Courses taken for credit recovery during the school year must be completed by a defined date. Detention will not exceed one hour per instructional day but may be administered over several days in succession. The Voluntary Random Drug Testing Consent Form will be active for the students entire tenure at the school in which the consent form was signed. Enrollment can be delayed and attendance may be required of the parent/guardian prior to admitting the child to school. The disease is generally mild and should not be a reason for concern or worry. All fees authorized to be charged under subsections (1) and (2) of the Fee Policy above shall be charged only upon the following conditions: 1. These requirements as stipulated by the Mississippi Department of Health are to be recorded in the permanent record. 4. Principal:Tony Martin The district shall follow the most current guidelines established by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) for preventing transmission of infectious diseases at all times and in all settings. b. 2. The name and position of the official responsible for the maintenance of each type of record, the persons who have access to those records and the purposes for which they have access; 3. If the proceeding results in expulsion, admission may be revoked. To this end, the Rankin County School District has established procedures within the regular classroom for assisting students with special needs. 125 Overby Street After a report of positive test result is made to the District, the principal will schedule a conference with the student and parents or guardians about the positive drug test result. Cuando est fro afuera, los estudiantes pueden usar suter o cardigans azul marino encima de la camisa blanca. Rankin County School District adheres to a policy of non-discrimination in educational programs, activities, and employment and strives affirmatively to provide equal opportunity for all as required by Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 which prohibits discrimination against the handicapped. The Northwest community benefits from its diversity! In supporting the social and emotional well-being of all our students, we commit to respect the human rights and civil liberties of all people, and condemn all hateful speech and violent action directed at any student or individual, including immigrants and people of color. All grades from the previous school(s)/parent information; b. After a maximum of 3 excused days absent per nine weeks based on parental notes, a doctors excuse will be required for excusing an absence. Promotion and Retention (IHE) Dyslexia Policy (IEBA) Parents/guardiansmay waive the five day waiting period and request earlier testing, if possible. Principal:Robin Sanders All records which contain personally identifiable data, other than directory information and materials necessary to daily instruction, shall be maintained and stored in a secure and fire resistant container or location. Failure to provide any of the above, a., b., or c., may resort in dismissal of the appeal and the original decision shall stand. The Rankin County School District provides multiple career pathway options for high school students including career academies, academic and career technical education programs of study at the high school, and career technical programs of study at the Pearl-Rankin Career Technical Center. PROCEDURE FOR WAIVING HEARING. El recreo se llevar a cabo afuera hasta cuando est un poco fro. Principal:Lindsay Starbuck If this school board determines that it is not economically feasible or practicable to operate any school within the district for the full one hundred eighty (180) days required for a scholastic year as contemplated due to an enemy attack, a manmade, technological or natural disaster, or extreme weather emergency in which the Governor has declared a disaster or state of emergency or the President of the United States has declared an emergency or major disaster to exist in this state, the school board may notify the State Department of Education of the disaster or weather emergency and submit a plan for altering the school term. Pre-Kindergarten6th Authorized school officials shall investigate repeat cases of no lunch funds or emergency circumstances. To perfect or make an appeal for any suspension of more than ten (10) days or expulsion, the student must inform the building principal of his or her desire to appeal, in writing, and within twenty-four (24) hours, excluding weekends and school holidays. Age, size, and the physical and mental condition of the student, 2. Regular safety drills should be planned and executed in accordance with applicable emergency management guidelines and specific school procedures. If a parent or legal guardian of a student who fails the dyslexia screener exercises the option to have a subsequent evaluation performed, such evaluation shall be administered by any of the licensed professionals, including: Psychologists, Psychometrists, or Speech Language Pathologists, and the resulting diagnosis of the subsequent evaluation must be accepted by the school district for purposes of determining eligibility for placement within a dyslexia therapy program. Walk on the roadway when there is a sidewalk or pathway. Truancy is established if the student is out of school without permission. NO BUSINESS ENGAGEMENTS OR MEDICAL APPOINTMENTS SHOULD BE MADE DURING SCHOOL HOURS EXCEPT IN CASE OF AN EMERGENCY. Users should not send emails or post comments with the intent to harass, ridicule, humiliate, intimidate, or harm the targeted individual and create for the targeted individual a hostile school environment. The District shall appoint a confidentiality officer to insure accomplishment of the procedure heretofore listed. 2. The student having the highest and second highest grade point average during his/her school period shall be recognized as Valedictorian and Salutatorian, respectively. The school board may, in its discretion, provide additional administrative leave with pay for all employees (professional, certified, and classified) in the event of declared emergency closures. The school district will involve the parents of children served in Title I, Part A schools in decisions about how the one (1) percent of Title I, Part A funds reserved for parental engagement is spent, and will ensure that not less than 90 percent of the one (1) percent reserved goes directly to the schools, with priority given to high-need schools. 6. other appropriate documentation/verification. Shorts may be worn by students in grades K-4 as long as such does not constitute, in the sole discretion of the principal, a possible disruption to the educational process is uninterrupted. Talk in a normal, conversational tone of voice. Transcripts of courses and grades may be furnished when requested by the parent/guardian. 3. Any clothing or personal adornment that Is determined to be disruptive to the learning environment is not allowed. Complying with all federal requirements for parents with limited English proficiency, parents with disabilities, and parents of migratory children. Individual dignity and privacy will be preserved to the extent practicable. Everyone has a role to play in helping to create the proper learning environment. The student, parents, or guardians shall fully cooperate with the school and testing laboratory, its employees, and by enrollment in the school or extra-curricular activity consents to fully cooperate with the terms of this policy, the school and the testing laboratory. Any person having inquiries concerning Hazelwood's compliance with the regulations implementing Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VI), Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 504), or Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), may contact the Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources. Public Conduct Policy (EBA) Special permission of the principal (obtained in ADVANCE IN PERSON BY THE PARENT OR LEGAL GUARDIAN). Medications not picked up at the end of the school year on or before the last day of school will be discarded. 2. Legal Reference: Mississippi Code Ann. Note: Parents or guardians are reminded that a successful treatment regimen for lice includes the use of over the counter or prescription shampoo as directed, removal of all nits (gray/white eggs attached to the hair shaft), and treatment/cleaning of the home (i.e., laundering bed linens, vacuuming carpet and couches, containing stuffed animals). Pelahatchie, MS 39145 8. Students in grades 7-12 who exceed this standard may not, pending appeal, receive a grade or Carnegie unit in the course. It is the eleventh largest public school district in the state of Oklahoma . (ASCA). Nivel 3: El estudiante perder el uso de su armario para una semana. No pajamas or leggings may be worn. A student is tardy for class if he arrives in the class after the class period has officially begun or the bell has sounded. The goal of the 1:1 initiative is to provide every student with the same device. Se asignar un armario a cada estudiante. RCSD will not be responsible for any equipment not picked up on or before the last day of school. Face masks/coverings must follow the requirements of JCDB Dress Code for Students. Greg Zimmerman - 8th Grade Language Arts, Mike Knapp - Minecraft, Amber Keathley - 6th Grade Language Arts, Jenna Deblecourt - Family Consumer Science, Terri McEldowney - 6th Grade Language Arts, Evan Denney - 6th Grade Social Studies, Kristen Teal - Math, Jennifer Ludwig - 7th Grade Math, Rebecca Kelly - 8th Grade Science, and Marshall Hesslau - Counselor. These textbooks must be returned to the school by the end of district approved school year. 2. Fax:601.854.8638, PISGAH ELEMENTARY SCHOOL All due process rights of students shall be observed in the disciplinary process. Northwest Middle School staff share their thoughts on being a Black educator. Dress Code for Students (JCDB) Assignment of Students for Transfers (JBAB) The Board specifically finds in its discretional judgment that to maintain an appropriate educational and learning environment for the students and teachers that it is in the best interest of the students, the learning process, and environment of the school district that these rules and policies be hereby adopted and disseminated: The use of any electronic communication devices including, but not limited to, cellular phones, personal digital assistance devices, lasers, related communication products or devices, or other electronic items by students is prohibited during the administration of scheduled statewide tests and in any classroom setting or instructional setting or endeavor of the school district or other prohibited setting as determined by the principal or County Superintendent of Education located upon any campus of the Rankin County School District, except when used in conjunction with direct teacher supervision of students or instruction and at the request of the teacher or principal. 2. Los sandalias del hogar, las chanclas/flip-flops o los zapatos con tacn no estn permitidos mientras en la escuela. 6. Northwest Middle School. E. Earbuds/ Airpods/ Headphones/Speakers. Students shall be responsible for locking their vehicles upon arrival as the District shall assume no responsibility for any loss. Your child can return to school when the symptoms have stopped and the child can tolerate a regular diet. 1. The Rankin County School District shall keep the following records for the periods specified as part of its drug and alcohol policy: 1. Students shall not sit in or upon vehicles on the school campus. The district shall make an initial determination of whether a student diagnosed with dyslexia meets the eligibility criteria under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) to have an Individualized Education Program developed and to receive services. The parents or eligible student shall be afforded a full and fair opportunity to present evidence relevant to the issues raised under the challenge; 4. A public school teacher, assistant teacher, principal, assistant principal, or other school personnel shall not be granted immunity from liability for the use of corporal punishment on a student with a disability. 3. Mission Statement Users should never share personal information. The Northwest ISD Career Fair scheduled for today at Byron Nelson High School is included in these event postponements, and attendees will be informed of a new date in the coming days. This transportation includes pick up at the students home or his designated alternative school route bus stop, delivery to the Alternative Education Center, and drop off at the same location in the afternoon. 3rd5th Users are expected to respect the web filter and shall not attempt to circumvent the filter when browsing the Internet. The case, known as Tinker vs. Des Moines Independent School District, involved several high school students who wore black armbands to school in a planned protest against the Vietnam War. Summer School/Extended Year Policy (IDCA) Fax:601.939.1991, RICHLAND UPPER ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Parents are encouraged to provide additional information regarding the reasons for absences. Any potential problems identified during the screening will be reported to the parent, guardian, or custodian. 6th8th Conducting annual surveys of parents to evaluate the effectiveness of parental engagement activities provided by each school and the district. 37-7-335, Legal Reference: MS Code 37-7-335; 37-7-301(ff), Emergency Closings (EBBD) (a) Student searches which disclose evidence of school misconduct, policy or school rules violations, but not criminal misconduct, should be treated according to applicable school board policies or local school rules or procedures regarding expected conduct. A switchblade knife means a knife containing a blade or blades which open automatically by the release of a spring or similar contrivance. Retaliation or reprisal against any person, including a victim, a witness, or another person, who in good faith provides information concerning an incident of bullying or harassing behavior, is prohibited. Excused absences are granted once the written notes from parents/guardians or medical/dental excuses are received by the school. Legal Reference: MS Code 41-23-37, 37-7-301, Attendance, Tardiness and Excuses (JBD) * If withdrawal from school and re-entry in school are completed within the same school year, OR if the student was promoted by an accredited school the prior school year and then begins the current school year in a non-accredited home school or school, the student shall be enrolled in the grade of original assignment. Alert parent/guardian if the person exposed is a student. In the case of unplanned/unforeseen virtual learning, students without access to technology will complete daily assignments toward attendance as noted in State Board Policy and corresponding procedures, provided the students have been identified by the school prior to the asynchronous learning. 2. If a student uses his/her medication in a manner other than prescribed, he/she may be subject to disciplinary action under the school codes. Any district employee who uses the RCSD network inappropriately is subject to disciplinary action, including dismissal. Favor de leer comunicaciones acerca de estos dias especiales. It is the responsibility of the employee and student to maintain this email account appropriately. Exceptions must be submitted to RCSD County office personnel for approval. Need for special educational services. The Northwest School uniform is plain navy blue pants or skirts (navy khaki, navy "Dickie" brand pants, navy slacks). Northwest Middle School Home We are KMS Student Dress Code Dress Code KMS Dresscode If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document. The program shall be governed by the rules and regulations of the Mississippi High School Activities Association, Inc. All participants in student athletics must participate in an insurance plan by purchasing a policy in the amount required, depending on grade level, or have parents sign an affidavit stating that they have adequate coverage of their own for the child. Phone:601.825.6140 Public Complaints (KL) Using profanity, obscenity, or other language that may be offensive to others. This policy supplements all other disciplinary policies of the Rankin County School District relative to drug or alcohol violations. Other fees designated by the superintendent as fees related to a valid curriculum educational objective, including transportation; and. 3. No se permiten las mochilas en el terreno escolar. Hosting School Attendance Zone Meetings to discuss individual strategic plans, student test scores, and strategies for communicating and involving parents in their childs education. The bump(s) must be covered with clothing or a bandage while the child is at school to prevent transmission to others. Parental consent for removal is not required. A notation of inadequate attendance (IA) will be recorded on the report card and on the transcript if the student is passing the course. Kindergarten12th RCSD may provide the privilege or Internet access, desktop computers, mobile computers or devices, videoconferencing capabilities, online collaboration capabilities, email, and more. Use District technologies at appropriate times, in approved places, for educational pursuits. A chart listing replacement cost is included in this policy. This educational plan should be updated annually in cooperation with parents or guardians and counselor. Voluntary Student means a member of any grade 7th through 12th or middle school or high school student whose parents or guardian gives consent to their childs or childrens participation in the random drug testing program. The Medical Review Officer will request information regarding prescription and non-prescription drugs and any other information, which could lead to a false positive test. We ask that everyone please stay in your vehicles. All of the staff have been working very hard to prepare for the return of our Kind, Motivated and Successful (KMS) students and we look forward to meeting our new sixth grade students! The policies of the institution for reviewing those records; 4. The decision of the DDC shall be rendered forthwith and delivered in writing to the parties. A student failed either of the preceding two grades and has been suspended or expelled for more than twenty (20) days in the current school year; OR. The law further requires the following services be provided: Homeless students may attend their school of origin or the school where theyare temporarily residing. Any student who possesses a knife, handgun, other firearm or other instrument which may be considered by school officials to be potentially dangerous and potentially capable of causing bodily harm shall be subject to automatic expulsion at the recommendation of the principal or County Superintendent. The district will not provide a Form 990 for crowdfunding donations. Any electronic communication device used during any administration of statewide tests will be confiscated for the duration of the school year and may result in suspension of the student from the regular school environment for the remainder of the year and possible placement into the alternative school setting. Students may, pending appeal, be required to make up class time on an hour-for-hour basis in order to remove the IA status. By signing the Acceptable Use Policy, users are acknowledging they have read and agree to abide by the Social Media guidelines. Fax:601.992.5553, NORTHSHORE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL If the clothing, hair, cosmetics, jewelry, or general appearance of a student constitutes a health threat or possible distraction to the educational process, the teacher may counsel with the student about the attire or grooming. Students with eligibility rulings for special educational services shall be promoted or retained based upon mastery of skills specified in their Individual Educational Plan and a decision reached by the IEP committee and principal to assure least restrictive environment. Nivel 2: El estudiante perder el uso de su armario para el da. A written code, enforced fairly, ensures that we are treated equally . The student shall have the right to a formal due process hearing, be represented by legal counsel, to present evidence and cross-examine witnesses presented by the district. Any inappropriate use may result in the cancellation of the privilege of use, and/or disciplinary action. Automobile license receipt, bank statement, credit card statement, cellphone bill, state or federal benefit check, or payroll check stub. A definite schedule of classes is followed. Flowood, MS 39232 Prior to any formal hearing, a case will be heard by the Disciplinary Determination Committee (DDC), as outlined in Section V. Appeals. Student Records (JR) Students will be expected to leave cell phones, and other electronic devices in their assigned locker before 8:00 am and will not be allowed back to their locker until 2:30 pm. A student may be required to be present for up to an hour before or after the instructional day as a means of disciplinary action provided the parent of the student has been notified of the detention and arrangements have been made for the students transportation. At school, dress to show that you are focused on learning. 4. The permission for self-administration of epinephrine medications shall be in effect for the school year in which it is granted, necessitating renewal each school year. School officials should consider the following factors in administering corporal punishment: 1. (b) In the event that a student search discloses evidence of unlawful activity, the principal shall report such activity or acts to the appropriate law enforcement officials as required by law. Do not leave the device unattended in an unlocked classroom or during an extracurricular activity. Illegal and performance-enhancing drug, alcohol, or steroid use of any kind is incompatible with the physical, mental, and emotional demands placed upon participants in extra-curricular activities and with the positive image these students project to other students and to the community on behalf of the District. Students with missing work are ineligible for exemption from taking exams. Participating students represent the District and their community. The school district will, with the assistance of its Title I, Part A schools, provide assistance to parents of children served by the school district or school, as appropriate, in understanding topics such as the following. This is for the safety of all students. Any Mississippi resident who is an employee of the District, but is not a resident of Rankin County, may petition the Board for admission of their dependent school-age children. 3. Offering programs to parents of preschool age children in collaboration with local and state services.

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