In that vein, we determined the following The monolithic model makes it easier to understand the structure of the codebase, as there is no crossing of repository boundaries between dependencies. Each tool fits a specific set of needs and gives you a precise set of features. This practice dates back to You may find, say, Lage more enjoyable to use than Nx or Bazel even though in some ways it is less capable. and enables stability. sgeb is a Bazel-like system in terms of its interface (BUILDUNIT files vs BUILD files that Bazel Updating is difficult when the library callers are hosted in different repositories. Developers can instead store Piper workspaces on their local machines. Here is a curated list of articles about monorepos that we think will greatly support what you just learned. Alternatives Website Twitter. Early Google engineers maintained that a single repository was strictly better than splitting up the codebase, though at the time they did not anticipate the future scale of the codebase and all the supporting tooling that would be built to make the scaling feasible. While some additional complexity is incurred for developers, the merge problems of a development branch are avoided. The goal is to add scalability features to the Mercurial client so it can efficiently support a codebase the size of Google's. Tooling also exists to identify underutilized dependencies, or dependencies on large libraries that are mostly unneeded, as candidates for refactoring.7 One such tool, Clipper, relies on a custom Java compiler to generate an accurate cross-reference index. Rachel starts by discussing a previous job where she was working in the gaming industry. Adds a navbar with buttons for each package in a monorepo. In Proceedings of the 37th International Conference on Software Engineering, Vol. Google's internal version of Bazel powers the largest repository of the world. As someone who was familiar with the As you will see in this book, a monorepo approach can save developers from a great deal of headache and wasted time. Turborepo is the monorepo for Vercel, the leading platform for frontend frameworks. The repository contains 86TBa of data, including approximately two billion lines of code in nine million unique source files. Googles shelf inventory is an AI tool that uses videos and images from the To reduce the incidence of bad code being committed in the first place, the highly customizable Google "presubmit" infrastructure provides automated testing and analysis of changes before they are added to the codebase. It Supports definition of rules to constrain dependency relationships within the repo. 5. ], 4.1 make large, backwards incompatible changes easily [Probably easier with a mono-repo], 4.2 change of hundreds/thousands of files in a single consistent operation, 4.3 rename a class or function in a single commit, with no broken builds or tests, 5. large scale refactoring, code base modernization [True, but you could probably do the same on many repos with adequate tooling applies to all points below], 5.1 single view of the code base facilitates clean-up, modernization efforts, 5.1.1 can be centrally managed by dedicated specialists, 5.1.2 e.g. There are a number of potential advantages but at the highest level: Updates from the Piper repository can be pulled into a workspace and merged with ongoing work, as desired (see Figure 5). Get a consistent way of building and testing applications written using different tools and technologies. though, it became part of our companys monolithic source repository, which is shared In Proceedings of the 2013 ACM Workshop on Refactoring Tools (Indianapolis, IN, Oct. 26-31). Such reorganization would necessitate cultural and workflow changes for Google's developers. Without such heavy investment on infrastructure and tooling Click company after 10/20+ years). See the build scripts and repobuilder for more details. Once it is complete, a second smaller change can be made to remove the original pattern that is no longer referenced. The ability to store and replay file and process output of tasks. You can see more documentation on this on docs/ The fact that most Google code is available to all Google developers has led to a culture where some teams expect other developers to read their code rather than providing them with separate user documentation. A monorepo is a single version-controlled repository that contains several isolated projects with well-defined relationships. ), Google does trunk based development (Yey!!) 4. Overview. Instead of creating separate repositories for new projects, they Library authors often need to see how their APIs are being used. Developer tools may be as important as the type of repo. Use of long-lived branches with parallel development on the branch and mainline is exceedingly rare. This architecture provides a high level of redundancy and helps optimize latency for Google software developers, no matter where they work. We later examine this and similar trade-offs more closely. Google uses a similar approach for routing live traffic through different code paths to perform experiments that can be tuned in real time through configuration changes. It is now read-only. In particular Bazel uses its WORKSPACE file, In other words, the tool treats different technologies the same way. WebThe Google app keeps you in the know about things that matter to you. With this approach, a large backward-compatible change is made first. Single Repository, Communications of the ACM, July 2016, Vol. Most notably, the model allows Google to avoid the "diamond dependency" problem (see Figure 8) that occurs when A depends on B and C, both B and C depend on D, but B requires version D.1 and C requires version D.2. The internal tools developed by Google to support their monorepo are impressive, and so are the stats about the number of files, commits, and so forth. The code for the cicd code can be found in build/cicd. There's no such thing as a breaking change when you fix everything in the same commit. This section outlines and expands upon both the advantages of a monolithic codebase and the costs related to maintaining such a model at scale. Note the diamond-dependency problem can exist at the source/API level, as described here, as well as between binaries.12 At Google, the binary problem is avoided through use of static linking. Curious to hear your thoughts, thanks! Changes are made to the repository in a single, serial ordering. One concrete example is an experiment to evaluate the feasibility of converting Google data centers to support non-x86 machine architectures. Reducing cognitive load is important, but there are many ways to achieve this. Should you have the same deep pocket and engineering fire power as Google, you could probably build the missing tools for making it work across multiple repos (for example, adequate search across many repos, or applying patches and running tests a group of repos instead of a single repo). In the Piper workflow (see Figure 4), developers create a local copy of files in the repository before changing them. We provide background on the systems and workflows that make managing and working productively with a large repository feasible. GVFS,, Why Google Stores Billions of Lines of Code in a Single Repository (ACM 2016) [1], Advantages and disadvantages of a monolithic repository: a case study at Google (ICSE-SEIP 2018) [2], Flexible team boundaries and code ownership, Code visibility and clear tree structure providing implicit team namespacing. We do not intend to support or develop it any further. uses) that can delegates the build of a sgeb target to an underlying tool that knows how to do it. 1. Most developers can view and propose changes to files anywhere across the entire codebasewith the exception of a small set of highly confidential code that is more carefully controlled. we vendored. c. Google open sourced a subset of its internal build system; see Teams can package up their own binaries that run in production data centers. Jennifer Lopez wore the iconic Versace dress at the 2000 Grammy Awards. 'It was the most popular search query ever seen,' said Google exec, Eric Schmidt. It is thus necessary to make trade-offs concerning how frequently to run this tooling to balance the cost of execution vs. the benefit of the data provided to developers. This comes with the burden to have to vendor (check-in) all the third party dependendies Piper stores a single large repository and is implemented on top of standard Google infrastructure, originally Bigtable,2 now Spanner.3 Piper is distributed over 10 Google data centers around the world, relying on the Paxos6 algorithm to guarantee consistency across replicas. The Google codebase is laid out in a tree structure. ", However, Figure 5 seems to link to "Piper team logo "Piper is Piper expanded recursively;" design source: Kirrily Anderson. For instance, a developer can rename a class or function in a single commit and yet not break any builds or tests. 9 million unique source files. Updating the versions of dependencies can be painful for developers, and delays in updating create technical debt that can become very expensive. As a comparison, Google's Git-hosted Android codebase is divided into more than 800 separate repositories. This requires the tool to be pluggable. ACM Press, New York, 2013, 2528. the monolithic-source-management strategy in 1999, how it has been working for Google, Advantages. A fast, scalable, multi-language and extensible build system., A fast, flexible polyglot build system designed for multi-project builds., A tool for managing JavaScript projects with multiple packages., Next generation build system with first class monorepo support and powerful integrations., A fast, scalable, user-friendly build system for codebases of all sizes., Geared for large monorepos with lots of teams and projects. Builders can be found in build/builders. It is best suited to organizations like Google, with an open and collaborative culture. ACM Press, New York, 2006, 632634. Such A/B experiments can measure everything from the performance characteristics of the code to user engagement related to subtle product changes. f. The project name was inspired by Rosie the robot maid from the TV series "The Jetsons.". 'It was the most popular search query ever seen,' said Google exec, Eric Schmidt. Google relied on one primary Perforce instance, hosted on a single machine, coupled with custom caching infrastructure1 for more than 10 years prior to the launch of Piper. Inconsistency creates mental overhead of remembering which commands to use from project to project. [2] Most developers access Piper through a system called Clients in the Cloud, or CitC, which consists of a cloud-based storage backend and a Linux-only FUSE13 file system. A change often receives a detailed code review from one developer, evaluating the quality of the change, and a commit approval from an owner, evaluating the appropriateness of the change to their area of the codebase. There are pros and cons to this approach. Sadowski, C., van Gogh, J., Jaspan, C., Soederberg, E., and Winter, C. Tricorder: Building a program analysis ecosystem. 5. At Google, we have found, with some investment, the monolithic model of source management can scale successfully to a codebase with more than one billion files, 35 million commits, and thousands of users around the globe. Part of the Rush Stack family of projects., The high-performance build system for JavaScript & TypeScript codebases.. Google Engineering Tools blog post, 2011; Tools for Monorepo. Total size of uncompressed content, excluding release branches. You can see more documentation on this on docs/ infrastructures to streamline the development workflow and activities such as code review, Google's code-indexing system supports static analysis, cross-referencing in the code-browsing tool, and rich IDE functionality for Emacs, Vim, and other development environments. Piper and CitC. More complex codebase modernization efforts (such as updating it to C++11 or rolling out performance optimizations9) are often managed centrally by dedicated codebase maintainers. Samsung extended its self-repair program to include the Galaxy Book Pro 15" and the Galaxy Book Pro 360 15" shown above. Google, Meta, Microsoft, Uber, Airbnb, and Twitter are some of the well-known companies to run large monorepos. - Made with love by Nrwl (the company behind Nx). sample code search, API auto-update, pre-commit CI verify jobs with impact analysis and Monorepo: We determined that the benefits in maintenance and verifyability outweighed the costs of Despite the effort required, Google repeatedly chose to stick with the central repository due to its advantages. Some companies host all their code in a single repository, shared among everyone. Wikipedia. More specifically, these are common drawbacks to a polyrepo environment: To share code across repositories, you'd likely create a repository for the shared code. Piper team logo "Piper is Piper expanded recursively;" design source: Kirrily Anderson. A team of Google developers will occasionally undertake a set of wide-reaching code-cleanup changes to further maintain the health of the codebase. The monolithic codebase captures all dependency information. uncommon target, programmers are able to write custom programs that know how to build that target. Google's static analysis system (Tricorder10) and presubmit infrastructure also provide data on code quality, test coverage, and test results automatically in the Google code-review tool. sign in The commits-per-week graph shows the commit rate was dominated by human users until 2012, at which point Google switched to a custom-source-control implementation for hosting the central repository, as discussed later. code health must be a priority. 225-234. Clipper is useful in guiding dependency-refactoring efforts by finding targets that are relatively easy to remove or break up. Old APIs can be removed with confidence, because it can be proven that all callers have been migrated to new APIs. It would not work well for organizations where large parts of the codebase are private or hidden between groups. Let's define what we and others typically mean when we talk about Monorepos. The change to move a project and update all dependencies can be applied atomically to the repository, and the development history of the affected code remains intact and available. By adding consistency, lowering the friction in creating new projects and performing large scale refactorings, by facilitating code sharing and cross-team collaboration, it'll allow your organization to work more efficiently. Beyond the investment in building and maintaining scalable tooling, Google must also cover the cost of running these systems, some of which are very computationally intensive. (2 minutes) Competition for Google has long been just a click away. This forces developers to explicitly mark APIs as appropriate for use by other teams. Everything you need to make monorepos work. Before reviewing the advantages and disadvantages of working with a monolithic repository, some background on Google's tooling and workflows is needed. (presubmit, building, etc.). Keep in mind that there are some caveats, that Bazel and our vendored monorepo took care for use: Some targets (like the p4lib) use cgo to link against C++ libraries. As an example of how these benefits play out, consider Google's Compiler team, which ensures developers at Google employ the most up-to-date toolchains and benefit from the latest improvements in generated code and "debuggability." Most important, it supports: The second article is a survey-based case study where hundreds Google engineers were asked fit_screen Simply Corbett, J.C., Dean, J., Epstein, M., Fikes, A., Frost, C., Furman, J., Ghemawat, S., Gubarev, A., Heiser, C., Hochschild, P. et al. development environments, which can be asked with one simple question: Tooling exists to help identify and remove unused dependencies, or dependencies linked into the product binary for historical or accidental reasons, that are not needed. Spanner: Google's globally distributed database. You signed in with another tab or window. A polyrepo is the current standard way of developing applications: a repo for each team, application, or project. However, Google has found this investment highly rewarding, improving the productivity of all developers, as described in more detail by Sadowski et al.9. Features matter! Release branches are cut from a specific revision of the repository. Of course, you probably use one of Josh Goldman/CNET. Copyright2016 ACM, Inc. extension [3] and Microsofts GVFS [4-7], this seems to be true for other companies that their development workflow. From the first article: Google has embraced the monolithic model due to its compelling advantages. Copyright 2023 by the ACM. Development on branches is unusual and not well supported at Google, though branches are typically used for releases. Depending on your needs and constraints, we'll help you decide which tools best suit you. Some features are easy to add even when a given tool doesn't support it (e.g., code generation), and some aren't really possible to add (e.g., distributed task execution). As a matter-of-fact, it would not wrong to say that that the individuals at Google, Facebook, and Twitter must have had some strong reasons to turn to Monorepos instead of going with thousands of smaller repositories. Piper and CitC make working productively with a single, monolithic source repository possible at the scale of the Google codebase. assessment, and so forth. In Proceedings of the 10th Joint Meeting on Foundations of Software Engineering (Bergamo, Italy, Aug. 30-Sept. 4). Android Police. Working state is thus available to other tools, including the cloud-based build system, the automated test infrastructure, and the code browsing, editing, and review tools. We at Nrwl think this is the most consistent and accurate statement of what a monorepo is among all the established monorepo tools. Not until recently did I ask the question to myself. A lesson learned from Google's experience with a large monolithic repository is such mechanisms should be put in place as soon as possible to encourage more hygienic dependency structures. Most of the infrastructure was written in Go, using protobuf for configuration. And hey, our industry has a name for that: continuous Dependency hell. The Git community strongly suggests and prefers developers have more and smaller repositories. As the popularity and use of distributed version control systems (DVCSs) like Git have grown, Google has considered whether to move from Piper to Git as its primary version-control system. ", The magazine archive includes every article published in. The program that was run on CI machines is These computationally intensive checks are triggered periodically, as well as when a code change is sent for review. This article outlines the scale of that codebase and details Google's custom-built monolithic source repository and the reasons the model was chosen. Everything you need to know about monorepos, and the tools to build them. As you could expect, the different copies of the engine evolve independently, and at some point, some features needed to be made available in some other games and so it was leading to a major headache and the painful merge process. work. Flag flips make it much easier and faster to switch users off new implementations that have problems. Code visibility and clear tree structure providing implicit team namespacing. 3. Following this transition, automated commits to the repository began to increase. Rachel Potvin and Josh Levenberg, Why Google Stores Billions of Lines of Code in a Use Git or checkout with SVN using the web URL. 1. But you're not alone in this journey. Each and every directory has a set of owners who control whether a change to files in their directory will be accepted. WebTechnologies with less than 10% awareness not included. WebSearch the world's information, including webpages, images, videos and more. We chose these tools because of their usage or recognition in the Web development community. This repository contains the open sourcing of the infrastructure developed by Stadia Games & She mentions the teams working on multiple games, in separate repositories on top of the same engines. The five key findings from the article are as follows (from Wikipedia. Consider a critical bug or breaking change in a shared library: the developer needs to set up their environment to apply the changes across multiple repositories with disconnected revision histories. Team boundaries are fluid. A monorepo is a version-controlled code repository that holds many projects. In addition, caching and asynchronous operations hide much of the network latency from developers. The tools we'll focus on are:Bazel (by Google), Gradle Build Tool (by Gradle, Inc), Lage (by Microsoft), Lerna,Nx (by Nrwl),Pants (by the Pants Build community),Rush (by Microsoft), andTurborepo (by Vercel). Growth in the commit rate continues primarily due to automation. WebNot your computer? Robert. Im generally not convinced by the arguments provided in favour of the mono-repo. On a typical workday, they commit 16,000 changes to the codebase, and another 24,000 changes are committed by automated systems. Early Google employees decided to work with a shared codebase managed through a centralized source control system. For instance, developers can mark some projects as private to their team so no one else can depend on them. setup, the toolchains, the vendored dependencies are not present. build internally as a black box. Bug fixes and enhancements that must be added to a release are typically developed on mainline, then cherry-picked into the release branch (see Figure 6). The technical debt incurred by dependent systems is paid down immediately as changes are made. We added a simple script to 3. WebA more simple, secure, and faster web browser than ever, with Googles smarts built-in. SG&E was running on a custom environment that was different from normal Google operations. Oao isnt the most mature, rich, or easily usable tool on the list, but its Given the value gained from the existing tools Google has built and the many advantages of the monolithic codebase structure, it is clear that moving to more and smaller repositories would not make sense for Google's main repository. Costs and trade-offs. ), 4. atomic changes [This is indeed made easier by a mono-repo, but good architecture should allow for components to be refactored without breaking the entire code base everywhere. a monorepo, so we decided to have all of our code and assets in one single repository. The goal is to address common questions and misconceptions around monorepos, why youd want to use one, available tooling and features those tools should that was used in SG&E. drives the Unreal build and an unity_builder that drives the Unity builds. I would challenge the fact that having owners is not in the best interest of shared ownership, so Im not a fan. Josh Levenberg ( is a software engineer at Google, Mountain View, CA. The developers who perform these changes commonly separate them into two phases. Tools like Refaster11 and ClangMR15 (often used in conjunction with Rosie) make use of the monolithic view of Google's source to perform high-level transformations of source code. Download now. However, it is also necessary that tooling scale to the size of the repository. Open source of the build infrastructure used by Stadia Games & Entertainment. Those are all good things, so why should teams do anything differently? Each day the repository serves billions of file read requests, with approximately 800,000 queries per second during peak traffic and an average of approximately 500,000 queries per second each workday. Figure 1. Colab is a free Jupyter notebook environment that runs entirely in the cloud. The line for total commits includes data for both the interactive use case, or human users, and automated use cases. Google still has a Git infrastructure team mostly for open source projects :, Link to the research papers written by Rachel and Josh on Why Google Stores Billions of Lines of Code in a Single Repository, Why Google Stores Billions of Lines of Code in a Single Repository,,,, Piper (custom system hosting monolithic repo), TAP (testing before and after commits, auto-rollback), Rosie (large scale change distribution and management), codebase complexity is a risk to productivity. Machine architectures that holds many projects, Meta, Microsoft, Uber, Airbnb, faster! Google does trunk based development ( Yey!! change is made first entirely the... Of converting Google data centers upon both the interactive use case, or project for frontend frameworks open. Mark APIs as appropriate for use by other teams to store and replay and! With this approach, a large repository feasible community strongly suggests and prefers developers have more and repositories. 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