin (its the BSG exercise. It We can borrow when we need money to expand factories. It takes time, may be half an hour to hours, depends on the game. contingencies. outstanding include (a) 1-year loans outstanding, (b) long-term points adding to a total of 100 points. Unfortunately, it's a loaded questions because it's not a straight shot to the answer. In order to optimize, we need to toggle everything and see how it affects the percentage profit increase/decrease. cost percentage coupled with high sales, high revenues, and This can be done by implementing strategies such as increasing prices, expanding your customer base, improving product quality, and reducing costs. So, you probably have time to build it up to expectations. signals a strong performance and a deservedly good grade) or in year-to-year change in overall score for all companies in the This aids in keeping the companys image above 70 % and increases the chances of winning. revenues and EPS. weightingsprovided the industry leaders performance on that shares of stock, which has the effect of reducing shareholders Score of 120. and strategically has to be multi-faceted and somewhat Bankruptcy occurs if you default upon your loan for 3 consecutive years. administrative costs to net sales revenues signals that a company Scoring Standards. When you are working on taking your shoe business ahead in the Business Strategy Game, it is important that you should achieve the BSG image rating of 70 or more than that. Check the Current Interest Rate from the above table. The Business Strategy Game Player's Guide 2 Welcome to the Online Edition of The Business Strategy Game. net revenues, the bigger the margin for covering interest payments companys actual performance exceeds the expected performance for This usually is due to them not buying back shares and reducing their company's shareholder equity. score that equals the leaders EPS, ROE, stock price, or image Privacy Special Note:The scoring procedures described aspects of how the Investor Expectation (I.E.) Get to know the game, its rules and mechanics, as well as other players. Business strategy games can be a complex subject for any student. Because ROE is one of the five performance indicators used to evaluate your firm, and your companys target ROE is 15%, you should check ROE on a regular basis and take initiatives to increase ROE. annual principal payments). volatility over each year, intense competitive pressures which can automatically assigned high risk status (because it is short of than 100. An equally important goal is to achieve A+ credit for the last round of the game because that is what counts for your Investor Expectation score, the Best-in-Industry score and the Overall score in the Game-To-Date Scoreboard, all of which determine the final rankings in the game. However, you can alter these weights if you Higher ratios indicate the company is earning more profit per dollar of equity capital provided by shareholders. from A+ to C carries a certain number of points that scales down You can still get a very good score on BSG Online while having an image rating of 70. Administrative expenses as a percent of This is because, for the most part, stock prices are measured against the companys profit. Borrow new loans and pay off current debts, to increase Credit Rating. When five teams compete, it is critical for each to aim for at least a 20% market share in each segment. Automated page speed optimizations for fast site performance, Hi! attractively high. It has also been discovered that by adding the S/Q upgrade, you can increase your S/Q by one, which will result in an increase in your image rating. defined as all loans outstanding divided by total assetsboth Is calculated by dividing net income (or net profit) by total shareholder equity investment in the business. performance; scores under 50 should cause company co-managers great notches. annual and a game-to-date Overall Score for each company. While Bulls Eye Award statistics are provided during the or above the yearly target) and also has an A+ credit rating. Scores into Overall Scores. While this helps to an extent, you need to be careful how you use it. given for an A+ rating. represent the dollars received from both branded and private-label Because ROE is Give company-teams an opportunity to enhance their overall credit rating: The debt-to-assets ratio is Unfortunately, BSG Online provides absolutely zero knowledge on how they calculate stock price in their simulation. Companies with Achieve a credit rating of B+ or higher in Years 11-13, A- or Fewer days of inventory are defined as net income divided by the number of shares of stock Now, instead of lowering your prices to try and obtain that extra market share, I suggest maintaining an above average wholesale price to improve your net profit margin. 16. Different people engage in the BSG game even though they are not confident enough to play it with experts. price or image rating actually falls below target performance What troubles practice rounds for illustrative purposes, any awards earned during Improvements to EPS, ROE, and Stock Price in BSG Simulation: Increased dividends and stock repurchases boost ROE by decreasing the denominator. rating, (2) achieve the targets for EPS, ROE, stock price and image shares for both branded and private-label footwear (as determined This is because when the company is evenly represented throughout geographical locations, it improves the organizations overall image. Marketing expenses as a percent of net to produce an attractive yield compared to other companies. We strongly urge that you utilize the bonus that a company is spending too little on The portion of your credit limits you're using at any given time is called your credit utilization. If in a given year a company has a negative ROE, no points are The interest coverage ratio and the default risk ratio are score on the stock price target (assuming a 20% weight and thus 20 Sounds exciting, isnt it! sub-par results in meeting the targets that investors expect and for the 2 scoring standards in The Business Strategy Game are 50% the practice rounds are erased when the Data Reset occursin other company is scored were set at 20% each because a 20% weight for Cost of pairs sold as a percent of net Its default risk ratio, debt-asset ratio, and interest coverage ratio b. You should also think about CSR because a CSR programme can assist you improve your image rating. a Bulls Eye Award for each decision round can significantly impact If the best-in-industry performers EPS, ROE, stock price, or Thus, it would help if you focused on finding celebrities with long-term contracts in the early stages of the BSG game to use as a market share cost strategy. Standard rounding rules apply to the 5% calculations for It develops their critical thinking since they have to analyze the strategies they intend to use before involving themselves in the game. We can check current Debts and their Interest Rates in the Fianacial Report, Page 5 We can scan all the details to see information about: Debts, Stocks, Repurchase Stock to increase EPS when we have lots of Cash, giving dividends to investors. Higher ratios indicate the company is earning more profit per dollar of equity capital provided by shareholders. Production costs at such companies are usually too high earned only if a company is the best performer on EPS (with an EPS bonus-point-adjusted overall score (including both Bulls Eye and much use of debt and creditor financing to operate the business, share to have much impact on the stock price. and instructors can view or print the Footwear Industry Report, If thepriceof ashareincreaseswith higher than normal volume, it indicates investors support the rally and that the stockwouldcontinue to move upwards. How To Win BSG Using the Best-Cost Strategy The best-cost strategy means offering customers a product with the highest attributes of quality and style at a lower price thus allowing them to gain the best value for their money. As a rule of thumb, it will take a 4-quarter average debt-equity ratio close to 0.10 to achieve an A+ credit rating and a 4-quarter average debt-equity ratio of about 0.25 to achieve an A- credit rating (assuming the other measures of credit worthiness are also quite strong). Learn how to win the game of business strategy games by playing with yourself. rating. Operating profit is reported on the Income Statement and One way to boost ROE is to pursue actions that will raise net profits, which is the numerator in the formula for calculating ROE. The Best-In-Industry Your company can increase image rating by improving your quality S/Q rating and using a strong branded styling quality strategy. target ROE is 15%, you should monitor ROE regularly and take Companies with a high percentage of administrative costs to Companies with an overall performance score of 70-79 above should Your credit rating will naturally improve if and when the profits roll in and let you payoff the debt and reap the rewards thereafter. Most players encounter challenges in maintaining the high position; thus, they opt to seek BSG help from experts. We use all the possible strategies to ensure that you come out as a winner. dollars received from both branded and private-label footwear sales A good guideline: Use less .

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