Enjoy your matriarchy. It would also depend on somehow mitigating the social problems that arise when matriarchy extends to the base unit of society--the 2-32 times greater risk fatherless children have of a whole host of social maladies that lead them to be burdens on, rather than productive members of, society. We are far more likely to have caring people rule our world, if we have women only matriarchal political parties, who get into power.. Men hate and fear other men from other countries, religions, social classes and ethic groups. How about condemning the whole male sex on the actions of Hitler, Stalin, Po-Pot, Atilla the Hun, Ivan the Terrible? Maternal instinct is a red herring. So why are we continuing with a system that clearly does not work? What I find is that people dont reguard humans as animals - they think we are something completely different, coz when you look in the animal world at how male animals and female animals are so different its easy to see how the males are so aggressive and competitive - its there natural instinct, its perfectly natural for a male animal to go and fight and kill fellow animals and what people dont seem to realise is that male humans have the same natural instinct. After reading serveral of your articles/blogs at first I was abit unsure of what you were trying to say, but after reading more about this and thinking about it I totally believe what you sergest is very good. ". In the past the people who got into power were the most successful warlords. And please note, the people killing the defenceless population, are all men. You might also want to consider that men constitute the vast majority of the victims of violent crimes too. The authority belongs to a male head followed by the distant members of the same family tree. But this shouldn't be a problem because the only way a matrairchal government can get into power is through demcratic means. There's nothing basic about the problems in warfare and poverty. A falsely filed TRO is instigating violence. You are no better than the most radical feminist, and no better than the most traditional neo-con. Historically women are no different or better then men. They are isolated, poor, lack electricity or running water. "All women have a powerful maternal instinct, so the focus of any Matriarchal government will always be on children. Everyone is accountable for their deeds, no one is ever excused from them perhaps they are legally dismissed unfortunately, but in the end everyone will be forced to face the evil of their deeds, NDE's are proof of that fact. Most Popular Podcasts From Pakistan That are Must-Listen. William Bond (author) from England on July 03, 2012: Hi Lucy, yes, clearly I must be dogmatic, because I don't share your beliefs. I've found another mistake in your reasoning though: You make a correlation where there might not be one and sell it as fact. You said "You seem to feel that women have existed in a bubble through all of human history. William Bond (author) from England on July 16, 2012: Hi girlwriteswhat, The actual reasons why women abort is because in patriarchal societies they do not have control over their own bodies. Because society does not hold them accountable--even when they are overtly violent and anti-social--there is a further moral hazard in that they will actually be able to get away with more violence and competitiveness than men do before being called on it. It is crazy to say men and women are the same. i really wish women would get behind this idea and form a women only political party because im sure they would get alot of people voting for them - as a man myself i would certainly vote for them. Your paternalism is mind boggling. Because you are living in a toddler's black and white universe where women are always good, men always evil, and where "should" trumps "is". I will not reply to any of your comments, you do not deserve it. Supporters of. Many men are very aware that warfare is total insanity, but men cannot help themselves. Women have had equal access to education for the last half century. But if men are incapable of taking responsiblities for their own actions, then that is another reason why they shouldn't be ruling our world. tages and disadvantages. The whole written history of the human race has been a story of conflict, warfare, genocide, slavery, injustice and poverty, and we dont find much difference today in our TV news. Weapons using depleted uranium? That is complete bullshit, and it disrespects and dishonors the real daughters of mother's who were raised in Matriarchal households! yes i agree but like you have said the women already in politics tend to have to go about it in a very male way to fit in, what we need is for a female only party to be set up were there are no male members to allow women to freely behave as women in the party. Why would any women want to get pregnant, carry a baby in their belly for nine mouths, go through all the difficulty and pain of childbirth, and then have to look after the child she gave birth until it is an adult? All the matriarchal societies of the Neolithic age was destroyed by violent conquest. Women need to stop seeing men through rose tinted glasses and see them as they really are. I strongly feel this a a really good way forward and really do hope this will happen as the govenments are making a terrible job at the moment. "What is the problem with Matriarchy? Men have been ruling our world for the last five thousand years, and have successfully kept women away from all form of political and financial power. Talk about shooting yourself in the foot. It is very difficult to blame the violence of our world onto women as well as men, when women commit less than 1% of this violence. Just education but more of it and most importantly, available to more people. This is not much different to the way stags, bulls and rams with big horns, charge each other every spring. Anyone who thinks women are inherently dovish should read up on Margaret Thatcher, Indira Ghandi and Elisabeth Bathory. Yes, there are very nice and decent men in our world as well as women who are not very nice people. You, a man, decides that men are naturally not suited to be in decision making positions. It's not like she stripped that gold from the bodies of the slain. Sure, I can't force you to respond and if you wish to continue preaching the same lines over and over again, I'm not here to stop you. But a very great deal is instigated by women. The Lineage Matriarchal societies are also often matrilineal in nature. It is also theorized that some of the earliest socities like Atlantis, Lemuria, and Mu were possibly Matriarchal-Egalitarian societies, they were also said to be technologically advance beyond their time. There is a much more justified and equal distribution of roles, responsibilities and duties. Major Advantages and Disadvantages Advantages Collaboration . This is a personality trait issue that is encouraged by some and dispised by others. While those definitions apply in general English, definitions specific to anthropology and feminism differ in some respects. You like most MRA's like yourself seem to get the impression that simply because a woman raises her children on her own without the interests of a man that that makes a Matriarchal household and that that makes a Matriarchal society. This works well because they avoid risk in a fight themselves but still have a man or group of men beaten to a pulp by the man or men she got to fight for her. However, I see violence against women as much more common and it most likely was the case for the majority of domestic violence, centuries before we had women's shelters. Women are not in the decision-making process within a patriarchal society. Advantages (Pros / Positives / Benefits) of Monopoly Market. In a government of equal numbers of men and women, there is nothing to stop men fiercely competing against the women for power. ". However, cancer stops this process. I mean, what would you change about the current democratic system of the Western developed countries? A matriarchal government will not only have to take control of the government, but also the media, the military, the business and financial worlds. I could go on. Your position is that the other sex definitely will do a better job. William Bond (author) from England on August 16, 2011: I completely agree that we are all different, but the differences between men and women are far, far greater than the differences between different men or different women. That's the down side of feminism. So why would women do a far better job in ruling our world than men? As for acid attacks, the majority of assaults were carried out on women. Multiculturalism can provide us with a variety of different foods. Don't put different words in my mouth now. You can't even know that they won't make things a lot worse. How strong and cohesive is that community?" Would make sense, due to the fact that you seem too busy shoving your BS down Wabond's throat to no avail I might add. If you know about different cultures, you would be aware of the varying social systems. ". Patriarchy is not a system which benefits MEN. But being a successful military commander doesn't equip you to be a very good ruler of people. How are boys suppose to develop in a patriarchal society where we are taught to be macho, aggressive and brutal towards others? It's not a "male way". (10) A male-only priesthood gives men the sense that they have something unique to contribute, and encourages them to serve others. One disadvantage is the high cost of childcare. Not taking a man's life? As long as you don't see what's wrong with that, then there's not point in discussing it. This as well, should be supported by valid points, and the daily . It is important to know more about these two concepts. It is because their basic instincts pushes them in that direction. But if you want to be pernickety about it, yes it is people who commit violence but over 99% of the people who do this, are men. It is nearly always men, and this is to do with the male competitive instinct.". When there are no alternatives and when the very concept of masculinity and femininity as they are called, are not questioned what then can you expect? Not like patriarchal governments who compete against the people for wealth and power. But throughout recorded history the one thing that hasnt been tried and that is Matriarchy. I would agree that it would be a great idea to teach men to loving and caring human beings. Steve Andrews from Lisbon, Portugal on July 05, 2012: Lucy, who is it that invents and builds and uses weapons of mass destruction? It would be far better if men stop looking for scapegoats for the world's problems and blame each other and look at themselves and men in general. It is only women with their maternal instincts that can make our world a better place, if they are allowed to rule. In this case, there are negligible chances of growth and development for all. Omg, I'm so not a feminist. The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers to this website may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. Mothers are not known to do this. This is different from secondary data, where there is more time lag between data collection and publication. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ggWy50I9et8. I am sure a matriarchal government will be far more committed to reducing both poverty and crime than any patriarchal government. Men hate and fear other men from other countries, religions, social classes and ethic groups. "Hi Girlwriteswhat, I agree with you that patriarchy was created when patriarchal tribes conquered the peaceful matriarchal Neolithic civilizations.". Sigh. The female holds privilege, power, authority, and control of wealth. The only way to think about such a thing is logically, which half of you are obviously not doing. Not realising that if you have sexual equality, men will then compete with women for power and in that power struggle it seems that women lost. Here's a quote from Dr. I have been told by a women, that many women do tend to see men through rose tinted glasses. It is likely that their higher levels of the male aggression hormone "testosterone" is the cause - the same instincts that make them excell in sports makes them excell in crime. And this is the reason why women lose out, simply because the average women is less aggressive and competitive than the average man., Then the answer is simple, allow women to rule our world instead.. Feminism is both an intellectual commitment and a political movement . Unlike men, women are very unlikely to get into power through a bloody revolution or by conquest. It makes me realise just how brainwashed the population has been by patrairchal properganda. You also completely ignore what competition is: the result of people wanting or needing something of which there isn't enough for everyone. ". In a monarchy, both would be expected. Don't you even feel a little bit silly that you're a man yourself when you say these things? Advantages And Disadvantages Of MRI: MRI stands for magnetic resonance imaging. Furthermore, this system is quite liberal to research, development, and change. They might be caring as well but that is coincidental. This is not created by men its the consequence of competition where there is not enough supply ( of seats of power in this case) to meet everybodys demand. You are advocating a major change in the political system because you believe it will be a huge improvement. You can safely say that over 99% of all violence committed in our world has been committed by men. Every family plays their role by performing these functions: Reproduction and sexual relation Care & protection of children Monarchies can require minors to serve as their country's head of state. I am deeply astonished by your lack of respect for tribal peoples, would you say the same thing about my Native American Indian people? The biggest and strongest stag gets to mate with most of the females and those who are not strong enough, never get the chance to mate. One judge in Florida estimated that 80% of temporary restraining orders handed to women during divorce and custody cases were either completely unfounded, or maliciously false. There is some conflicting evidence of matriarchal tribes. They certainly make perfect sense within an evolutionary perspective. And in our competitive patriarchal world is seems that the most competitive and aggressive people get to the top.. Patriarchy was not created when patriarchal tribes conquered the peaceful matriarchal Neolithic civilizations. Women have not shown anything of the sort. According to you, when the Spartan woman told her husband, "come back with your shield or on it", she bore no responsibility for the deaths he caused. There have been female inventors throughout history, there have also been a few female geniuses as well, and that to me is a lot better than there being absolutely no women that have done those things, those few women have shown the world that women have the potential to create and invent the extrodinary, to build the structures and foundations of an entirely new society, to achieve human excellence in its purest form. It sounds like you just have an image in your head of what a woman should be like and that's what you compare your picture of men with. If I penalize you by putting you in prison for lying in court, it will further harm the children. After all, in a scenario where women rule . Polyandry type of marriage in which one woman can marry with many men at a time. Just this sentence of yours could be straight from Orwell: "The public will also have to be re-educated to want to vote for geniune caring and nuturing women.". I know patriarchal men like to blame women, but you cannot escape the fact that all governments of our world are dominated by men and masculine values. "But if we had women rule the world, they would want to train men from the time they are children, to be loving and caring human beings.". Did I hit a nerve? It is, in fact, driven in large part by women, because women drive 80% of consumer spending. People vote the most convincing actor or actress. The persuit of power, irrelevant of what country, is the biggest problem. If we look at female politicians today, they are given a hard time if they want to get into any position of power and end up having to act and behave like men to get anywhere. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Feminism. As we will always be ruled by aggressive, ruthless and violent men. Besides, researchers can also update data regularly, as needed. Women are currently at a disadvantaged with respect to rights, compared with men such as respect and such conditions According to dictionary.com Feminism can be defined as a doctrine or movement that advocates equal rights for women. It is patrairchal rule that is holding back human progress, our world can never become a better place while men continue to rule it. The best mothers are known to be Elephants, Alligators, Orangutans, Greater Hornbills, Octopuses, Earwigs, Bears, Polar Bears, Lionesses, and Wolf Spiders. To rise to power within a female only political system would require being just as competitive and ruthless as in anywhere else. This is because the patrirachal power is all about competitiveness and aggression. You simply ignore all that because it doesn't fit your dogma. Patrairchal rulers treat people as if they are numbers, or pawns in a chess game. I shall be interested in reading future blogs on the subject. Disadvantage: Endless Red Tape. Whoever No Name is has to get off of his high horse and realize that he is no better at being a leader than women. Need I continue or do you get the point? That motivation and competitiveness is a function of men *having to prove themselves self-sufficient, competent, and more useful and worthy than the next guy* in order to pursue a mate. Aggression is just the willingness to take action and competitiveness is what drives the standard up. They are not careful about protecting it from the harmful effects of by-products. They are objects, merely reacting to things that are done to them, with no volition or free will to choose a better way? The governance of a social group, community, and state is patriarchy. But it is still mostly black men who are the leaders of the black community. WW2 was all about patriarchal, (male dominated) governments fighting each other. The fallacy lies in a blindness to the similarities. I'm not making this up this is historic fact. Five thousand years of patriarchal history has shown men are totally incapable of solving the problems of our world. The reason would be to do with our basic instincts. If females didnt have a powerful maternal instinct to do this most animals would go extinct. Just take a step out of your belief system and look at the world objectively. We can more easily manage the data in a DBMS. We are mammals; it is the female in all species of mammal that care for the young. One thing I don't know if you realize is that women are equally violent in their personal relationships as men. As mentioned, this system is the descendant of female governance. In other words, it may very well be that it was female leadership, not some cultural lack of male aggression, that led to the extinction of those matriarchal societies. However, if woman believes that she does not need to conquor nature and needs only work alongside her in harmony with all life that surrounds her, then she will invent technology that reflects that. Yes, this did work to a degree back in the 1960s and 70s but while you still have a majority of men in positions of power all the gains made by feminist can be undone at any time. Matrifocality and Women's Power: The Peril of Fixed Opinions "Obviously, you would give your life for your children, or give them the last biscuit on the plate. Body paragraph 1 should state the advantages of the topic. Your infantile dogmatic generalization is a slap in the face to those whom we have so much to thank for, who have often risked or even given their lives to advance democracy and equality. Men seem to be very good at technology or solving mathmatical problems but are totally useless in dealing with people. In other words, because you're a man, your writing here isn't as qualified because you have inferior communication skills. Women can indeed invent things. Try to educate yourself before making such sweeping generalizations. A recent analysis of data collected on sex differences in personality (http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.137 found that when you measure in univariate rather than multivariate terms, there was only a ten percent overlap in personality between men and women. It is men who start these wars or civil wars and it is men who fight in them. Again, this is the same for either gender. And it is that type of technology that we desperately need! Hence it is matrilineal in descent. So if we want change, then the obvious solution is to allow women to rule instead. Where the whole world lived in fear of a Third World War. "I would certainly agree that men are generally better at science, engineering and mechanic than women, ". that all are equal before the law), necessarily produces contradictions. That was the identity of Spartan Masculinity, Spartan women supported their men by giving them strength and pride through saying that. This is why I wan't women to rule instead. But patriarchy teaches the opposite. Yes, men do have good intentions, many men, do want to make our world a better place, but cannot overcome their aggressive and competitive instincts to do this. And i certainly cannot see patrairchy ever solving problems like warfare and poverty. Back in the 19th century when women first began to organize protest against inequality there were men who were saying things like, men should rule the world because they are more intelligent than women or that, women are too emotional to make hard and sensible decisions. Ian Stuart Robertson from London England on December 08, 2015: I was in a pub in London's Stoke Newington which features a gallery of famous people who've lived there. Most definitions have highlighted the unequal distribution of power between men and women. Women did not just sit on their ass and do absolutely nothing while leaving all the inventions and responsibilities to men, I have never in all my early ages of life believed that and I absolutely never will. There are many definitions available for elaborating the concept of patriarchy. So this is why we need to have Matriarchal political parties of only women, so they do not have to compete within their party with very competitive men and together can create a powerful sisterhood. but men, as the military has shown, can be brutalised or trained into becoming killers. It is always men that are the most violent criminals, which is why prisons are full of men. And that is the reason why the world is in a mess. As you have pointed out patriarchal politicans only pretend to be caring people. Or they can vote for a Matriarchal party and allow caring and nurturing women to rule instead. No learning, no growing, no progress. It's been speculated that the elites imposed the matriarchal system on the serf class to weaken their social organization and more easily subjugate them. Clearly, in the private sphere where women feel confident, they are fully capable of being every bit as aggressive and violent as men. All members of the family are given an equal voice and say in family matters and no specific individual is the head of the household. It shows the scope of modern research on matriarchy. The only way we can change this, is to allow women to rule our world instead. You cannot allow someone else to rule the world without the person doing the allowing being in power. Now it is very clear through five thousand years of history that patrairchy has gone as far as it can go. In fact men and women are far more diverse among each other than between each other - meaning we are more similar than different. In the whole of recorded history it has been men who have ruled our world, and as history has shown us so many times, men do a terrible job in doing this. I think it is down to people not thinking and knowing about it, I certainly had never really thought about this until i came across one of your hubs - which I am really grateful that I did as it has really opened my eyes alot! Search my user name when you have a revelation that women are actual persons capable of personal agency and sovereignty, and who are fully capable of being held responsible for their own actions. Matriarchs consider nature as something living and organic. The souls of men know no shame Hi Atlas Lonestar, thanks for your support. In many cultures, and particularly indigenous societies, the . In the past, the demand for computation was far greater than the technology capabilities at that time. So you got it right on one count (patriarchy - social system that benefits PATRIARCHS), but wrong on the other (failing to mention that men don't need to be liberated from their restrictive, rigid gender role). "people do a really terrible job in ruling our world". Hi girlwriteswhat, Where have I ever said that I think women are perfect!? Its really interesting abd informative reading all the comments about this, what i didn't realise is about the percentages of crime - yes i knew men cause more crime than females but never realised its about 99% - that is alot and really needs to be addressed! I have no idea why I seem to be the only person saying this. "The only way we can have this proof is for women to start ruling countries.". I was brought up in the during the cold war when the USSR and USA had enough nuclear weopons deployed on each other that would have wiped out civilization. What made the Spartans unique was that unlike the Greeks they treated their women with more respect, and raised their women to be strong, and own land, and have the freedom that Athenian women lacked in those times! Is that in the hands of men or women?". It's entirely the result of how a voting democracy works. But i have confidence that women can do this, once they get into a position of power. Yes, that could happen if women allowed it to happen. She was the first female mathematician, she was also an astronomer, and a NeoPlatonist philosopher, she was a woman of science. In 1943, Maslow developed his hierarchy . These men have taken all the wealth of the land to themselves and shared them out only to those who will support their rule. As for suggesting we would be still living in caves without the input of men. It's pathetic and small minded for a man, such as myself to think he is above a woman, the same goes for women who think they are superior. They then completely stripped her, and then murdered her with tiles. Who invented the atom bomb? Of course men and women are different but any two people are different. All women have a powerful maternal instinct, so the focus of any Matriarchal government will always be on children. They're more likely than men to practice selective neglect, where they are capable of caring for all their children, but purposely neglect a disfavored child. Start with kindergarten and work your way up from there. That's like saying that mustaches turn people into dictators. William Bond (author) from England on June 19, 2012: I agree that in our present patriarchal world, the way to be successful is to be ruthless and extremely competitive. Then we all might have the humility to stand aside and allow women to rule instead. Anyone who has an understanding of statistics will know that correlation does not imply causation. You insist this is true, whereas it is obvious to me that men and women are very different. Teaching boys to hate their own sex is a sure way to make things worse, not better. William Bond (author) from England on August 20, 2011: If people cannot take responsibility for their actions then we we are incapable of making our world a better place. Disadvantages of Distributed Systems. Example of Neolocal Residence Two people meet at university and get married, moving into a new home together, without any additional family members. The Feminist idea that women need to learn to be as aggressive and competitive as men is nuts. And yes, boys and men clearly are NOT free to express themselves; if they were, they would be able to wear skirts and dresses in public without shame, and wear slightly revealing clothes and Speedoes without being tainted with the gay label. This is what terrifies me about people like you. That is, "I want lots of stuff for my own kids! (And no, I'm not anti-choice. Men in power have been involved in these wars. You are incapable of seeing women as agents. From penicillin to the MRI. Women are inferior to men, the reason we have patriarchy and not matriarchy, is because society rules that way. Or do not receive the support they need in raising a child. Matriarchs consider nature as something living and organic. It does not intend to lead a social change. You're just guessing and speculating. "It is true some human men do help with caring for the young". Therefore, a group of Christians, led by a man named Peter, kidnapped Hypatia on her way home, took her to the Church called Caesareum. Focus of any Matriarchal government will always be on children in caves without the person doing allowing... Women, `` the focus of any Matriarchal government will be a very great deal instigated... 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In reading future blogs on the subject successful military commander does n't fit your dogma competition is: result! Just education but more of it and most importantly, available to more people said `` you seem be. Will support their rule you 're a man yourself when you say these things and rams big. They need in raising a child up from there world as well women! That & # x27 ; s the down side of feminism the slain me realise just brainwashed... Help themselves at a time you by putting you in prison for lying in court, it will a. Would women do tend to see men through rose tinted glasses and see them as they are... Besides, researchers can also update data regularly, as needed reason would be aware of the age... Do with our basic instincts pushes them in that direction communication skills of.
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