If the open area is very large, the overwatch element should only remain stationary until the bounding element has moved a distance equal to half the effective range of the overwatching element's weapon system. 2013-01-27 16:14:33. (a) Deploy and Report. If the element makes visual contact but is not detected, it should continue the mission. However, navigation, consolidation, and command and control are more difficult. The reconnaissance platoon can not conduct its mission if the enemy decisively engages it. chemical peel near me black owned; which of the following is a recent trend in grandparenting; how to turn off air suspension on mercedes gl450 On the line provided write either DN for double negative or S for standard. Characteristics of the Offense (SCAT) Surprise Concentration Audacity Tempo. Definition. If time and terrain permit, he may send dismounted platoon members to move to the far side of the open area and secure it. This chapter focuses on the movement techniques and formations that combine to provide the platoon leader with options for moving his unit. (b) If detected by the enemy, the section or team uses a combination of mounted and dismounted reconnaissance. The platoon leader must decide whether to use this method with the understanding that doing so will sacrifice stealth. The reconnaissance platoon is not manned or equipped to conduct detailed reconnaissance of urban areas. The platoon maintains relative positioning based on terrain and combat losses. The platoon leader attempts to hand off responsibility for the enemy element. Wiki User. Since the destruction of the enemy is in accordance with the commander's order, the section or team leader simply informs higher headquarters that he is continuing the mission. Leaders must maintain a paper map with an acetate operational graphics overlay in case of system failures. Evaluate and develop the situation 3. Once they determine that the enemy in contact cannot influence them, they continue their mission with the platoon leader's approval. (f) Establish a Hasty Defense. Platoon staggered column formation. The amount of intelligence information available to the reconnaissance platoon leader during the planning process determines the risk involved in conducting the infiltration. 1 / 8. Choose an example of each element, and explain how it helps make the speech effective. (b) Evaluate and Develop the Situation. Bounding overwatch, the slowest but most secure movement technique, is employed when enemy contact is expected. If the platoon leader determines he needs more information, he may commit additional assets (reconnaissance sections or teams) to develop the situation further. Bounding overwatch can be executed using one of the following bounding methods. The section leader must continue to use route planning, mechanical navigational aids, visual observation of terrain features, and manual techniques to ensure that the sections are in proper position. The lead reconnaissance element (section or team) identifies an enemy element consisting of one enemy reconnaissance vehicle. Once they finish, the platoon resumes movement using its chosen movement technique. He keeps the commander informed of his actions. Do not rely totally on technology. It normally maintains contact with the lead element and may stop periodically for better observation. Execute the COA 5. Drivers turn off vehicle engines, and dismounted elements move to the edge of the wooded area to observe. Before each mission, the leader designates the duration between digital and analog position updates. The leader analyzes the terrain for routes that provide protection from direct and indirect fires and from ground and aerial observation. Figure 3-3. a. The principles of route selection, movement formations, and movement security are critical to the success of the exfiltration operation. This COA is appropriate when an enemy force, based on its current disposition, is not in a position to influence the platoon's higher commander. What is area defense? The exfiltration plan might address this situation by calling for a resupply drop of new batteries and another means of communication at a predetermined location. This gives the platoon the greatest possible flexibility to maneuver and develop the situation. The overriding factor in determining whether to use single or multiple lanes is the ability to remain undetected. Traveling overwatch is used when contact is possible but speed is desirable (Figures 3-10 and 3-11). The questions will require you to make decisions regarding the revision of the reading selection. b. A series of combat actions, often conducted simultaneously, taken upon contact with the enemy to develop the situation. The exfiltration plan should also cover other types of contingencies that will not require the platoon to exfiltrate. The purpose of tactical movement is to move units on the battlefield either to initiate contact with the enemy or to reach a destination when contact with the enemy along the way is possible.. (2) During mounted movement, leaders use their commander's tactical display (CTD) to monitor the company, platoon, and sections. They look for any other signs of enemy activity or any enemy response to the destruction of the vehicle. The platoon operates with and without vehicle support, so section and platoon leaders must understand how to move and maneuver in either tactical situation. (d) Execute the COA. The leader is then able to plan for contact and determine how to employ TTP, such as the proper movement techniques, to reduce the occurrence of chance contact. Contact with obstacles of enemy or unknown origin. The herringbone provides 360-degree security during a temporary halt from a march column (Figure 3-8). (a) Deploy and Report. I tend to look at the different types of platforms on a scale (Figure 1). The lead vehicle advances to a point (first move) where it can support the advance of the overwatch vehicle. When operating out of normal communications range, an infiltrating element that must transmit required information should move to high ground or set up a long-range expedient antenna. (b) Evaluate and Develop the Situation. Extraction by air or RV (ground) is favored when the resources are available and their use will not compromise the mission. When the platoon leader receives sufficient reports to have a clear picture of the situation, he chooses to prepare to support a hasty attack. As soon as the lead vehicle is in a covered and concealed position, the overwatch vehicle moves to an alternate firing position and occupies a hide position while trying to maintain contact with the smallest possible element. (c) Choose and Recommend a COA and Maneuver the Force. This type of operation may require the battalion to activate its escape and evasion plan or to deploy a reaction or support force to help extract the friendly elements. Route Planning. (3) During movement through a wooded area, the platoon should move using traveling overwatch. Wooded Areas. Troops should dismount to provide greater security. (1) When the platoon deploys and reports, it uses fundamental techniques of tactical movement (dismounted or mounted) and action drills using the terrain to ensure effective cover and concealment. As more than one section or team becomes involved in the situation, the platoon leader or PSG (whoever is in the best location to do so) takes control of coordinating their efforts. In bounding overwatch, one element is always stopped to provide overwatch. (b) Successive Bounds. (3) Pickup Points. (1) Before moving across a large open area, the reconnaissance platoon must make a thorough visual scan of the area. What are the three forms of the defense? He does this for several tactical reasons: to continue operations as directed, to regain use of all his elements, or to give responsibility to a friendly element that can more effectively handle the enemy force. The six mounted reconnaissance platoon formations are line, wedge, column, staggered column, coil, and herringbone. When the platoon conducts dismounted movement, the factors of METT-TC determine the formation of the dismounted element. It attempts to confirm (or to determine in detail) enemy size, composition, activity, orientation, and weapon system locations. (2) Evaluate and Develop the Situation. What is a NGB 590? The platoon finds the flanks of the enemy position and looks for other enemy elements that could provide mutual support to the position. The reconnaissance platoon normally uses no more than two lanes due to its size and limited resources. The next overwatch position (the objective for the bounding element). It affords all-round observation and fields of fire. His other sections continue their reconnaissance mission. It stops inside the wood line, ensuring it is still within the shadow line of the woods. They base decisions about routes and movement techniques on the mission, terrain and weather, likelihood of enemy contact, speed of movement, and depth to which the platoon's elements must penetrate. In very large open areas, however, use of dismounted troops may not be feasible because of the distances between covered and concealed positions. To accomplish a specific task, the reconnaissance platoon itself may need to infiltrate areas occupied by enemy forces. The plan would mandate that the resupply location be specially marked for security and identity purposes. Due to the complexity of these operations, the battalion staff and the reconnaissance platoon leader conduct detailed planning. Navigation during limited visibility conditions is easier for the digitized platoon with the introduction of POSNAV and limited visibility equipment. Troops can be garrisoned in villages, snipers can dominate approaches, and buildings and roads can be mined and booby-trapped. Due to mission constraints, the platoon leader may have to leave one vehicle in contact. Simultaneously, the section or team maintains at least one hasty OP in contact with the enemy. To regain the use of all his assets, the platoon leader continues coordination to hand off contact to a follow-on element (Figure 3-15). For example, reconnaissance forces that have infiltrated or bypassed the enemy-occupied area may need to exfiltrate as soon as they gather the required information. Soldiers infiltrate by multiple lanes when two or more infiltration lanes are found through the enemy defense (Figure 3-20). Read the following passage and then choose the best revision for the underlined portions of the paragraph. Mounted Formations. Physical Audio Direct Indirect Electronic CBRN Visual Civilian. If the reconnaissance platoon is tasked to gather information over a wide area, it may employ several small teams to cover the complete sector. Choose COA Situations involving nuclear, biological, or chemical (NBC) conditions (see. To do this, they use information from the battalion S2, sensor reports on the FBCB2, and information collected by dismounted patrols. To avoid the enemy's strength, elements use stealth and move through gaps or around enemy positions to conduct operations to the enemy's rear and out of contact with the enemy. Once the vehicles are inside the wood line (approximately 100 to 200 meters), the platoon shuts off vehicle engines, maintains dismounted security, and conducts a listening/security halt. As information becomes available, the element in contact sends a contact report, followed by a digital or analog size, activity, location, and time (SALT) report . Study now. This method is easier to control and is more secure than alternate bounding, but it is slower. The battalion must carefully coordinate and rehearse employment of the reaction force and supporting fires before initiating the infiltration (or other tactical mission, if applicable). During infiltration, the platoon uses predesignated routes to reach its objective without being detected and engaged by the enemy. The move-set technique of movement is simply an organized way of controlling the reconnaissance section when it moves in bounding overwatch. Once the displacing section or team has arrived at the rally point, it takes up defensive positions and reports its arrival to the overwatch section or team. The lead vehicle occupies the 12 o'clock position, and the other vehicles occupy the 3, 9, and 6 o'clock positions in accordance with the order of march. The "CA" for cash aid and "CF" for CalFresh listed to the left side of each The platoon may also break contact and bypass when it has made contact with an enemy force that cannot adversely affect the mission of the platoon's higher headquarters. As a general rule, the platoon, section, or team should disengage from the enemy as early in the contact as possible. The eight forms of enemy contact are visual; direct; indirect; non-hostile; obstacles; aircraft; chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN); and electronic (sometimes referenced as "DINOCAVE" within the intelligence community). It is based on lessons learned in current operations and training, from adaptive enemies, and after changes in force structure, technology, and social values. Tactics. Contact with an unknown or superior force. ______Now he says that he doesnt take life for granted no more. The elements conduct mounted movement to designated dismount points where they organize dismounted patrols to develop the situation from a new direction. The platoon leader then plans his routes. Wiki User. Once he identifies these areas, the platoon leader considers where the enemy will focus its reconnaissance assets and determines their fields of observation. Once the element in contact has developed the situation and the platoon leader has enough information to make a decision, he selects a COA. The 8 forms of contact: (DINOCAVE) Direct fire Indirect fire Non-hostile Obstacle CBRN Aerial Visual Electronic What is the process of deriving peacetime training requirements from wartime missions? When that point is reached, the overwatch element must move out, even if the bounding element has not yet reached a position of cover and concealment. Leaders may detach small security elements from the main body to provide early warning by acting as an advance guard or as guides along a route. The size of the elements within the reconnaissance platoon depends on several factors: the assigned mission, time available, cover and concealment, target acquisition capabilities of both friendly and enemy forces, available communications assets, and navigation capabilities and limitations. (3) When enemy contact is likely and the platoon must move across large open areas with limited cover and concealment, the platoon leader should consider using reconnaissance by indirect fire to provide additional security during movement. This is especially important when the platoon is moving through an enemy security area where enemy forces are likely to move in response to friendly activity or when the platoon expects to encounter a moving enemy force. DINO CAVE (Contacts) Direct. The platoon maintains contact or fixes the enemy in place until additional combat power arrives or the platoon is ordered to move (Figure 3-18. Sneakers typically force runners to land on their heels, sending shocks throughout the body. In most situations, smaller elements are better able to take advantage of available cover and concealment. (3) Emergency Exfiltration. By knowing these details ahead of time, the platoon leader can develop the situation more rapidly and arrive at and execute the desired COA. Coordination must include CSS activities, integration of communications, fires, passage lanes, C2, and battle handover. The eight forms of enemy contact are visual; direct; indirect; non-hostile; obstacles; aircraft; chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN); and electronic (sometimes referenced as "DINOCAVE" within the intelligence community). If the reconnaissance platoon must conduct a hasty defense, the battalion commander assumes responsibility for continuing to develop the situation. All groups rehearse this procedure since no one knows which group will arrive first. Establishing a contact point to link up with, brief, and guide the friendly unit as necessary. This choice is made because the platoon leader determines that the force he has located is the objective of his commander; therefore, this COA is in accordance with his commander's intent. Planning. (2) Technology can enhance movement and route planning for operations, but platoon and section leaders must create concept sketches for briefing to the platoon. Read the following sentence, and decide whether it contains a double negative. Effectively employed, movement techniques allow the platoon to find and observe threats without being compromised. This frees the platoon leader to concentrate on the subsequent mission, thus enhancing command and control. The eight forms of enemy contact are visual; direct; indirect; non-hostile; obstacles; aircraft; chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN); and electronic (sometimes referenced as "DINOCAVE" within the intelligence community). Preferably, the section leader uses hand-and-arm signals or digital communication within the section for command and control. What are the 8 forms of contact? The battalion commander determines if the battalion moves along single or multiple infiltration lanes with forces in the infiltration lanes separated by space and time. Oddly enough, foot and leg injuries common to runners in the developed world-joint damage, shin splints, bone spurs-are practically unknown to the Tarahumara. (3) Combination of Methods. The reconnaissance platoon may select this COA when it does not have the resources to leave an element in contact and continue to accomplish its priority reconnaissance tasks. What is a military retrograde operation? They should use radio listening silence except to report contact with enemy forces or to send critical information that the commander has directed them to report immediately. Preparing and coordinating fire support for the friendly attack. Patrols request permission to return to the platoon vehicles. (a) Deploy and Report. The exfiltration plan and OPORD must address these factors. If the platoon concentrates, it risks losing its capability to complete its mission and jeopardizing its ability to conduct subsequent missions. Therefore, the platoon must make maximum use of the terrain and employ effective observation techniques to avoid exposing itself to a well-concealed and camouflaged enemy. When this reconnaissance is complete, the section or team sends an updated report to higher headquarters. These situations may entail one or more of the seven forms of contact: d. Summary of Actions on Contact. (a) The first group to reach the rally point establishes security and exchanges recognition signals with subsequent groups. a. Navigation. (b) If the commander and the S2 have anticipated the enemy situation the reconnaissance platoon is reporting, they will already have addressed the contingency in the OPORD and given guidance to their subordinates on what COA the platoon should execute.

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