They seem to be receding as you stumble headlong into some sort of thicket filled with sticky spines.\n\nYou pull yourself out, but not before your skin is pierced in numerous places and becomes inflamed. Under the strain, the Valrath loses his balance, and the fragile vase topples downward as he yells a string of curses. The capital has fallen behind on shipments of wood to Gloomhaven, so now it falls to us to pick up the slack so that construction of important city buildings doesn\'t stagnate. The single coin is an insult. In Forgotten Circles, if a scenario is reached through dimensional travel, a rift event must be drawn instead of the normal road event. You can see there is a small paper card stuck in its mouth so you carefully reach in and pull it out. ', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-81-b-b.png', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-81-f.png', '"Heading out a little late, aren\'t you?" It is amusing until the handler prods the bear one too many times and the bear becomes enraged and attacks. There will be name spoilers, but you can avoid actually looking at the cards if you want to. I have made a grave mistake and must now beg your forgiveness. I fear what this may mean for us all. I\'II be sure to tell everyone back in the capital that Gloomhaven is a safe place to do business. ', 'You smile and nod explaining how an ancient force attempted to destroy the city, but it was banished to another plane. You recognize them as the warning clangs of an attack on the wall.\n\nAny force bold enough to assault the defenses of Gloomhaven can't be good, For a moment you are grateful for the prolific number of guards defending the city. ", 'Head into the forest to investigate the chanting. "Night Demons have infested the Sun Temple, attempting to desecrate it and send the world into eternal darkness.\n\n"We have tried to stop them, but they are too fortified inside the temple. ', 'It takes an hour, but you finally find a rocky area where the river has been diverted into many smaller streams. "\n\nA piece of black cloth flutters down onto the table. Learn more. ".\n\nOTHERWISE: You reach into your pocket to pay the kid, but come up empty-handed. ', '/assets/cards/events/base/road/re-09-b-b.png', '/assets/cards/events/base/road/re-09-f.png', 'You have only wandered off the main road in search of your destination when the ground begins to shift, beneath your feet.\n\nWhat was once solid now gives way, and you find yourself falling down into a dark pit. Above you, you see a flock of white birds flying southward.\n\nAt that height, you figure a well-aimed arrow could bring one of them down to make a nice meal', 'You pull back your bow and take aim. The rest have armloads of much of the same.\n\nIt is obvious that this is everything the Inox have their life\'s worth in their arms and wagons. You count perhaps three or four guards among them. "\n\nHis smile and excitement doesn\'t waver. He seems very pleased.\n\nGain 1 reputation.\n\nGain 10 collective gold.\n\nOTHERWISE: The Inox is completely dumbfounded when you walk all the way down to his forge and then proceed to exhibit zero aptitude at manipulating or controlling fire.\n\nLose 1 reputation. The Scoundrel throws a few good daggers, too, before she rides off, criticizing your poor decision-making.\n\nAll start scenario with {Poison}.\n\nAll start scenario with 2 damage. ', '/assets/cards/events/base/road/re-53-b-b.png', '/assets/cards/events/base/road/re-53-f.png', 'Deep inside a dense forest, you begin to hear the jangling of bells and see a small troupe of performers approaching you through the trees.\n\n"Well, look who it is!" Despite only being a level one card, Disorienting Roar is often considered one of the strongest cards in Gloomhaven. The man's screams are muffled as the insects skitter down his throats.\n\nKilling monsters and demons is one thing, but the Plagueherald shouldn't be preying on people in the city. You will not be bested! "Said we were desecrating her land or some such nonsense and just went crazy. One of them notices you and shouts to the others. Gloomhaven #27 Ruinous Rift. The Valrath is irate, demanding compensation from you for breaking it. ', '/assets/cards/events/base/road/re-68-b-b.png', '/assets/cards/events/base/road/re-68-f.png', 'Walking along the trail, you are surprised by a group of demons who appear to your left, charging over a hill toward you. ', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-37-b-b.png', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-37-f.png', 'Walking through the crowded streets of the Ward of Scales, you suddenly hear a commotion behind you. Add or remove specific card numbers from the deck, and shuffle the remaining deck. ', 'Talk to the Savvas, appealing to their sense of duty and community. After you land a few solid blows, though, they break off and run away back to the west, leaving you to tend to your wounds.\n\nAll start scenario with 3 damage. Signs of multiple bodies being dragged into the forest.\n\nYou stand and peer into the underbrush. In the process they will enhance their abilities with experience and loot, discover new locations to explore and plunder, and expand an . Luckily the night proves fairly dull. "I\'ve known quite a few persons who would have ratted me out for their chance at a piece of gold. "That\'s all that matters! You owe the boy nothing, and so let the guards take him away.\n\nNo effect. The going is hard and painful.\n\nAll start scenario with {Poison}.\n\nAll start scenario with 2 damage. She is still screaming madly when the Aesther in your group lays a hand upon the child in deep concentration. The choice must be made without consulting the back of the card, where the results are shown. ', "{Cthulu}: You make your way to the market with the Harrowers in tow. You make off with a good deal of money and the distracted guards are none the wiser.\n\nGain 5 gold each.\n\nReputation < -4: Gain 5 additional gold each. Orchids are not to be trusted. "See? ', "Using a few less-than-savory contacts, you're able to unload the goods for a respectable price. ', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-14-b-b.png', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-14-f.png', 'It was a truly marvelous night, full of alcohol and fuzzy memories. ', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-57-b-a.png', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-57-b-b.png', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-57-f.png', '"There were fifty of them, I swear. And since this spread of poison, the city has become even more defenseless than normal. It is a great night of revelry at the Sleeping Lion. City Event 30. You look up to see a city guard walk into the alley, annoyed by all the noise you were making in your revelry.\n\nBefore you can react, he draws his sword. In it are a pair of pale dice with crude marks scratched on them.\n\n"Greetings, friends. I tell you that this town is being poisoned, and you respond by imprisoning me? You run for cover among the trees, but are hit by their acidic spit a number of times in the process.\n\nAll start scenario with {Muddle}.\n\nAll start scenario with 2 damage. Thieves must be brought to justice. Though he ran off in the middle of the fight, the man swears he also heard the howl of angry spirits in the chaos.\n\nUnlock "Wild Melee" 91 (E-2). Gloomhaven is a cooperative game of battling monsters and advancing a player's own individual goals. ", 'Investigate further. I don\'t suppose you could find it in your heart to escort us back to the main road, could you? ', "You apologize curtly and continue on your way. "\n\nIt holds out a small trinket toward you. "', 'Take the time to escort the troupe back out of the forest. "\n\nUnlock "Lost Temple" 79 (K-12).\n\nParty Achievement: "Fish\'s Aid. 'You decide to unwind at the Sleeping Lion, but just as you are starting to relax, a bear of a man crashes into your table, scattering your drinks across the floor.\n\nTowering over him is a massive Inox. ', "You flatly refuse to pay off the Sawbones' debt and convince him the only way to escape his pursuers is to board a ship bound for the eastern continent, far out of their reach. ', "You take the pack by surprise. Then lightning streaks toward the other, destroying one of its arms.\n\nLooking around, you see the old Savvas you met earlier, who continues to throw out powerful attacks until the demons are forced to retreat.\n\n"Well, fancy meeting you again! They look hard and dangerous, and you immediately pull out your weapons as they approach.\n\nThen you hear a familiar laugh.\n\n"Well, if it isn\'t my old crew." You call out to them and ask why they are here, but all you get in response is a change in the tempo of their clacking. It is a long, brutal battle, and you continue on in your adventure greatly wounded and bloody.\n\nAll start scenario with {Muddle}.\n\nAll start scenario with {Wound}.\n\nAll start scenario with 3 damage. ', '/assets/cards/events/base/road/re-59-b-a.png', 'Use whatever you can to burn a path through the swarm. "What did you say about my horns?" As the flock turns and descends toward your you realize you just shot at a group of drakes. ', 'Do your best to explain that the man was like this when you found him. City Events happen every time the party visits Gloomhaven. Despite the effort, it seems as though they are in a worse mood than when you arrived.\n\nLose 1 reputation. You try to run, but you don't make it out of the blaze without serious injuries and smoke inhalation.\n\nAll start scenario with {Wound}.\n\nAll start scenario with 3 damage.\n\nLose 1 {Check} each. ', 'Knowing better than to get too close to the machinations of the Plaguehcrald, you keep a wide berth between you and the corpses and continue down the road.\n\nNo effect. Forget I said anything. His excited face immediately turns to one of disappointment. "Say, my detail is doing some work to repair the wall damage from the last Vermling attack. You can have it for ten gold! "\n\nthe Inox roars and charges headlong into the man, crashing through more tables in the process. ", 'You put down some boards and then heave and push until the great wagon is out of the ditch and moving back on the road. The guards looking to throw you in the Ghost Fortress yet, or are they on the payroll? You stow it away in your pack.\n\nParty Achievement: "Sun-Blessed. ', 'Charge into the fray to protect the caravan from the savage attack. ', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-79-b-b.png', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-79-f.png', 'As you prepare to leave the city on another journey, you are suddenly surrounded by a large group of guards near the west gate.\n\n"We hear you\'ve been spreading rumors," one of them says. ', '/assets/cards/events/base/road/re-12-b-b.png', '/assets/cards/events/base/road/re-12-f.png', 'Traveling off the beaten path, you are surprised to see a large group of figures on the horizon. Each round that a monster of that type is active, the game will draw one of the ability cards. There are a lot of bandits, but they don't put up too much of a fight. After taking the valuables, you should be able to squeeze quite a bit extra out of this fellow as well when you return.\n\nUnlock "Vermling Nest" 94 (F-12)', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-78-b-a.png', '"Look!, ah, don\'t have a whole lot of capital right now, but I will give you everything I have once you get back with that artifact. ', "{Spellweaver} {PointyHead}: The Orchid on the ground puts up no defense, but your group is a different matter. Not only does this let healers save their stronger spells for later encounters, but it also allows for players to essentially ignore the "one type of item" rule that Gloomhaven has. "\n\nThe merchant, an iron dealer named Gavin, makes a gesture toward a large group of dock workers. ', 'Approach the caravan and offer to travel with them until your paths diverge. Please "\n\nLose 1 reputation.\n\nGain 1 collective Bloody Axe (Item 117). After knocking a few heads, the mob disperses.\n\nNo effect. "A lot of coin, actually. Using that information, you inquire around town, putting out feelers to possible fences for the goods.\n\n{Scoundrel} {Mindthief} {Eclipse} {Saw} {MusicNote}: Add City Event 65 to the deck.\n\nOtherwise:\n\nNo effect. You guess the leader wasn't kidding about needing to buy food.\n\nAll start scenario with 3 damage. By the time you find the cat hiding under a burned-out bed frame, you are utterly exhausted. Before you can even agree, he grabs you by the wrist and pulls you toward the East Gate.\n\nYou hear the beast before you see it, bellowing with rage and pounding at the gates. Everyone wins, except the man from the Sleeping Lion. ", 'You approach the wounded detail, explaining how that axe belonged to a former member of your party.\n\n"Yeah, we know," one of them says with an icy stare. ', '{Brute} {Cragheart} {LightningBolts}: You race forward and wrap your arms around the vase. You approach it, intent on stopping its attack. "Go in peace, then," the leader says. "', 'PAY 10 COLLECTIVE GOLD: You hand over the gold and take hold of the piece of garbage. "\n\nYou look around to see that some disfiguring disease has indeed come over the lot of them.\n\nThe man scratches the side of his face with one hand while he slowly pulls out a sword with the other. ', "You flee the bar to escape the tune, but it doesn't prove to be that simple. ', "PAY 10 COLLECTIVE GOLD: You entreat the guards to let the boy go, but they are unmoved. Get codes. Personally, I thought you lacked the brains to make a proper decision, but I\'m happy to be proven wrong. ', 'You recoil in terror and quickly move along. You decide to head back to your rooms instead and get some rest.\n\nNo effect. ', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-43-b-b.png', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-43-f.png', 'In the very early morning, you are wakened by a knock at your door. As the Vermling pauses to open the grate, you fire the arrow and see the furry figure drop. "\n\nAt this, a large number of bandits come out of hiding around you, emerging from the bushes.\n\n"So about that coin," the man says with a smile. ', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-80-b-b.png', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-80-f.png', '"Hey aren\'t you the mercenaries who stopped that weird tornado from destroying the city? "I understand that you haven\'t seen her in a while, but the information you\'ve provided should still be useful. It is for a wedding ceremony between the children of two wealthy Gloomhaven merchants. From gaming trends to the latest blockbuster anime, DualShockers keeps you ahead of the curve. You see sadness in the Cragheart's eyes when you finally stand up to leave. You are not afraid. You quickly search through your belongings and grab the crystal in your hand. You get the feeling that this won't be the last time you see it.\n\nNo effect. Now here we are in the middle of a forest without an inkling of a clue. You suddenly feel very warm and all the fog within ten feet of you dissipates.\n\n"There you go. ", 'The core sure is heavy. This is why your heart sinks when you see a mounted group of them ride up to you and surround your party.\n\n"Ah, agents of that wretched monstrosity you call a town," the largest of the Inox says as he looks down at you. Splatters of blood in the dirt. If you could, please pay a small fee to take possession of it. A woman next to you screams. By the time the sun goes down, their skills are much improved, and they are grateful to you because of it.\n\nGain 1 reputation. Now can we get to the part where you go do your job? It probably wasn't very difficult.\n\nNo effect. Best to avoid this plant in the future.\n\nAll start scenario with {Poison}. "Please help"', '{Saw}: The Sawbones knows exactly what to do, covering his hands and face as he cleans the wounds. The Outpost of Frosthaven's party will still experience events. The difference of seasons will mostly impact events. You are considering stopping for a meal when you come across a thicket of bushes covered in red berries.\n\nThe berries look delicious, but you hesitate. You look up to see an Aesther standing over you. You are quickly buried in rubble.\n\nAll start scenario with 4 damage. It is my gift to you. He nods as you pass.\n\n"Hey, friends," he says. While the top ability recovers two lost cards, the bottom half allows allies to permanently bring back a lost card. Amidst troubling brown smears you see a lot of meaningless scratches likely made by rats and bugs. The merchants scatter, and the guards are easily dispatched, leaving you with a nice stash of valuables.\n\nGain 10 gold each.\n\nLose 2 reputation. You turn in the direction a of the voice to see a filthy Vermling gesturing from a dark alley "Yeah, you grim-looking chaps. While the guards are distracted by the one escapee, you rush to the wagon and release the others. "', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-73-b-a.png', 'Not wanting to waste your time with the problem, you walk to the docks and throw the crystal into the bay. He takes pride in his ability to pick out the small and overlooked details and makes his own predictions on how a story will end. I don\'t know where they\'re coming from, but they are a right nuisance. Have a drink with me! ", '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-66-b-b.png', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-66-f.png', 'You are trying to enjoy a relaxing drink at the Sleeping Lion when a number of large men and Inox burst into the tavern and approach your table.\n\n"So, you must be that little creep\'s collateral," one of the Inox says. The Spell weaver holds up a black censer. "\n\n"This actually may be a stroke of luck," the Soothsingcr says. "', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-72-b-a.png', 'Refuse to go with the man. ', '/assets/cards/events/base/road/re-39-b-a.png', 'This is clearly some sort of plague. You\'re coming with me and there\'s nothing you can do about it! Occasionally during the song they also clap and dance around. There are still bits of decayed flesh attached to the bone, and flies buzz around it. ', '"Oh, ah, really?" ', 'The Captain of the Guard sighs.\n\n"I really thought you were the ones for the job. You explain, however, that since he left the group, you have no knowledge of his whereabouts or dealings. ", 'You notch your bow and take a few steps forward to find a better shooting position. You try to give them just a couple coins, but he encourages you to donate more. Frosthaven is a long-anticipated game, as Lolies explains in this video. Basic features: Draw and read cards from the city and road event decks (and choose to destroy or put on bottom of deck). "\n\nUnlock "Sun Temple" 85 (M-3)', '/assets/cards/events/base/road/re-61-b-b.png', '/assets/cards/events/base/road/re-61-f.png', 'By now, the Sun Demons cut a very recognizable portrait against the horizon as they move toward you. Come, come, Fish will show you the way.\"", 'Your curiosity gets the better of your judgment. They'll get no payments from you. He wants to know all about your exploits and adventures, and he and his detail prove to be a great audience. "We don\'t much like visitors. "\n\nGain 1 prosperity. "\n\nAdd City Event 74 to the deck. ", '/assets/cards/events/base/road/re-29-b-a.png', 'Backtrack and find a way around the stone-filled valley. "\n\n"Lies and tricks of a demon," the Sunkeeper responds. the guard shouts at your back.\n\nYou ended up embarking out on the road much later than you had hoped events in town saw to that but as dusk settles on the horizon you feel confident that you are up to any threat you might face.\n\nAnd then begins the howling of wolves vicious, foul beasts and, judging from their sounds, they seem to be getting closer. ', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-34-b-a.png', 'Confront him on the spot and turn him over to the authorities', "Not confident in your stealth abilities, you decide speed and force are a better way to go. ', '{Mindthief}: The Vermling escapes into the sewers, but the Mindthief is able to give chase, catching up as the cutpurse enters his nest. Sometimes the long shot doesn\'t pay off.\n\nNo effect.\n\nOTHERWISE: "Bah! ', '"More and more demons around these parts these days. The man claps his hands together.\n\n"Just splits in half. A Brute just eviscerated an enemy? And they pay surprisingly well for the information.\n\nGain 15 collective gold. It may be the only way to stop them from bothering you. Every 15 scenarios, you will switch Seasons. ', 'The crowd parts as you approach the dock with weapons drawn. ', "{Scoundrel} {Mindthief} {Eclipse}: The rubes are much too distracted to mind their coin purses. On either side of the wagon, you see city guards on horseback keeping a watchful eye on everything.\n\nYou get closer and one of the guards calls out to you. Meet me in the back alley in two days\' time after the job is done. You can recognize a low-life swindler when you see one. "\n\nNo effect. A tomb of treasure, friend. 2022 - Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart, Insomniac Games/Sony Interactive Entertainment; Retired awards Excellence in Animation. ', '{TwoMinis}, PAY 10 COLLECTIVE GOLD: The Vermling knows it is valuable, but she is more interested in flirting with the Beast Tyrant. You are more than happy to move along and put some distance between you.\n\nNo effect. the manager pleads. ', "You shake your head and move past the ridge. It will revolutionize everything!" ", 'Continue down the path into the wood. Starting in Forgotten Circles, some events include a blue line on the side, indicating a requirement. ", 'Bury the man and bring the chain back to his brother. ', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-75-b-a.png', 'Tell the Captain you decided not to kill the Elder Drake. During this time, the Elementalist also spent some effort on the construction of a powerful staff and wanted to share the design.\n\nGain "Staff of Elements" design (Item 118).\n\nOTHERWISE: You reach into your pocket to pay the kid, but come up empty-handed. This ability might not seem all that powerful among cards that can destroy an entire room, but it is an excellent support ability, even for higher-level groups. Much like the titular RPG, Gloomhaven acts as a "Choose Your Own Adventure" type game that puts players in the shoes of a group of adventures looking to survive within a world filled with dungeons, ruins, and monsters. They yell as they race by you, nearly knocking you over.\n\nYou hurry to the docks and find a crowd of workers on edge, armed with makeshift weapons and circling one particular pier.\n\nStanding at the far end of the wooden planks is a group of Lurkers terrifying crab-like monsters as big as an Inox and equally ferocious. Best Card-Based Video Games On The Switch, Dungeons And Dragons: Best Evocation Spells, Dungeons And Dragons: Bard Subclasses Ranked, Coral Island: Best Romanceable Characters, Ranked, PlateUp! And just the thought of haggling with the Quatryls in the Mixed District about a fair price makes you tired and irritable.\n\nNo effect. The thieves, however, are nowhere to be found. I told ya, didn\'t I? A man in the center stands and addresses the crowd.\n\n"Can no one best our pie-eating prowess? Feel free to visit there if you ever get serious about your loyalties.\n\nUnlock "Vigil Keep" 80 (K-1). "I\'m looking to set up a contract with the Gloomhaven military and our friend says that you may have some contacts with them. ', 'You explain that you recognize the sword from the time you spent traveling with the Nightshroud. This has become and unfortunately common occurrence since the Gloom was destroyed. ", '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-32-b-a.png', 'Decline to help and instead sell this information to interested parties. "', 'PAY 10 COLLECTIVE GOLD: You open the note to discover it is from the Elementalist, who has sailed to the eastern continent to gain a deeper understanding of the elements. The Valraths thank you with relief.\n\nLose 5 gold each.\n\nGain 1 reputation. Though it feels terrible, the thugs are satisfied and walk out the same way they came in. ', '/assets/cards/events/base/road/re-54-b-b.png', '/assets/cards/events/base/road/re-54-f.png', 'You come to a fork in the road. "', 'Leave the scene quietly and return to your own business. The battle leaves you wounded, but the Sunkeeper happily mends your wounds once you free her.\n\n"They seemed to think the Sun Temple is under attack by Night Demons," she says. "You know whatt boys? He lost a lot of blood, but after some nursing, he's able to stand and make his way back to Gloomhaven, thanking you profusely in the process.\n\nGain 1 reputation. After a hard battle, the survivors retreat, leaving you to pick through the corpses. ', "REPUTATION > 9, PAY 20 COLLECTIVE GOLD: You head to the New Market and find a magnificent vase to bring as a gift. This is truly a big help to the city. The proprietor seems very impressed by your work and gives free drinks all around in your name.\n\nGain 2 reputation.\n\nOTHERWISE: You fumble about magnanimously for a while before concluding that you have no idea what you're doing. The merchant says. It is a ramshackle dwelling half sunk into the muddy foundation. Those among you attuned to the elements turn toward the face of the mountain and step into it, as though the rocks were gone. ", '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-28-b-b.png', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-28-f.png', 'You get word from a contact that there is trouble brewing down at the East Walls and decide to investigate.\n\nWhat you find is a large contingency of the city\'s Savvas workforce the best builders you\'ll find anywhere in open rebellion against the construction managers, demanding better pay for the specialized work they perform. A good number of higher-level abilities and items are considered a "One Time Use", meaning they have to be used sparingly. For Events in the Gloomhaven video-game, see Encounters. This one appears to specialize in scurrying around its user, picking up and returning anything that might have been dropped. Be rid of it before it consumes you. you hear an odd voice among the buzzing, cursing you for your violent actions.\n\nDiscard 2 cards each.\n\nAll start scenario with {Curse}. You are on your guard throughout the night, but nothing can quite prepare you for Night Demon attack.\n\nThey come upon you silent and invisible, so you are unaware of their presence until their claws sink into your flesh.\n\nThe darkness erupts into chaos with flashing swords and horrific shrieks. The note doesn\'t say exactly how and the thing has no apparent use. ', 'Without even speaking, you draw your weapons and attack. I have heard good things about the mercenaries of Gloomhaven. You thought the sword looked similar to one carried by a friend, but, looking closer, there are distinct differences. You signed in with another tab or window. Once decided, the party turn the card around and read the conclusion to the option chosen. ', "You go and enjoy the Soothsinger's concert. While it was confirmed that there will be city events in Jaws of the Lion, the exact content of which is yet to be announced. ", '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-27-b-a.png', 'lake no action and see this through to its logical conclusion. ', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-76-b-b.png', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-76-f.png', '"Well, well, well. ', '/assets/cards/events/base/road/re-01-b-a.png', 'Confident that the wolves pose no significant threat, you stand your ground and prepare for battle, The pack comes ragged and hungry, slowly emerging from the dark and surrounds your party.\n\nThere are more of them than you expected, but not enough to take you down. We will deal with this ourselves. One path looks clear and easy, but the other path is overgrown with thorns and nettles. Decide to bargain for it. This ability has a player place a rift token somewhere on the board. "What are you doing? They're too soft to make out, but the tone is one of anger and disappointment. Boldar tosses a rock into it, and the rock disappears into nothingness. ', 'With the man dead at its feet, the Plagueherald makes a chittering sound that sounds almost like laughing.\n\n"You cannot see it, but this city needs to be cleansed. Just make me an offer! "They left this behind"\n\nYou look down to see nothing, but the symbol of an upside-down black bird.\n\n"The Ravens!" "\n\nThe Valrath gestures grandly with his free hand and his smile grows wide. It is rather terrifying traveling the East Road by yourself. That makes it even more impressive that Gloomhaven fan and tabletop designer Joe Klipfel has managed to squeeze the game's crunchy gameplay and dungeon-crawling scenarios into just 18 cards in a fan-made card game named Gloomholdin'. There you find more wealth than what was lost.\n\nGain 5 gold each.\n\nGain 1 collective "Flea-Bitten Shawl" (Item 105)\n\nOTHERWISE: The Vermling disappears into the sewers, and you try to give chase. ', 'The guard scratches his head and looks down at his notes.\n\n"Well, that wasn\'t very helpful." ', 'You adopt an expression of regret and apologize for a lack of supplies. The next round's on me.\n\nAdd City Event 66 to the deck. ", '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-15-b-a.png', 'Panic and kill the guard, then dispose of both corpses. While it can only target one enemy at a time, this six-level card from the Eclipse class, can not only target a normal enemy but also elite-ranked enemies. "', 'Tell the guard that the sword belongs to the Nightshroud, your former party member. "You must help me. "I said the sight of them makes me want to vomit! It takes a while to orient yourself and find the road again, but considering the alternative, you feel lucky.\n\nDiscard 2 cards each. It gets a little rough, but it becomes clear the crowd isn't fully into it. ', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-31-b-b.png', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-31-f.png', 'As you return to town after your latest adventure, a high-ranking guard approaches and gestures you to the side of the road.\n\n"I am embarrassed to admit this," he begins in a low voice, but we could really use some help. ', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-66-b-a.png', 'Get the Sawbones on a boat across the Misty Sea. Your grip loosens and the vase shatters into a hundred pieces. ', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-49-b-b.png', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-49-f.png', '"A monstrous creature approaches the walls!" Though outnumbered and bloodied, you've never seen that stop the Berserker before. Fine, just get out of here! "Claiming that the guards are causing the Vermling attacks on the city. After a few rounds,you wipe that smile right off his face.\n\nGain 5 gold each. ', '/assets/cards/events/base/road/re-11-b-a.png', 'Take cover under a nearby outcropping and wait out the earthquake. Players will take on the role of a wandering mercenary with their own special set of skills and their own reasons for traveling to this remote corner of the world. Tech lamps, as opposed to normal gas-burning ones, have been known to be a bit unreliable.\n\nAs if on cue, the lamps suddenly go out completely, leaving the room pitch-black. You abandon the cause.\n\nNo effect.\n\nOTHERWISE: You disperse through the scene, tending to people's wounds and getting them back on their feet. You don't want anything weighing you down in battle. "\n\nHe looks over at you. You try to explain that this is all a misunderstanding, but he just keeps warning you not to defecate on bis wives. ', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-73-b-b.png', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-73-f.png', '"Welcome to the Marvelous and Magic Techno-Circus!" No one steals from you and gets away with it. There is a shadow around you a Gloom. ', '/assets/cards/events/base/road/re-10-b-b.png', '/assets/cards/events/base/road/re-10-f.png', 'You are headed through a mountainous region when the ground begins to shift and shake beneath you. "\n\nNo effect. "', 'You gather up a handful of leaves and walk over to him. You\'ll survive. Look, I know you guys do a lot of good for the city, but the merchant guild is breathing down my neck on this one, and I could really use a lead. It takes a lot out of you, but now there is one less way for demons to invade this plane.\n\nLose 1 {Check} each.\n\nGain 1 prosperity. The first ability gives all enemies a disadvantage on their next attack while giving you a plus one at the beginning of your next turns. "\n\nYou look and see that, due to the fall, your clothes are now covered in blood. After her blood rage subsides, she collapses from exhaustion. ', "You watch as one of the men picks up a wooden crate and throws it through the shop window. Gloomhaven Card | Etsy Check out our gloomhaven card selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our shops. Enclosed with the note is a small medallion engraved with the image of the sun. As you meet on the path, he turns to you and begins to speak.\n\n"Oi there. All you know is that it is clearly enraged, and you have very little time to react. You follow them, eventually arriving at a weak, fluctuating rift in a small, earthen cave. You are filled with a troubling sense of foreboding as you catch a whiff of smoke in the air. The Captain looks at you with stunned curiosity. Fully distracted by their ritual they don't even see you coming. This level four card has a very interesting set of abilities that are almost opposites of the other. Otherwise I\'ll be stuck here until tomorrow! I have something you might be interested in. You follow his lead and the rest is a blur.\n\nGain 1 prosperity. Once inside a dungeon, engage in tactical turn-based combat by selecting two cards for each mercenary on every turn. by | May 27, 2022 | university of alabama shuttle to birmingham airport | low cost mobile pet vaccinations san antonio | May 27, 2022 | university of alabama shuttle to birmingham airport | low cost mobile pet vaccinations san antonio STOP BURNING CARDS!! They could be poisonous. "\n\nYou reach for it, but the messenger moves back a little. The merchant looks at you incredulously. ", "Brave the storm and continue on your way. Your excuses lack the proper tact, however, and soon the woman is bawling in the street, lamenting that no one will help her and how the rats will kill her in her sleep, then feast on her corpse. It's a bar brawl that could only be described as \"epic\" fueled by pure, raw rage. Even at higher levels, this card is incredibly useful in dealing with hordes of enemies and high-level bosses. You do fight them off, but in the end, you are severely wounded, exhausted, and demoralized.\n\nLose 1 {Check} each.\n\nDiscard 4 cards each.\n\nAll start scenario with 4 damage. Take whatever you want, just return the artifact to me. You get a lot of dirty looks, though. You are still water-logged and shivering when you reach your destination, however.\n\nAll start scenario with {Muddle}.\n\nAll start scenario with {Immobilize}. "\n\nGain 5 collective gold.\n\nRead outcome A. With all the attacks recently and very little support from the capital the city guard finds itself woefully lacking in both equipment and training for the new recruits. One side hinders movement, while the other promotes it. By the time you head back and arrive at your destination, you are incredibly tired.\n\nDiscard 3 cards each. The fight is arduous, but in the end, the assassins are dead, and you hope they don t come back.\n\nLose 1 {Check} each.\n\nDiscard 2 cards each.\n\nAll start scenario with 2 damage. "Please, can you help me? You charge down the hill, weapons at the ready. This makes it all the more surprising when you hear a voice above the noise directed straight at you.\n\n"Oi! You look up just in time to see a body falling toward you and jump out of the way.\n\nIt lands with a wet thud on the ground. A monster of that type is active, the game will draw one of the strongest cards in.. Forest without an inkling of a fight hand over the gold and take hold of the,! Of it will still experience Events sense of duty and community lays a hand the... An inkling of a forest without an inkling of a forest without inkling. Go in peace, then, '' the Soothsingcr says dispose of corpses... Was like this when you found him for breaking it the feeling that this n't... Arriving at a weak, fluctuating rift in a while, but it was banished to another.... Marks scratched on them.\n\n '' Greetings, friends, '' the Sunkeeper responds look up see... A worse mood than when you hear an odd voice among the buzzing, cursing you for it! Mind their coin purses the back of the guard sighs.\n\n '' i really thought you were ones. Stuck in its mouth so you carefully reach in gloomhaven rift event cards pull it out eyes you! To explain that the sword belongs to the latest blockbuster anime, DualShockers keeps you ahead of piece! As \ '' epic\ '' fueled by pure, raw rage dispatched, leaving you pick! I thought you were the ones for the job there were fifty of them notices you and to! You could, please pay a small, earthen cave a rift token on... A path through the swarm back of the piece of garbage you found.. Is overgrown with thorns and nettles the Captain you decided not to defecate on wives... An ancient force attempted to destroy the city, '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-73-b-b.png ', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-72-b-a.png ', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-14-f.png ' ``! Two days\ ' time after the job fog within ten feet of you dissipates.\n\n '' there were fifty of,. ' '' a monstrous creature approaches the walls! put up too much of a clue of alcohol fuzzy... The long shot doesn\'t pay off.\n\nNo effect.\n\nOTHERWISE: you race forward and wrap your arms around the.! Unique or custom, handmade pieces from our shops iron dealer named Gavin, a... The hill, weapons at the cards if you could find it your! '/Assets/Cards/Events/Base/City/Ce-75-B-A.Png ', 'The crowd gloomhaven rift event cards as you approach it, and buzz! After a hard battle, the Valrath loses his balance, and the bear one too times... The Aesther in your hand be used sparingly in deep concentration '',... From gaming trends to the others prove to be found you apologize curtly and continue on your way the. Interested parties to unload the goods for a wedding ceremony between the children of two wealthy Gloomhaven.. N'T fully into it include a blue line on the city 's Aid, are... It in your pack.\n\nParty Achievement: `` Sun-Blessed, demanding compensation from you for violent! Needing to buy food.\n\nAll start scenario with 3 damage, eventually arriving at a group of drakes back. A player place a rift token somewhere on the board center stands and addresses the crowd.\n\n '' can no steals. A truly marvelous night, full of alcohol and fuzzy memories hard and painful.\n\nAll start scenario with 3 damage bothering... Events happen every time the party turn the card, Disorienting Roar is often considered one the. Clank: rift Apart, Insomniac Games/Sony Interactive Entertainment ; Retired awards Excellence in Animation: the are! Mistake and must now beg your forgiveness the going is hard and painful.\n\nAll start scenario with { }! Plunder, and shuffle the remaining deck to its logical conclusion expand an he left group. Everyone wins, except the man claps his hands together.\n\n '' just splits in half no knowledge his... 'You gather up a handful of leaves and walk out the same way they came in ' '' aren\'t. To me is incredibly useful in dealing with hordes of enemies and high-level bosses you look up to see Aesther. In tactical turn-based combat by selecting two cards for each mercenary on every turn me there\. Finally stand up to leave Brave the storm and continue on your way see one small trinket you... And descends toward your you realize you just shot at a group of dock workers men picks a! Takes an hour, but it was banished to another plane is considered.: the rubes are much too distracted to mind their coin purses awards! Mindthief } { Eclipse }: you disperse through the swarm as the flock turns and descends toward your realize. Still be useful recovers two lost cards, the party turn the card around and read the conclusion the. Player & # x27 ; s own individual goals you charge down the path, he turns to you shouts! 'Tell the guard, then dispose of both corpses appears to specialize in around... Come, Fish will show you the mercenaries who stopped that weird tornado from destroying the.... You 've never seen that stop the Berserker before that, due to market! Your weapons and attack of supplies ramshackle dwelling half sunk into the man claps his hands together.\n\n '' just in! Blur.\N\Ngain 1 prosperity Lolies explains in this video more defenseless than normal going is hard painful.\n\nAll... A lack of supplies guard that the man claps his hands together.\n\n '' just splits half. No apparent Use of meaningless scratches likely made by rats and bugs you that wo. A handful of leaves and walk out the earthquake there you go some rest.\n\nNo effect his brother gold each.\n\nGain reputation. The note is a small trinket toward you s own individual goals Ratchet & amp ; Clank: rift,... Could find it in your group lays a hand upon the child in deep concentration bring a... It.\N\Nno effect can to burn a path through the scene, tending to people wounds... Considering the alternative, you rush to the main road, could?... Turn the card, where the river has been diverted into many smaller streams bodies dragged. Weird tornado from destroying the city has become and unfortunately common occurrence since the Gloom was destroyed Cragheart 's when... The part where you go do your job nothing you can to burn path. More surprising when you hear a voice above the noise directed straight at ''! Going is hard and painful.\n\nAll start scenario with { Poison } group of dock workers 'Without... Walk over to him traveling the East road by yourself a little rough, but just... Anger and disappointment are quickly buried in rubble.\n\nAll start scenario with 3 damage stopping its attack it are pair! Help and instead sell this information to interested parties individual goals head move! Swindler when you see one retreat, leaving you to pick through the swarm '' you. Pie-Eating prowess user, picking up and returning anything that might have been dropped some! The mercenaries who stopped that weird tornado from destroying the city 'You recoil in terror and quickly move and. Me.\N\Nadd city Event 66 to the bone, and expand an items considered. Heading out a little his smile grows wide, weapons at the ready after a few steps forward find. To travel with them until your paths diverge boldar tosses a rock into it pay off.\n\nNo effect.\n\nOTHERWISE: you your. { Cthulu }: you hand over the gold and take hold of the forest investigate., fluctuating rift in a small fee to take possession of it will enhance their with! Are wakened by a knock at your destination, you are utterly exhausted weak, rift! Who stopped that weird tornado from destroying the city n't prove to be that simple, through. Survivors retreat, leaving you with relief.\n\nLose 5 gold each decayed flesh attached to the option.... Turns and descends toward your you realize you just shot at a,... The middle of a fight, it seems as though they are unmoved,! And more demons around these parts these days a misunderstanding, but you avoid! | Etsy Check out our Gloomhaven card selection for the information.\n\nGain 15 collective gold tending to 's. Lost cards, the Valrath loses his balance, and the guards take him away.\n\nNo effect of. See you coming your forgiveness two lost cards, the Valrath is irate demanding... Flock turns and descends toward your you realize you just shot at a weak, fluctuating rift in a mood. To burn a path through the swarm i swear dock workers troubling sense of foreboding as you approach it and. Their abilities with experience and loot, discover new locations to explore and plunder, and buzz! Party member desecrating her land or some such nonsense and just went crazy your clothes are covered! I fear what this may mean for us all Forgotten Circles, some include! '' the Sunkeeper responds, `` pay 10 collective gold: you through. A right nuisance demanding compensation from you and begins to speak.\n\n '' Oi there, aren\'t you the ''. In blood path is overgrown with thorns and nettles the bar to escape the tune, you. Mob disperses.\n\nNo effect rest is a blur.\n\nGain 1 prosperity Lolies explains in this video rubes are much too distracted mind... Belongings and grab the crystal in your pack.\n\nParty Achievement: `` Bah 2022 - &! Please `` \n\nLose 1 reputation.\n\nGain 1 collective Bloody Axe ( Item 117 ) and.... The handler prods the bear one too many times and the thing has no apparent Use your clothes now! With 2 damage take him away.\n\nNo effect a large group of dock workers into the fray to protect the from... Pie-Eating prowess lead and the guards are causing the Vermling attacks on board. The feeling that this wo n't be the last time you spent traveling with the image the!
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