Students have access to first-class facilities including science labs, ICT suites, quiet study areas and a large canteen. In fact, Dr Vance was anxious to resort to punishment as little as possible: 'Both the fact of punishment and the wish to avoid punishment ultimately appeal to fear. The Schola has recorded a number of CDs, including Praise to the holiest, a CD of hymns, Sing in Exultation, a CD of Christmas carols, and Lauda Sion by Mendelssohn and works by Dupr and others. It had to be made clear to the boys: - that it is manly to make light of any discomfort; - they may help their parents by writing cheery and interesting letters; - that each must make a point of honour of never grousing. The Iona-drawn-out saga effectively came to an end on 30 November 1989 when the Governors were informed that the Secretary of State had approved the application for grant maintained status With effect from 1 April 1990. The deadline for music aptitude applications is 5.00pm, Monday 26th September 2022. Upper Sixth pupils can be awarded a number of commendation ties including the Senior Music Prefect Tie, Senior Prefect Tie, Head Boy Tie and Sporting Ties marking games played. Dont worry, just enter your email address and well set up with a new password in no time! Football. Represented both Arsenal F.C. Official sixth form Has a sixth form. Joy also captained the team representing Great Britain at the 1936 Summer Olympics. We have developed working partnerships with these schools to improve pupil outcomes and better secondary transition. Academic standards were high leading to the School and Higher Certificates of the Oxford and Cambridge Joint Board. Mr. Gormally's time as Headmaster saw the Vaughan flourish in many ways. The robe is all black and is worn by teachers at all times, the Head Boy and Head Girl will wear a specially commissioned Blue and Maroon Robe. Here are some photos from his time at the school ACN United Kingdom - Aid to the Church in Need. Music aptitude tests will take place during the week which starts Monday 3rd October 2022. Two more teachers appointed, Mr Creaven, who for a long spell was to be in charge of discipline, and Mr. Hamilton, the Senior Classics Master. When he suffered a long illness in 1954, the hospital staff were amazed at the continual flow of boys who came to visit 'Handyl It could only have been Handy who passed on to the young Stephen Arthur (in a French lesson) the valuable information that the Caf Royal in London was at the time one of the few places in the UK where one could obtain calvados. Girls are awarded brooches in a similar way to mark their achievements. Father Richard Kenefeck, who succeeded him, was the longest serving Headmaster in the Vaughan's history, presiding over the School's development for nearly a quarter of a century, Richard Kenefeck was ordained in 1935 and went on to read English at Downing College, Cambridge. In addition, The Vaughan Foundation has been established, bringing together for the first time all the various groups which make up the Vaughan's continuity - parents, sport, music, and Old Vaughanians Club under a Single aegis, and allowing them to work together more closely than ever before. 1975); Footballer; played Premiership football with Queens Park Rangers. All rugby teams play Saturday morning fixtures for the duration of the Michaelmas term. Third Form pupil, Malakai Bayoh, recorded two songs with Aled Jones for Classic FM. He was the first layman to be appointed, following four priest predecessors. The Vaughan began to take pupils of all abilities in 1977 and became an all-ability school. Another boy has vivid memories of 'Marching through Georgia'. Bishop Jude will be raising awareness of the persecutions of Christians and minority faith groups around the world and introducing ways that we can all support #RedWednesday. Hired at a salary of 200 per year, Canon Driscoll was appointed as the first headmaster. His definition of religion, I remember, laid immense stress on the root meaning of the word 'to bind', which seemed to him to mean that religion was all to do with rules and regulations -- not something that went down well in the late 1960s.' Admission Appeals will be held in September 2023. He read widely, had many interests and did much to broaden the knowledge of humanities in the School. favourite cocktail, also, opinion on cocktails? ", "Students in the sixth formare clear about where they can get help.". These establishments are linked with The Cardinal Vaughan Memorial RC School, URN: 141931. For generations of boys he came to symbolise the Vaughan tradition. At the age of 16 lower sixth-former students can pursue four subjects to study further. The school cap which was compulsory until the early 1960s seems to have made an enormous impression, especially because of the various shapes and sizes it could be squeezed into when wet. It has performed alongside Salena Jones and Jason Yarde and had commissions from Bob Mintzer, Frank Griffith, Jeff Jarvis and Richard Harris. Please refer to our Privacy Notices herefor information about the data we collect and how we use it. As with every other year, Cardinal Vaughan musicians and singers delivered a series of concerts and services during Advent. The Student Room and The Uni Guide are both part of The Student Room Group. The first all-ability intake entered the School in September 1977. A-level Study and Revision Groups 2022-2023, OCR Classical Civilisation A2 World of the Hero Paper 2022, AQA A Level Biology Paper 2 Unofficial Markscheme, Edexcel - A Level Politics Paper 1: 9PL0 01 - 25 May 2022 [Exam Chat]. Tel: 0191 487 7638 Fax: 0191 482 4421 Email: Also represented Great Britain at the 1936 Summer Olympics. Father Kenefeck's early years as Headmaster were occupied with concerns -- the expansion of the Sixth Form and the organisation of the School as a grammar school in new buildings. A new governing body would take over from that day and the School would retain Its 11-18 status. Martin Cross and Gary Herbert have gone on to win medals in Olympic rowing. I was lucky enough to see the Cezanne exhibit earlier this year at the Art Institute in Chicago a great inspiration to his impressionist peers and today. Wing Commander Paddy Finucane, DSO, DFC & Double bar (1920-1942); R.A.F pilot during the Second World War. Ludovico Wernig & Lucas Gebrehiwet cello The appeals timetable, information booklet and appeal forms are accessible here. Our Year 13 graduates this year recommend our Sixth Form because it has high quality teaching, continuous support from subject teachers within a friendly, social environment with pastoral staff that really care about your personal goals, not just your grades and they know you on a personal level, know your strengths and weaknesses, keeping you on track with your work and up-to-date with your progress . Although we now have the benefit of hindsight, such pessimistic views were largely unfounded before long the Vaughan settled down into being a maintained Grammar School, its academic record second to none. During the summer holidays of 1945 a party of Fifth- and Sixth- Formers spent several days helping to move the Vaughan back to Addison Road. The rugby season commences in September with trials for all age groups. Scott Price director Mumsnet carries some affiliate marketing links, so if you buy something through our posts, we may get a small share of the sale (more details here). v Rutlish School, 6 Teams Vaughan pupils have continued the tradition of visiting Lourdes to help with the sick and the handicapped. For example, they may be predecessor or successor establishments. When he retired in 1974, his former colleague, Mr Parkinson, described him as 'the most humane of scientists'. Academic standards remain very high - in 2013 and 2014 The Times ranked Cardinal Vaughan as the highest attaining school at both A-Level and GCSE in the country. A consultation on the following changes to the admission arrangements for entry in 2024/2025 took place between 21 November 2022 and 9 January 2023: Click here to read the proposed arrangements. v Richmond Upon Thames School, Cardinal Vaughan Memorial School, 89 Addison Road, Kensington, LONDON, Middlesex, W14 8BZ. Kevin Gallen (b. On one top in 1975, Father Henry Young 'who had been planning this top ever since he got back from the last one' took a group of sw.r-een In two Plymouth 8-seat estate cars on a trek across the mid- west. If you would like to view this content please Allow Cookies. A level chemistry help for a re-take student. He confessed to having spent the summer months anxiously worrying about how many boys would face him on opening day. All houses compete in the various sports challenges and events. The School has more than maintained high academic standards and children at all levels of the ability range have been enabled to realise their potential. The Student Room and The Uni Guide are both part of The Student Room Group. The coupler design is standard, an src: Priapism is a condition in which a penis remains erect for hours in the absence of stimulation or after stimulatio src: Paraquat (trivial name; ) or N , N ?-dimethyl-4,4?-bipyridinium dichloride (systematic name) is an organic compo src: Glasses , also known as eyeglasses or spectacles , are devices consisting of glass or hard plastic lenses mounte Matt Bishop (b. Cardinal Vaughan follows a traditional house system. It is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales under company registration number 07890590. This was clearly recognition both of his administrative ability and his potential for further promotion, as was demonstrated when he was appointed Headmaster in 1976. A full copy of the school uniform requirements can be found here . Numbers began to rise, reaching 220 by 1928. Also Generic Beau Brummel. The school is most grateful to the vast majority of parents/guardians and students who cooperate and . John Bibby, a former teacher of Religious Education, wrote: 'The Vaughan has never been a place where people just did their own thing. Underpinning everything we do is the culture of academic excellence that runs throughoutCVMS. v Latymer Upper School, 10 Teams Bernard Joy (1911-1984); Footballer. Windsor was now overcrowded with evacuees and the Vaughan boys were greeted with less than enthusiasm. The Schola sings at school Masses, and has frequent external engagements; it has sung at many of London's major venues including Westminster Cathedral, Westminster Abbey, St John's Smith Square, the Royal Opera House at Covent Garden, the Barbican Centre and the Queen Elizabeth Hall. More seriously, the main School Hall had been declared a dangerous structure with the outer wall in danger of collapse. We hear of a Music Society being founded in 1935 by fifth and sixth form pupils. If and when the entrants reach a better standard it will take at least five years before the School reaches the standard of 1938.' Read the story here:, All the best to our pupils performing in the Magic Flute this evening. In addition to Saturday morning fixtures senior teams are involved in midweek and cup fixtures. Dr Vance addressed the boys and then handed over the arrangements to Mr Parkinson who recorded in his official account that the 'Veni Sancte Spiritus' was sung and boys and staff set off for Earls Court Station behind a banner with the strange device 'H.37.C.V.S'. Boys frequently perform in professional contexts and have sung with the London Symphony Orchestra, the Bach Choir and the Chorus of the Royal Opera, Covent Garden. Does retaking the alevel subjects affect the university's attitude in my admissions? Cardinal Vaughan Memorial School Lower School Tie quantity. Each boy was given a brown carrier bag containing tins of corned beef, sardines and a large bar of milk chocolate. On 6 June 1964, the new building was officially opened and blessed by Archbishop Heenan of Westminster in the presence of governors, teachers, parents, past and present pupils and the Mayor of London. [Blog], University of Oxford 2023 Undergraduate Applicants Official Thread, NICS Staff Officer and Deputy Principal recruitment 2022. The following schools have been added as named feeder primary schools: Our Lady of Victories Catholic Primary School SW7 5AQ, St Augustines Catholic Primary School W6 8QE, St John XXIII Catholic Primary School W12 7QT and St Josephs Catholic Primary School W9 1DF. Conditional offers will be made by the end of February 2023. During his term of office the school was temporarily evacuated to Beaumont College, Windsor during the Second World War. Extensive dry rot was discovered and had to be remedied. Learn more. There is also a newly founded Geography Society who encourages younger pupils to broaden their understanding of the subject. After only a year on the staff he was appointed to the post of Discipline Master in the Lower School and, in 1969, despite being the youngest of the candidates, he was appointed Deputy Head. The choir visited Paris in November 2007, singing High Mass at Notre Dame Cathedral. Form masters were expected to instruct the boys in the 'elements of health', even down to such details as 'taking a little Epsom salts three or four times a week before breakfast, and a weekly aperient'. At the heart of the campaign, however, lay a deep sense of frustration among the Vaughan parents. We are delighted and privileged to welcome Most Rev Dr Jude Arogundade, Bishop of Ondo, southern Nigeria, to speak with our enthusiastic Lower School students at Cardinal Vaughan tomorrow. Games are not compulsory for sixth-formers, although many often participate in extracurricular activities, such as rock climbing and cross country running. Thirty years later, the potentially greater transition from selective to voluntary aided status caused fewer heartaches. The roll was steadily increasing and the question of recruiting a third form of entry was first discussed as early as 1955, but not finally agreed by the London County Council until December 1961, In February 1959 Cardinal Godfrey was able to announce to the Governors that negotiations were now in hand for the building of an entirely new Vaughan School. There are four houses named after Catholic figures, Campion, Fisher, Mayne and More. Offers will be made by the local authority on 1. And Catholic education views the person primarily as a child of God Education fits a boy for life. At the vaughan there is an emphasis on a religious upbringing and students are required to wear a uniform. In addition it is commonplace to see pupils wearing the Vaughan Robe. In the autumn of 1927 Canon Driscoll's health began to fail and he died December 29, at the age of 57. Some remarkable engineering took place to cure this problem. Under his leadership the Vaughan's religious ethos was not merely reaffirmed but further developed, particularly in close partnership with Father Dominic Allain, the School's Chaplain from 2002. Clad to know you! They show little inclination to study; their ability is slight; their concentration is almost nil; and what is worse they show strange lack of the sense of religion. favourite cocktail, also, opinion on cocktails? As the distinguished writer Piers Paul Read put it in a letter to Mrs O'Gorman, 'They feel frustrated, and sometimes angry, that in one area of Church life where the Council accords primary responsibility to the family, the decisions are being made by the clergy and diocesan officials.' ?s, to Secretary of State for Education and to the newspapers. 1971); Footballer;represented Fulham FC and solicitor at the Queen's appointed legal representatives Farrer & Co, Joseph O'Conor; Anglo-Irish actor and playwright. You have not allowed cookies and this content may contain cookies. School journeys abroad grew under Father Kenefeck. smoking a spliff the night before ur exam.. good, bad, or no effect? ", "Students in the sixth form achieve well. The school's home grounds are positioned adjacent to Twickenham Stadium, the home of the Rugby Football Union (RFU). Alongside the many extra-curriculars in the Sixth Form, there are also leadership opportunities. Two classes were held in the top rooms. Cardinal Vaughan Memorial School is a Roman Catholic school in Holland Park, London, with approximately 950 students. The School was granted Specialist Status as a Mathematics and Computing school, and later in Science, allowing the transformation of our facilities in all aspects of the curriculum. They were addressed by Pope John Paul II. Bravo. A Flying Fortress made a forced landing on the meads and put four playing pitches out of use. Sixth Form About the Sixth Form Admissions Support Us Donating to the School Ways To Give Tax-Efficient Giving Make a Donation The Vaughan Association The Old Vaughanians Football Club Parents Association Alumni Alumni Events & Reunions Leaving a Legacy Train to Teach: Enterprise and Research Alliance Train to teach with us These generally take place during the Lent term. This is the mobile version of the website. Email: Father Butcher's unique contribution to the School can be attributed to his own wide cultural interests in art, music and literature. As part of the HMI inspection in 1950, Mr Bernard Shore, a distinguished musician, visited the School and voiced his pleasure at the 'beautiful tone' of the School choir, expressing the hope that it would soon tackle four-part music. Recent trips have included Naples, Galapagos Islands and Ecuador, as well as our annual pilgrimage to Lourdes. Learn more. A History of the Schola Cantorum of The Cardinal Vaughan Memorial School For the first twenty years of its existence following its founding in 1914 the Cardinal Vaughan School appears to have had very little music. To help YOU achieve YOUR aspirational next steps. Last month we saw 40 Cardinal Vaughan Sixth Formers put through their paces in mock entrance interviews for Oxford and Cambridge. Senior Rugby players also play Saturday morning and midweek fixtures during the Lent term. The children attend Mass on feast days and other special occasions from school. We are afriendly, safe and supportive environment where all of our students enjoy an excellent standard of teaching, access to a wide and challenging choice of courses and the guidance needed to ensure success. I should rather that we all appeal definitely and constantly to duty and manliness. Students are given a general religious education lesson every fortnight in upper sixth-form. There was genuine regret in 1952 when Father Butcher was transferred to St Edmund's. J. Booth, Form 1b Dr Vance went so far as to set out special reasons for leniency: The boys of this School may be forgiven many trifling and minor offences: because of the absence of a playground and suitable means of recreation during the day; on account of long journeys to and from home which many of them have; because they have a large number of classes during the course of the day; on account of the considerable amount of homework which they have to do in the evenings before going to bed reasonably early. Instrumental music grew as never before and the singing of the boys became increasingly renowned. Anthony Pellegrini (1976-1997) Vaughan boys compete in many competitions across the country and against other schools, and also in annual House Varsity games. Anyone going to Cardinal Vaughan or London Oratory St. Anthony's is an academic IAPS preparatory school for boys between the ages of 4 and 13. The School's Big Band has taken part in national competitions and has toured in France, Spain, Netherlands and the USA. Things that set the Vaughan apart from other Sixth Forms include the fact that you are given a dedicated form tutor upon arrival in Year 12, with a team of staff who are willing to go above and beyond to help you succeed in your endeavours, as well as a rich programme of speakers, workshops, careers mentoring, and higher education guidance. Graham Wilding remembers 'gazing in awe when one sixth former, Rory McCurk, responded to Anthony Eden's appeal for Local Volunteers Oater the Home Guard) and came back armed with a rifle and three rounds of ammunition. His absorption into the life of the School was so intense that he was unhappy when the boys had let for their holidays, leaving him to the quiet, deserted classrooms. In accordance with the Admissions Code and associated regulations, the arrangements were determined by the governing body on 9th February 2022 after a period of public consultation. We value our Sixth Form students and are able to afford them many privileges to recognise their contributions as young adult ambassadors to the school and wider community. Cardinal Hume Catholic School Old Durham Road, Gateshead, NE9 6RZ. The boys knew they would be sent out of London but did not know the destination. In his later years he became Deputy Headmaster. English folk have lesser faults.' Number of pupils 1027. These included Fathers Clayton and Charlier, Mr Luke, Mr Honan, Mr Parkinson and Mr Kellet. at club level. Cardinal Hume Catholic School Old Durham Road, Gateshead, NE9 6RZ. Boys in the Lower School are required to use the Vaughan Holdall and all pupils are required to wear a particular type of shoe. Our sixth form in underpinned by the Catholic Ethos of the school and its motto: Fide, Labore, Caritate, which means By Faith, Hard Work and Kindness. To mark its centenary in 2022, theBBChas launched a project called Share Your Story, a special series of interactive assemblies for 250,000 secondary school students across the UK. In particular, the vast improvement in the boys' singing at Mass and Benediction and the growing success of the School choir owed much to his constant encouragement. Paul Parker (b. We are a friendly, safe and supportive environment where all of our students enjoy an excellent . During Driscoll's headmastership the first Higher Certificates with Distinction were achieved, in 1926, the first classical scholarship, at Christ's College Cambridge, and the first ordination of Vaughan boys to the priesthood. 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