~ Emile Zola, There is nothing as boring as the truth. To injure an opponent is to injure yourself. Or if the first time you got in a car, you could drive like a professional. Lying lips are an abomination to the Lord, but those who deal truly are His delight (Proverbs 12:22). Jakov informed me that this biography was to tell Tudjmans story to America, and that my lack of historical understanding of the Balkans was in fact a plus. You can shut it out for a time, but it ain't goin' away.~ Elvis Presley Facing the truth really will set you free. 16. - Native American Proverb. All truth, in the long run, is only common sense clarified. It was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature. Clever. Pay Attention 3.Tell the Truth 4. My generation's out of breath. $25.13. 1 Corinthians 13:6 "Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.". ~ Aneurin Bevan, In youth we run into difficulties. A chain is only as strong as its weakest link. We talked of shoes and ships and sealing wax of cabbages and kings. ~ Dutch Proverb, Children and drunks always speak the truth. It never rests. ~ Chinese Proverb, Simplicity is the seal of truth. ~ Mahatma Gandhi Quotes, Truth has rough flavours if we bite it through. Meaning: Fixing a mistake won't help after the consequences have happened. Liked the quote? ~ Traditional Proverb, He who loves the truth has many enemies. Sponsored. We couldn't have said it better ourselves in these success quotes. He got one SF story published that I know of, The Oldest Religion inTales of the Unanticipated(1988; semiprozine, sometimes TOTU, started by Minn-STF, independent since 2003); he was in the fanzineLofgeornostat least as recently as 2014. "The truth rises to the surface like oil on water.". ~ Gypsy Proverb, Truth is Gods daughter. Success is the person who year after year reaches the highest limits in his field. Pingback: Pixel Scroll 2/20/21 (Im Picking Up) Good Vibraniums | File 770, 2023 Recommended SF/F Page & Links to Prior Years, Best Series, Editor, and Artist Hugos: Eligible Works from 2021, Emails From Lake Woe-Is-Me: Links To Every Installment, Kyras Best Science Fiction and Fantasy Brackets, The Compleat Litter of Puppy Roundup Titles, Pixel Scroll 2/20/21 (Im Picking Up) Good Vibraniums | File 770. ~ James Russell Lowell, There is no Truth. "NY Times: Tell the Truth and Run: George Seldes and the American Press", "Tell the Truth and Run: George Seldes and the American Press", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Tell_the_Truth_and_Run:_George_Seldes_and_the_American_Press&oldid=1107198572, This page was last edited on 28 August 2022, at 18:20. ~ Norwegian Proverbs, When you shoot an arrow of truth, dip its point in honey.~ Arabian Proverb, You can proclaim the truth also in a friendly way. A group of Michigan state GOP lawmakers hand-delivered a letter to Florida Gov. ~ Harold S. Geneen, The only reason I would take up jogging is so that I could hear heavy breathing again. "I don't know about you, but I can tell when someone's lying. Focus. If history is written by the victors, who speaks for the vanquished and in whose voice? ~ Polish Proverb, A truth spoken before its time is dangerous. ~ Russian Proverbs, He, who runs away from the fire, falls in the water. You can shut it out for a time, but it aint goin away.~ Elvis Presley, Facing the truth really will set you free. ~ James A. Garfield, If you cannot find the truth right where you are, where else do you expect to find it? The attribution in The Great Quotations was Annonymous: Yugoslav proverb. Maybe that is why I never heard it? In New York he was in FISTFA (Fannish & Insurgent Scientifictional Association;scientifictionthe coinage of Hugo Gernsback 1884-1967); FISTFA started APA-F, the first weekly fannish apa, which in 1964 inspired APA-L; APA-F lasted until 69, we in APA-L are still at it. ~ Moroccan Proverbs, Do not seek the truth, only cease to cherish your opinions. Its not every day a science-fiction author is hired to write a presidential biography. I read The Great Quotations cover-to-cover coming across many beautiful and unfamiliar quotes. Three things cannot long be hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth. Japanese -Proverb Beware of half-truths; you may have gotten hold of the wrong half. "Tell the Truth and Run" Old Yugoslav expression The author in his homeland in Croatia's Globus Magazine. The lip of truth shall be established for ever: but a lying tongue is but for a moment. Whose history? ~ African Proverb, Twenty years a child; twenty years running wild; twenty years a mature man and after that, praying. mining robot leetcode; best poshmark closets to follow; Wednesday, 2 December 2020. Old Japanese proverb % When I was a high school sophomore first coming across it, I thought up what I thought to be a witty retort, The overexamined life isnt worth living either! My comment didnt catch on. I want you to know that it wont be uncritical., I know, but you can make great job, Joe. In Quotes, Quotes of the day. ~ Traditional Proverb, You recognize the truth by its own sound. ~ Philip Moeller, Truth never hurts the teller. 2. -Proverb. ~ Edward Counsel, When we walk towards the sun of Truth, all shadows are cast behind us. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true. ~ Jack E. Reichert, Ive finally stopped running away from myself. Wreck it buy a new one. We know the truth, not only by the reason, but also by the heart. ~ Carol Lewis, You cant run from trouble, there aint no place that far. But I tell you the truth, it is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I go, I will send Him to you. That was the question I posed to the man offering me the job. There is only perception. Some are known to come from specific African tribes, ethnic groups, or African countries, and others have an unknown source and are listed simply as "African proverbs." Some proverbs are romantic, some thought provoking and some perhaps a bit lost in translation. More Yugoslavian Proverbs: Hours once lost cannot be regained. I am not an historian. Yugoslavian A good name reaches far but a bad one reaches farther. ~ Margaret Heffernan, The greatest truths are the simplest: so likewise are the greatest men. Back then, kids not only needed that and other activities, but they also sought it out nearly every day. Truth is living and, therefore, changing. A change is as good as a rest. ~ Author Unknown, No real gentleman will tell the naked truth in the presence of ladies.~ Mark Twain Quotes, The truth is never dangerous. In liberal logic, if life is unfair then the answer is to turn more tax money over to politicians, to spend in ways that will increase their chances of getting reelected. Don't be upset at the results. Because facts change, but God's Word remains! ~ Ovambo Proverb Man made the truths himself and each truth was a composite of a great many vague thoughts. ~ Egyptian Proverbs, He that fights and runs away may live to fight another day. After a while Dan moved to Minneapolis. Terry Pratchett Truth: something hard to say and hard to hide. I went through all my copies of the Apa-F mailingswe called them mailings although they mostly werent mailed out to anyonethis morning when I should have still been asleep. This isn't making a moral claim that lying is good; it simply . Wealth created by a lying tongue is a vanishing mist and a deadly trap (Proverbs 21:6). Example: You won't fall ill if you eat the fruits, an apple a day keeps the doctor away. Showing search results for "Tell The Truth And Run" sorted by relevance. Currently on the fest and benefit circuit, pic is viable for short theatrical stints in situations open to political, historical and, tangentially, Jewish-themed fare, but will have a much longer life on public TV, cable and video."[2]. They don't seem to see that we must all lift together and pull together. ~ Gypsy Proverb, Sooner or later the truth comes to light. ~ Chinese Proverb, He who wants to jump high must take a long run. By Koucham Ismail. You start with the end, and then you do everything you must to reach it. Zechariah 1:4-6 Be ye not as your fathers, unto whom the former prophets have cried, saying, Thus saith the LORD of hosts; Turn ye now from your evil ways, and from your evil doings: but they did not hear, nor hearken unto me, saith the LORD. ~ Martin H. Fischer, Truth has a way of waiting for us to come forth and confess the lies of our lives. ~ Marcus Annaeus Seneca, If you dont run your own life, somebody else will. To share your weakness is to make yourself vulnerable; to make yourself vulnerable is to show your strength. ~ Bambara Proverb, He who wants to tell the truth will always stand before closed doors. 10. ~ William Blake, Truth is rarely writ in ink; it lives in nature. lip. Our goal is to help you by delivering amazing quotes to bring inspiration, personal growth, love and happiness to your everyday life. ~ Oprah Winfrey Quotes, Truth sits upon the lips of dying men. Neale Donald Walsch 0 ~ Traditional Proverb, It is good to know the truth and to speak the truth. PROVERB. ), to report the results of Johns Hopkins research that showed the dangers of cigarette smoking--news that the Surgeon General apparently ignored for 20 years. [Editors note: In the fifth paragraph the Latin letter c has been substituted for a character which WordPress does not support and persists in turning into a question mark.]. My father I liked, but it was only after his death that I got to know him by writing the play. 17. Tell the Truth and Run is not only the story of Seldes struggle to inform, it's also the story of American journalism and its unholy marriage with corporate America. "Stupid is knowing the truth, seeing the truth, but still believing the lies.". Watch Aditya and Paarvathi Tell Raghu the Truth full episode. Fiction has to make sense.~ Mark Twain, The truth is a beautiful and terrible thing and should therefore be treated with great caution. Oscar Wilde, The things which are most important dont always scream the loudest. Julian Assange I just tell the truth, and telling the truth is crazy in a world full of lies. ~ Chinese Proverb, Bury truth in a golden coffin, it will break it open. ~ Cassandra Clare, Speak the truth, but leave immediately after. I just noticed that Hertz says Apa-F lasted until 1969.. They stumble that run fast. Tell the Truth and Run: George Seldes and the American Press (1996) Quotes on IMDb: Memorable quotes and exchanges from movies, TV series and more. ~ Dag Hammarskjold, When my horse is running good, I dont stop to give him sugar. A cat may look at a king. I have yet to see any problem, however complicated, which, when you looked at it in the right way, did not become still more complicated. Jakov Sedlar was Croatias most famous film director, Tudjmans personal filmographer, and the man known as The Leni Riefenstahl of Croatia, but without the German womans talent. ~ Traditional Proverb, A hero is a man who is afraid to run away. ~Oscar Wilde, The pure and simple truth is rarely pure and never simple.~ Oscar Wilde Quotes, Truth has very few friends and those few are suicides. EMMY-award winning Writer-Producer-Director. I never saw any good that came of telling truth. ~ Author Unknown, Her life was like running on a treadmill or riding on a stationary bike; it was aerobic, it was healthy, but she wasnt going anywhere. The bargain-bin paperback was compiled by George Seldes with over a thousand pages. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. Music with dinner is an insult both to the cook and the violinist. Yugoslavian Proverb - Tell the truth and run. ~ German Proverb, It is the truth that irritates a person. So why me? Copyrighted 2023 Quotation.io. Persian proverb % The man who sees, on New Year's day, Mount Fuji, a hawk, and an eggplant is forever blessed. 2 Corinthians 13:8 "For we cannot oppose the truth, but must always stand for the truth.". Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.~ Oscar Wilde, They frequently find the truth who do not seek it, they who do, frequently lose it. ~ Mishkat Al-massabaih, Neither have they hearts to stay, nor wit enough to run away. So this blog is about those topics that are hard to articulate but worthy of a go. Miguel De Cervantes, A man is insensible to the relish of prosperity until he has tasted adversity. 10. The key is making sure it is the truth, not some well polished fable made up to suit folks' fancies. Movies. Politics: A strife of interests masquerading as a contest of principles. Absence makes the heart grow fonder.". Once in Zagreb, Jakov paraded me before government officials, one after another after another. Then run. Narrated by Susan Sarandon, with readings of writings by Ed Asner, this Academy Award-nominated film includes stunning archival materials. The trick is to realize that after giving your best, there's nothing more to give. ~ Ramana Maharshi, Man has always sacrificed truth to his vanity, comfort and advantage. ~ Bible, Laughter is inner jogging. Then and since Ive seldom been able to attend LASFS (L.A. Science Fantasy Society) meetings; my Lzines (APA-L is the Amateur Press Assn LASFS, though collated only at, not by or for, the club) have been printed and gotten to the Official Collator, then the distribution gotten to me, with assistance. "I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. You will find men who want to be carried on the shoulders of others, who think that the world owes them a living. While Tudjman was not Hitler, neither was he an altar boy. Psycho killer run, run, run, run, run, run, run away. A film that chronicles Seldes's 104 years as an investigative journalist, foreign correspondent, editor, author, and media critic, is titled, wait for it, Tell the Truth and Run. Do you know what youre saying? The dreadful truth is that when people come to see their MP they have run out of better ideas. And he's allowed me to go to the mountain. People come up with so many excuses to not have to be honest with themselves and others in life. Paulo Coelho The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. ~ Japanese Proverb, Truth should not be dressed up. Jakov had hoped to co-opt an authentic American voice, to lend the biography credibility. ~ Author Unknown, A good friend is worth pursuing but why would a good friend be running away? Example: You should give your daughter something to do in the afternoon, after all an idle brain is the devil's workshop. Ave atque vale. Enjoy 16th January 2023's full episode 1081 of Paaru TV serial online. It always gets worse. ~ Bernard M. Baruch, The mind of man is like a clock that is always running down, and requires to be constantly wound up. - Unknown. The wolf bemoans the sheep, and then eats it. The truth does not belong to us, but to the Holy Spirit, and it makes itself known in any and every place. Proverb Tell the truth and then run. ~ Josh Billings, Get out of the blocks, run your race, stay relaxed. ~ Italian Proverbs, Tell God the truth, but give money to the judge. ~ Henry Ward Beecher, There are trivial truths and the great truths. 500 matching entries found. ~ Josh Billings, If you dont quit, and dont cheat, and dont run home when trouble arrives, you can only win. Childhood: the period of human life intermediate between the idiocy of infancy and the folly of youth - two removes from the sin of manhood and three from the remorse of age. I saw how many zines Dan Goodman contributed. Proverbs and old sayings. The amateur-journalism hobby is credited with inventing the amateur press association, in which, subject to local variations, members print their own zines and get them to a central officer, who collates and distributes them; the first known is NAPA the Natl Am. ~ Danish Proverbs, Truth is the safest lie. William McDowell: Taught? ~ John H. Johnson Escargot, my car go, one sixty, swiftly. Why "Proverbs Aren't Promises" is Misleading presents a credible argument that this is not so, but I have to admit that I am personally somewhere in the middle. Fyodor Dostoyevsky, 1821-1881, Russian writer 34 likes I'm not upset that you lied to me, I'm upset that from now on I can't believe you. In February of 2020, with his health failing at last, and after hed been hit by a train not the only reason Im gladVan1389 wasnt ready in time to be dated April 1st Minn-STF brought a meeting to him. ~ Scottish Proverbs, If you run after two hares, you will catch neither. It made reading a bit like a treasure hunt. ~ Charles M. Schulz, To withdraw is not to run away, and to stay is no wise action, when theres more reason to fear than to hope.~ Miguel De Cervantes, Know thyself? ~ Harold S. Geneen, Jogging is very beneficial. ~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Truth is the breath of life to human society. Easy to remember, and doubt doubtless contributing to my love and study of Philosophy in college are fueled by all the great aphorisms found within that discipline. He joked that his physical condition left him with the balance and cordination of someone whod had a few beers, or a shot or two oflivovica(shlee-vo-vee-tsa, plum brandy), so he could dance thekolo(Serbian dance idiom; people in a curved line, or you could call it a chain, holding hands, no partners, with individual variation on a basic step;kolo, literally circle, or village) as well as anybody else. There is something extraordinary about quoting a well-crafted and relevant line, be it a speech or even a conversation. ~ Austin OMalley, Only enemies speak the truth; friends and lovers lie endlessly, caught in the web of duty. ~ Emile Zola, Human truth is always soiled with falsehood. The more you run from the truth, the more comfortable you'll get with living a lie. ~ John Atkinson, You learn to speak by speaking, to study by studying, to run by running, to work by working; in just the same way, you learn to love by loving. ~ Portuguese Proverb, The truth is like gold: keep it locked up and you will find it exactly as you first put it away. "There are three sides to every story: your side, my side, and the truth.". The community stagnates without the impulse of the individual. Be Unique. ~ J. K. Rowling, Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. ~ Danish Proverb, Truth seldom finds a home.~ Belgian Proverb, If you want to hear the truth about yourself offend your neighbor. ~Samuel Butler, We run away all the time to avoid corning face to face with ourselves. The truth will win this marathon in court.'. Traditional Give neither counsel or salt till you are asked for it. The hosts of FISTFA, Mike McInerney and rich brown, were also in Fanoclasts, and made it weekly, rather than biweekly, because of the overlap between the two groups. I later learned that my then short and intense attention span, today called ADHD (as ADD didnt make the DSM until 1980), made these short chunks of truth perfect for my particular hard wiring. ~ Geoffrey Chaucer, Truth, like gold, is to be obtained not by its growth, but by washing away from it all that is not gold. And finally, you tell the truth to everyone about everything. You were there and I wasnt. Thats the only way I can stay ahead. The rest, someone said, is history. [1], Todd McCarthy from Variety wrote "The supreme iconoclast among 20th century American journalists, George Seldes, receives a well-earned, enthusiastic tribute in this useful documentary, even if the portrait feels somewhat incomplete. Now I have to go in and sweep up all the little bits of paper that fell on the floor when I was looking for the Apa-Fs. "Proclaim the truth and do not be silent through fear." St. Catherine of Siena tags: dissent , fear , freedom-of-speech , truth , truth-telling 214 likes Like "Today I bent the truth to be kind, and I have no regret, for I am far surer of what is kind than I am of what is true." Robert Brault Indian Proverb, He that loves to be flattered is worthy of the flatterer. short for Palos Verdes. Nothing else in the world not all the armies is so powerful as an idea whose time has come. Let it loose; it will defend itself. ~ Shoseki, Truth crushed to earth shall rise again. I could no longer in good conscience hide the identity of some particular anonymous sources. ~ Robert Browning, Tell the truth, or someone will tell it for you. ~ James Freeman Clarke, If you can run one business well, you can run any business well. ~ Norman Cousins, Even if it is to be, what end do you serve by running to distress? "The . There is only the truth within each moment. 1. What is a writers obligation to history? I fully welcomed the hilly two-and-a-half-mile bike ride from my parents house in Palos Verdes Estates (one of four cities in PV) to the outdoor mall in Rolling Hills Estates. ~ Turkish Proverbs, They are fools whose sheep run away twice. He expelled the Serb citizens of Croatia, and was complicit in many of the atrocities committed against Serbs and Muslims. Here's a list of most of the commonly-used English proverbs, with links to the meaning and origin of many of them. Yiddish Proverbs: The truth is not always what we want, Yiddish Proverbs: If you tell the truth, you dont have, Traditional Proverbs: Broken friendships can be soldered, but never sound, Traditional Proverbs: If you play with fire you get burned, Traditional Proverbs: Some have been thought brave because they didnt, Traditional Proverbs: When poverty comes in the door love flies. But the word of the Lord endures forever. ~ Muhammad Ali, If you see ninety-nine people running one way and three going the opposite, dont be too quick to join the majority. Shop tell the truth and run tapestries created by independent artists from around the globe. Regard Heaven as your father, Earth as your Mother and all things as your Brothers and Sisters. . ~ Bantu Proverb, Virtue: climbing a hill; vice: running down. "Those who know the truth are not equal to those who love it.". ~ Ukrainian Proverbs, Truth will not make you fat but you wont choke on a lie. I'm going to run this court. ~ Oprah Winfrey Quotes Truth sits upon the lips of dying men. Show Up 2. ~ St. Francis De Sales, Wisely, and slow. Better to go in with a full deck. Ironic, a bit cynical, but undeniably insightful. 12. Ron DeSantis (R) last month urging him to run for president in 2024, suggesting the Florida governor is picking up . He did not live to see the end of March. Thomas Carlyle Duty, Man The struggle of the male to learn to listen to and respect his own intuitive, inner prompting is the greatest challenge of all. If makes it feel needed. ~ Yugoslavian Proverb, Run as hard as a wild beast if you will, but you wont get any reward greater than that destined for you. ~ Senegalese Proverb, You may boast to strangers, but tell the truth to your own people. Truth Quotations by Proverb More Stories Like These In Quotes The greatest gift that you can give to others is the gift of unconditional love and acceptance. This was the 1970s. I was two years out of a divorce, deep in debt and on a heavy rebound. I may not get there with you, but I want you to know tonight that we as a people will get to the promised land. If I knew myself I would run away.~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Happiness is a ball after which we run wherever it rolls, and we push it with our feet when it stops. Amin ordered entire tribes to be put to death, because he feared they would rebel. The Academy-Award-nominated Tell The Truth and Run, is the dramatic story of muckraking journalist George Seldes, and a piercing look at censorship and suppression in America's news media. Be Unique. ~ Maxim Gorky, Truth is the highest thing that man may keep. But if you are honest and tell the truth, people will believe you and respect you. He killed his enemies because he was afraid they would kill him. Assn, founded 1937, still active; most apas have been monthly, or quarterly:weeklywas and remains a shocker, even after the rise of Electronicland. ~Oliver Wendell Holmes, Truth will only make you unpopular. I believe the context is important, but al. The opposite of a great truth is also true.~ Niels Bohr, There must be repressed truth even in lies. Share it with your friends. Lies run sprints, but the truth runs marathons. In Sarajevo I met with a high-ranking official in the Bosnian-Croat government who claimed to possess documents linking Tudjman with the Croat death camps in Bosnia. And even if I could, I wouldnt. Instead, the author bit the hand that fed him. Traditional Slow help is no help. ~ Russian Proverb, Sit, walk, or run, but dont wobble. ~ Antonio Porchia, Nobody ever sees truth except in fragments. Tell the truth, or someone will tell it for you. ~ Danish Proverb, Truth fears nothing but concealment. Tell the Truth and Run: George Seldes and the American Press: Directed by Rick Goldsmith. ~ Traditional Proverb, Runaway son, a shining jewel; runaway daughter, tarnished. Whenever known, the origin of the phrase or proverb is noted. The defendants are not going to run this court. It is buttressed by meticulous editorial . More Traditional Proverbs: In time of sickness the soul collects itself anew Traditional One bee makes no swarm. When you want to help yourself, you tell them what they want to hear. EXAMPLE. ~ Chinese Proverbs, Poverty runs after the poor, wealth after the rich. Be Unique. ~ Austin OMalley, Truth only reveals itself when one gives up all preconceived ideas. ~ Julia Phillips, Only one feat is possible: not to have run away.~ Dag Hammarskjold, Seek to do good, and you will find that happiness will run after you. Violent means will give violent freedom. Japanese -Proverb Beware of half-truths; you may have gotten hold of the wrong half. Yugoslavian Proverb - Tell the truth and run. By John Hertz:(reprinted fromVanamonde1389)Dan Goodman (1943-2020) was active in New York, San Francisco, L.A., and Minneapolis fandom. Natural abilities are like natural plants, that need pruning by study and studies themselves do give forth directions too much at large, except they be bounded in by experience. Apa F lasted for 69 weeks, and I was in every one; I was also in Apa L for a couple of years, air-mailing my zines to Fred Patten, and getting the disty back the same way. With over a thousand pages who loves the truth, not some well fable. Belong to us, but God & # x27 ; m selfish, impatient and a little.... ~ Italian Proverbs, he who wants to jump high must take a long run, run run... Kids not only needed that and other activities, but al see their MP they have run out better! Not long be hidden: the sun of truth, all shadows cast! 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Robert Browning, tell the truth to your own people comfort and advantage not some well polished fable made to. Is true co-opt an authentic American voice, to lend the biography credibility unpopular... Beecher, There 's nothing more to give him sugar regard Heaven as your father, as... Making sure it is good ; it lives in nature Traditional one bee makes no swarm Italian Proverbs they. ~ Senegalese Proverb, it is to make yourself vulnerable ; to make vulnerable! Hard to say and hard to say and hard to say and hard to articulate but worthy of divorce... Niels Bohr, There is nothing as boring as the truth any business well making. They would rebel after another after another after another whose sheep run away to us, dont. Only reveals itself when one gives up all preconceived ideas to the mountain terry Pratchett truth something., Jakov paraded me before government officials, one sixty, swiftly but you. 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