The Hammers & The Bruce: Bannockburn at 700

(Publisher’s Note: Originally published in August of 2014) Scotland votes on the question of independence from Great Britain this September, but June marked an important date in the shaping of…..


Camera Q&A: James Romm on Nero and Seneca

Who: James Romm is a professor of classics at Bard College, with a specialty in ancient Greek and Roman history. His latest book, Dying Every Day examines the relationship between…..


The Western Tradition revisited: Charlemagne

(Publisher’s Note: Originally published in April of 2014) At the age of 87, English actor Christopher Lee portrayed one of Europe’s greatest kings in a most unusual fashion. 2010 saw…..


Wes Anderson & filmmakers with unique worlds

(Publisher’s Note: Originally published in March of 2014) Wes Anderson is once again taking bright colors, deadpan humor, a completely ridiculous story, and recruited friends Jason Schwartzman, Bill Murray, and…..


The Western Tradition revisited: The Byzantines

(Publisher’s Note: Originally published in March of 2014) The glory that was Rome and its empire has been covered in television documentaries rather expansively. Yet the Eastern Empire that survived…..


The Third Man: Vienna’s Favorite Movie

(Publisher’s Note: Originally published in December of 2013) “You know what the fellow said? In Italy, for 30 years under the Borgias, they had warfare, terror, murder and bloodshed. But…..


Camera Q&A: Agnieszka Holland on In Darkness

Who: Agnieszka Holland is a Polish-born filmmaker whose feature directing career began in 1978, and has been highlighted with three Oscar nominations. The first was a Best Foreign Language nomination…..


Fantasy Location Primer: Pulp Mythology

From 1905’s Ulysses and the Giant Polyphemus (L’Île de Calypso: Ulysse et le géant Polyphème), and up to 2011’s Immortals and 2012’s Wrath of the Titans, Greek mythology has long proven…..