So, Pastor Crank.Wait, he is not a real Pastor so I will drop the "Pastor" title. March 11. I love the hell out of that women and would never raise a fist at her. I am starting to feel like Charles Manson's mother must feel like. To Patti, Matter of fact, where Crank is going, I think he would probably want a AC instead of holding on to his car, house, etc. Never divorced and my business isn't being investigated for FRAUD like Cranks. in 1978. So what - what they learn out of a book makes them qualified to counsel married people and the fact that someone has been divorced does not? Reminds me of exactly what Jesus did - He called out the hypocritical Pharisees of His day - called them a brood of vipers - and they crucified him for it. So WHAT if you have no "love handles"? But just like the bible we take it at its entirety and not by one scripture. God has said "that's enough". You can find it on the web at (((Redacted))) Has satan blinded you that much? Renowned financier, Co-Founder of The Carlyle Group, and philanthropist David Rubenstein provides unparalleled access to the world's most successful investors. This means that not all services or messages will come out perfect. I am only washed with the Word of God. That is a real PASTOR, MAN OF GOD AND ALL THE ABOVE. Crank, your "boy" Joel Osteen doesn't talk politics. And formal training? Dave Mustaine became famous back in, Dorothy Lucey was born on 19 November 1958, in the United States of America, and is a reporter best known for her work in the entertainment sector. World Changers Church International moved to an 8,500-seat facility on December 24, 1995. Not even close. David and Nicole HATE blacks. Truly? Racists do not have the right to serve in leadership in church. EVERY church "claims" their life has been changed. So yes, NO love handles. But the Lord reminded me not to believe everything I'm told and to go forth and pursue visiting this church. That cost $20,000-Cash.On and on. We all should pray for our city leaders EVERYDAY! You have a telephone pole sticking out of your eyes!!! You are saying that we who are the "average people" of the world, who have either a bit too much weight or a bit too little weight, are not "worthy" to be a Christian? This report was posted on Ripoff Report on 02/18/2009 08:19 AM and is a permanent record located here: Yes, anonymous, you are -- but only because God is merciful. These "Pastors" are NOT qualified to give maritial advice. I see people saying that we are not supposed to make our good works know unto men (Matt 6:1) but Pastor David lets the congregation know that he is also giving to be an example and to prevent a false impressions that he is just preaching for the money. Oh PLEASE tell me where your church is - so that I can come CRITICIZE, JUDGE AND CRITIQUE YOU, anonymous!! Right? And this is because, and I quote, "three of the women were out of shape and look like they have a beer belly or "is" (and by the way, the pleural is "are" for those of us who are educated) pregnant." -Thinks he is God, but in reality is NOTHING..Remember, God doesn't need you. I will give you a few tips. Once again, you obviously have no idea what we believe. You need to find out who this original poster is and contact the police or sheriff or whoever does yout law enforcement. It makes me so sick and ill because he is fooling a lot of people. CNN and Time magazine named Jakes as Americas Best Preacher in 2001. He started speaking like a Japanese person, making fun of their language. He is the author of 25 books, including A Place Called Heaven: 10 Surprising Truths About Your Eternal Home, Not All Roads Lead to Heaven, Perfect Ending: Why Your Eternal Future Matters Today, Countdown to the Apocalypse, and When Forgiveness Doesnt Make Sense., Robert also hosts a daily radio program named PATHWAY TO VICTORY.. I'd love to hear that criteria (another one to look up). I GUARANTEE you have never had an experience like the Faith Church experience. (KKK) All I can say to you my brother is that you better repent, quick fast and in a hurry. Those issues are important. I dare you say that Pastor David and Pastor Nicole are users,deceivers and manipulators of the people of God. Nothing is further from the truth. The organizations network of churches is located in more than 300 cities. Or - are you even married? Crank, God will NEVER use you like that. There were plenty of different races in the church, serving as ushers and leading the worship. And if you're not married now, from what I read, you should really stay that way - do some poor woman a favor. You are so bound up in hatred you can't even see it! It is always interesting to me the various groups of people who refer to themselves as hyphenated, rather than just an AMERICAN. You have taken one sermon that you heard and blown it all of of portionl. "Keahi" also hit the nail on the head about Pastorial qualifications. How can you dare called them RACIST! Dr. David Jeremiah has written over 40 books, including What Are You Afraid Of?, God Loves You: He Always HasHe Always Will, The Coming Economic Armageddon, What in the World Is Going On?, Living with Confidence in a Chaotic World, Captured by Grace, Agents of the Apocalypse, and Agents of Babylon. Pastor David Taylor Wiki The sad truth is that the millions who support these ministries are made up of people who can't afford to sacrificially give. And the abortion and homosexuality issues? I would repeatedly feel that all Pastor David wanted out of me, or anybody else there was my money. From what I understand, it does say in the Bible that an elder must have no more than one wife. What? He is one of the original members of President Donald . Please, please, please come to the church first before you pass judgment. You gave with the WRONG motives. For anyone that doens't believe me, go see this man in person at their TWO locations. Patti - First, I am not a "representative" of any "company". THEY asked HIM to be a part of their events. But u were t , totally wrong, making david and nicole out to be on the the level of eddie long, are someone like that are one of them priest!!! You mention in this last dialog that you don't hate all white people now - oh - you just hate SOME of us?? All rights reserved. How Pastor Ibiyeomie Accrued His $41 Million Estimated Net Worth I will leave you to your own devices and hatred. You can't even see the depth of decay in your own soul. You are both judgemental, arrogant, narrow-minded people. First off, ANYBODY can get on ABC. For a very successful businessman, he does not need the hassle of running a large church. Welcome to Church on the Rock's audio podcast! What a prideful, ignorant, judgemental, vicious individual you are.unbelieveable. He earlier served as the senior priest at the Brook Hills Church in Birmingham, Alabama, and got the recognition of being the youngest pastor of any megachurch in the US. So, Pastor CrankWait, he is not a real Pastor so I will drop the "Pastor" title. I believe them as they haven proven true in my life. We cannot take the gospel to the world just on good intentions, it takes money. David Crank invites us to bring our brains and Holy Ghost discernment to each service. I believe PASTOR David got right in the middle of his obvious obsession with tradition and man-made rules and regulations, from this person's obvious denominational (of some kind) background, and he didn't like it one single bit. We love his teachings and his willingness to help. Oh - and when you looked at the stats for all your posts - I think they are probably reading yours in order to read my rebuttals. So there you go again. I'm not a superhuman. He is the author of Seven-Mile Miracle, Crash the Chatterbox: Hearing Gods Voice Above All Others, Crash the Chatterbox, and Greater: Dream bigger. He doesn't pick things out of the bible he likes, he preaches the WHOLE thing. The appearance of a holy man in a suit does not appeal to everyone. If you were half the Christian you say you are, and if you read your Bible as you say you do, then you would know that one of the thngs the Bible is very clear about is that we are not to judge or disparage ANY man of God.even if WE feel he has done something that WE don't like, WE are not to judge him -- that is for God to do. Let him without sin cast the first stone. No, because I know not all white people are like this heteric known as David Crank. Jesse has published several books, including Why Isnt My Giving Working?, What in Hell Do You Want, Breaking the Power of Natural Law, and Heaven: close encounters of the God kind. Oh - and remember here in your massacre you said to "correct me if I'm wrong", well that's what I'm doing - you are so VERY wrong on SO MANY LEVELS I can't even count them - PASTOR doesn't tell us to "give him and his wife money", he tells us to give our "tithes and offerings" to the CHURCH. Oh, by the way, Pastor David Blunt is a very good friend of Pastor David Crank's -- ask him, anonymous. If they are not doing what is Gods will he will deal with them in his due time. He would be considered lower middle class with his salary. It is one of the privileges of my life that God led me to the Faith Church. How can the "leaders" of the flock teach on marriage and counseling when they can't even stay married? That is a major league, all star roster. He was HANDED a church. His earnings were accomplished from the music he released, sold and performed. SO don't go back to the place if you don't like it and let people believe what they want to believe. Well the Dr was correct. That is the Mission of Faith Church.Jesus ate with the tax collectors because those people would not have walked into a temple, but by Jesus showing his love for them, I bet they changed their lives. They do know how to scare the pants off of people and rob them of the money that God has blessed them with. Don't flatter yourself. PERIOD! Get the picture? You are probably an average-looking man who always wanted to be above average but never was, and when you see someone with any notoriety that even remotely rubs you the wrong way, you have this sick desire to discredit them. New entry. They want "stories" like how to get rich, how to stay happyThey want Crank's PROSPERITY GOSPEL. Son, Anonymous, I want you to finally start reading the Bible. As I've said before, you wouldn't have been able to handle Jesus Christ either, anonymous. And his broadcast on ABC have shown up on tv right in time to save many people from committing suicide. I showed other people this post about you saying the "other" churches I mentioned basically don't preach on Heaven Hell? God help us all! What? When am I preaching next? Sadley, I have heard people talking about visiting this church and just like I do with young people concerning porn, I tell them the TRUTH about it and to STAY AWAY. You keep the jokes coming When you get there Crank, then you can brag. All rights reserved. Cranks faults Don't be like my boy anonymous and open yourself up for the enemy to get permission to take you out. For starters, I'm a child of the most high God. Your comments of "5 year old," "childish," "punk," etc. Yes, they are good teachers. He presently works as a pastor-teacher at McLean Bible Church. Bogus Celebrity Advertisements FACE & Skin CREAM Ripoff! David is also the founder of Turning Point Radio and Television Ministries. That only confirms the level of class you posses -- all low. And don't EVEN accuse PASTOR David of trying to be "a fake Martin Luther King." I don't think so. We have helped countless people in our own area too. This man is hypocritical to the highest degree. PASTOR David is one of the few preachers in the world who is NOT afraid to confront issues like abortion and homosexuality, to name a couple, head-on. The movie was a massive success, grossing $350 million on a $17 million budget. The bible clearly outlines that. If so how long have you been a christian? David Oyedepo has a net worth of $155 million. This includes his assets, money, and income. Racist laughable? If anyone from the church is reading this, they might want to see if they can remember any mentally disturbed members or non-members, any recent acts of vandalism to their gathering place, any one who was drunk or under the influence of drugs who may have come in extremely late Therefore, no divorced people are supposed to be in leadership. And we certainly do not believe in " lift your hands and BOOM, you're saved", as you put it. Did he ch Where is David Soul now? You need himKeeping that in mind should keep your head the right size. Fifth - Oh - I love this one -- you are in PERFECT SHAPE???? I am in perfect shape because I honor the Lord with my body. Read your own letter, anonymous. Faith Church loves all people, they have a very large number of African Americans. I won't bring any physical harm to them. PASTOR David tells us to love the sinner, yes, love the person who has had an abortion, love the homosexual, we would never turn these people away, but God hates those sins. Was it God? If he was, he would be on MAJOR television networks during interviews, in magizines and he would have more than what you say, "3000" people. At age 21 I purchased a wonderful home, married the love of my life, and became successfully self employed. And we have FOUR men on the team - not just one. Evidently so! I'm sure the Lord has that all covered and He doesn't need your help or mine. LOL. I wish this congregation good luck and I hope that this person is arrested before anything bad happens from him. That's got to be it -- you can't possible be as backward as you come off. Her eyes are hazel, and her hair is brown. As I said before, I have walked with God for years. "Patti-" Tells it exactly like it is. And that allso goes for haters like u!!! David referred to "God's Anointed" as King Saul. I wouldn't doubt if "Patti" is David or Nicole but I won't waste my time debating. You know absolutely nothing about her or, for that matter, PASTOR David. The bible says ONE wife.Crank is on number TWO therefore, your not qualfied. All Klan groups have names such as the Mississippi White Knights, Knights of the Ku Klux Klan and so forth. Hes not mad at you! So he walks down into the crowd like he's Jesus. Luke 16:15. Thanks for telling us that you and Nicole still party. Oh that makes you a REAL "MAN" doesn't it. This was your beloved MEDIA who made a big deal about it! At least SOMEONE (me) is taking the time to rebut your idiotic, narcissistic, childish drivel. BUT - they have a different style -- just like I said in my first rebuttal -- which you obviously didn't really read. Second, yes, anonymous, you are a coward for not mentioning your name. We are all vessels, and just because someone wears jeans instead of glamorous suits, or just because someone is a size 18 instead of an 8 or 2 doesn't mean they are any more or any less qualified or capable to be used by God. If when you arrived there where no greeters at the doors that means you where LATE. FINAL POINT: For those currently going to this church or for those looking into this church, I hope you find this warning. These are "mega" preachers. If you think you are qualified to critique and judge a major man of God, be judge, jury and executioner, and you feel you are "perfect" because of your body, and you call overweight people names like "pudge" and "love handles", what else could it be? If you don't like the stuff this church preaches ---like the Good Book says, in the New Testament, I think, " LET THE UNBELIEVER DEPART." David's net worth hovers over $250,000 - $499,999 with a yearly income that's about $80 - 89,999. And trust me, Anonymous, I will be watching for your "observations" as you call them. Matthew 7:1 says you will be judge in the measure you judge others and that also goes for forgiveness. THAT logic is really Christian. This time the joke is you "Patti." John Hagee is an American pastor and the founder of Christians United for Israel. As of this date, David is married. sounds like you have a lot of hate, maybe you might want to look inside first, you wrote all these lies about faith church. I find it funny that him and Joel became oh so great friends, AFTER the church donated $10,000 to him. Not those who raises their hand. THEY asked HIM to speak. I am a "member" of a "church". Just like porn, FAITH CHURCH ST. LOUIS will mess you up and destroy your life, relationships, etc He said that because of your tradition, He could not do the work He wanted to dohe was speaking to the Jews - but put yourself in there, anonymous. In addition, Robertson is the founder of the American Center for Law and Justice. Don't let FRAUDS like Crank make you give up on God. As of 2023, The American Christian personality David Jeremiah has an estimated net worth of somewhere around $25 million. Martin Luther King wouldn't be able to do what PASTOR David is doing -- any more than PASTOR David would do what Martin Luther King did. Well if you wern't being a FRAUD, you would'nt get threats or need guns. It was on the front page of the paper for crying out loud! Do you really think people are that stupid that they need the likes of you to do that for them? If I felt someone truly was trying to prevent people from going to a wayward church, I would not criticizes them for it, though its not quite biblical to do things that way.. It's really sad though. For a church that preaches on taking care of your temple, these worship leaders don't. Not with my schedule, and i'm NOT giving up my career to become his slave. We fed them, preached, provided Godly entertainment. The word pastor comes from the Latin word for shepherd.. PLEASE! Wearing jeans - minor.Remember, we know that we've passed from darkness into light when WE HAVE LOVE for the brethren. She is such a fakeIs there any reason she was investigated????? I am in my early 20s. Estimated amount consumers saved since 1997: $15,590,010,907. Man will fail you. Go personally see it for yourself. I try not to be judgmental, but with so many in need, why hoard for yourselves? How about you tell everybody about why BOTH you and Nicole are DIVORCED? I use that term loosly. Reason why his church is one of the LARGEST in Cali. BTW, I didn't walk off the streets, I have heard fraud about this church from a lot of people and I am doing a investigation and by the looks of things, this investigation won't take long. Your petty, rude, ignorant remarks about PASTOR Nicole are unbelieveably mean-spirited. God wants you to reach out to him and he will provide. Google Conley, ZERO postings of fraud. The rough riding biker, the prostitute, the drug addict, anyone that could never see themselves living the cleaver family life style or dressing up to go to church to listen to a nice little message or a message about how they are a bad sinner going to hell. every tongue will confess to God.' Who's crazy enough to start this website? I was made in his Image. Chris is the son of Elder T.E Oyakhilome and Angelina. This is a very sad commentary on how religion has apparently failed this person but instead of trying to find a congregation they feel would better meet their needs, they post something like THIS. Your messiah would be no more. I wish more people would voice their FACTS about this FRAUD. Because I go to all the services, too. David Jeremiah books ranked on best seller's list of several magazines. Crank, once again take a look at Joel Osteen. Prince broadcasts a television program, called Destined to Reign, in more than 150 countries. How many people are getting saved every week? And it is a privilege to sit under this Pastor - he is the most anointed man it has ever been my blessing to learn from. According to Roy Blunt's 1995 Personal Financial Disclosure, his total assets were worth at least $175,006 and as much as $500,000. This is the best way to manage and repair your business reputation. Do you mean "bases"??? was oh so "christian." Oh yeah, anonymous - you're really intelligent. Usually, loving christians dont attack people, they coach and and encourage the people of the church. His primary source of income is his career as a pastor. The Troubled History Of Joel Osteen - John Krasinski is an American actor and filmmaker from Boston. I was not brought there, I am not brainwashed. So what, you think God missed it on King David, why don't you go ahead and tell God how he should have handled that one, apparently, you know more than God does. What are you doing, spreadingbullcrap on Gods people inseason and out. The word "pudge" and "love handles" doesn't even explain it. He is the publisher of Changing Your World Magazine. And Keahi -- you are, unfortunately, just one more person of foreign descent - AS WE ALL WERE IN THE LAST TWO HUNDRED YEARS - that has a chip on their shoulder and can't handle it if anyone so much as makes a comment about your heritage. I don't think so. It sounds like somebody who fancies himself thoroughly educated doctrinally and to anybody with any sort of understanding of scripture, he sounds lacking. Just suffice to say this is a beautiful woman, not only physically but spiritually. Some of Hybels released books are Who You Are When No Ones Looking, Transformation: Letting God Change You from the Inside Out, The Real Deal: Discover the Rewards of Authentic Relationships, Engraved on Your Heart, and Rediscovering Church: The Story and Vision of Willow Creek Community Church. You are really pathetic. TUESDAY NIGHT SERVICE-FEBRUARY 17, 2009 7:00 PM FENTON, MO They can careless about their bodies. He married Victoria Osteen in 1987. The man won't let anyone else preach. I give to others. As Church on the Move marks its 30th year, roles change for Willie and Whit George. And if you are that person, I also KNOW for sure this is a vendetta - you have a personal grudge against this Pastor and this is a "let's destroy Faith Church" campaign. Who cares how fancy the cameras are? Many churches hire pastors to lead their congregations. TBN cheaper? David Oyedepo, affectionately called Papa by the members of his church, is the founder and bishop of the Living Faith Church Worldwide. You're wrong, of course. So I'm definitley a Christian and if Jesus were to come back today, I can confidently say I wouldn't be ashamed to meet him unlikePastor, DAVID CRANK, would be. Chris Oyakhilome has a net worth of $52 million. I think you better go back to square one and get on your face before your God and find out what the word "committment" means. It's for us to draw them the way that God draws us; with loving kindness. Sarah Power's Biography: Husband, Net Worth, Child What's new in the career of actress Jordan Loughra Who is Chris Stirewalt from Fox News? I learnedthe true word by reading the full text of the New Testamentduring a three day stint in a holding cell. #1 Kenneth Copeland - $310 Million. So one more time, you have NOT done your research - which by now permeates your entire diatribes - because they have been together 13 years - that's a lot more than a lot of people -- seems like they are "staying married" pretty well to me. You couldn't have. That's like a child psychologist trying to tell you how to handle your child - and they have no children of their own. You call yourself a Christian but you are the farthest thing from a Christian I have ever encountered. He was talking with a Japanese-American accent - much like one would imitate an Irish-American, and Italian-American, a British person, an Australian person, or like they imitate OUR accents..does all that offend you, too? Any African Americans, personally walk up to Crank and see what he does. Drug Rehab Deception Addiction Treatment Industry Rocked By Fraud & Abuse. I find it funny the people that come rushing in to "healing serivices" when if they could just take care of themselves, eat right, exercise, etc, they wouldn't need to get healed all the time. A real preacher. The Potters Touch (a television program) airs on The Word Network, the Daystar Television Network, Black Entertainment Television, the Trinity Broadcasting Network, and Again - so typical. I look around and I don't see Pastor David? He and his wife, co-pastor Victoria Osteen, live with their two kids in a $10.5 million mansion in the Houston suburbs, according to Culture Map. Crank, you better enjoyed that, because you won't blessed. Pastor Blunt-Church on the Rock is a church of over 4,500 and Ron Turner-Grace Church, is making a major difference in the City of Maryland Heights. As I said before, listen to his messages, look at qualifications from the BIBLE NOT man and it clearly shows Crank is a FRAUD. To my knowledge, there are no preachers, pastors etc that are Kings of Israel. ANYONE THAT WANTS TO GO TO HEAVEN, STAY AWAY FROM THIS CHURCH! FINAL POINT: This Anonymous person is one of those people who comes into a church cold off the street, judges and condemns on what he sees on the surface, how people dress, whether they are overweight or not, regardless of whether he understands it not, and then sets himself up as judge, jury and executioner for the "rest of you". That is another reason this church is a FRAUD. Creflo Dollar is an American televangelist and the founder of the World Changers Church International. He did not provide any evidence that this man hates Blacks. Thats right. And from your current comments, you have confirmed what I already suspected - you, obviously, are an "African-American". And I am only repeating what Jesus said. lol And PASTOR DAVID CRANK. But PASTOR David is known all over the country..that says volumes. -Doesn't greet congregation LOUIS.COM." And the fact that both of them are divorced, so what, nicole was in a abusive relationship im glad that she got a divorce, because if she didnt she would be dead by now, guess u would be happy then, huh hater? That's not the will of God, but I will say that you've come across just like the Scribes and Pharisees. More on that later. Crank has ZERO formal training. I always wondered why some people feel the need to identify themselves with a country or a part of the world that 99% of them have never even seen. He is a nobody. Some of us are just proud to be Americans - a shame you obviously are not. A program that benefits the consumer, assures them of complete satisfaction and confidence when doing business with a member business. "You don't know their hearts?" Your sins Crank, will come back and haunt you. I digress. PERIOD! Or would you - oh my goodness - possibly "divorce" her? Read what happened to a man named Simon who tried to BUY the blessings of the Spirit. It doesn't say the Lord added another building so you can pad your pockets. Real preaches like BAYLESS CONLEY would say, "Lord, let our church have the most souls saved." -Crank is stingy. Or a women that is DIVORCED. Wow! In 2002, Noel was featured in the English documentary Hoover Street Revival.. Thank you "Keahi" for your comments. And you call yourself a child of the most high God? I feel it every Sunday. This rules out divorced men from becoming pastors of churches. No where does it say that you have to go to school to be a pastor, so why the disrepect to David?Heaven,MO sounds like someone who goes to different churches once, like a restaurant critic. to get a good seat. We will call you TO God - not FROM Him. Secondly, once a jugdement is made, what are you willing to do to help Pastor David understand his mistakes, or wrong teaching, basedon scripture!What an angry person you must be to ttry to hurt a church. You say you have walked with Jesus for years? As a fellow christian, it is my duty to WARN people about FRAUDS. That is the height of pride! Is Faith Church, NO! Additionally, let me tell you, for the one year you have been at this fake church, you have been feed a false God, gospel and hopes. Pat Robertson is a former Southern Baptist minister and media mogul who founded International Family Entertainment Inc and the Christian Broadcasting Network. Time Magazine named Warren one of the leaders who mattered most in 2004. At some point, his salary from the church was around $50,000 per month. THAT, Anonymous, is what the money goes for. Through his various sources of income, Taylor has been able to accumulate a good fortune but prefers to lead a modest lifestyle. Steven Furtick has a net worth of $ 11 million. He approached Pastor David before the check - at least THAT check - but our church funds different ministries all the time --that is what churches are supposed to do - HELP each other - that is not the first check ever given to Joel Osteen's ministry - or many other ministries. I'm happy for them! I am a christian myself, so don't think I am personally against Christians. IN 3 WEEKS THEY SENT 3 OF MY RECIPIENTS DEAD FROZEN TINY BOUQUETS calgary, Ponce motors Deceptive car sales Austin Texas, Nextiva efax overcharged me for an entire year even before the monthly trial expired able to use the service at all. I don't know how you as a christian can go on line and slam your fellow christian brother. Because he is legit. This alone says volumes. God's hand picked right? So go to the NEWSPAPERS and complain why don't you! Why would you say she is 11 feet tall, that's just plain stupid. Plain and simple. She has been, Darcy Lynn LaPier was born on 9 July 1965, in Oregon, USA, and is a model and actress, but best known for several high profile marriages. "Keahi" if you live in the St. Louis area, go check out St. Louis Family Church (Jeff Perry) or Hope Church. Gwen J-From the LOU. So Patti and everyone else, scroll down to the bottom of this page, Rip off doen't reveal the author to NOBODY. Also, no, I don't beat my wife. P.S. And I really hope you have the guts to let us know where and when you are preaching nextbecause I will oh so for sure be there - I can't WAIT to hear the massacre of the Word of God as I'm sure only YOU - and those like you - can deliver. Afraid to tell me, anonymous? I have attended Faith Church ST. Louis my whole life. KPLR Channel 11 Sunday Morning 4am (Espaol) The Rev. Me? We excell in excellence at our church service always starts on time and we are all in our seats to recieve the Word of God from Our Pastor yes that's right I said Pastor. YEP, anonymous -- a WHITE WOMAN. They just finished THREE new buildings. 11 It is written: Ripoff Report | Complaints Reviews Scams Lawsuits Frauds Reported. If you are going to post anything you should at least offer your name for credibility. Children. About 500 people are employed by KCM. We have taken one of the largest night clubs in the St. Louis area and turned it into a place of worship. And then you say "average looking man? Emily Blunt is an English actress who has a net worth of $80 million. So, I'm sorry that your first impression wasn't that great. Rod also hosts the television shows Rod Parsley Now and Breakthrough. Your comments were right on. To everyone that reads this, I hope you don't believe me. Again, I SIGN MY NAME --- PATTI from Believe me I could say more but I dont think Jesus or Pastor David would approve. The worship is pretty much over. Remember what Jesus said about tradition -- in Matthew. Tithes go towards the upkeep of the CHURCH - which includes the PASTOR'S salary, yes - but it is minute - you or anyone else can check on it - it is available as a matter of public record. This is one of the most geniune, loving, and anointed men of God you will ever hear. I am now getting home from the 90 minute service and I can tell you, FRAUD was all over this service. I will pray for you - someone needs to. Men like you are thoroughly disgusting. Jesus told us not to give out of obligation. You are one twisted individual. Oh, on the Joel Osteen/Franklin Graham remarks -- you need to know that PASTOR David was approached by both of these gentlemen - he did not initiate any contact with them. Offences may come, but dont take the bate. What is he basing that accusation on? I don't think he could care less about me and my bills. Are the Cranks? Felicity must have a luxury lifestyle and a large net worth as the wife of a famous American actress. They are commands of God in the Bible! Three of the women were out of shape and looked as if some of them either have a beer belly or is pregnant. If he is a member, then tell us which one. He also hosts the TV show This is Your Day seen daily in more than 200 countries. His salary is less than what a pastor would normaly be paid. Guess what Holy Man, we all got a story even the great men and women of God that we read about in the scriptures. I do not like large churches or TV evangelists whatsoever. I will do my best in this post to have correct grammer. They teach that you will be cursed if you don't pay tithes, but my Bible tells me that if you are truly saved, you CAN'T be cursed! GUARANTEE IT! Not the minors like ABC and Faith Church St. Louis, led by Heretic David and Nicole Crank. In 2016, he was selected in Oprahs SuperSoul 100 list of influential leaders. How about praying for Pastor David and his wife? Can't say the same about Crank. More jokes. I pray that anyone who has turned from God due to the mistakes of churches, would read their Bibles for them selves and first hand see the true love and goodness of Jesus. Enough about my experience, because I don't have a bad thing to say. But I can say this; ANY ONE that preaches this "name it and claim" or the "faith seed" crap IS A FRAUD! It actually was pethetic. Why would a man of God have to live in a multi-million dollar home. I pray for you that you be not so judgemental when you are in the house of the Lord because when you only come to judge you miss what our Lord has in store for you. Consumers want to see how a business took care of business. Im just warning u my fake, christian brother are sister, i dont know who u are u stay well hidden, u might look like, na, wait let me get a grip on myself, i feel myself gettin down on mmy belly and sliding across the floor like u!!! Pastor David Blunt shares practical ways to apply Bible principles to our daily life. As Julio Iglesias he is a well-known, Edwin Washington Edwards was born on 7 August 1927, in Marksville, Louisiana USA, of French and Creole descent. David know's who I am, along with Attorney General Chris Koster. Faith Church St. Louis False Teachers, Prosperity Gospel, Greedy, Frauds, Scam, False Prophets Fenton Missouri. Hiding negative complaints is only a Band-Aid. the most high God does not condone someone who says that any woman "deserves" to be beaten by any man. People love a good "fight". How easy it is to chalk people up as frauds and carelessly cast them aside, almost happily assuming that they're going to Hell and leading a congregation with them. How Pharisaic (look it up, Anonymous) of him. You say you are covering your "basis"??? Not every preacher reaches every person. By the way Crank, if you are such a humble man, that means you are open to criticism right? Corporate Advocacy Program: How to repair your business reputation. You just run your mouth. Mothers of people like, John Wayne Gacy, Ted Bundy, and Jeffery Dahmer are all part of it now. IF THIS IS NOT A JOKE OR A MADE-UP POST, THEN THIS IS ONE SICK PERSON HERE WHO NEEDS HELP BADLY. It is part of his recovery process. |, Don't let them get away with it! Let the truth be known!. I doubt your "boy" Joel Osteen would dress like that. Crank went on and continued to bad mouth our president, city leaders and government. I will be there with my recorder and pads for my observations I am very familiar with every other church and pastor mentioned in this report, as I have friends from each church and I have visited them several times. Bill Hybels has a net worth of $40 million. That EVERYONE that preaches this "prosperity" nonsense IS A FRAUD AND A LIAR. He earned a Bachelor of Science in Theology degree from Aenon Bible College. As of now, Pastor David is not married. NOT the person. He has formed us in his image! PASTOR David comes in, goes to his seat, and when he feels led to go on stage and begin his message he walks up the stage - as does anyone who goes onstage for anything - and winds up praise and worship and begins the service. Taylor has a net worth of $250,000. Through the years, the church has grown into a vibrant congregation with a vision to impact its city, the nation, and the world. Two big jumbo trons and bright lights. Throughout the entire night, he told jokes. I thought not. It's nothing more than sinful hatred disguised as the lord's work. Bishop David Oyedepo - Net Worth: $150 million He is a Nigerian preacher, founder and presiding pastor of Winner Chapel Known as Living Faith Church Worldwide. As do you. A WHITE WOMAN! He is passionate about impacting the St. Louis community and those around the world. TO CONCLUDE: I think it's cute that you stick up for this fraud as you are probably in on it. He retired in October 2018. Were you watching PASTOR right before he came in? Come on - where's your church and when are you preaching next? He won't stay there! WRONG! Your a FRAUD. Anonymous has been spewing hate his entire life. Then u called David a false prophet, look in the mirror hater, u are the false prophet because u cant say what David said was false!!! I think some people are more interested in the hoopla that goes on in these services that in what the Bible says how a church is to be run. They judged Jesus harshly because He was the son of a "carpenter". Crank starts to preach and correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought Crank was claiming to be a Pastor NOT a politician or civil rights leader? Perfections? My wise mother always taught me to consider the source. In 2005, Benny Hinn Ministries donated $100,000 for Hurricane Katrina victims. Net Worth & Salary of David Jeremiah in 2023. He did not trash President Obama he has a right to preach about abortion it is not right to kill babies it's in the bible. Rick Warren has a net worth of $27 million. JESUS CHRIST understands all kinds of circumstances, such as abuse, mistreatment, infidelity by the other spouse, all kinds of reasons that all kinds of people get divorces. Pastors David and Kim Blunt are the founding and senior pastors of Church on the Rock. He is a movie, television, theatre and voice actor,, Sean Michael Leonard Anderson, known under the stage name Big Sean, was born on 25th March 1988, in Santa Monica, California USA. And for doing that, he gets flack from people like you, who would rather go to one of the churches you mentioned on a Sunday morning and only hear the pablum-based messages that do not ruffle anyone's feathers, and then everyone's priorities are so screwed up that they vote in a major abortionist advocate and liberalist who is against anything Christian. Good thing you are so perfect, Anonymous. That is not how you get saved or get to HeavenAll of you are confused and sorry to say, your ALL going to HELL. Let me repharse, I think it is cute that a "member" of the church is taking up for their "Pastor." Average looking man? They certainly don't need someone with warped views like you to confuse them. David Platt is a famous US author and preacher. Pastor Dave preaches that our God is a loving god and that he is not mad at you for your transgressions. I forgot about the BOGUS night service. I guess Crank is starting to feel the heat. Facing Life's Challenges with Faith with Pastor David Blunt - YouTube Join the conversation as Richard and Pastor David Blunt discuss the keys to overcoming the impossibilities you face.. What do you think qualifies you to judge a man of God like Pastor Crank? In a 2016 tour, Graham visited all 50 state capitals. Continuing with the racist theme, throughout the night he insults the Finance Manager of Japan saying he was "DRUNK" and on "CRACK." Repackaged from Purchased from Amazon, stealing all certifications and false manufacturing markers from the packaging of NB food supplements. God bless you all. I can spot a Fake in two seconds. 'every knee will bow before me; Is that not biblical? Last Sunday night, where Crank CRIED the entire night, he brought up three black kids and hugged them to make it look like he is NOT a racist. He is trying to reach out to the "unchurched" - the people nobody wants - the "throwaways" of society, the people who have been told they are worthless, no good, who have made mistakes and think God is angry at them. Our greeters and ushers are on their post until it's time for the Pastor to speak. The Japanese official that Pastor Crank was talking about the night in question DID look terrible -- he WAS really upset -- Pastor was giving an illustration of a government official who was really worried - and it showed - about the state of his country's economy! document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); You know how much these wealthy pastors will take with them when they depart this life? At least not with the attitude you have now. What a piece of work you and your buddy Keahi are! Interestingly, we have grown from 300 to three thousand in less than a year -- I GUARANTEE you God would not have let that happen if He was not orchestrating it. As brutal as that is, it's TRUE! Robertson served on the Victims of Crime Task Force for President Reagan in 1982. I'm a workout freak. If you ever watch their program, their image is NOT good. You are still spewing your venom about Faith Church and Pastor David and Nicole and you have absolutely no proof of your accusations. David unless you repent, you will be cursed with a curse. Benny Hinn is an Israeli-born televangelist who started Miracle Crusades. HIS CHOIR IS MADE UP OF BLACKS, WHITES, ASIANS, ETC. The mandate of the church is to spread the gospel around the world. Joel Osteen wears a tailored suit every Sunday and he has a church of 50,000. So do you beat your woman/women, anonymous? And you don't like it one single bit. You have slandered, mocked and falsely accussed this wonderful people of God. These are different men with different styles, each reaching a different aspect of society. Your answer is sad. Preachers that focus on how many they have coming is a BIG sign of FRAUD. There must be atleast 100 scriptures that talk about God wanting his children blessed financially. Or were you too busy looking at our women? Not even QUALIFIED to lead. I pray in english and in tongues. It is REALLY SAD for people like "Patti" that believe in a FALSE God, Gospel and Hope. Ever since he. But you are so caught up in tradition and ritual you are completely blind to what Jesus Christ is doing. Where's the love? AND don't put words in my mouth, anonymous. You guys know I'm telling the truth about these FRAUDS. Try actually INVESTIGATING your claims. Felicity Blunt's salary and net worth: Felicity Blunt has a net worth of $16 million. My "holy and righteous, gospel singing" ex-wife was screwing the house guest of a church member on HER living room sofa while she was in the same room. There is enough condemnation in the world without it being in the church. Then Crank turns into Benny Hinn and has a prophecy for EVERYONE! He preaches a prosperity message on how to make money. Don't let David and Nicole lead you to hell with the gospel on how to get rich. And for u hater he who is without sin, cast the first stone!!! But - that's just an aside. Take a look at their line upJoel Osteen, BAYLESS CONELY, Joyce Meyer, Jetzen Franklin, Oral Roberts, Billy Graham, Benny Hinn, TD Jakes, Creflo Dollar, Rod Parsley, Teddy Long, on and on I can go. Back to "Patti," who do I think I am? Pastor or Comedian? Intruding on a congregation, on a regular basis, for the sole purpose of fueling your vitriol is far from Christ-like. YOU ARE! Anonymous - you say Pastors David and Nicole are not qualified to give marital advice? He is on a REAL network as I mentioned earlier, TBN. I know this because I was there to see it. From the parking lot, through the lobby, to theseats, and back out again, I'm happy to report that everyone was super friendly. Then u told another lie lie when u said God said dont go to faith church u God didnt say that!!! No one is forcing you to attend this church. What the devil means for bad God means for good. REBUTTAL BOX He and Nicole would lose people and money. You mentioned that he "knows" you -- well, since you said that, I may "know" you, too. More on their relationship to be updated soon. But the values that Jesus stood for are preached. Ive seen the life of Pastor David over the past 15 years. Emily Blunt's net worth is estimated to be about $80 million when combined with husband John Krasinski, star of The Office and Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan as well as her director on A Quiet Place. The charismatic Full Gospel way of worshippig and praise is not for everybody. We at the Faith Church will NEVER condemn you. Perfect shape? Dont click on those slick Ads! He is STUPID to sign this bill." John Hagee has a net worth of $4.5 million. Then he mentions the MILLIONS of dollars it cost for them to be on a trashy network like ABC with their cheap camera equipment. And somehow my Jesus that I read about in the Bible did not come to condemn us..there is a verse in the New Testament that starts with ".there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus." FYI, just because you wear jeans, doesn't mean you are reaching the lost. Why is that? During tonight, I wasn't greeted by any greeters or ushers. World Changers Church International had a $70 million revenue in 2006. KMOV Channel 4 Sunday Night 12am The so called "pastors" didn't greet me. But, of course, you didn't bother to do that. For someone who has been a Chrisitan of 35 years, your having a hard time selling it. Angela. Remember everyone, this is a "Pastor." I, personally, am of Irish descent - but I have never referred to myself as an "Irish-American". Say we owe over $22,000.00 for the rest of their so called contract !!!!!! Edwin is a politician, whos best known to have served as a, David Scott Dave Mustaine was born on 13th September 1961, in La Mesa, California USA of French and Finnish (father) and Jewish (mother) descent. And anybody who goes there is going to read this report and probably my response too and attack it and say that we're wrong because he's got them all COMPLETELY brainwashed. It is a pleasure to speak with a "representative" from the company. But God won't. Come on - that's only fair. I am hard-copying all these (as I'm sure you are), for safekeeping, and if anything would ever happen in the future to Pastor David or Nicole, I'm sure you know there are records that the police can subpoena to find people who have made threats against others. And - you think you know Pastor David and Nicole's hearts? To Keahi, keep reading your Bible and STOP listening to the Satanic rantings of "pastors.". I haven't said anything that isn't true. He graduated from Appalachian State University with a B.A. I advise anyone who is looking for either a return to their God, who thinks there is no hope for them, that they have done something "too bad" for God to forgive them, that GOD IS NOT MAD AT YOU. Why don't he have better time management and prepare before service starts, like Pastor Blunt does at Church on the Rock, and worship with his flock? Forget about it and go somewhere else to worship. There is instructions in the Bible for dealing with situation where the preacher is out of line. There is nothing mean-spirited about my PASTOR. Who are you to presume to know how this man of God prepares for his message? They show the love of Jesus Christ to each and every person under their care. Where's the words seasoned with grace? Pastor David Rodriguez has an estimated net worth of about $604.15 thousand. People first need to feel the love and acceptance of christ and the acceptance of a church congregation that is not judging them by their outward appearance. I guess since I'm not tithing to them they can care less about me. So, again Patti, your wrong. Thats the point. Taking into account various assets, David's net worth is greater than $100,000 - $249,999; and makes between $80 - 89,999 a year. Oh yes - it just hit me. The congregants are basically blown away by the preachers materialism than their love for God. Joseph Prince is the senior pastor and co-founder of the New Creation Church, a Christian megachurch in Singapore. Maybe he can beat the FRAUDNESS out of David too. Why Ripoff Report will not release author information! People are NOT looking to God, there looking to this FRAUD of a man, David Crank and his material possessions. Exactly the same amount you and I will take with us. He approached Crank AFTER he gave him money. I would love to spot light your life. He is not my concern. Passing judgment on your fellow man for the way he looks, because he's a smoker, because hewalked away froma failed marriage, or whatever other facets may offend you ona personal level(including one's sexual preferences)is far from Christ-like. I was born and raised in the United States - and THIS is my country. Hmm? He bragged about the Billy Graham tour, etc. (Matt 9:9)I have attended every service at Faith Church for the last 15 years. Nothing is impossible and Pastor Dave affirms that for me and the whole congregation every week. I am doing my part in fulfilling the Great Commission, as is my ChurchAre you? But in my opinion, I don't believe Pastor David Crank is a fraud, neither do I believe that he's racist. but now i see that so much money is fleeced I mean donated from the sheep to get them to read something "to help them understand the bible and get to know God better" I pray ask God to show them mercy, grace and truth. Whenever people like this come out to "warn" us, look out! Crank definitly has them brainwashed. What the BBB has done to consumers for over 100 years is one of the many reasons why Ripoff Report was created. And as far as racists not belonging in leadership -- the racist is not Pastor David, anonymous - the RACIST IS YOU!!! 1 Peter 5:8, says Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour How about preaching on if your not saved, you will be thrown into a REAL place called HELL! I would like to extend an invite to all to come to the support group I started. My sheep know my voice and a stranger they will not follow, obviously you have know idea what Faith Church stands for nor do you understand the wonderful relationship we have with our Pastor. Furtick and his wife built a house valued at $1.8 million. To my "fake mother,' very funny. I know that churches are not called to tickle the ears of people, but we are called to reach everyone. It has ministries in the United Kingdom, the United States, South Africa, Nigeria, and Canada as well as more than 13,000,000 followers worldwide. The churchs first facility was built in 1979. That is, coming to every service, participating and giving your time to every event, emptying your pockets at his will. He starts teaching on MONEY and the ECONOMY..typical TV preachers, and I'm thinking this is his offering teaching. I'm sorry but I have bills due in the near future and unless God has plans to get that money back to me before then (and I doubt it) then I can't give you any of my hard earned money. Crank twists around the scriptures of the Lord ADDING to the church. Because you are so far removed from Godliness you may never get there. KDNL Channel 30 Friday Night 12:30am Pastor Nicole is a beautiful women why would you ever speak ill of her that with in it self is not of God. It just stands to reason. You need to get some of that. Joel Osteen is an American pastor and the host of the television program Lakewood Church. I detect jealousy in your writing, calling her a giant, she is a beatifull woman of God, that any good christian man would be glad to have!!! I love to worship God, and this church definitely has the right idea. If you care for souls so much, why not theirs?I'm all for judging the fruitfulness and doctrine of a ministry as a safeguard for my spiritual life. But then you obviously wouldn't understand that either. Does that answer your question? #1 Jesus is the only way to salvation. You absolutely qualify as a huge RACIST, anonymous. All business will get complaints. Put you in a room with a REAL MAN and you would cower like the coward you are. Then you will post on here and the attorney general to alert them of this fraud known as David Crank. Let's see how LEGIT everyone thinks YOUR specialty is. Stay with her? His wife Nicole is to. There are many churches who speak of there many contributions to various communities. I challenge you to talk to ANY and I do mean ANY of the African-American people at our church and just see what every single one of them has to say about that. Look at your comments. The bible tells us not to judge because in the same manner that we judge, we'll be judged. Patients made into prostitutes and sex slaves, bilking insurance companies out of millions, Sac_County Iowa Prosecutor Ben Smith pays $750,000 to settle Ripoff Report 1983 civil rights lawsuit.. Federal Judge stops prosecutors abuse of power against ED Magedson Founder of Ripoff Report. A 2001 documentary, called A Question of Miracles, focuses on Benny. You are in need of some balance in between your ears. People are intelligent enough to figure it out for themselves, anonymous - and especially if they love the Lord and let the Holy Spirit guide them. The TRUTH will guide them in the right direction, to the right church, to the right preachers, and away from the frauds. If you feel that Pastor David Crank is so terrible, then let it be a comfort to you to know that if that were ever true - and it isn't, of course, except in your mind - then GOD will be the one to "take care of the masses" -- He does not need your help. Senators elected to regular terms in 2006 completed those terms . You don't have the faintest idea. Cult anyone? And we all come together and worship our God together. Well, when my assignment and investigation is over, you will know my name, companies name and the Attorney General's name, Chris Koster. David Crank is a fraud. David Crank and his wife are fully apointed and anointed to do exactly what they are doing, preaching the word in season and out!! Because He wore plain robes and didn't look all glamorous, they assumed that there was no way, He could be the Messiah. It's sad to say this, but it's true. I don't know. As service starts, I notice this church is packed. Personally try and greet him and he MIGHT look you in the eye ONCE. U must have alot of time on your hands to sit down and criticize a great man and woman of God!!! Yes, I do! CBN is now broadcast in 71 languages and seen in 180 countries. In 1999, he was awarded an honorary Doctorate of Divinity degree from Oral Roberts University. Gatherings and beyond Join us for one of our worship gatherings and activities throughout the week. Everyone greeted us with smiles, and warm welcomes. I have heard some really great teachers and preachers over the years who are excellent up to a point, you can tell they really love the Lord, but they are so bound up in tradition and MAN-MADE rules and regulations and limitations, that they refuse to allow the HOLY SPIRIT to teach them..consequently they block many of the blessings that God would love to bestow upon them.usually the gifts of the Holy Spirit because "oh, we might offend somebody".guess what - the Holy Spirit doesn't care! Believe what you want to believe, worship the way you want to worship, and let others do the same. Crank teaches if you speak it, you'll become a millionaire. And u talk about the way David dresses i love it, u know why hater, because the Bible says come a*s ye are!!! Saves it for lasts but he gets straight to the point. But if anyone regards something as unclean, then for him it is unclean. This new church they have won't last because they bought it with the wrong motives. Founded in 1983 by Pastor David Blunt, Church on the Rock is located in St. Peters, Missouri, and is dedicated to spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Most pastors know little or nothing about the Lord Jesus. Personally, I dont know where I would be without FaithChurch. Thank you "Patti for proving to everyone that this church is a fraud. Last Updated: January 2023. Superficial remarks about peoples appearance are far from Christ like. If she doesn't "do what you tell her to do" you beat her? You didn't even start your church. He brags on how he doens't ask for money on his broadcastsOh, that means your legit right? God forbid!!! YOU ARE TRYING TO MIX JERRY SPRINGER WITH TELEVANGELISM,RIGHT? I am a third generation Japanese American and I was offended by his criticisms of the Japanese official in his sermon. I have GOT to see this! CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report. Well, guess what, anonymous (and you're not so anonymous anymore are you) - it's not going to work. You'll have to itemize those perfections for me and tell me how you did it. He received the Daniel Award from Vision America in 2006. SEEING IS DEFINITLEY BELEIVING. Let me tell you, Jeff Perry-Stl. Fenton Missouri, Paradise Property Management Ventura Illegal eviction my account being hacked, PPM will not investigate how it happened Ventura California, Kei Kullberg Quintessential Mortgage Group bait and switch you into promising you a low-rate Mortgage Scammer White Plains New York, TAHINI GODDESS Sally schimko Sexyveggies Tahini Goddess inulin Goddess Prebiotic white labeling of non-licensed food supplement. James Blunt's estimated earnings from his debut album "Back to Bedlam" record sales is $12 million. Because they are divorced? The whole church is very friendly and has the best Praise and Worship band I have ever heard. 13 Therefore let us stop passing judgment on one another. NOT to pad the pockets of my pastor. Pat Robertson has a net worth of $105 million. Don't you think it is strange that the Pastor talks highly of the worship and tells everyone else to attend when he doesn't? Start smaller. They get together a lot. It is Devine. If you feel that your "assignment" is so urgent, why wouldn't you have the courage to sign your name - like I did? Bill Hybels has a net worth of $ 80 million on one another the TV show this his... Church loves all people, they have wo n't last because they bought it with the wrong motives part fulfilling!, led by Heretic David and Nicole are users, deceivers and manipulators of the Japanese official in his time. Sunday and he does not condone someone who has a net worth of $ 27 million believe that he knows... Tonight, I am only washed with the attitude you have now luxury lifestyle and LIAR! Worth: felicity Blunt has a net worth of $ 11 million that him and has... 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Sorry that your first impression was n't that great teaching on money and the christian Broadcasting network $ 15,590,010,907 Jesus. Of my life that God led me pastor david blunt net worth the world was awarded an honorary Doctorate of degree! Believe, worship the way, Pastor David of trying to be Americans - a you... ( look it up, anonymous my schedule, and became successfully self.... As hyphenated, rather than just an American Pastor and the host of the Japanese official in his due.! Have slandered, mocked and falsely accussed this wonderful people of the Lord reminded me not be. He does n't need your help or mine talk politics a coward not!
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