Instead of sentencing him to prison for raping a toddler, Judge Jan Jurden ruled that Richards would benefit from treatment. John Lawrence was One reaction to my duPont article was that someone whose mother-in-law works for the duPonts in Pennsylvania asked a few questions and found out that her mother-in-law is an actual witch (I dont mean as in an old hag I mean is in witchcraft). For those people who subscribe to the theory that the world is divided between the Rothschilds and Rockefellers, look at the duPonts, who are truly independent of the other top families dispels that theory. The du Pont family descended from Huguenot nobility in Burgundy, emigrating to the United States in 1800. Yes, the British royal family does tie in the elite, the occult, and the drug trade. Gill & Son, 1885) where Dillon lectures on the French Revolution he states that both Talleyrand and Mirabeau were key Illuminati. Whether or not these trees are really sentient, rumors circulate endlessly about an old mansion that stands in the woods off of Cossart Road in Chadds Ford. But their descendants? The DuPont gunpowder factories dominated the industry. Yet, my 1983 World Almanac (which lists in fine print about 1,300 associations) gives the membership of the Society of the Cincinnati at 2,800. The history of DuPont is a history of scientific and technological breakthroughs. Automotive Show Features Lots of Toughened Materials, by Stuart A. John W. (Gardner is a 60 Illuminatus and in charge of the Rockefeller Bros. Fund. Went to Poland in 1774 at the request of King Stanislaus-Augustus [a Freemason] to organize a general system of national education. Henry du Pont (1812-1889) took over command of the gunpowder manufacturing when he was thirty-eight. Alfred built his cousin-wife Alicia the most expensive house on the east coast. People in the Mill City area were afraid to answer my questions. So he decided to convert his mansion into a training center for wrestlers. Exceptional blue sapphires accounted for four of the top six lots at Christies New York Magnificent Jewels auction held Tuesday. However, Freddie died of a heart attack a long time ago. Du Pont Heir Gets No Prison Time for Raping 3-Year-Old Daughter By Kia Makarechi March 31, 2014 Robert Richards IV was in 2009 convicted of raping his three-year-old daughter, seven years after. Seventeen of America's wealthiest families owe their fortunes to an industrious immigrant. DuPont saved GM from extinction after W.W.I and has watched over GM since. I suggest that everyone who believes that the DuPonts and the rest of the elite are capitalists, should take another look at history. Pierre-Samuel du Pont ( q.v. By April, 1918 Alfred had defeated Coleman for control of Delawares politics. Lyndon LaRouche, who was truly exposing the Satanic conspiracy, wrote a good book Dope, Inc. Anyway, the bottom line is that behind the scenes, all of the Governors since the 1920s have been approved by the duPonts. Anything that involves chemicals is under their production. For centuries they have wielded political influence, playing a role in historic events like the Louisiana purchase. Although the DuPont companies the principle DuPont company is E.L. DuPont De Nemours & Co (whose 1991 revenues were $38.7 billion) are run by many executives who are not duPonts, the duPont family does quietly pull the strings in the background. When Mary Belin married into the family she brought some Jewish blood. L.H eislerB all ( 190345,1 919-25) also served state treasurer Freemason. Rodyti daugiau. Those of us, who know what these people want to do, cringe when we see that some of the top genetic researchers are connected with Satanic families. Like in Europe, certain families were at one time notorious for practicing incest. They modernized the DuPont factories and put the DuPont businesses back Into top shape. There the coroner was willing to lie on the death certificate that the death was caused by effusive apoplexy.. One of the clues that the family is a top Satanic family are the frequency of marriages between relatives of the du Pont descendants. With such a small gene pool, inbreeding was inevitable. The DuPonts also went Into the chemical business. by R. Barry OBrien, 1893). In the late 1960s, political enemies were able to attack the wealth of Ed Ball with new legislation and some investigation of the misuse of his money hidden in the foundations. This brother sent me a video of the Pecos River Training. In fact, he was both a disciple of Weishaupt and Rousseau. Although rich, Fred was not willing to help support a distraught prostitute raise the child she was sure he had sired. In recent years, the family has continued to be known for its association with political and business ventures, as well as philanthropic causes. The family has always had a head of the family. The heir to the du Pont chemical fortune also admitted to sexually assaulting his infant son. One reference stated, The Society of the Cincinnati # 1783 # it is likely that no Englishman feels a greater sense of pride in being a Knight of the Garter, or Scotsman, a Knight of the Thistle, than an American feels in being a member of The Society of the Cincinnati.. Incredible as it may seem, the black nobility have kept track of their bloodlines. Data on inbreeding in several contemporary human populations are compared, showing the highest local rates of inbreeding to be in Brazil, Japan, India, and Israel. Or in the words of someone else to focus resources on businesses where each can develop stronger global positions. (See Economist, 10/3/,92, p.76) The swap will give DuPont 43% of the European market for nylon fibers used to manufacture carpets. Three of the grandest - Longwood, Winterthur, and Nemours - are in close proximity and excellent options for a spring daytrip or weekend getaway. of state of Del. [4] The family's interest in horticulture was planted in the United States by their immigrant progenitors from France and was also nourished and cultivated in later generations by avid gardeners who married into the family. 1819-1822) Collins family, Caleb P. Bennett (Gov. In America they established a gunpowder plant, supplying powder to the US army. It appeared Lisa Dean, a du Pont, didnt approve of her drug-addicted son dating a drug-addicted Vegas sex worker, so she and her husband, Christopher Moseley, had her killed. The purpose of the organization is To render permanent the cordial affection subsisting among the officers. O.K. A man who saw my book The Watchtower & The Masons told me 2 years ago that be knew John Lawrence. One of the families that Intermarried and were close friends with the DuPonts was the Cazenoves family. He failed to get his family on the conspiracy charge. Factors other than mere proximity can make inbreeding attractive. Louis Cazenove du Pout a handsome, intelligent young committed suicide with a bullet in the library at the Wilmington Club. Around the CIvil War times, the DuPonts became less identified with Deism and more Identified with the Episcopal church. Eleuthere I. du Pont sits on DuPont's board of directors. She was . (How or why he got this I havent found out.). The most famous of which is the murder of Dave Schultz. With the help of Christians in the plant, this Christian brother finds out what is planned, and then does his homework so that he can proof to the workers how New Age ideas are being brought in to subvert their thinking. Over time, the Du Pont company grew into the largest black powder manufacturing firm in the world. For instance, much to the delight of the duPonts, Sophie Madeleine du Pont married her cousin Samuel Prancis DuPont in 1833. The 13 Satanic Bloodlines: Paving the Road to Hell, THE COMPLETE FACTS ARE DIFFICULT TO DISCOVER. by Leonard Mosley Atheneum 32 photographs, 448 pages, $15.00. The lovely garden paths, however, take visitors through formal gardens that give way to woods, meadows and ponds. John du Pont was sentenced to 13 to 30 years in 1997 for the 1996 murder of Olympic gold medal winner David Schultz. His narrow-minded, backward and authoritarian thinking ran the DuPont company into the ground in spite of their control of the gunpowder market. The Marquis de Lafayette was a member. Lafayette was a Jacobin, as well as the key players in the French Revolution. Madame de Stal was nothing less than an intimate friend of St. Simon. The du Pont Family - A Dynasty Of Satanic Royalty Posted on April 18, 2020 by Louis Payseur John Coleman, a researcher on the elite, commented to me that when he had researched the Queen of Denmark, he had discovered that the royal danish family were slipping away secretly from everyone and were going to Satanic rituals. They are not as nice is their pictures suggest. They bought a ranch, which is not in Jim Coles name. However, the British never attacked it. The du Pont family fortune spans continents and centuries. In almost all species of animal, inbreeding is known to cause a build up of negative recessive genes. The stated purpose of the organization ditnt seem to explain the interest people put into the organization. Later in the United States, after successfully setting up the best gunpowder factory in the world, Eleuthre Irene DuPont was selected along with his friend Nicholas Biddle to be a director of Hamiltons creation the United States Bank. New and used Family items for sale in Vilnius, Lithuania on Facebook Marketplace. In June 1892, William du Pont married Annie Rogers Zinn, the daughter of the locomotive maker Theodore Rogers (d. November 18, 1871) and Mary Andrews Rogers (d. March 11, 1918). Timothy McVeigh, The Oklahoma City Bomber, Beatrice Cenci Plotted Murder in 1598 Rome, 17 Strange Facts About John Du Pont, A Creepy Billionaire And Murderer, nearlyhitting theyoung child in the process, buildings on his propertyspray-painted black. Most city dwellers flock to the same, predictable places (like the Hamptons and Hudson Valley). He served no jail time, leading many to wonder if his wealth influenced the ultimate sentencing. Both John du Pont and Moseley died in prison. I had it, so I decided to give it, on the chance someone might use it. Currently unemployed, Richards. Jefferson, who was a Grand Orient Mason of the famous Nine Sisters Lodge, and apparently a key Illuminatus, was a close friend of Pierre Samuel and was instrumental at several key points in Pierre Samuels life when he needed help. And yet for some reason when W.W. The duPonts had always beea in the forefront on safety at their gunpowder factories, but that did not prevent them from having to suffer repeated explosions over the years. John Lawrence and I would be a natural shoe-in as Mends since we both investigate secret satanic groups. In the biography about Alfred which I read it said: Alfred had scored over his sister Marguerite. They have been called Kings and rightly so even if people have been unaware that they are a dynasty of Illuminati Kings. Eleuthre lrne was a prominent outspoken Jacobin. Joanna Smith DuPont was Instrumental in this change. He was an Episcopalian. They already have plants in a number of South American countries, Mexico, Canada, US., Korea, Japan; and several European nations. William S. Dutton's mid-20th-century history of the family business[2] uses "Du Pont" both for the family mentioned generally and for the company's short name but "du Pont" in an individual's full name (for example, "leuthre Irne du Pont", "Henry du Pont", "Alfred Victor du Pont", "Lammot du Pont"); for example, "when he [Lammot du Pont] went to General Henry du Pont with the proposal that the Du Ponts manufacture dynamite, he was answered by a blunt and unqualified 'No! It was state-of-the-art technology, and they supplied manpower to help get started. Eleuthre lrne DuPont was intelligent, worked very hard and worked with patience. During W.W. The DuPonts have in general made their money the hard way-by working and producing, in contrast to the other top families. In the early 1800s, the Saint-Simonians suggested in the early 1800s that the date 2000 be the target date for the New Order. The 26-year-old turned herself in this week following a search that captivated certain corners of New York. Part of the plans were to create a new society. However, I was able to glean a little information with a great deal of effort. He was born in France, and become a sea captain. But the influence of French orthography and prerevolutionary class structure on how English orthography styles surnames today is outweighed by how families and individuals so named style themselves. Photo: USA TODAY / via Pinterest Such was the case for one of Americas richest and most powerful families. Trade and Economic Council (which Rockefeller plays a big part of). One of the people who bad been Involved for a short time with the Illuminati, and is now a Christian told me that they could remember the name The Society of the Cincinnati and that they knew nothing about the organization, but that it had something to do with the Illuminati. There were also nearby stone quarries to provide needed building materials.[8]. Coleman bought New York Equitable Life Assurance Society, which was Americas largest insurance company. Consequently in 1899 Delaware only had one U.S. Whether one is aware of the secret Satanic power of the duPonts or not, it is inescapable to conclude that thi family is exceedingly powerful in the United States beyond comprehension. [7] The family is depicted in the 2014 biographical film Foxcatcher, with Steve Carell playing John Eleuthre du Pont and Vanessa Redgrave playing Jean du Pont, the wife of William du Pont Jr. As of 2016, the family fortune was estimated at $14.3 billion, spread across more than 3,500 living relatives.[3]. A sometimes-athlete himself, du Pontbecame obsessed with wrestling. The ICI (Imperial Chemical Industries- which is allied with the Warburg family) in England and DuPont swapped plants. Going into the 1900s, they put the incest to one side, because that kind of thing went out of fashion quickly. Many key books used in preparing this article can be identified by the references in the text. The next drawing is a drawing that went with a letter from Sophie to Clementina Smith, 21 July 1837 which is a self-portrait of what Sophie calls blackies (black servants) who toted (carried) her to her bath in a special chair. Du Pont was chummy with local law enforcement, buying them bullet-proof vests and even training them at his personal gun range. Among them was Dave Schultz, a seven time world and Olympic gold medalist. In 1802, leuthre Irne du Pont established a gunpowder mill on the banks of the Brandywine River near Wilmington, Delaware. They are diabolical men. Boeing and Lockhead are definitely involved with the production of flying saucers, so this may be a good due that DuPont is too. It is very clear that the DuPont companies are being used in a big way to move us toward the New World Order. Shapiro was a member of Carters Advisory Council on Japan-US. At that time the DuPonts had powder plants in PA, DEL, Iowa, and TN. SENATORS OF DELAWARE (alphabetical order of surnames). Pierre Samuel was deist. According to a former gym coach, he was upset that the fish in his pond weren't biting. The neural networks are to the point they can learn from their mistakes. of Del., also state senator(36-39). I received a video of the Pecos River Training near Santa Fe, N.M. that DuPont workers in the east are sent to. Many of the executives are men whose philosophy of life matches the duPonts. Pierre Samuel was deist. The family's first American estate, Eleutherian Mills, located at Hagley Museum and Library, was preserved and restored by Louise E. du Pont Crowninshield. An employee environmental awards program was installed where employees can win money by submitting their environmental suggestions. Amid safety concerns, and anxiety over the fate of a $200 million movie, How Screwed Are Donald Trump and His Adult Children, and Other Questions You Might Have About the Staggering Fraud Lawsuit Against Them. The first Pierre Samuel du Pont advocated marriage between cousins to ensure honesty of soul and purity of blood. Several generations later, the reigning patriarch was grumbling that the thinning of that pure blood by inbreeding was producing freaks. So she shot Fred in the heart. Fred was murdered. Du Pont reportedly began shooting at geese near the pond,nearlyhitting theyoung child in the process. For instanced, did anyone catch what Bill Clinton did when he faced the people and waved at the inauguration? Interestingly, DuPont has been getting into the act by spearheading Delawares BRT task force, in which students will attend seminars at Du Pont facilities. Creative Commons License. The following list is not a complete genealogy, but is ordered by descent to show the familial relationships between members of the du Pont family throughout history. According to a local legend in Delaware, the years of incest gradually distorted their minds. Lewis provided the $212,000 for the book to be printed. It is a common occurrence that Christians assume that others who use words that they use, think like the Christians. Free subscription>>, Please consider a donation to help us keep this American treasure alive. John G. Townsend (Sen. 1929-42), Freemason, banker, alternate delegate to the U.N. General Assembly in 1946. On January 26, 1996, du Pont murdered Dave Schultz. It is said they would kidnap poor children from poor villages, to serve as an offering to Satan and that many of the Dupont estates were eventually gifted to the cult, most of which now lie abandoned. T. Coleman has been mentioned already in connection to the Du Pont Gunpowder Business, which he ran for a number of years as head honcho. That we know less about individual du Ponts than about Rockefellers or Vanderbilts, Mosley says in this highly entertaining history of the dynasty, is because self-appointed family archivists and the companys tight-lipped public relations men have for years sanitized the record. The family played a large part in politics during the 18th and 19th centuries and assisted in negotiations for the Treaty of Paris and the Louisiana Purchase. Why? The company expanded far beyond gunpowder, and is credited with inventing rayon, nylon and kevlar. Find great deals and sell your items for free. du Pont, who fled France. Not only are their Satanic activities deeply hidden, but even just the normal everyday sinfulness or human soap box drama of their lives is deeply hidden. It is most likely Coleman made that lie worth his effort. During the War of 1812, the DuPont gunpowder factory since it was the primary American powder company was the known target for the British to destroy. Ed Balis wealth passed the Billion dollar mark in the 50s or 60s. Two years later, the decomposing body of a Las Vegas prostitute was found stuffed in the air conditioner of a seedy motel. For centuries they have wielded political influence, playing a role in historic events like the Louisiana purchase.. The correct variations in spelling the Du Pont name are as follows: Dupont, DuPont, du Pont, duPont, Du Pont, and du Pont de Nemours. Herbivores and fertilizers for farming, cosmetics and nylons for women, chemicals for all types of industrial production, textiles of all kinds, cleaning fluids such as when you clothes are dry cleaned. These other families are known to be involved with the Illuminati and Satanism. At the other end of the scale is Charles II, King of Spain from 1665 to 1700, who was determined to be the 'individual with the highest coefficient of inbreeding', or the most inbred monarch. Apparently, du Pont even bought a replica police car and uniform. Only recently have scholars been permitted to poke around in family papers. Pierre Joined the Freemasons, and at some point was illuminized, as most of the French lodges became. Critics have since noted that such treatment is usually only offered to drug addicts or those in possession of child pornography, not convicted rapists. Eleuthre lrne du Pont had a daughter Sophie Madeleine du Pont (1810-1888). The american government had seized the German Dye Trust, and the DuPonts were given their patents. On August 22, 1857 the du Ponts lost their first family member to an explosion, Alexis duPont. Victor Marie and his father pursued grandiose schemes that tailed miserably, Eleuthre lrne DuPont started a gunpowder business in Delaware. Now the threads of this story return to Portland. [10] During the 19th century, the Du Pont family maintained their family wealth by carefully arranged marriages between cousins[11] which, at the time, was the norm for many families. Others did so to ensure their fortune would remain within the family. Further secrecy has been obtained by working through trusted proxies. He became a key leader in France advocating a new order. What the Association did was to eliminate competition between the three largest manufacturers of gunpowder, and create a monopoly for this cartel. When the United States was created it operated under the Articles of Confederation. The name of the original lodge of the Jacobins was changed to Club Breton and then Jacobin Club. Its a fun idea. French orthographic tradition for the styling of de (or its inflected forms) as a surname particle, in either nobiliary or non-nobiliary form, is discussed at Nobiliary particle The marathon ten-hour sale of 380 lots achieved more than $44.5 million, with 91% sold by lot and 95% by value. From 1906 until 1920, the du Pont family broke up into two factions that waged a civil war in various arenas. The genealogy shows several things, a. that the duPonts like the Astors repeatedly used the same names over and over, b, that the duPonts like the Rothschilds had a lot of first cousin marriages (marriages between a du Pont and a du Pont are given asterisks-however some of the marriages between people with different last names are also between first cousins and other relation). of Nat. At one point, he kicked three African American wrestlers outof his compound. Occult bloodline power can pass through women or men, so it was worth it to investigate Leighton Coleman. In fact, the du Ponts have better control over the presss coverage of them than the British Royal Family. Billion-Dollar Dynasties: These Are The Richest Families In America, Harry Winston Purchases 43-Carat Kashmir Sapphire For $6 Million At Christies, 43-Carat Kashmir Sapphire Could Fetch $7 Million At Christies, 8 Underrated Weekend Getaways And Road Trips From New York City, A Tale Of Toucan Hill: The Magic Of Mustiques Moorish Fantasy Villa, How A Du Pont Heir Avoided Jail Time For A Heinous Crime, Daredevil Free-Skier Lexi duPont Recalls Near-Death Experience, Offers Advice For Potential Suitors, Billion-Dollar Clans: America's 25 Richest Families 2016, New On Netflix: 'Minions,' 'Danger Mouse' And An Original Ricky Gervais Comedy, Delaware's Business Competitiveness: Where It Ranks Best And Worst, America's Oldest Billion-Dollar Family Fortunes, American Dreams: Richest U.S. Families With Immigrant Roots, American Justice For The Wealthy-No Prison For du Pont Heir Convicted Of Sexually Molesting His Child Because He Would Not "Fare Well In Jail", Downton Abbey Costume Exhibit Coming To America, Will Feature 40 Outfits Worn In The TV Series (Photos), Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information, Limit the Use of My Sensitive Personal Information. Mark Schultz says that du Pont confided in him about a terrible childhood accident. Robert Richards, an heir to the DuPont company, was convicted of raping his daughter in 2009. Annie was the divorced wife of George Zinn of New Castle, Delaware. The family owned everything in common, and distributed according to needs and according to the contribution that each could give to the family business. He believed nature was a higher God than his mechanical deist God. Louisvilles main paper the Louisville Commercial gave the public a totally fictitious story about how Alfred Victor du Pont died, along with many pages of the highest praise. In the late '70s, du Pontalmost shot a 12-year-old boy on his property. All three Bouviers were very proud of their memberships and would proudly display their boutonnieres on their labels showing membership. Still, while all royals carried dangerous genes, most were born relatively healthy. But before long they realized he was just a crazy person and shut down the whole program. I am trying to break ground so that people will understand more about how the elite think, etc. As these weird John du Pont stories show, his bizarre behavior began long before the murder. No reservations are required. Although Pierre went through severe financial difficulties after the French Revolution, be regularly made payments to Masonic organizations in France. One defense lawyer gave the following assessment to The News Journal: Who thrives in jail?. And I hadnt even heard about it until I got this tip from this ex-illuminatus. Few people are aware of the immense importance bloodlines play in the upper levels of Satanism. Three prominent Freemasons who were big in the Society of the Cincinnati were Henry Beekman Livingston (1750-1831), James Mann (1759-1832), and Hardy Murfee (1752-1809). The Aviation Week and Space Technology, 10/26/92 issue, p. 64,66 talks about the sophisticated composite materials that DuPont is producing for state of the art space and aviation vehicles. I broke out, he was made a consultant to the Joint Chiefs of Staff from 1943 to 1945. And more! Only the Dow Chemical Company is any competition with the DuPont chemical operation. He gave large sums of his money to masonic charity. DuPont was founded as a gunpowder manufacturer in 1802 by E.I. and there are scenes in it where strangers are kissing each other-well, not exactly strangers because the training is designed to break down individuality and to create a group think with intimacy. 1819-Grand Marshall of the Grand Lodge of Delaware (also 1822, 1823, 1825, 1827), 1825 Grand Treasurer of the Grand Lodge of Delaware, John Collins (Gov. (Personal Journal Aug. ,92, pp 60-71.). John du Pont shot Olympic wrestler David Schultz dead in the driveway of the familys mansion in 1996. They suggested the technological transformation of the earth, and the biological creation of a new, androgynous humanoid. Mosleys lively chronicle weaves together a sweeping business historywell larded with corporate dirty tricksand the personal stories of dozens of du Ponts, the honorable ones, the stuffy ones, and the outrageous ones. Pierre Samuel DuPont believed in Platos idea of government which included a philosopher-king. high ranking Freemason, Charles C. Stockley (Gov. Both T. Coleman and Henry A. du Pont served as U.S. senators, and Pierre S. du Pont, IV served as Governor of Delaware. Ranking just above baseball, incest is one of Americas most popular pastimes. Richardsagain, accused of raping two of his own childrenwas released on $60,000 bail and eventually copped a plea deal that involved him admitting he had abused his children, but receiving the lesser charge of fourth-degree rape. 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Lost their first family member to an explosion, Alexis DuPont Cazenove du Pout a,... Grumbling that the thinning of that pure blood by inbreeding was inevitable name of gunpowder.
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