To resolve the error, ensure the owner of the user account is a member of the organization. Option 1: Place a vertex on each line segment at the point of intersection. Option 1: Fix the asset type for that feature. The request sent to the server is not correct. Load the permit file provided by the data supplier. Contact your data supplier as ENC(s) may be corrupted or missing data. Option 2: To safely make edits to the asset group and asset type fields of a subnetwork controller, disable the subnetwork controller from the device feature before making edits to these attributes. We do our best to never change a defined error code once the API is officially released, but we reserve the right to make changes. A subnetwork trace can be used to determine traversability. Error converting geometry to ordered anchor points for symbol dictionary. The asset group and asset type for subnetwork controller features cannot be modified. Network analyst invalid directions road class attribute. An error is encountered when a device with terminals (terminal configuration) is connected to a line midspan. Inconsistent subnetwork name on multiple subnetwork controllers in the same subnetwork discovered during update subnetwork. Errors that may occur when working with Geotrigger APIs. Error codes are defined here as integers and organized into groups based on category of service. SSE 20: Subscription service will expire in less than 30 days. You will love Esri's answer, classic and BS. Network analyst incident has invalid impedance cutoff. ArcGIS Runtime error Invalid access range Feature service is not loaded, it needs to be loaded before passed into the sync task. Incorrect ports are used to connect to ArcGIS License Manager A firewall is not configured to allow connections to ArcGIS License Manager. An association record persists the from and to GlobalID values of objects participating in the association in the FROMGLOBALID and TOGLOBALID fields of the association record. Modified network features are evaluated when the network topology is validated or Codes above 100,000 are core ArcObjects component-related messages that may also be used in other ArcGIS products. The specified layer does not intersect the area of interest. SSE 13: Cell Permit is invalid (checksum is incorrect) or the Cell Permit is for a different system. This error is generated only with Utility Network Version 1. A mobile geodatabase (.geodatabase file) must come either from an online feature service (from ArcGIS Online or ArcGIS Enterprise 10.x) or be side-loaded from content created by ArcGIS Desktop's Create Runtime Content tool. Junctions created with asset groups and asset types not defined in the Valid Junctions property for the tier are flagged during the Update Subnetwork process. In most cases you only need the error code to determine the cause of the error and possible remedy. I can find them in the 10.2 help but not in the current help for Desktop or Pro. The hexadecimal conversion of your HRESULT appears in theValue field. There is no structural attachment rule to support the structural attachment association between two objects. Network analyst polylines cannot be returned. A feature service must be sync-enabled if you want to edit it offline. Network analyst stop time window is inverted. Option 1: Inspect the Network Source ID and Feature GUID of the dirty area to identify the associated feature in error. Network analyst undefined input spatial reference. Returned whenever the error is not trapped by a more specific indicator. Option 1: Assign a terminal configuration (that has the terminal ID listed in the applicable, Option 1: Place a device with a terminal ID that corresponds to value in the. (Admin). A problem was encountered with the fence parameters for a fence geotrigger. Input remaining destinations count doesn't match with input routes stops collection. Please provide as much detail as possible. When the network topology is validated or enabled, errors are generated. Network analyst insufficient number of incidents. JSON string writer expecting key or end object. SSE 13: Cell Permit is invalid (checksum is incorrect) or the Cell Permit is for a different system. A problem was encountered with the fence data for a geotrigger. Making configuration changes requires you to disable the network topology. The following table outlines possible error codes, and their causes, for feature service operations. Check the error domain if this is information useful to your app. Here are two ways to fix this: Add a rule - You might be missing a junction-edge rule that allows connecting Medium Voltage of Overhead single phase to Connection Point of type Unknown in his case you disable the topology and add the missing rule using the Add Rule tool. Copyright 2022 Esri. They are also found in the ArcSDE C SDK in ArcSDE/include/sgerr.h. Report a bug and get help with Esri products. Also review the network properties for the utility network. Network analyst invalid attribute parameters attribute name. Network analyst incident has invalid added cost attribute name. Network analyst invalid attributes parameters value type. For example, if the asset type for one feature is incorrect, modify it to match the other. Error codes are documented here for reference, but for clarity refer to the specific API references for methods that throw exceptions or return error information. Invalid junction object was discovered during update subnetwork. The table below lists details about the error including the situation that produces it, suggested actions for resolving it, and the network feature type it can be associated with. Error codes are documented here for reference, but for clarity refer to the specific API references for methods that throw exceptions or return error information. The service was not able to fulfill the request, possibly due to invalid input, or the service may not be functioning properly. Don't want to break any copyright stuff, but everything is there. Feature service does not support branch versioning. Desired direction language not supported by platform. Due to the number of error reference pages, they are not provided in a browsable format. Invalid device feature was discovered during update subnetwork. Network analyst invalid directions language. Geodatabase cannot alter field to deletable. SSE 11: Cell Permit not found. Network analyst facility has unknown curb approach. See the following screen shot: Click Lookup in the Error Lookup dialog box to get the converted value andignore error messages that may be returned, such as No error found. For example, the Asset Group attribute for a network feature has a value of Unknown. Option 2: If the connectivity is incorrect, correct it. Option 1: Review the rules for allowable containment associations in the network properties and modify the object's attributes. You do not have permission to access the resource. Geodatabase relationship class one to one. For example, a valid looped pipe has missing z-values. The shape engine performs geographic processing for ArcSDE and other ESRI software. endpoint doesn't support terminals, you have these options: If there is no user Contact your data supplier and obtain a new or valid permit file. Point, Line, Junction Object, Edge Object. Verify that the Group or user names box contains the SYSTEM user account. Network analyst invalid accumulate attribute. Another example of a situation that violates restrictions of a utility network is coincident features that create ambiguity with regard to connectivity. For example, a gravity pipe has missing z-values. The six-digit ID is a link in the Geoprocessing pane, the Python window, and the History pane. Errors that may occur when dealing with JSON. All rights reserved. For Utility Network Version 3 and earlier, see Error features. This error can also occur if the asset group or asset type attributes for the object are modified and there are no supporting rules. (Admin). Geodatabase cannot update schema if change tracking. For example, a service point and a voltage regulator have the same x,y,z coordinates. Edit denied due to ownership-based access control. Option 2: Change the subnetwork definition for the tier to include additional valid junctions. An invalid line feature exists based on the Valid Lines value for the tier. FAQ: What are the Fieldworker and Stakeholder hosted views used for in ArcGIS Survey123. Check that the correct hardware device (dongle) is connected or contact your system supplier to obtain a valid userpermit. Object is missing or edit denied due to ownership-based access control. Errors that may occur when working with Authentication APIs. Network analyst invalid target facility count. Invalid junction feature was discovered during update subnetwork. SSE 23: Non-sequential update, previous update(s) missing - try reloading from the base media. Two or more points are geometrically coincident. See Set or modify the subnetwork definition for more information. Errors that may occur when working with Indoor Positioning APIs. Errors that may occur when working with Symbol Dictionary APIs. A sync-enabled service has three specific REST endpoints listed at the bottom of its HTML page: 1) Create Replica 2) Synchronize Replica 3) Unregister Replica. Wrong data type. SSE 15: Subscription service has expired. Point feature has invalid terminal configuration. A linear network feature is multipart. A new SA public key can be obtained from the IHO website or from your data supplier. Contact your data supplier as ENC(s) may be corrupted or missing data. It also contains a copy of the "cheat sheets" referenced in the articles that you can reference for identifying and resolving you own topology and subnetwork errors. Perform a Status Enquiry to confirm that the licenses are available: A layer has requested more features than the service maximum feature count. In many instances, the details of the exception are dependent on the context that generated the exception. Network analyst facility has invalid impedance cutoff. For example, a pole has a padmounted asset type. The evaluation of attribute rules is cyclic or exceeds maximum cascading level. SSE 16: ENC CRC value is incorrect. Network analyst polygon barrier invalid scaled cost attribute name. ArcGISFeatureTable requires a global Id field to support adding bulk attachments. It will, however, tell you where you need to make that decision by flagging the features with errors. Load the permit file provided by the data supplier. This topic also shows what an HRESULT is and how to locate information on these error codes in the ArcObjects Software Development Kit (SDK) for the Microsoft .NET Framework. Example This example explains error messages you may see if you sent a query to a map service using a nonexistent field name. ArcGIS Runtime error Invalid access range Feature service is not loaded, it needs to be loaded before passed into the sync task. Duplicate vertices. Please try again in a few minutes. These are represented by a single dirty area. Network analyst insufficient number of incidents. For more information, see Coincident features. Geodatabase transportation network file IO error. Check that the offline data you're trying to access has been created correctly and make sure you understand the offline considerations described here. Find answers to your ArcGIS related technical questions and connect with our experts. Network analyst undefined input spatial reference. Want to know about the latest technical content and software updates? There is no junction-edge rule to support the connectivity between a point and a line, for example, a low-voltage line and the high side of a circuit breaker. Network dataset has no directions attributes. The feature service has the Create, Update and Delete operations disabled. To learn more, see Tier rank. This is done for the purpose of correcting network errors in your data before publishing. SSE 12: Cell Permit format is incorrect. These services may generate standard HTTP error codes that may have meaning related to ArcGIS location services. Please contact your data supplier to renew the subscription licence. Recommended version. Option 1: Disconnect or break traversability to the points. Message variables, such as a folder name, server directory name, cluster name, and so on, will appear as " {0}" or " {1}" in the following log code meanings. Please rate your online support experience with Esri's Support website. Attributes of the dirty area allow you to adjust the symbology and execute queries to highlight information on a map, for example, the feature class the error is associated with or the type of error encountered. Use the latest version of ArcGIS Runtime for Java to build apps that incorporate capabilities such as mapping, geocoding, routing, and spatial analysis, for deployment to Windows, Linux, and macOS platforms. Network analyst invalid restriction attribute. A subnetwork tap feature is midspan to multiple line features. Network analyst line barrier invalid scaled cost attribute name. Click Diagnose to view the status of the licenses in the window below. This is used to store the valid path for the device feature. There is no containment rule to support the containment association between the two nonspatial objects. Each topic provides further explanation of the error or warning and potential solutions where applicable. Network analyst invalid restriction attribute. Geodatabase database does not have changes. Network analyst insufficient number of facilities. See the following screen shot: Converting 10-digit decimal valueto three-digit enumeration value, Locate the 10-digit decimal HRESULT you obtained in. Geodatabase relationship class one to one. Network analyst network has no hierarchy attribute. SSE 26: This ENC is not authenticated by the IHO acting as the Scheme Administrator. What issues are you having with the site? SSE 02: Format of Self-Signed Key file is incorrect. For more information on implementing Try, Catch, Finally blocks and the COMException, see, Converting eight-digit hexadecimal valueto 10-digit decimal value. The credential cannot be shared with the request URL. Refer to feature service error codes for more information. Internal runtime errors are thrown by the core library when things go wrong client-side. Internal runtime errors are thrown by the core library when things go wrong client-side. HRESULTs that are not specific to ArcObjects can be found on the Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN) Web site. Errors that may occur when working with local server. Assignments list the field that the network attribute is assigned. See Set or modify the subnetwork definition for more information. Option 2: Create a structural attachment association rule to support the relationship. Under Tiers, in the Valid Edge Objects column, review the asset groups and asset types that have been defined. SSE 07: SA-signed DS Certificate file is not available. Errors that may occur when working with licensing. A disjoint subnetwork was discovered in a tier that does not support this type. They are also found in the ArcSDE C SDK in ArcSDE/include/sgerr.h. Check the Configuration using Services radio button. HRESULT values are often used to return error information that isnot specifically considered error codes. Errors that may occur when working with Authentication APIs. Network analyst invalid attributes parameters parameter name. See Set or modify the subnetwork definition for more information. A mobile geodatabase (.geodatabase file) must come either from an online feature service (from ArcGIS Online or ArcGIS Enterprise 10.x) or be side-loaded from content created by ArcGIS Desktop's Create Runtime Content tool. Core server log codes ArcGIS 11.0 (Linux) | Other versions | Help archive This table lists the core log codes written by ArcGIS Server and their associated messages. Network analyst waypoint contains time windows. The SA may have issued a new public key or the ENC may originate from another service. Network analyst point barrier has unknown curb approach. What are the error codes returned from the shape engine? This is determined by the coded value domain used to create the inline network attribute. SSE 04: Format of SA Signed DS Certificate is incorrect. An error is encountered when subnetwork tap features have the following unsupported conditions: Edit the line and tap features to ensure the tap feature is midspan to exactly one line feature. Content feedback is currently offline for maintenance. The device feature has an invalid value for the Terminal configuration attribute. Option 1: Modify the path assigned to the feature using the Modify Terminal Path pane. A network feature has an asset type other than the defined asset types for the asset group it belongs to. Enable and validate network topology errors. Some codes apply to messages of different levels. The dirty areas sublayer is used to display errors in a utility network and can be reviewed using pop-ups and the Error Inspector pane. Assigning the db_datareader and db_datawriter roles with similar user-schema and default schema provides the user with sufficient privileges to edit the feature services stored in an SQL Server geodatabase. Internal errors related to the use of common libraries. This document is archived and information here might be outdated. In the Solution column, Option 1 is often the most useful and has the least impact. This error can occur when a structural attachment association rule is deleted and the object still participates in a structural attachment association that the rule supported. Errors related to the internal ArcGISRuntime domain and mapping APIs. The table below lists details about the error including the situation that produces error, the suggested action for resolving it, and the feature type for which the error is generated. Option 1: Update the asset group attribute to a value other than Unknown. Option 2: Delete the point or line feature. Errors that may occur when working with Navigation APIs. Use the network properties to find the valid paths for the feature by determining the Terminal Configuration Name for the specific asset group and asset type, and inspect the Terminal Configurations section for Valid Paths. Option 2: Create a containment association rule to support the relationship. Network analyst invalid directions road class attribute. Errors that may occur when working with licensing. For example, a dead end and a riser are located at the same endpoint on a medium-voltage line. Internal errors related to the SQL storage engine. Network dataset has no directions attributes. Invalid connectivityMore than one junction-edge or edge-junction-edge connectivity rule is applicable. Disjoint subnetwork discovered during update subnetwork. Network analyst reordering stops (Traveling Salesman Problem) is not supported when the collection of stops contains waypoints or rest breaks. A valid certificate can be obtained from the IHO website or your data supplier. Therefore, after a network topology is validated or enabled, errors appear for any network features that violate feature restrictions or network rules. All rights reserved. Geodatabase cannot alter field to nullable. Geodatabase cannot alter field to nullable. SSE 06: The SA-Signed Data Server Certificate is invalid. Network analyst solving non time impedance, but time windows applied. This can also be encountered in situations in which a point feature is content of more than one container feature. Deprecated. (Admin). Elevation source data format is not supported. Errors that may occur when working with Hydrography and Electronic Navigation Charts (ENC) APIs. A linear network feature has vertices existing in the same x,y,z location. Refer to ArcGIS Survey123: Share your survey for more information. Geometry projection out of supported range. The requested service is not implemented. The EditError (EditError) object in the API wraps these error codes and messages. A new SA public key can be obtained from the IHO website or from your data supplier. Option 1: Correct the data type for the field. Under Tiers, in the Valid Junctions column, review the asset groups and asset types that have been defined. Option 1: Relocate the feature to a vertex that honors the line edge connectivity policy. SSE 22: SA Digital Certificate (X509) has expired. If a .NET program calls a function in a COM component, and returns an error condition as the HRESULT, the HRESULT is used to populate an instance of the COMException. Option 2: Delete one of the junction objects. Error codes are defined here as integers and organized into groups based on category of service. This error can also occur if the asset group or asset type attributes for the feature are modified and there are no supporting rules. The network topology cannot get the list of vertices associated with a linear network feature. The URL is typically available at This occurs when multiple subnetwork controllers are traversable to one another but do not have the same subnetwork name. Where possible the details of the exception are described. Errors that may occur when dealing with JSON. Click to expand theAppendicesnode and you'll see the topic abouterrors and warnings. . if you know th code range, you can make your own list and paper your walss. If the feature service is published without applying the default z-values in ArcGIS Pro or ArcMap, this setting can be enabled in ArcGIS Server Manager. Network analyst waypoint contains time windows. Option 2: Replace the midspan device feature with a feature that does not have a terminal configuration. 1.arcgis. Contact your data supplier to obtain the correct permits. Errors can be corrected by making edits to the feature geometry, attribute values, network rules, or subnetwork definition. (since 100.0.0) 5041. This does not honor the edge connectivity policy for the line. A problem was encountered with a geotrigger feed. Detailed log messages range from code 10000 through 10799, while errors and warnings range from 10800 through 10999. Cannot set null value. Click View below the Debug log path to get more error information if you are unable to start the license service. Errors can also be discovered during the initial configuration of a utility network. An incorrect ArcGIS License Manager IP address is used for connection. Some codes apply to messages of different levels. Option 2: Update the asset group and asset type attribute for the device feature to comply with the Valid Devices property for the tier's subnetwork definition. 'Writing Results to Output Feature Class.', Comunidad Esri Colombia - Ecuador - Panam, ArcGIS Pro tool referenceArcGIS Pro | ArcGIS Desktop. Geodatabase replica client generation error. Network analyst route starts or ends on a waypoint. The next time the network topology is enabled or validated, the features with errors are evaluated. Check that the correct hardware device (dongle) is connected or contact your system supplier to obtain a valid userpermit. Network analyst route starts or ends on a waypoint. JSON string writer expecting key or end object. When an error is discovered, a dirty area is created to encompass the feature's geometry. Local edits must be sent to a service (using a sync direction of upload) before update packages can download a replacement geodatabase. You cannot manually create an offline mobile geodatabase. SSE 08: SA Digital Certificate (X509) file incorrect format. Option 1: Review rules in network properties and change the asset group and asset type of the point or line feature to satisfy an existing junction-edge connectivity rule. Geometry errorCould not locate the vertex along the line feature. Some options are flagged with (Admin), as they require the network topology to be disabled. Network analyst invalid accumulate attribute. A valid certificate can be obtained from the IHO website or your data supplier. Geodatabase name longer than 128 characters. Inconsistent parent subnetwork name on multiple parent subnetwork controllers in the same subnetwork discovered during update subnetwork. Network analyst invalid directions time attribute. Devices with multiple terminals cannot be midspan. Right-click the Dirty Areas sublayer and click Attribute Table to open the attribute table associated with the layer. All rights reserved. Network analyst invalid directions distance attribute. A valid certificate can be obtained from the IHO website or your data supplier. Geodatabase transportation network file open. Geodatabase cannot alter geometry properties. SSE 02: Format of Self-Signed Key file is incorrect. Codes between 10,000 and 100,000 pertain to services. Error establishing connection with the stylx file for symbol dictionary. Want to know about the latest technical content and software updates? Option 2: Insert a valid junction feature to connect the two edge features. Rules supporting connectivity are checked when the network topology is validated or enabled. Invalid connectivityEdge features with different asset group and asset type attributes cannot connect. Codes above 100,000 are core ArcObjects component-related messages that may also be used in other ArcGIS products. Option 2: If the subnetwork controller should not be defining the subnetwork, break traversability by disconnecting this controller from the rest of the subnetwork features. Please provide as much detail as possible. Error parsing the symbol dictionary script. Network analyst polylines cannot be returned. Network analyst solving non time impedance, but time windows applied. Internal errors related to geocoding, address, and reverse address lookup. SSE 08: SA Digital Certificate (X509) file incorrect format. Option 2: Replace terminal configuration assigned to the device with one that has the corresponding terminal ID from on the line. A problem was encountered with a geotrigger feed. Network analyst point barrier invalid added cost attribute name. An invalid device feature exists based on the Valid Devices values defined for the tier. SSE 05: SA Digital Certificate (X509) file is not available. >>> gpfind ("map extent") 87779 dataframeobject: error in setting map extent >>> gpfind ("parameter") 138 gp error messages match 'parameter' >>> gpfind ("*invalid value*") 216 cannot execute pivot table--invalid value field name 60412 the value provided was an invalid value for an identifier authority. SSE 20: Subscription service will expire in less than 30 days. Copyright 2022 Esri. The field has an invalid data type. Network analyst facility has invalid added cost attribute name. Junction objects created with asset groups and asset types not defined in the Valid Junction Objects property for the tier are flagged during the Update Subnetwork process. Network analyst invalid directions language. SSE 14: Incorrect system date, check that the computer clock (if accessible) is set correctly or contact your system supplier. Esri Support v5.5 is now available for download. Network analyst stop located on non traversable element. Network analyst incident has invalid impedance cutoff. Feature in unsupported containment relationship. Refer to the network properties to review the Tiers subsection of the specific domain network. A new SA public key can be obtained from the IHO website or from your data supplier. Route result requires re-solving with current route task. device at the endpoint of the line, you have these options: If the device supports terminals but the From Terminal or To Terminal device terminal value on the line is not a value in the terminal configuration, you have these options: A feature with the Subnetwork Tap category must be coincident with one midspan vertex. Associations in error are displayed with an orange indicator next to the associated feature or object in the pane. Network analyst insufficient number of stops. SE_SUCCESS (0) The current operation completed successfully. Detailed instructions for the number conversions that are often necessary when working with HRESULTs is also provided. Edit errors are returned by the server after you call apply edits on a service feature table. Please upgrade your browser for the best experience. Code: SG_SUCCESS 0 SG_FAILURE (-2000) General failure error SG_INVALID_SHAPE_OBJECT (-2001) Invalid shape object handle SG_INVALID_POINTER (-2002) Specified pointer value is null or invalid Invalid connectivityEdge Connectivity Policy for feature or object does not support AnyVertex. If the issue persists, check the sharing settings of the survey to ensure the member has sufficient permissions to submit a survey. To learn more, see View errors. However, some options depend on other factors, so the first option may not be the best for your particular case. Determine whether or not your service is sync-enabled by looking at the REST endpoint. Esri Support v5.5 is now available for download! Internal API errors are handled a few different ways depending on the type of error and the general exception handling patterns common to the platform. The EditError (EditError) object in the API wraps these error codes and messages. The diff is kind of fun, note they have tried to be consistent so your error IDs will work with one code for both arcpys. Association record is referencing an invalid from or to globalid. Content feedback is currently offline for maintenance. When two edge features share an endpoint and do not have an intermediate junction, they must be from the same asset group and asset type to establish connectivity in the network topology. There are distinct classes of errors, depending on the service invoked. The evaluation of attribute rules is cyclic or exceeds maximum cascading level. To view messages associated with the event, query the logs. The device supports terminals but the from/to device terminal value on the line is not a value in the terminal configuration. The requested service is not implemented. As the architecture dictates, errors may originate from the API, the runtime core supporting the API, or the service (the servers the API connects to implementing certain services.) The service was not able to fulfill the request, possibly due to invalid input, or the service may not be functioning properly. Here's my method. Since there are two possibilities, the utility network tracks this as an error. There is no structural attachment rule to support the structural attachment association between two features. Refer to ArcGIS Server: Configure default z-values on an existing feature service for instructions and more information. Error converting ordered anchor points to geometry for symbol dictionary. SSE 10: Permits not available for this Data Server. Option 1: If the subnetwork name for the subnetwork controller is wrong, rename it using the Modify Subnetwork Controller pane. Geodatabase cannot write geodatabase managed fields. A valid certificate can be obtained from the IHO website or your data supplier. Loadable object is not loaded when it is expected to be loaded. A problem was encountered with the fence parameters for a fence geotrigger. You cannot manually create an offline mobile geodatabase. This may also be encountered in cases in which a line has fewer than two vertices or in which a line feature has a length within the tolerance. Geodatabase replica no upload to acknowledge. Network analyst start time is before Unix epoch. Click Logs > Query. For example, a mesh subnetwork named BPDJ_20 has four subnetwork controllers; one has A_26 instead of BPDJ_20 listed for the Subnetwork Name attribute. There is no rule to allow the two asset types to connect. Network analyst stop located on non traversable element. Tile export in .tpkx format is not supported. Modify the junction-edge connectivity association for the edge object so that the associated from and to junction objects are unique. See our browser deprecation post for more details. Review the attribute values for the network feature in the dirty areas table. Option 1: Offset one of the points (x and y or z). Internal API errors are handled a few different ways depending on the type of error and the general exception handling patterns common to the platform. We do our best to never change a defined error code once the API is officially released, but we reserve the right to make changes. Option 1: To resolve the association error, locate and delete the remaining feature that participates in the association. Network analyst incident has null geometry. Permits may be for another system or new permits may be required, please contact your supplier to obtain a new licence. The request sent to the server is not correct. SSE 12: Cell Permit format is incorrect. The line feature has an invalid terminal. Network analyst invalid default impedance cutoff. Network analyst facility has null geometry. Delete and re-create the feature. Option 1: Modify the feature so it is not multipart. messages? Download software updates, patches & more. In many instances, the details of the exception are dependent on the context that generated the exception. Software: Portal for ArcGIS 10.9.1, 10.9, 10.8.1, 10.8, 10.7.1, 10.7, Download the Esri Support App on your phone to receive notifications when new content is available for Esri products you use. Local edits must be sent to a service (using a sync direction of upload) before update packages can download a replacement geodatabase. (since 100.0.0) 5042. For example, a message with a certain code may be a severe error for one event, while it may be a warning for another event. Spatial reference invalid or incompatible. A mobile geodatabase (.geodatabase file) must come either from an online feature service (from ArcGIS Online or ArcGIS Enterprise 10.x) or be side-loaded from content created by ArcGIS Desktop's Create Runtime Content tool. Network analyst incident has unknown curb approach. Explore the Domains view for the allowed coded values. Geodatabase transportation network corrupt. Each ID has a corresponding topic in the ArcGIS Pro help system. Launch ArcGIS License Server Administrator from Start > Programs > ArcGIS > License Server Administrator. In this topic Editing errors We'd love to hear your feedback Was this page helpful? Enable the Create, Update, and Delete operations for the feature service. SE_INVALID_LAYERINFO_OBJECT (-2) Errors can result from enabling a network topology, validating a network topology, or updating a subnetwork. Some APIs communicate with servers and services over the World Wide Web using HTTP, such as the low-level REST API. Package needs to be unpacked before it can be used. A local server's service terminated unexpectedly. Where possible the details of the exception are described. The authorization end point responded with a failure. Network analyst invalid impedance attribute. Solution or Workaround There are six solutions outlined below to troubleshoot and resolve issues connecting to ArcGIS License Manager. The geometry for the network feature is empty. Download the Esri Support App on your phone to receive notifications when new content is available for Esri products you use. Input route result does not have directions. Network analyst facility has negative added cost attribute. If ArcGIS License Manager 10.3 was installed as an upgrade from an earlier version (for example, ArcGIS License Manager 10.2.2) and a port, such as 27004, was already specified in the earlier installation, this port may not be carried over into the new installation. In some instances, when attempting to submit an ArcGIS Survey123 form for sharing with an organization, the action fails and the following error message is returned: The owner of the user account is not a member of the organization. Input route result doesn't have the route with passed route index. Attempts to edit a feature service fail in Portal for ArcGIS Map Viewer, and the following error message is returned: Enable the 'Apply default to features with z-values' option on the feature service. Network analyst undefined output spatial reference. Elevation source data format is not supported. Learn more about how to view and work with errors. This exception is thrown by the .NET runtime, where it can be handled by using a Try, Catch, Finally block. Permits may be for another system or new permits may be required, please contact your supplier to obtain a new licence. Multipart features are not allowed. Option 2: Update the asset group and asset type attribute for the line feature to comply with the Valid Lines property for the tier's subnetwork definition. Geoprocessing tools return error and warning messages with a six-digit ID. Edge objects created with asset groups and asset types not defined in the Valid Edge Objects property for the tier are flagged during the Update Subnetwork process. Option 1: Ensure your subnetworks are correctly configured within their tier rank. SSE 03: SA-Signed Data Server Certificate is invalid. A local server's service failed to start. An upload sync direction is not supported. Network analyst facility has invalid added cost attribute name. This can occur for hierarchical domain networks if geometric coincidence was used to establish connectivity to a subnetwork that is not the direct parent. Change the attribute value to fall within the range of allowable values for the coded value domain. Content feedback is currently offline for maintenance. In most cases, the API will defer error functionality to the objects and services available on the native platform. Please upgrade your browser for the best experience. A feature service must be sync-enabled if you want to edit it offline. When programming with ArcObjects in .NET, youcan makecalls to Component Object Model (COM) components and therefore, receive errors from COM components. A subnetwork controller feature was found with an inconsistent parent subnetwork name when updating a set of subnetworks for a hierarchical domain network. 4.arcgis 5. Point, Line, Polygon, Junction Object, Edge Object. We do our best to never change a defined error code once the API is officially released, but we reserve the right to make changes. Please consult the release notes regarding any changes to these values. If you're trying to upload an attachment, this error might indicate that the attachment's size exceeds the maximum size allowed. A from/to junction object for an edge object references the same feature. There must be a supporting edge-junction-edge rule to support these features. Display symbols with a dictionary renderer, Migrate from version 100.x to version 200.x, browser deprecation post for more details. 5040. Geocode unsupported projection transformation. SSE 16: ENC CRC value is incorrect. Feature service error codesArcGIS REST APIs | ArcGIS Developers Enterprise Online Mission Feature service error codes Editing errors The following table outlines possible error codes, and their causes, for feature service operations. Contact your data supplier and obtain a new permit file. The following is a list of the return codes in the C API. Utility Network Error Management Reference, Utility Network Error Management: Creating Water Subnetworks, Utility Network Error Management: Water Subnetwork Errors, Utility Network Error Management: Water Quality Assurance, Utility Network Error Management: Creating Gas, Utility Network Error Management: Creating Electric Subnetworks, Utility Network Error Management: Electric Subnetwork Errors, Utility Network Error Management: Electric Quality Assurance, Comunidad Esri Colombia - Ecuador - Panam, Utility Network Journey: Integration Strategies, Utility Network Journey: Non-Network Integrations, Utility Network Journey: Network Integrations, Utility Network Journey: Design to Operations, Load data into the ArcGIS utility network, Utility Network Error Management: Topology Errors, Utility Network Error Management: Electric Topology Errors, Utility Network Error Management: Gas and Pipeline Topology Errors, Utility Network Error Management: Water Topology Errors, Load data into the ArcGIS Utility Network (Water). Geodatabase last write time in the future. This is an ambiguous situation in which more than one rule exists that allows a line to connect to a device feature. This occurs when multiple subnetwork controllers define a parent subnetwork and one is found with a different subnetwork name. Self-intersecting line. Option 3: Change the edge connectivity policy for the feature. Want to know about the latest technical content and software updates? Codes between 10,000 and 100,000 pertain to services. (Admin). Error codes are defined here as integers and organized into groups based on category of service. Also review the network properties for the utility network. Network analyst insufficient number of facilities. Some features cannot exist in the same location, while others can. Network analyst facility has null geometry. A linear feature that only allows endpoint connectivity has a point or another line feature placed midspan. SSE 23: Non-sequential update, previous update(s) missing - try reloading from the base media. Error establishing connection with the stylx file for symbol dictionary. Contact your data supplier to obtain the correct permits. An invalid parent subnetwork from a subnetwork controller is discovered during update subnetwork. Network analyst invalid directions style. Input route result doesn't have the route with passed route index. Network analyst no path found between stops. You can complete this process before registering the data as versioned, by using the Only generate errors option in the Enable Network Topology tool. A subnetwork controller feature was found with an inconsistent subnetwork name when updating the subnetwork. This is to ensure the terminal configuration that is assigned to a specific asset group and asset type for device features stays consistent with what is being stored for the subnetwork controller. 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