And it certainly doesn't depend on an observer to make this happen. !" is a radical departure from convention. The 2004 theatrical release was succeeded by a substantially changed, extended home media version in 2006. And in fact we can make weird quantum phenomena happen. Right now they use a key that's based on the products of large prime numbers, and no computer could determine the prime factors in a time shorter than the age of the universe. 2) "What the Bleep Do We Know" has sure got a lot of people talking and thinking. Wertheim continues that the film "abandons itself entirely to the ecstasies of quantum mysticism, finding in this aleatory description of nature the key to spiritual transformation. Some ideas discussed in the film are: In the narrative segments of the film, Marlee Matlin portrays Amanda, a photographer who plays the role of everywoman as she experiences her life from startlingly new and different perspectives. 1. I'm always up for a good New Age flick, even one masquerading as a documentary. Whether or not you buy into its "you are God in the making" philosophy, "What the Bleep Do We Know?" Particles embracing all possible states until they are forced by an experiment to assume one state, one particle being in two adjacent places simultaneously, the inability to precisely measure a particle's position and momentum at the same time - these are just a few of the weird manifestations of quantum physics. There are also phrases plagiarized entire from "The Matrix," a far superior film treatment of the notion that reality isn't what it seems. "What the bleep. But it's not true for the universe at large. For many years in the early-mid-eighties, the Maharishi was pushing N=8 supergravity as the unified field theory, I remember a colorful poster explaining how it agreed exactly with his philosophy that many people posted on their walls. Not everything is possible. He announced in 1994 (one year after the study) that violent crime had decreased 18%. Consciousness must be involved. According to an article in Fortean Times by David Hambling, the origins of this story likely involved the voyages of Captain James Cook, not Columbus, and an account related by Robert Hughes which said Cook's ships were "complex and unfamiliar as to defy the natives' understanding". [18] A BBC reviewer described it as "a documentary aimed at the totally gullible". Hobbs further disputed the film's use of the ten percent of the brain myth. The flip side of that is that you can use quantum mechanics, again in specially prepared systems, to communicate in a way that will allow us to know when someone is eavesdropping. I remember Hagelin wanting to discuss how quantum field theory could explain how TMers were able to levitate, something about how they did this by changing the position of the pole in the propagator. "What The Bleep Do We Know? A group of 3 Indian people claiming to be direct disciples of Maharishi Mahesh-Yogi visited our high school. Nasa found something. kazakore (kazakore) January 14, 2010, 6:30pm #10 But to insist, as one on-screen interviewee does, that the material world around us is just one "possible movement of consciousness" undermines the possibility of any objective, external reality--something fundamental to many religions and to science. Pingback: Not Even Wrong Blog Archive Down the Rabbit Hole. So when you hear about quantum mechanics and devices, you can say, "OK, that sounds reasonable." Also, the movie suggests that the quantum idea of matter embracing all its possible states at once applies to the larger world of people and rocks. [5] Foreign gross added another $5 million for a worldwide gross of nearly $16 million. In one experiment, people who were walking across a college campus were asked by a stranger for directions. Quantum mechanics is a replacement for the phrase "anything goes." Q: You do see that in some science-fiction shows for example, last season on "Fringe." Therefore people get the notion that there's no objective reality, and that you can literally impact on the external world just by doing things internally. That would be, very hard to quantify:). Its true that Hagelin stopped doing physics in the mid-nineties to concentrate on his other nonsense, but I can vouch for the fact that as early as 1978-9 he was heavily involved in TM and thought it had a lot to do with QFT. Staff meetings are tedious enough give me a conscious mind with a decent filter device any day. Guess that could not have been done to easily in the Catholic church. Moreover, assume that they want your money. With quantum mechanics, there's a notion that observers affect the things that they're observing. You can't just hope for the best. They want suggestions, not formulas. !" is a radical departure from convention. We'd like to be able to influence things just by thinking about them, we'd like to transport ourselves elsewhere without getting on an airplane. ft. indoor riding arena once used for horse training which was refurbished and floored . First, such claims rely on "hidden variables" susceptible to influence, he says. Some lost their entire life savings. There's also much to be said for the idea that divine is not so much a separate entity but is found in the interconnectedness of the universe, something both traditional religious believers and "spiritual but not" people often agree on, though semantics can get in the way. Hope you dont mind me butting in, just thought you might like to see these facts which are so far undisputed about the film. Do We (K)now!? The meditation may not have helped the victims of violent crime, but it did win Hagelin the 1994 Ig Nobel Peace Prize. The following persons in the film have all spoken at RSE and sold books there. Sol. "[5] The same article quotes Bill Pfau, Advertising Manager of Inner Traditions, as saying "More and more ideas from the New Age community have become accepted into the mainstream. List of films featuring the deaf and hard of hearing, "How the NXIVM Sex Cult Defended Trump from Media Attacks", "Cinefex article detailing the visual effects for the film", "New Age: What the Bleep? This is one reason physicists studying a subatomic particle create large numbers of them in particle accelerators. Z. Knight and heavily features commentary from 'Ramtha', an ancient Atlantian general who is apparently speaking through Knight. On August 1, 2006 What the Bleep! In fact, "you are God in the making," which explains why Shirley MacLaine is a Ramtha fan. 3. Q: You do see that in some science . What the Bleep Do We Know!? you refer to the offspring of hep-ph/9803315. Magician and skeptic James Randi, famous for debunking performers like Uri Geller, has offered his standard prize of $1 million cash money to Dr Emoto if he can get the same results when doing the water study this way. And while I'm no quantum physicist, my yoga teacher a big fan of the movie was starting to sound like she was. Those are two places where the quantum world leaks into the classical world. Hagelin was a grad student at Harvard when I was an undergrad and I met him when we were in the same quantum field theory class. It took a while, but the comparison finally came through on the association of strings, as a quantum mechanical perspective, and the relationship to that movie. Our work isn't possible without your support. Quantum physics doesn't need them to. Krauss has dealt with factual and fictional weirdness for decades as the author of "The Physics of Star Trek," as the head of Arizona State University's Origins Project, and as the author of a "Quantum Man," a soon-to-be-published biography of pioneering physicist Richard Feynman. extended versions of What the BLEEP Do We Know! Daniel Monti, physician and director of the Mind-Body Medicine Program at. The film was also discussed in a letter published in Physics Today that challenges how physics is taught, saying teaching fails to "expose the mysteries physics has encountered [and] reveal the limits of our understanding". So what constitutes quantum quackery? Only the Shaman knows, and we're about 500 years too late to ask him. The brain processes 400 billion bits of information a second but we're only aware of 2000 of these but our awareness of those 2000 bits of information are just about the environment, our body and about time. There's nothing wrong with that. During the Fall of the year Amanda begins to see the world in new and different ways when she begins to question her role in life, her relationships with her career and men and what it all means. His 73 papers are mostly about supersymmetric GUTs and considered quite respectable, with a total of over 5000 citations, including 641 citations for one of them alone. By 1984 he had moved to Maharishi University and started building up the physics department there. Krauss worries that a lot of people can be fooled by appeals to the admittedly weird world of quantum physics a world in which particles are said to take every possible path from point A to point B, in which the position and velocity of particles are necessarily cloaked in uncertainty, in which the mere act of observation changes the thing being observed. ?, with over 15 hours of material on three double-sided DVDs. During the resulting chat, two men carrying a wooden door passed between the stranger and the subjects. This will be revisited if anyone else tries to circumvent a channel ban in future.PLEASE READ CAREFULLY:I'm citing \"Fair Use\" under US Copyright Act, Title 17 512 (g)(f), specifically those clauses covering Comment and Criticism, as well as the DMCA. \"Fair Dealing\" under UK Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 c.48, Part 1(Copyright) Section 79.4a is NOT a valid argument.This is the first part of my critical analysis of \"What The Bleep Do We Know?! Now I don't have an automatic prejudice against 35,000-year-old warriors from Atlantis or the women who channel them. So thanks to Associate Professor Zdenka Kuncik, Professor Peter Schofield and Professor Max Coltheart for shedding some light on the Bleeping thing. A disproportionate amount of time was given in voice and film to Ramtha, Dr. Joe dispenza, and Miceal Ledwith. [5], According to the makers of the film, "Bleep" is an expurgation of "fuck". Columbus certainly didn't speak the language, and the locals didn't keep written records. Beyond fear, beyond anger. Interspersed with the plot were interviews with various supposed scientists with something to say about quantum physics, consciousness, God, etc. Answer (1 of 6): Although not being as well educated in the area as Professor Wacker, I think it's overly simplistic to suggest the subjects raised in the movie to be either factual or "almost completely mumbo-jumbo". ?, with over 15 hours of material on three double-sided DVDs.,, Not Even Wrong Blog Archive Down the Rabbit Hole. "What the Bleep Do We Know," a pseudoscientific docudrama that purports to link quantum mechanics and consciousness, would be a riot if people didn't take it so seriously. is god-awful. The only problem with Andrew Newberg's statement is that it suggests our subconscious brains are doing really interesting stuff and we're somehow missing out; if only we could harness that other zillion gigabits or so we'd be masters of our destinies. It demands a freedom of view and greatness of thought so far unknown, indeed, not even dreamed of since Copernicus. and published a study guide. Doesn't the quantum world pervade everything that we see around us? We're not using either superconductivity or superfluidity yet on the scale that I think people thought we might. We all know most parts of the ocean are still undiscovered but there's plenty of theories. If I didnt know any better, I would have thought it was something straight out of a Cheech and Chong movie. We will write a custom Essay on Philosophy Meaning of Arntz's Movie "What the Bleep Do We Know" specifically for you. Use this form to email 'What the bleep are they on about?' When a movie gets rave reviews as a mind-blowing flick about quantum physics, it's worth checking out. To some extent it could be, because memories and thoughts are stored at the molecular level, and at a molecular level quantum mechanics is significant. 3. It sounds reasonable, and familiar. We don't know which way it's going to go. Skeptic James Randi described the film as "a fantasy docudrama" and "[a] rampant example of abuse by charlatans and cults". The director, William Arntz, has described What the Bleep as a film for the "metaphysical left". That beliefs about who one is and what is real are a direct cause of oneself and of one's own realities. Isnt Langs viewpoint in line with the sort of criticism that string theory receives at this web site? That's one of the very strange properties of quantum mechanics. From my perspective, once you had identtified Smolins position( I gave this in previous post[Posted by sol at September 25, 2004 04:18 PM] ), then you would know he holds Einsteins, in relation to the Solvay meetings, and strings have modified what Bohr and Schrodinger were doing in developing QM. He says he is "profoundly unsympathetic to attempts at linking quantum mechanics with consciousness".[1]. is a 2004 American pseudo-scientific film that posits a spiritual connection between quantum physics and consciousness. We must shake off the "ugly, superstitious, backwater concept of God" we learned as children, chides JZ Knight--uh, Ramtha. Q: Some scientists, such as Sir Roger Penrose, have talked about neurons as quantum systems. As long as a sub-atomic particle is interacting with another sub-atomic particle, they'll both exist regardless of where you are or what you're doing. So what better thing to have than something that gives you everything you want? - - What the Bleep Do We Know!? We By continuing to browse the site We'll never know. Marlee Matlin, Barry Newman, Elaine Hendrix. It was really hard to sit through. 2. At some point I guess he updated it to string field theory and the version you provided a link for. I was expecting something pretty dumb, but am always interested to see what people think about quantum mechanics. Knight's compound outside the town of Yelm has been built over the former horse-breeding grounds: The estate consists of JZ's present home, a white 12,800 square foot French chateau styled 4-bedroom house, her original home (a 1,600 sq.

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