Please enter your email address associated with your Salem All-Pass account, then click Continue. The hour of temptation is near. Whatever the form, God never gives up His righteous government, though there is His grace also. (a) It is argued that Jesus preached in Hades only to the spirits of the men who were disobedient in the days of Noah. But what will not men believe, provided it be not in the Bible? And she feels secure so she has to challenge everything that you do, everything that you say.So these are basic simple rules. The common printed Vulgate is different from all these, and from all the MSS. This, again, is somewhat peculiarly put in our version. Some interpreters believe that the incident involving the sons of God and the daughters of men (Genesis 6:1-4) is what Peter had in view here. In the ancient world chivalry to women was well-nigh unknown. And here it is well to observe, as an important fact to be recognised, that salvation in Peter's epistle looks onward to the future, where it is not otherwise qualified. He must remember that women are the weaker sex and treat them with courtesy. Such as communion is condemning to the person who doesn't believe. The earth will be sown with the seed of God when the Jewish nation, as such, obtains mercy. From the time that this new nature is given, the purpose of the heart is to obey. This will not be the case when the Jews shall be brought back to the land. In this passage Peter has three great things to say about baptism. Through Christ we have access to grace ( Romans 5:2). We have already mentioned these angels. noun. There are many people who state their beliefs with a kind of arrogant belligerence. The true drift is this "Nor as lording it over your possessions." They speak what is somewhat more probable, who say, that the redemption obtained by Christ availed the dead, who in the time of Noah were long unbelieving, but repented a short time before they were drowned by the deluge. It was no new thought. What Christ was to them then was all: not in the least did any suspect (for indeed it was not yet true) that any were in Him. Under Jewish law a woman was a thing; she was owned by her husband in exactly the same way as he owned his sheep and his goats: on no account could she leave him, although he could dismiss her at any moment. They then understood that they suffered in the flesh the punishment due to their perverseness, and yet were saved by Christ, so that they did not perish for ever. There is everything, as we have seen, to give not only faith and hope their full place, but also love. 2 Peter 3:3-4). Having been made alive by the Holy Ghost Christ went "In the spirit," that is, in the spiritual form of life, in that part that cannot be put to death, in this way he "entered upon a journey" to accomplish a particular task. Next he shows some of the privileges as well as wants of the Christian. You want to have a good life, you want to see good days, these are --these are the rules: Just "keep your tongue, refrain it from evil, speaking evil, and your lips from speaking deceitfully. He says that after his resurrection Jesus went into heaven and is at the right hand of God, angels and authorities and powers having been made subject to him ( 1 Peter 3:22). Whatever may be found in hymns, or sermons, or theology, scripture knows no such thing as an elect church. "Which in time past were not a people, but are now the people of God: which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy." 1 Peter 3:18-22 contain some very difficult exegetical problems. To what did it all point? To him it was a question of not doing what his nature prompted him to do. From phulasso; a guarding or, the act, the person; figuratively, the place, the condition, or, the time, literally or figuratively. It is one of the tragedies of the modern situation that there are so many Church members who, if they were asked what they believe, could not tell, and who, if they were asked why they believe it, would be equally helpless. Wives, likewise, be submissive to your own husbands, that even if some do not obey the word, they, without a word, may be won by the conduct of their wives, when they observe your chaste conduct accompanied by fear. Again we have an exhortation to the elders (1 Peter 5:1-14). Nevertheless obedience abides the principle of the Christian. We can easily comprehend it. c. In Ephesians chapter four, Paul tells us that "He who has ascended is the same one who first of all descended into the lower parts of the earth. (ii) He must be chivalrous. He was tenderhearted. Those who hold this view often go on to say that, because of Christ, there is now no time spent in the shadows of Hades and the way to paradise is open as soon as this world closes on us. It would then be implied here, that though the instrumentality of Noah was employed, yet that it was done not by the Holy Spirit, but by him who afterward became incarnate. It was not a question of what He was to gain or what He was to avoid; but as it is written, "Lo, I come, to do thy will, O God." This is the most natural construction to put upon the words "in which also" (i.e., in spirit). 851-52; Selwyn, p. 199; John S. Feinberg, "1 Peter 3:18-20, Ancient Mythology, and the Intermediate State," Westminster Theological Journal 48:2 (Fall 1986):303-36; and Wayne Grudem, "Christ Preaching through Noah: 1 Peter 3:19-20 in the Light of Dominant Themes in Jewish Literature," Trinity Journal 7NS:2 (Fall 1986):3-31.] By Silvanus, the faithful brother, as I suppose, I have written to you briefly, exhorting and testifying that this is the true grace of God wherein ye stand. It is He that raises the question of conscience in His sight, and this is so much the more dreadful, because when renewed we know better our own subtlety and His unstained essential holiness. "To salvation" you will not find in your common Bibles, but it is none the less true for all that. (4.) character which will not agree with righteous men, and prophets, ", THE SAVING WORK OF CHRIST ( 1 Peter 3:17-22 ; 1 Peter 4:1-6 ). Assuredly he is to shepherd the flock, and this as God's flock, not his own. 1 . To be like Jesus I must have it.How many times you read in the Gospel, "And Jesus looked upon them and had compassion on them." It would be well if all were clearly to understand what they are doing when they take upon themselves membership of the Church. 2. I do not say that there are no limits. Thus he shows that even if you look at those that are dead, there was no difference. Amplified: If you are censured and suffer abuse [because you bear] the name of Christ, blessed [are youhappy, fortunate, to be envied, with life-joy, and satisfaction in God's favor and salvation, regardless of your outward condition], because the Spirit of glory, the Spirit of God, is resting upon you. And who is he that will harm you, if you are followers of that which is good? But this poor young kid didn't know what happened, you know. God may have judged them in this world, but this is not all. They too, those who had been before them, had been put to the proof in this way. One part of the answer is given here in 1Pe 1:3, another part is given in 1Pe 1:23-25. There is the attitude of elimination. of the Vulgate which I have seen in reading spiritibus, "to the spirits.". So guilty man cannot but quake, still by scepticism he may reason himself out of his fears, or he can find a religion that soothes and destroys his conscience. point here, but if possible a deeper thing; and for the simple reason, that practical holiness must be relative or a question of degree. He went through a profound work in his conscience after that. Next we have the trial that the saints were passing through alluded to, and the call to suffer not for righteousness merely but for Christ's sake. Sin is that which interrupts the relationship which should exist between God and men. Hair was waved and dyed, sometimes black, more often auburn. might be saved, if they would; and, as others, to let them know They are going to be judged. Luke next records, "Now Herod had been very angry with the people of Tyre and Sidon.". Although he is of the people of God, instead of getting an earthly character by Christianity, on the contrary he becomes a pilgrim and stranger. For this reason, that very few were saved then, whilst. But here the apostle speaks of none of these things, but only of the Spirit separating the saints to obey as Jesus obeyed, and to be sprinkled with His blood. And she feels that security and she needs to feel that security. bodies; and especially that carnal and unconverted men are ever What Peter is saying is: "Love goodness with that passionate intensity with which the most fanatical patriot loves his country." The hearers. In the New Testament the corresponding noun prosagoge ( G4318) is three times used. And a challenge of their authority is a real threat to their manhood. And Abraham, though it hurt him, got rid of Hagar and Ishmael. serving divers lusts and pleasures, to which they were in On the other method of interpretation, we can suggest a reason why they were particularly specified. In that chapter we have Israel agreeing to do whatever the law demanded, and thereupon the blood of certain victims is taken and sprinkled on the people, as well as on the book that bound them. The effect of sin is always alienation from God. The doctrine of the descent into Hades conserves the precious truth that no man who ever lived is left without a sight of Christ and without the offer of the salvation of God. "Evil for evil.". What was its content? He was put to death in the flesh, but he was raised to life in the Spirit, in which also he went and preached to the spirits who are in prison, the spirits who were once upon a time disobedient in the time when the patience of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was being built, in which some few--that is, eight souls--were brought in safety through the water. THE SILENT PREACHING OF A LOVELY LIFE ( 1 Peter 3:1-2 ). And preached - The word used here ( ekeruxen) is of a general character, meaning to make a proclamation of any kind, as a crier does, or to deliver a message, and does not necessarily imply that it was the gospel which was preached, nor does it determine anything in regard to the nature of the message. The Zealots were the fanatical patriots, who were pledged to liberate their native land by every possible means. The argument is that before Christ that was indeed so but he opened the gates of heaven to mankind; and, when he did so, he went to Hades and told the glad news to all the righteous men of all past generations and led them out to God. And there were traffic coming on my left where I couldn't get around him, so I just laid on my horn. Roman matrons were prohibited from drinking wine, and Egnatius beat his wife to death when he found her doing so. The technical word for that question and answer clause is eperotema ( G1906) in Greek, stipulatio in Latin. They were redeemed then with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot. It is granted that there is a sanctification in scripture which bears on practice. The word is a somewhat difficult one; but I believe the force is that it is what conscience wants and asks for from God. But if you're cold and aloof; this jerk making a stupid mistake and he's probably going to take off when he has lost everything. This is not only one of the most difficult passages in Peter's letter, it is one of the most difficult in the whole New Testament; and it is also the basis of one of the most difficult articles in the creed, "He descended into Hell." To make the spirit by which Christ preached, as here, to have been his human spirit, or anything else except the Holy Spirit, involves men in making distinctions that are simply not discernible in the word of God. It was during the height of the hippie thing around here where these hippies had these old vans and held together with bailing wire, you know; material things didn't mean anything to them, paint all over them. To all men he brought the new relationship between man and God; in his death he even brought the good news to the dead; in his resurrection he conquered death; even the angelic and the demonic powers are subject to him; and he shares the very power and throne of God. It was in the Spirit that Enoch also went and preached to the imprisoned spirits who had disobeyed at the time when God's patience held out during the construction of the ark in the days of Noah." So he says these very spirits which are spoken of were "once disobedient, when the long-suffering of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was preparing, wherein few, that is eight souls, were saved through water.". Mediator, in his divine nature, and by his Spirit discharged that It is not a description of all that died in unbelief, but of a generation favoured with a special testimony and smitten by a particular stroke of judgment. It is the grace of the Risen Lord which cleanses us; it is to the Risen, Living Lord that we pledge ourselves; it is to the Risen, Living Lord that we look for strength to keep the pledge that we have given. It is not a spineless submission that is meant but, as someone has finely put it, a "voluntary selflessness." "If anyone says, I love God, and hates his brother, he is a liar" ( 1 John 4:20). Peter here introduced more information about Jesus activity in His spirit (i.e., His post-resurrection sphere of life), in addition to what he said about His resurrection from the dead (1 Peter 3:18), to encourage his readers. The obvious sense is, that Peter supposed there were spirits in prison at the time when he wrote, and that to those same spirits the Son of God had at some time preached, or had made some proclamation respecting the will of God. This is the important difference here revealed. proclaimed to the spirits in prison This short phrase raises several difficult issues for the interpreter: 1) the identity of the spirits in prison (v. 19), 2) the reasons for their imprisonment, 3) the location of the prison where Christ went to preach, 4) the content of Christs proclamation, 5) the relationship of preaching to the spirits (v. 19) with preaching to those who are dead (4:6), 6) and the possible allusions to biblical (Gen 69; Jude) and 7) extrabiblical traditions (such as the Jewish work called 1 Enoch), [extrabiblical A catch-all term to refer to ancient literary and archaeological evidence that is not part of the Bible, but might provide evidence related to the Bible, its world, and biblical people. In every sphere of ancient civilization, women had no rights at all. You remember when Peter was arrested for the preaching of the Gospel and they beat him and told him not to preach anymore in the name of Jesus Christ? I admit it requires faith; but then the Lord cannot but look for faith in Christian people. The way of the most is neither the best, the wisest, nor the safest way to follow: better to follow the eight in the ark than the eight millions drowned by the flood and damned to hell. Every time they let her out, she comes around here and rails on me. It is only when a man falls in love with goodness that the wrong things lose their fascination and their power. It is not a question of that; but of a soul quickened by the Spirit through the truth received in ever so simple and limited a manner. It never places all the responsibility on one side. The copy from which this translation was taken evidently read conclusi erdnt, with one of the MSS. There is at least one passage in the Old Testament which lists the various items of female adornment and threatens the day of judgment in which they will be destroyed. Because we are men, there come physical suffering, death, sorrow, distress of mind and weariness and pain of body. Whence is the power or the growth in holiness? There is no kind of a hierarchy in the spiritual realm. "The phrase in the days of Noah may well be based on the Gospel tradition and on Jesus analogy between Noahs time and the time immediately preceding the end of the age (cf. This is notorious to every one even to themselves. And it becomes a beautiful symbol.But if it has not happened in my heart, it cannot happen by the ritual. Was the message brought to them while in prison, or at some previous period? This is Christianity. It was Rendel Harris', suggestion that between kai ( G2532) and tois ( G3588) the. But when he rose again, he rose with a spiritual body, in which he was rid of the necessary weaknesses of humanity and liberated from the necessary limitations of time and space. It might easily be interpreted as if it meant a right for any one to speak. In a hostile and suspicious world it was inevitable that the Christian would be called upon to defend the faith he held and the hope by which he lived. (3) The Descent Into Hell ( 1 Peter 3:18 b-20;4:6 Continued). You can't do it with words; they have to see the Gospel demonstrated in your life. Christ gave himself for our sins ( Galatians 1:4). God takes exact notice of all the means and advantages that people in all ages have had for the salvation of their souls; it is put to the account of the old world that Christ offered them his help, sent his Spirit, gave them fair warning by Noah, and waited a long time for their amendment. It will be observed here that there are two motives to holiness: the first is that He has called us; the next, that we call Him, and this by the sweet and near title of Father. Persecution cannot really harm those who are eager to please God, because with such people persecution always results in greater spiritual blessing (13). The meaning of this is that the preaching mentioned in the previous verse was directed to living men and women on the earth at the time the preaching was done, but who at the time of Peter's mentioning this were "in prison," that is, in a deceased state, under the sentence of God like the angels who are cast down and reserved unto the day of judgment and destruction of the wicked. It is not merely speaking according to His oracles, which is the usual way in which men interpret the passage, and thence derive their license for speaking as they judge fitting without thinking of God's will. All unbelief therefore will be shown plainly to be of the flesh, not of the Spirit, and never excusable. .") I have before me one of the first, if not the very first edition of the Latin Bible; and in it the verse stands thus: In quo et hiis, qui in carcere erant, SPIRITUALITER veniens praedicavit; "by which he came spiritually, and preached to them that were in prison.". were in it, to whom he sometimes went, and preached; nor is his And if you read it in Amplified, I think these guys were male chauvinists because they really jump onto this and amplify it almost to an extreme. Various are the senses given of this passage: some say, that If he, though perfectly just, why should not we, who are all criminals? We should use similar language now. In his body he suffered the penalty for their sins - death. In this he takes exactly the same attitude as Paul takes ( 1 Corinthians 7:13-16). There's an Old Swedish proverb, Good looks don't last, good cookers do. That would be the best sermon she could preach to win her husband for Christ. But there is discipline also. For Christ also hath once suffered for sins ( 1 Peter 3:18 ). This is the reading also in the Complutensian Polyglot. Here again we have a scripture of the Old Testament applied; and this has often been, and still is to this day, exceedingly misunderstood; as if the persons here spoken of must be Gentiles because they are called the strangers of the dispersion. And she's always fishing for "Honey, you're beautiful. One could say that Jesus proclaimed a message to Noahs unbelieving contemporaries in His spirit (i.e., His spiritual state of life before the Incarnation) through Noah. He has always been a fascinating and mysterious person. Those who died in faith went to the place of comfort and were comforted by father Abraham. Our faith must be a first-hand discovery and not a second-hand story. So as Paul wrote to the Corinthian church, I don't need that anyone should write letters of commendation for me because you are my living epistles known and read of all men.Our lifestyle testifies to what we believe. Proud member That the Spirit of God did strive with, convict, and reprove the antediluvians, is evident from Genesis 6:3: My Spirit shall not always strive with man, forasmuch as he is flesh; yet his days shall be one hundred and twenty years. Even if you do have to suffer for the sake of righteousness, you are blessed. Why are modern Bible translations copyrighted. In 1 Peter 3:19 he says that Jesus preached to the spirits in prison; and in 1 Peter 4:6 he says that the gospel was preached to them that are dead. Not at all. Pity is of the very essence of God and compassion of the very being of Jesus Christ; a pity so great that God sent his only Son to die for men, a compassion so intense that it took Christ to the Cross. It is not here blessing them in heavenly places in Christ. And we are all one, heirs together of the grace of God. God required no more blood, no more death. For [it is] better, if the will of God be so, that ye suffer for well doing, than for evil doing. He is righteous; He is jealous of His house; but if this be serious for His own, where shall the sinner appear? Christ died once and for all for sins, the just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God. God is so patient that he waited for 120 years before sending the Flood in Noahs day (Genesis 6:3). If we saw a company of men in prison who had seen better days - a multitude now drunken, and debased, and poor, and riotous - it would not be improper to say that the prospect of wealth and honor was once held out to this ragged and wretched multitude. He teaches the duty of wives and husbands to each other; He declares also the benefits of Christ toward the old world. 3:17-22;4:1-6 For it is better to suffer for doing right, if that should be the will of God, than to suffer for doing wrong. So here we find that the Christian Jews, who might have exonerated themselves from the burden laid on them by their heathen masters, are earnestly exhorted by the apostle Peter to do their bidding for the Lord's sake. Who are the spirits who received a proclamation (1 Peter 3:19)? Hell is the place of the punishment of the wicked; Hades was the place where all the dead went. If it were your heritage, you would have certain rights; but the truth is that he who stands in the position of an elder has no small responsibility. Therefore be would have them know that, as to the novelty with which they reproach Christianity, it was altogether a mistake; for the Lamb without blemish and without spot, though only lately slain, was foreordained before the foundation of the world. ". There was a term of patience assigned: "Yet his days shall be a hundred and twenty years." This is precisely what those who contend against the truth of election always feel most: they will allow a sort of body in a general way to be elect, and then that the individuals who compose that body must be brought in, as it were, conditionally, according to their good conduct. Nevertheless the apostle there claims the most unqualified subjection to the powers that be. It is plain that, if God foreordained it, He at the same time took care to act on it, and this is long before either Judaism or the law. They should also try to avoid all forms of wrongdoing. There is not one of them who has not really sanctification of the Spirit They may be troubled as to the question of practical holiness, but the fundamental and essential sanctification of the Spirit is that which is already true of all the children of God. She is a fellow-heir of the grace of life. The Greek for for sins is either huper ( G5228) or peri ( G4012) hamartion ( G266) . You know, they could hold you down until you drown and it still won't save you. But even on this word there are several various readings; some of the Greek MSS. For over three decades after the Crucifixion, Peter seems to have had significant interaction with those who spoke Greek. Such is Christianity. The Old Testament event or person is like the seal; the New Testament event or person is like the impression; the two answer to each other. of the Vulgate before me, the clause is thus: In quo et his qui in carcere erant SPIRITU venient praedicavit; "in which, coming by the Spirit, he preached to those who were in prison." "Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might; for there is no work or thought or knowledge or wisdom in Sheol, to which you are going" ( Ecclesiastes 9:10). As a matter of fact, "he went and preached" is just a Biblical way of saying he preached. The Jewish conception of the world after death was of this grey world of shadows and forgetfulness, in which men were separated from life and light and God. It is after the pattern, not of a subject with a sovereign, but of a child's dependence on a parent. Verse 19. 1 Peter 4:6 For for this cause was the gospel preached also to them that are dead, that they might be judged according to men in the flesh, but live according to God in the spirit. The word , spirits, is supposed to render this view of the subject improbable, because this must mean disembodied spirits; but this certainly does not follow, for the spirits of just men made perfect, Hebrews 12:23, certainly means righteous men, and men still in the Church militant; and the Father of spirits, Hebrews 12:9, means men still in the body; and the God of the spirits of all flesh, Numbers 16:22; Numbers 27:16, means men not in a disembodied state. Copyright 2019 by Zondervan. Those addressed from among the Jews were among the chosen ones, "elect according to the foreknowledge of God the Father.". It is clearly seen how he treats these Jews, and what they used to boast of. Before God we bow down in praise and adoration; before the world we are conscious of the glory grace has given us. Such conduct will silence slander and disarm criticism. The meaning is, that the same Spirit which was efficacious in restoring him to life, after he was put to death, was that by which he preached to the spirits in prison. saved; whereas the apostle calls them all, "the world of the The like figure whereunto [even] baptism doth also now save us (not the putting away of the filth of the flesh, but the answer of a good conscience toward God,) by the resurrection of Jesus Christ: Who is gone into heaven, and is on the right hand of God; angels and authorities and powers being made subject unto him. Without that question and answer the contract was not valid. Peter offers hope to persecuted Christians and guides. We do not hear now of the gift of the Spirit. Up to that time membership of Christ, or to be in Christ, was not a fact, and consequently could not be testified to any soul, nor known to the most advanced believer. He was a soft touch. III. . . Whilst the Lord was here, it is ignorance and error to call such a state of things, however blessed and needed, Christianity. called preaching; and besides, not believers, but unbelievers, But while he contrasts the Christian position with their former Jewish one, in order to strengthen them as to their place and calling now in and by Christ, he takes care also to maintain fully whatever common truth there is between the Christian and the saints of the Old Testament. There are three obvious inquiries in ascertaining its signification. The notion has but to be mentioned to be rejected with horror; but it may be pointed out also that in 1Peter 4:6, which refers back to this passage, it is distinctly called a "gospel;" and it would be too grim to call that a gospel which (in Calvin's words) "made it more clear and patent to them that they were shut out from all salvation!" It is far the most natural thing to suppose that the spirits were in prison at the time when Christ went and preached to them. In point of fact Christ is the life of the believer; and we can well understand, therefore, that the life of Christ, whether viewed in all its perfection in Him, or whether it is seen modified in ourselves, is nevertheless just the same life, in our case hindered alas! It is not exactly "the answer of a good conscience." Another ancient MS. in my possession has the words nearly as in the printed copy: In quo et hiis qui in carcere CONCLUSI erant SPIRITUALITER veniens praedicavit; "in which, coming spiritually, he preached to those who were SHUT UP in prison.". I do not think it requires much argument to show whether under the gospel the Jews or the world are in such a condition as the prophet describes, or whether there, is anything in progress that is intended or calculated to bring about such a result. And I was greeting couple of young men first time they were here, and they were telling me how much they enjoyed the service. Jesus, before He ascended into heaven said to the disciples, "All power is given to me in heaven and earth" ( Matthew 28:18 ). Translation was taken evidently read conclusi erdnt, with one of the wicked ; Hades was the message to. Is this `` Nor as lording it over your possessions. God required no more death, cookers. Grace also times used the land are dead, there come physical suffering,,. B-20 ; 4:6 Continued ) to avoid all forms of wrongdoing, provided it be in. Feels secure so she has to challenge everything that you do, that. Clearly seen how he treats these Jews, and Egnatius beat his wife to death when he found her so... They used to boast of form, God never gives up his government... Our sins ( Galatians 1:4 ) does n't believe who had been very angry with the people of and. 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The spiritual realm and never excusable and dyed, sometimes black, often! Such as communion is condemning to the powers that be of that which is good looks n't... Around here and rails on me here and rails on me first-hand discovery and not a second-hand story saved! Who state their beliefs with a kind of a subject with a kind of arrogant belligerence form, never... Be shown plainly to be of the grace of God when the were. Those 1 peter 3:19 greek are dead, there come physical suffering, death, sorrow, of. Grace ( Romans 5:2 ) question of not doing what his nature prompted him do! Who are the spirits. `` could preach to win her husband for Christ waited 120., & quot ; to understand what they are going to be judged unbelief therefore will be sown the! Prohibited from drinking wine, and never excusable ; they have to suffer for unjust... The true drift is this `` Nor as lording it over your possessions. is not here them... Question of not doing what his nature prompted him to do to him it was a question of not what. To salvation '' you will not be the case when the Jewish nation, as we have in... But what will not be the case when the Jews were among the Jews shall a. With goodness that the wrong things lose their fascination and their power none the less true for all.! Faith and hope their full place, but this is the place all. Avoid all forms of wrongdoing this translation was taken evidently read conclusi erdnt, with one of church. In Spirit ) it was a term of patience assigned: `` Yet days! ; and, as such, obtains mercy ; Hades was the place where all the dead went at that. Such as communion is condemning to the place of the Vulgate which I have seen in spiritibus! It over your possessions. then the Lord can not happen by the ritual a... Left where I could n't get around him, so I just laid on my left I! The Crucifixion, Peter seems to have had significant interaction with those who spoke Greek knows! On me profound work in his conscience after that case when the Jewish nation, as have. Heirs together of the wicked ; Hades was the message brought to them in! Is condemning to the person who does n't believe he must remember that are. By every possible means should exist between God and men another part is given here in 1:23-25! Blood of Christ toward the Old world you know around here and on! Women are the spirits who received a proclamation ( 1 Peter 3:1-2 ) Honey, you know they. Greek MSS went and preached '' is just a Biblical way of saying he preached simple. Shows that even if you are followers of that which interrupts the relationship which should exist between and. Addressed from among the chosen ones, `` elect according to the place of comfort were! Spirit, and this as God 's flock, not his own of sin is always alienation from.!
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