Camera Q&A: Isabel Coixet on Aral: The Lost Sea

Who: Isabel Coixet is a Spanish filmmaker based in Barcelona. In 2010, she collaborated with Spanish nonprofit We Are Water for the organization’s first initiative aimed at improving the management…..


Camera Q&A: James Romm on Nero and Seneca

Who: James Romm is a professor of classics at Bard College, with a specialty in ancient Greek and Roman history. His latest book, Dying Every Day examines the relationship between…..


The Western Tradition revisited: Charlemagne

(Publisher’s Note: Originally published in April of 2014) At the age of 87, English actor Christopher Lee portrayed one of Europe’s greatest kings in a most unusual fashion. 2010 saw…..


Wes Anderson & filmmakers with unique worlds

(Publisher’s Note: Originally published in March of 2014) Wes Anderson is once again taking bright colors, deadpan humor, a completely ridiculous story, and recruited friends Jason Schwartzman, Bill Murray, and…..


True Detective: An Appreciation

(Publisher’s Note: Originally published in March of 2014) Whether at work, or at school, or simply on the street, you have probably overheard a group of people talk about how…..


The Western Tradition revisited: The Byzantines

(Publisher’s Note: Originally published in March of 2014) The glory that was Rome and its empire has been covered in television documentaries rather expansively. Yet the Eastern Empire that survived…..


Harold Ramis, Canada Thanks You

(Publisher’s Note: Originally published in March of 2014) The late 1970s and early 1980s are probably the best time for on-screen comedy that we’ll ever see. Saturday Night Live and…..