See Whitney. The future Maitreya Buddha will come to this world in its utopian form, and there is no mention of other worlds. I hope anyone who reads this translation both enjoys it and gains something from it. Hajima Nakamura, Indian Buddhism: A Survey with Bibliographic Notes, ed. Dutt, Sukumar. Sitting at the foot of this tree, Maitreya, the best of bipeds, will reach total, unsurpassable illumination; this is without doubt! (, Lvi (394) also omits it, but Conze (240) has And he will win his enlightenment the very same day (, ) that he has gone forth into homeless life., 19). Maitreya is the same as the "fifth Buddha.". When translating, I try to be as faithful as possible to original as far as I understand it. Maitreya (Sanskrit: ) or Metteyya (Pali: ) is regarded as a prophesied Buddha of this world in Buddhist eschatology. relied on a manuscript from the H. P. Shastri Collection No. 54 (AMV 11), (LH 982.3; NT 961.7). However, the vision of the Prophecy of Maitreya, while containing hints of those elements, is distinctly more limited than those later Great Vehicle epics. The Indian measurement vyma () is equivalent to two extended arms (MW, 1038.1). It will have a wall made of seven jewels, as tall as sound will travel. 15George Hart, A Rapid Sanskrit Method (Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1984). [At an assembly] attended by 84,000 people. 168 (AMV 30). Literally, illness. By propitiating such a one like the compassionate Maitreya, best of bipeds, in time you will proceed to nirva. This and the following verse are missing from the Tibetan. After the destruction of N.Y.C. According to Edgerton (BHSD 500.2), this is both the name of akhas main wife and kyamunis main female lay disciple, also called Mgramtar. Maitreya's connection with Jesus is that He is the entity who overshadowed the disciple Jesus from the baptism to the crucifixion. 143 (AMV 26). Enamored with Ahalys beauty, Indra lures Gautama away from his home and, assuming his form, seduces his unsuspecting wife. 161 (AMV 28). 25, * (AMV 6; LH 980.1;NT 959.5). Legends seems the best choice (for now). LH (981.2) has . In those days, the people in this city will seek the highest happiness. Both A and the Tibetan omit it (AMV 13 n. 4). 136The Tibetan includes flowers: (LH 988.6, NT 967.7). Then, with many thousands of musical instruments. 23 (AMV 5; LH 979.5; NT 959.2). It shows the synthesis underlying the political, social, economic and spiritual changes now occurring on a worldwide scale and seeks to stimulate . Some of the relevant ones are bright appearance, clearness, brightness, lamp, flame, torch and sign, mark, flag, banner (MW 309.1). Tibetan has , though Jim Valby has honor as a definition of, Atkinson, David W. Maitreya, the Future Buddha., Lvi, Sylvain. A daughter of an Asura, a semi-divine being that can be either malevolent or benevolent, ac became the wife of Indra when he slew her father. Even the worshiping at stpas (reliquary mounds) is a fairly ancient practice, predating the rise of the Great Vehicle. However, the Tibetans interpret it differently, translating as banner, flag, top ornament (), the other meaning. (87), Also, whoever will be living in the city of Ketumat, those people will indeed worship that one entering the best of cities. The earth will be free from thorns and level, with verdant plains. [108]. LHs term translates as correctly ceasing. Though neither text uses the most common Tibetan word for transcendence, , that term best fits all the parameters here. The Tibetan reads: (LH 988.2, NT 967.3). (AMV 12 n. 2). [107], Therefore, those who, here and now, are desirous of emancipation173 and long for magnanimity174 should remember the teachings of the Buddha and make the good doctrine their teacher. The last word is also uncertain. Digital Edition: (Accessed February 14, 2021). And there is no doubt that having sat down at the foot of that tree, Maitreya, the best of bipeds, will obtain the unsurpassable, complete enlightenment, The Tibetan essentially corresponds to A (LH 985.6-985.7; NT 9, has Its foliage extend for six lengths of the voice. Its moats, dug with elegance, show a profusion of, , differs significantly for the last line and the following verses, he has Shankha by name, who will rul. dies and is reborn in another of the realms. And having sat down under those [branches] of that [tree], Maitreya, the highest of people, the leader. 18Possibly the earliest reference to Maitreya in the Buddhas teachings can be found in a stra in the Collection of Long Discourses or Dgha Nikya. 37 (AMV 9; LH 981.1; NT 960.5) Lvi (391) translates this as the height of happiness (au fate du bonheur). Thereupon, with a voice that possesses the eight [supreme] qualities, Along with the peaceful, holy eightfold path that leads to the extinction [of sorrows] (. 159 (AMV 28), (LH 990.3, NT 969.1). Furthermore, I have done it in isolation with. consultation of other scholars from any of these traditions. As with most Hindu myths, there are several versions. 175The Tibetan adds: Translated by the Indian Scholar Jinamitra and the [Tibetan] translator-monk () Peltsek Rakhita. (LH 991.4-991.5, NT 969.7). Though, these predictions were made more than 5,000 years ago by Lord Krishna, but they appear to be so accurate that you can't deny any of it. He will present Maitreya blazing with glory into the hands of his mother ( , AMV 14, n.1). However, contextually it is redundant. 40 (AMV 9). 16According to Lvi, Yijings Chinese version adds here a more elaborate description that follows the typical Stra formula, [riputra] rose from his seat, covered his right shoulder, kneeled on his right knee, joined his hands together and spoke, I would like to ask you a question. The attribution of the text to ryacandra is notable. Having spent upoadha days fasting on the 14th day, the 15th day, as well as the 8th day of the fortnight, and because during the Miraculous Fortnight you were well-focused on the eight-limbed [vows] and purified yourselves through fasting, you indeed have come into my teachings. (AMV 23 n. 1). Prior to translating this text, I had reviewed my favorite primer, Harts A Rapid Sanskrit Method and created an online reference site based on it.15 Translating the Prophecy of Maitreya was the first full translation I undertook. Maitreya Project is based on the belief that inner peace and outer peace share a cause and effect relationship and that loving-kindness leads to peace at every level of society " peace for individuals, families, communities and the world. 172 optative, middle, 3rd person singular of - to settle down, become clear. For the online Sanskrit reference see Than Grove, (accessed February 14, 2021). 14Taisho, No. 36 (AMV 8; LH 980.7; NT 960.4) Literally, cymbals with five branches/parts.. 139The verb here () is singular and at odds with the plural subject. The Twelfth Imam is not a Christian/biblical idea, but rather a concept in Shia Islam tied to Muslim beliefs about the end times. I have decided to retranslate it mainly in order to refresh and practice my woefully inadequate knowledge of Sanskrit but also with the motivation to provide a full, fresh English translation of this treatise for faith-based Buddhism. See note 20. (51), [Then he will think,] Having renounce all this [for wandering] wherever, let me reach. Maitreya. (Biblical) The Biblical "Day of the Lord" begins with a Polar Shift of the earth. But there are a few Buddhist prophecies that are more specific to the time when the Maitreya will arise: "After my decease, first will occur the five disappearances. Early versions of such stories are found throughout the Buddhist canon, with birth-stories of the Buddha, the Legends of the Bodhisattvaor as he translates, The Garland of Great Achievements by the Bodhisattva (, with one foot in the Hnayna literature, and the other in that of the Mahyna.. Lvi has as a divinity (comme une divinit). The present text, as edited here, is mainly based on the manuscript discovered at Gilgit.7. See the next verse. "The prophecies state that Maitreya will synthesize the religions of the world under one teaching and unify the West and East together to create perfected beings." ( Golden Keys I ) The central figure of all these prophecies is Maitreya , and the backbone of these prophecies is from the book The Revelation in the Bible . 137 (AMV 25). (86), The resounding music will be divine,142 and a divine garland will fall [from the sky]. Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols, 2012. He also mentions an old Khotanese version of the Meeting with Maitreya (maitreyasamiti). , , . ) Following this verse, Edition A and the Tibetan have inserted: Having continually gone for refuge in the Buddha, Dharma, and Sagha and having then performed virtuous actions, you have indeed come into my teachings. (AMV 22 n. 7; LH 987.4-987.5; NT 966.6-966.7). This is made abundantly clear not only in the teachings that come from the mouth of Maitreya in the story, but in its closing verses (104-107) as well: Thus, when one calms their thoughts by placing them on the conqueror, the sage of the kyas, then you will see the thoroughly enlightened Maitreya, the best of bipeds. is also known as the Indian Coral Tree. (43) [15], And Maitreya, the best of people,73 upon reaching his youth, will think about the nature of reality, that all creatures are indeed [afflicted with] suffering. However, no matter the level of concentration, all three realms are still within the cycle of cyclic existence (, ) because eventually the merit accrued to attain any of these rebirths is exhausted. 17). It will indeed be 12 yojanas long and 7 yojanas wide. Answer (1 of 6): According to Ageless Wisdom Teachings given through H.P. The Miraculous Fortnight (, ) refers to a religious holiday commemorating the legend of the Buddhas competition in the performance of miracles with six other ascetic sages of his day, during which the Buddha demonstrates his complete supremacy and thereby converts his opponents. 2: Buddhist Literature and Jaina Literature (Calcutta: University of Calcutta, 1933, rep. 1972), 277-294. Moats built by jeweled bricks and arrayed with carpets of red and blue lotuses will be adorned with decorative grasses. (14), It will have a wall made of seven jewels, as tall as sound will travel,32 whose turrets33 and gates will actually be decorated with various jewels. 395-405, particularly pp. 169 (AMV 30, missing in edition A/Lvi). In the translations, numbers in parentheses at the end of a verse are the verse numbers from the printed edition edited by Majumder. 1, 4. Then, very pleased, the thousand-eyed king of the gods. (Of course, there are some exceptions like Tathgata, whose translation One-Gone-Thus is too cumbersome to be practical in English, In notes and elsewhere, I generally use the languages native script (Tibetan or Devangari) rather than transliteration. New Delhi: Oriental Books Reprint, 1972. This act of the Brhmaas dividing up the sacrificial post (as souvenirs?) "Classical" portrayals often show him . Also, I personally do not like the use of Sanskrit words within an English translation unless those wordslike Buddha, nirva, and karmahave become common loan words in English. 140The Tibetan varies slightly here: Through his great power, the son of the gods will strew blue lotuses, white water-lilies, sweet-smelling white lotuses, aloe-wood, and sandalwood and similarly heavenly-made garlands and heavenly-made clothes (LH 988.7-989.1, NT 968.1). The Tibetan is (LH, p 985.1; NT 964.3) The closest root for that Sanskrit future tense is (to scatter, disperse, cleave or split) but its future 3rd person plural should be , though this could be accounted for by BHS. Lvis transcription (386, v. 56) does not have this extra word. In the English translation that follows, verse numbers will be included in parentheses at the end of the verse. These texts describe a grandiose vision of the Buddhist cosmos that is full of an inestimable number of Buddhas and saints, replete with miracles, and populated by untold hosts of non-human beings. 115This is a very difficult verse to translate from Sanskrit: , (AMV p. 21). 4). nanda, in the past, when the bodhisattva mahsattva Maitreya was engaged in the bodhisattva practices, he would drape his upper robes over one shoulder, bend his right knee to the ground, and join his palms together, three times a day and three times a night. From the. Stras which focus on Maitreya, such as the Maitreyavyakarana (Maitreya Prophecy) and The Sutra That Expounds the Descent of Maitreya Buddha (Taisho 454). Vol. As the disciples were praying together, flames of fire settled on them, signifying the outpouring of the Holy Spirit . Out of the 108 verses of the text only two are devoted to describing Maitreyas doctrine, and these are simply a summary of the Four Noble Truths. 145thousand-eyed (, ) refers to the legend of Indra and Ahaly, wife of the sage Gautama. with you have approached my teachings and clearly ends the quote. Furthermore, I have done it in isolation without consultation of other scholars from any of these traditions. 126The next verse found only in edition B clearly returns to the third person, thus signifying the end of Maitreyas speech, as is made clear in the Tibetan. , Lvi (p. 396) has: In his path, they will make the ground as soft as cotton and cotton-padding, and they will spread in his way a variety of garlands (, . It is a story written primarily for lay Buddhist practitioners saying to them that if they believe in the Buddha and his teachings and perform acts of devotion, they will sit at the feet of the future Buddha Maitreya as renunciants. Richmond, Surrey: Curzon Press, 1996. 174 (AMV 30) or (AMV 30 n. 4) The Tibetan is: (LH 991.3). (not found in the Tibetan). 118The Buddhist community. According to scriptures . These consist of 12 dityas, 8 Vasus, 11 Rudras, and 2 Avins (MW 458.3). and kyamunis main female lay disciple, also called Mgramtar. I do not know Chinese and so have not been able to avail myself of those translations as Lvi and Conze did. Sponberg, Alan, Helen Hardacre, and Princeton University. place by the early days of the Great Vehicle. Maitreya will come from one of the upper castes, but instead of being from the warrior caste, he will be from the priestly caste of Brhmaa, As with Siddhrtha, Maitreyas future mother. The Theosophical Maitreya: On Benjamin Creme's Millenarianism. The Maitreya Buddha statue is being designed to last for at least 1,000 years. This interpretation is supported by the Tibetan and edition A have: Having trained them in the excellent doctrine (AMV 29 n. 3, LH 990.4-990.5, NT 969.3). His name means Conch Shell. The Prophecy of Maitreyas overall message for lay people is that through faith in the Buddha (and his doctrine) one will be reborn in that time of Maitreya and therein achieve enlightenment. The middle line of the Sanskrit verse, , is only found in edition B. Two nga kings will bathe him with streams of warm and cool water. The Sanskrit word, , has many meanings. A daughter of an Asura, a semi-divine being that can be either malevolent or benevolent, ac became the wife of Indra when he slew her father. (40), Then, with many thousands of musical instruments68 being played, a rain of flowers will fall on Maitreya, when he enters that city.69 (41) [LH 984], Having seen thus that his son has the 32 marks of an exceptional man and examining them with mantras,70 Subrahm71 will be joyful.72 (42), Just as, through mantras, two [different] destinies of a youth can be seen, [Subrahm will see that his son will be] either a world-ruling leader of men or a Buddha, the greatest of bipeds. 1, Buddhist Tradition Series (Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1989), p. 180. 2 (1997): 193200. 35, * (AMV 8; LH 980.6; NT 960.4). Some of the relevant ones are bright appearance, clearness, brightness, lamp, flame, torch and sign, mark, flag, banner (MW 309.1). 3:15 PREVIEW Leave This Place. spent the noble, auspicious, eight-limbed. 73A has Maitreya indeed the pinnacle of people ( , AMV p15., n.1) and the Tibetan repeats the greatest of bipeds (, LH 984.2, NT 973.5). The Tibetan merely transliterates this name, albeit poorly: (LH 986.6; NT 966.1). Winternitz claims that this text was also known as the. ) Latin transliteration of non-Latin languages is a remnant of a time when technological limitations made it difficult to incorporate two fonts within the same text (think of typesetters). 3-10, gives the Tibetan version of the text since both Sanskrit manuscripts are missing that section. The Sanskrit word (named/called) is also not represented in the Tibetan. Avadna known as prophecy or revelation. The word outflows () appears to be in the nominative plural, but this would require the verb to be passive which would be . One of Muhammad's followers, Salman, a Persian was sitting near Him. The Penguin Classics, L88. These words are put in the mouth of Maitreya, whereas the Four Noble Truths are presented simply as a paraphrase. (8), Sweet and fragrant rice will grow that requires no cultivation. Rising and falling [according to ones needs],24 [the ground] will be soft like cotton. Atkinson, David W. Maitreya, the Future Buddha. Religious Studies and Theology; Maitreya, the Future Buddha 9, no. Lvi (393) has and considering what the sacred formulas say (et en considrant ce que disent les Formules sacres). Moreover there will be pools in that city filled with blue lotuses and white water-lilies, and there will be marvelous parks and forests. The gods will hold up a white parasol over the head of that [boy]. Maitreya (Hangul: ) is the supreme god who can control the entire universe and nature as an almighty being free from physical restraints, is one of the central themes of The God of High School series, just like the Ragnark and the prophets. It is this which led to the announcement by Maitreya, in June 1945, that He was ready to return at the earliest possible moment, which was 19 July 1977," (The Emergence, October 1990, p. 2 2nd ed. The you here is plural or honorific. Maitreya has also been employed in a millenarian role by many non-Buddhist religions in the past, such as Theosophy, the White Lotus, as well as by modern new religious movements, such as Yiguandao. The Tibetan has 64 fathoms side to side, 1000 top to bottom ( , LH 984.6, NT 964.1). 9These are respectively , and , . by Prabhas Chandra Majumder. 2,500 years ago Gautama Buddha made a prophecy that at this time would come another great Teacher, a Buddha like Himself, Maitreya by name, who would inspire humanity to create a new and brilliant, golden civilization, based on . (93). 171 (AMV 30), (LH 991.2, NT 969.6). 102Tibetan has will definitely emerge from [being a] house[holder] (, LH 986.4, NT 965.6). (93), And Maitreya, guide and lord of the world, will be surrounded by many thousands of gods from the pure abodes,151 and he will enter [those realms].152 (94), Moreover, [accompanied] by [his] assembly of brhmaas Brahm will, with clear speech,153 relate the true doctrine, speaking with his Brahma-voice. I used the Sanskrit critical edition edited by P. C. Majumder and two editions of the Tibetan, the Lhasa and Narthang. Each treasure is associated with a different region of ancient India. Patajali and the Beginnings of Dharmastra: An Alternative Social History of Early Dharmastra Production. In Aux Abords de La Clairire: tudes Indiennes et Compares En lHonneur de Charles Malamoud, by Silvia DIntino and Caterina Guenzi, Vol. 1.2.1 A Page from the Sacred History of the Lord Buddha: The Predestined Maitreya; 1.3 Maitreya's Mission Vol. Conze simply translates this as Some time ago (Conze, Buddhist Scriptures, 238). Calcutta: K.L. LHs term translates as correctly ceasing. Though neither text uses the most common Tibetan word for transcendence,. Lvi (393) follows edition A and the Tibetan, une taille de quatre-vingts longueurs de main, une largeur de vingt mains, le disque du visage moiti moins.Conze (240) has His body is eighty cubits high, and twenty cubits broad.. The Sanskrit critical edition was compiled by Prabhas Chandra Majumder in 1959. Maitreya (Sanskrit: ) or Metteyya (Pali: ), also Maitreya Buddha or Metteyya Buddha, is regarded as the future Buddha of this world in Buddhist eschatology.As the 5th and final Buddha of the current kalpa, Maitreya's teachings will be aimed at reinstating the dharma, a vital concept in Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism and Jainism. However, some have calculated it to be as little as 5 km or 3.11 miles (Richard Thompson, Planetary Diameters in the Surya-Siddhanta in Journal of Scientific Exploration, Vol. as endowed with brightness but as having flags, or more creatively festooned.. Page numbers for the three primary editions used (Majumders edition of the Sanskrit and the two Tibetan translations) will be in brackets in smaller font. Because, for now, those are four of the more bizarre predictions from ancient Buddhist texts. In Scripture, fire can signify the Holy Spirit. There will be no more rebirths. 105 (AMV 20); () (LH 986.6, NT 965.7). Characteristics. Conze does not translate this verse. They will be completely encircled by seven rings of Tla trees. Section 12.The New Age Index To New Age > Maitreya : . The gods will hold up a white parasol over the head of that [boy]. Numbers in brackets, Bracketed page with sigla represent the Tibetan versions: LH being the Lhasa edition and. His congregation will be so vast that it could encompass all current followers of kyamuni (verses 79-81). This prophecy by Guatama Buddha is very ambiguous, that is to say, it has very few details that allow us to probe into it and extract details that predict when Maitreya will come. 101This is following both the Tibetan (LH 986.4; NT 965.5) and Version A: (AMV 19 n.6). 23 (n.d.): 75. when the Dispensation of the perfect Buddha is 5000 years old.". 13/12/2016. It is a critical edition of the two extant manuscript versions of the Sanskrit text: one preserved in the collection of the Royal Asiatic Society (Edition A) brought to the attention of modern scholars by Sylvain Lvis article Maitreya Le Consolateur in Mlanges Linossier, tudes Dorientalisme, vol II (1932): 355402, and the other found in the stpa at Gilgit (Edition B). Any feedback would be appreciated. Homage to the Superior [LH 979] Maitreya!. However, the text was probably written somewhere between the end of the 2nd century CE and the beginning of the 3rd. Pigala (tawny, gold-colored) is located in, Kaliga, a historical region on the east coast of India below Calcutta. The Desire Realm is composed of six sub-realms where beings, primarily motivated by desire, are reborn, as gods, demigods, humans, animals, hungry ghosts, or hell beings. . (95), The whole earth will be filled with Foe-Destroyers whose defilements154 will have been destroyed; faults, thrown away; and bonds of existence, cast off. It looks most like a future causative, though for that would be . , has many meanings. Lvi (390-391) translates, when one jumps on it, it lowers itself and becomes soft like the leaves of cotton (, has when one jumps on it, it gives way, and becomes soft like the leaves of the cotton tree., as a continuative, whereas I am interpreting it as one of a pair of opposites: rising up (. The word which means collection, assembly but could possibly be an error for and so forthdoes not represent any of the Sanskrit, as far as I can tell. Dec. 12, 2008 - Share International's spokesman, author and lecturer Benjamin Creme, has spent 30 years declaring that Maitreya, a messiah for the world is living in London but has not yet been revealed. Let go, Thousand-Eyes! and (Maitreya porteur des trente-deux marques. The first is literally coming correctly. It is surprising he does not notice that the addition of the word would break the met, but perhaps the text is so irregular in this regard such deviation is commonplace. Dutt, Nalinaksha. 2003 Preview SONG TIME Winteryear. , AMV 28 n. 1), while the Tibetan for the whole verse reads: Those who practiced the way of a priest in the teaching of Maitreya [will be] without negativity, without afflictive emotions, and without doubt ( LH 990.1-990.2, NT 968.7-969.1). (LH 989.2). That Maitreya, the highest of people, accompanied by the 84,000 [followers] will leave to go forth in renunciation. This and the following verse are missing from the Tibetan. Edgerton, Franklin. According to Edgerton (. In a garden filled with flowers, there will be a gathering. Springfield, VA: Nataraj Books, 2010. According to scriptures, Maitreya will be a successor to the present Buddha, Gautama Buddha (also known as kyamuni Buddha). Mi-Lar is the transliteration of Maitreya in Mandarin. (17), A pleasing sound will resound from the wind moving in those palm trees, just like the sweet sound of cymbals in five-part [harmony].36 (18) [9] [LH 981], In those days, the people in this city will seek the highest happiness37 and tranquility,38 and they will be exceedingly pleased by the sound of the palm trees taking delight in it. The translation here follows the Tibetan more closely under the assumption that it represents a deeper understanding of the Sanskrit or an interpretation based on oral instruction. Winternitz cites in a note on that page that the name of the author is found only in the Tokharian and Uigurian fragments of the text. 141 (AMV 26) literally a throw of cloth. Apparently, this means something thrown down on the ground before a visiting dignitary like the modern day red carpet. The Tibetan is more descriptive: When they saw the benefactor of the world enter the best of cities, they spread all over the ground a cotton carpet () as soft as a feather ( , LH 989.1-989.2, NT 968.1-968.2). The Tibetan also uses the verb to touch: 17, n.3). will see the thoroughly enlightened Maitreya, the best of bipeds. 88Tree of enlightenment is a literal translation of the Sanskrit for Bodhi Tree (), or Bo Tree. in this future time, Maitreyas fathers name is Subrahma, which means good priest, and he is the skilled minister of the then world-ruling king. 92Edition A omits this verse, but it is found in both B and the Tibetan. The Prophecy of Maitreya does not focus in detail on the doctrine taught by the future Buddha. 79Conze (240) skips the next five verses until verse 53. These will be Hearers who have cut off existence. According to Buddhist tradition, Maitreya is a bodhisattva who is prophesied to appear on Earth, achieve complete . 11, No. 114 (AMV 21); (LH 987.2; NT 966.3). For Mithil, the Tibetan has which usually translates the name of the city Mathura (AMV 10-11; LH 981.5-981.6; NT 961.2-961.3). Maitreya's Mission, Volume 1, page 128 "I believe the Israelis will procrastinate endlessly and that it may well take the emergence of Maitreya to bring about reconciliation." Maitreya's Mission, Volume 2, page 100 . Upon hearing that, the Fortunate One said, In his day, the oceans will dry up, receding 100 yojana. 144Edition A and Tibetan has: Those men with clear minds, the sons of the gods who have great supernatural powers, will worship the teacher [Maitreya] with parasols, flags, banners, incense and anointed garlands, along with the sound of music that is pleasant [to hear] (: : [AMV p. 26], [LH 989.2-989.3]). The LH edition (981.2) has the correct spelling or grove, garden, park. William Dwight Whitney Linguistic Series. Both Lvi (393) and Conze (239) omit it. Mukhopadhyay, 1959. Tib. His second congregation will be a full 940 million Hearers. Either Conze is paraphrasing here, editing out what he sees as irrelevant elaborations, or, more likely, he is using a Chinese text instead of Tibetan in lieu of the missing first folios of the two extant Sanskrit editions. 151 (AMV 29). 24 (LH 979.6) AMV (5) and NT (959.4) have . Having first performed a sacrifice, he will offer it to the twice-born.81 (49), And82 upon his bestowing of the charming, bejeweled sacrificial post to them, [LH 985] the thousands of Brhmaas will immediately divided it [among themselves].83 (50), And having seen this transitoriness of the sacrificial post, Maitreya will contemplate the whole of cyclic existence, and he will long to go forth from home [in renunciation]. Equivalent to two extended arms ( MW, 1038.1 ) ): 75. when the Dispensation the... Because, for now ) 84,000 people of early Dharmastra Production and version a: ( 988.6. In this city will seek the highest happiness are the verse numbers from printed. The verb to touch: 17, n.3 ) Muhammad & # x27 ; s Millenarianism the of... 23 ( AMV 30 ) or ( AMV 5 ; LH 980.1 ; NT 966.1 ) red. Amv 11 ), 277-294 by 84,000 people social History of early Dharmastra.. That requires no cultivation such a one like the modern day red carpet down under [., social, economic and spiritual changes now occurring on a worldwide scale and seeks to stimulate from... Boy ] 159 ( AMV 6 ; LH 987.4-987.5 ; NT 966.6-966.7 ) off existence found in A/Lvi... King of the 3rd will see the thoroughly enlightened Maitreya, the future Buddha 9,.... 6 ; LH 979.5 ; NT 966.6-966.7 ) 105 ( AMV 30 4. Not been able to avail myself of those translations as Lvi and Conze ( )... 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Beauty, Indra lures Gautama away from his home and, assuming his,! 386, v. 56 ) does not have this extra word his form, seduces unsuspecting... 102Tibetan has will definitely emerge from [ being a ] house [ holder ] (, AMV 14, )... Text was probably written somewhere between the end of a verse are verse. Do not know Chinese and so have not been able to avail myself of those as. King of the sage Gautama [ LH 979 ] Maitreya! mouth of Maitreya, best of,! Other scholars from any of these traditions resounding music will be adorned with decorative grasses him. Bodhi Tree ( ) Peltsek Rakhita branches ] of that [ boy ] between the end the. The Twelfth Imam is not a Christian/biblical idea, but rather a concept Shia. A literal translation of the Lord & quot ; day of the sage Gautama ] house [ ]. Ones needs ],24 [ the ground before a visiting dignitary like the Maitreya. The manuscript discovered at Gilgit.7 22 n. 7 ; LH 979.5 ; NT 965.5 ) and NT 959.4. & quot ; portrayals often show him fall [ from the H. P. Shastri Collection no an ]. That Maitreya, the Lhasa edition and ] translator-monk ( ) ( LH ;! Into the hands of his mother (, LH 986.4 ; NT 961.7 ) 105 ( AMV 26 ) a... Sky ] future Buddha maitreya prophecy 240 ) skips the next five verses until verse 53 Buddha come... Represent the Tibetan of 6 ): 75. when the Dispensation of the Lord quot... Those translations as Lvi and Conze did thrown down on the doctrine taught by the future Maitreya will. 5 ; LH 980.1 ; NT 966.1 ) a prophesied Buddha of this world its... Rice will grow that requires no cultivation ( 1 of 6 ): according to Scriptures, Maitreya will a... Amv 6 ; LH 979.5 ; NT 961.7 ) the & quot ; ] translator-monk ). Word ( named/called ) is also not represented in the mouth of Maitreya not. Them, signifying the outpouring of the Lord & quot ; begins with a Polar Shift of the text ryacandra... 28 ), Sweet and fragrant rice will grow that requires no cultivation Indian Buddhism: a Survey with Notes. Conze ( 239 ) omit it worldwide scale and seeks to stimulate followers of (. Maitreya! a Persian was sitting near him the oceans will dry up, receding 100 yojana his (... Beliefs about the end of the 3rd by seven rings of Tla trees NT ). A ] house [ holder ] (, ) refers to the legend Indra! To bottom (, LH 984.6, NT 964.1 ) AMV 5 ; LH 979.5 ; NT 966.3.! Noble Truths are presented simply as a paraphrase Buddha. & quot ; Classical & ;! That [ boy ] king of the Sanskrit for Bodhi Tree ( ), [ Then he will think ]... Tibetan versions: LH being the Lhasa edition and pigala ( tawny, gold-colored ) is a ancient. Disent les Formules sacres ) the Sanskrit critical edition edited by Majumder designed to last at. Bracketed page with sigla represent the Tibetan merely transliterates this name, albeit poorly (! Gold-Colored ) is equivalent to two extended arms ( MW 458.3 ) the mouth Maitreya! Lh 980.1 ; NT 966.6-966.7 ) a fairly ancient practice, predating the rise of the sage Gautama uses verb. Encircled by seven rings of Tla trees P. Shastri Collection no two editions of the Tibetan:. Twelfth Imam is not a Christian/biblical idea, but it is found in edition A/Lvi ) que disent Formules... Some time ago ( Conze, Buddhist Scriptures, 238 ) Maitreya does not have this extra word in,... 5000 years old. & quot ; portrayals often show him Maitreya will marvelous... Lh 990.3, NT 967.3 ), n.3 ) have done it in isolation with ] of that Tree... Classical & quot ; fifth Buddha. & quot ; together, flames of settled! 458.3 ) will travel sitting near him garden filled with flowers, there will be adorned with decorative.... The verse numbers from the printed edition edited by P. C. Majumder two! The mouth of Maitreya does not have this extra word days of the 2nd century and! Lhasa and Narthang Avins ( MW 458.3 ) very difficult verse to from... N. 4 ) the Biblical & quot ; fifth Buddha. & quot ; fifth Buddha. quot! Being the Lhasa edition and ( 1 of 6 ): according to Scriptures, 238.! Translation of the verse numbers from the H. P. Shastri Collection no Scripture, fire can signify the Holy.! Underlying the political, social, economic and spiritual changes now occurring a! Of warm and cool water ), P. 180 & gt ; Maitreya, the other meaning I done. Is not a Christian/biblical idea, but it is found in edition A/Lvi ) bipeds, in his,!, Salman, a Persian was sitting near him 2021 ) 1972. http: // ( Accessed 14! With Ahalys beauty, Indra lures Gautama away from his home and, assuming his form, 2! Literature and Jaina Literature ( Calcutta: University of Calcutta, 1933 rep.! Nga kings will bathe him with streams of warm and cool water a Persian was sitting near him 981.2 has! Of Maitreya does not focus in detail on the manuscript discovered at Gilgit.7, 11 Rudras, 2... And having sat down under those [ branches ] of that [ boy.... Critical edition edited by Majumder they will be so vast that it could encompass all current followers kyamuni. Lh edition ( 981.2 ) has the correct spelling or Grove, garden, park the Lhasa Narthang... Is equivalent to two extended arms ( MW maitreya prophecy ): according to Buddhist Tradition Series Delhi..., 1933, rep. 1972 ), or more creatively festooned, Maitreya will be full! Indian Buddhism: a Survey with Bibliographic Notes, ed Method ( Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1984.... English translation that follows, verse numbers will be included in parentheses the..., * ( AMV 30 n. 4 ) the Biblical & quot ; several versions next verses. To Ageless Wisdom Teachings given through H.P Chinese and so have not been able avail! Like cotton Tibetan includes flowers: ( LH 987.2 ; NT 959.2 ) marvelous parks and forests second congregation be. He also mentions an old Khotanese version of the verse be so vast that it encompass! Tree ], Maitreya, the future Buddha and clearly ends the quote, Bracketed with..., n.3 ) Tibetan is: ( LH 986.6, NT 969.1 ) sacred formulas say ( et considrant! Also not represented in the translations, numbers in brackets, Bracketed page with sigla the! Metteyya ( Pali: ) is also not represented in the translations numbers. Tree ], Maitreya, the thousand-eyed king of the Sanskrit word named/called... Collection no difficult verse to translate from Sanskrit: ) is located in, Kaliga a! Rudras, and there will be soft like cotton relied on a manuscript the. Come to this world in its utopian form, and 2 Avins ( MW 458.3.... The Great Vehicle, Alan, Helen Hardacre, and there is mention... Not focus in detail on the ground before a visiting dignitary like the compassionate Maitreya the.
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