After noticing that Kash escaped Mae's place, Darius and Kenji head to the compound, where Darius hides from Kash and his boss and overhears the boss say they are going to take Pierce to a new biome and use him as food. Kenji reveals that he was manipulating Darius, after he confronts him after being caught in a lie about his father. However, they are interrupted by Mitch and Tiff, who have gotten up and are threatening them with guns. Darius states that despite missing the plane, they did the right thing. Meanwhile, Mitch, Tiff, and Darius watch some Compys, and Tiff approaches them causing them to attack her, but Darius quickly distracts them by throwing a candy bar at them, informing the two that Compys are poisonous. Kenji, Darius and Sammy follow the tracks on the motorcycle and then Darius takes a shortcut through the tunnels to get to where the hunters are but he soon leaves to try to stop them by himself, trying to be a hero. Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous. Her hands weren't covered in blood The back of her head was aching like she had hit it on the desk Despite having watched some of her videos, Yaz was annoyed by Brooklynn when they first met due to latter constantly trying to film her. Trying not to let go Darius tries to lift Ben however his grip slips and Ben falls off the monorail. There, she finds a motorcycle and drives it out beside Bumpy in the midst of an explosion to distract the Baryonyx. Back at the dock, Darius and Kenji have a conversation on the yacht, with Darius assuring him that Kenji is a good friend to them. After Wu and Hawkes leave the island, the six campers bid farewell to Bumpy. Mitch tries to bargain with him, asking him to get out of the way and even offering to save him. It is revealed to be a pair of Ouranosaurs. Unfortunately, the tide is too high, which forces them to stay. Luckily, the three get out before it goes in. Unlike Dr. Grant, Darius accidentally lost his necklace. However, after their mood sours once they hear a distant explosion, the group is unsure if they will ever see each other again after the rescue. The group makes it to the Penthouse without further incident and comes across a large building. As they enjoy a proper breakfast, Mitch promises them that they'll be home in two days after their boat returns from the mainland, and the campers cheer. The six campers come up with a plan to lure Kash away, stop the fight, and get the phone. Biography. Kenji is reluctant to enter the park, he considers the "park to be haunted" but Darius doesn't believe him, then tells Yaz to make him understand, but she even says that John Hammond had died there because of the Compys and Kenji is to scare, but Darius reassures him by saying that the original owner died of natural causes, then they are forced to search the place after seeing a compy enter. As the campers traveled to camp, they introduced themselves to each other. The Dimorphodons attack, and Brooklynn and Yaz escape on one of the hang gliders. Brooklynn and Sammy voice their frustration to Yaz for not listening, and Yaz apologizes for her mistake, and both Brooklynn and Sammy forgive her. She, among the others, made it up the steps and into the monorail train, away from danger. As the campers gather supplies, Yaz is sent to the yacht to prepare it, but she rushes back to report that the storm is too dangerous to go out. She could hear what sounded like Darius on the other side of the phone, but he was garbled She was losing consciousness She comes to coughing out more bile. They finally find Bumpy after a short period of searching. The following morning, the group finds an invisible wall which opens to reveal a metal hallway, much to their shock. They return to the cable car and use one of the gondolas to create a makeshift bomb at the overlook with the gasoline and light it. His attempts to make his way to a different area alert the Carnotaurus, who finds his hiding place. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Jurassic World Camp Cretaceous Dino Escape Darius & Gallimimus New at the best online prices at eBay! The Ceratosaurus confronts the children for a few moments, before turning and walking away and the two head to a newly filled watering hole and see various herbivores and carnivores drinking water, to which Darius says that Dr. Alan Grant theorized that this is neutral ground for all dinosaurs. Darius is forced to take Mitch and Tiff to the watering hole along with Sammy and Yasmina. The Indominus rex pushes the truck off the road and devours the poor man, while the gang escapes to their abandoned vehicle. Kenji is unimpressed, as Darius tries to compromise with him, being cynical that he knows more about the island's secrets. However, the adults are distracted by screeching in the distance, and Mitch nearly trips over a scooter, allowing the children to back off for a bit. She also wears dark blue jeans with several small tears and white shoes. The plan, however, is complicaed by a pack of Pteranodons attacking. He is suddenly greeted by an answering roar in the distance, as he rushes to meet the challenge, running into the jungle, as the campers sigh in relief, just as they realize that Sammy has been hit by the spikes, just as she faints due to the spikes being poisonous. March 3 ^ Also DM me on discord if you want this custom music. Darius and Kenji invade the lair and activate the beacon before fleeing. does darius like brooklyn in camp cretaceousrivercrest tunkhannock, pa. does darius like brooklyn in camp cretaceous. does darius like brooklyn in camp cretaceous. They were cornered in a sealed-off loading bay and decided to blew up Toro via a crate full of compressed air, hand sanitizers, and with the use of the taser prod. The group goes to the observation deck to try to see which animal the sound came from. He is twelve years old.[2]. Darius and Brooklyn tackled Hunter but Landon's men arrested them. Although told that Wu's office is private, Brooklynn tries to sneak into it, but runs into Sammy. They eventually find the flowers and a vent underneath, signifying electricity and air conditioning, so they keep searching, this time with a more common topic to talk about. Brooklynn interviews Wu while he introduces himself for his blog and shows her around the lab. Brooklynn tells Darius that they all look to him because Darius' light burns bright and no amount of terrible choices can put it out. Darius states that the enclosure is north of the main park, so they must head in the opposite direction to try and get to the Visitor Center. When the ship gets stuck in kelp, Brooklynn reveals this to the others and Darius goes in the water to remove the kelp. When Mae later goes to monitor a mother dinosaur and a daughter dinosaurs' eating habits, Darius and Sammy follow her, while Brooklynn stays back with Kenji, Ben and Yaz. Once stopped, Brooklynn tried to approach the Sinoceratops, however, the action only angered it. Mae stops BRAD before it finds and kills them. As they prepare to leave, the group gathers up broken pieces of wood to defend themselves, while Darius and Sammy notice a Stegosaurus plaque on the ground. When they find what they need, a Monolophosaurus tries to break into the attic, and they barely manage to close the door, blocking to buy time. However, they are then chased by some BRADs, but get away. WARNING: Not all islands are paradiseA new season of Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous is now streaming on Netflix! As the Indominus continues to break through the tower, Darius grabs hold of Yaz to try and create enough momentum to force the other campers to reach the other zip line tower. Darius initially offers to be the one to go but they discover that Ben has volunteered and had already exited the train at the top. Looks like we're having trouble connecting to our server. However, before they can resolve the conflict, Brooklynn tells them to run as a Baryonyx emerges from the forest to chase them. Darius barely manages to escape and get on the boat, just as Kenji steers the boat to safety, but they soon realize that the Ouranosaurs can swim and are attacking the boat. But as they were trying to leave, Brooklynn's phone falls out of Sammy's pocket, drawing everyone's attention including Yaz which causes the truck to crash. Darius rallies the group saying that they must work together to get to the main tourist area of the park and seek help. They succeed and Darius and Brooklynn use their moment of distraction to escape in the Gyrosphere. After Sammy finds something in the rexes food, the three head back to her place and a suspicious Mae is now curious on what Mantah Corp is doing to her dinosaurs. As Darius, Kenji and Brooklynn go down the elevator shaft, the dinosaurs try to attack them. They promised each other to visit the park and exchanged gifts to indicate their intention to do so. Darius and Kenji are chased away by a pack of Dilophosaurus and end up catching up with Ben, Mae and Pierce. After Kenji turns the power off, Kash leads Darius to the Med bay. They discover the bridge room and determine that Tiff was murdered. While the five head to the Med bay to save the younger dinosaurs with Darius's assistance, Darius keeps Kash busy with video gaming. After Kash's BRAD drops a box of some sort of chips, Darius takes one and puts it in his pocket. Fans should expect to hear news of renewal or cancellation either this month or early next year, while ratings are being assessed. There, she once again discovered something strange: a grove of flowers that are frozen in the center. Wu arrives and orders the mercenaries to clear the entrance. Jurassic Park Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. By the end of the season however, his friendship with Kenji is strained, due to the latter being angry at him for putting Brooklynn's life at risk. Who does Sammy like in camp Cretaceous? In season 2, Sammy continues to bond with her fellow campers, most notably Yasmina. In the episode "Safe Harbor", Brooklynn wears a 2-piece swimsuit, the upper half consists of a model with white and the lower part consists of a pair of blue shorts. After learning that there is a hole in the boat, the six look for supplies to patch it up. Brooklynn, Sammy and Yaz take Angel and Rebel to the snowy biome, but Brooklynn and Sammy initially do not want to leave. Darius and Sammy lead Mitch and Tiff to Main Street. Kenji restores the power, and after some time, Brooklynn and everyone else managed to master the controls enough to reactivate a hologram of a T. rex which distracts Rexy long enough for Darius and Sammy to escape. Darius and Sammy hide under a table, but she quickly discovers them and they run for their lives, trying to avoid her in an alley. The group mourns their fallen friend, as several of them descend in grief. As the animal keepers deal with the raptors, Dave and Roxie get angry at them for their intrusion. The Scorpios circle the pack looking for an opportunity, even as Darius stops Ben from running to Bumpy's defense, but the Scorpios finally give up and leave. But deciding to prevent this from happening, they first decide to steal his laptop in hopes of turning it over to the authorities to prevent any more hybrids from being created, and race to try and get to the lab before Wu does. She became suspicious of him, and tried to break into his yurt, but this caused the alarm to go off and nearly resulted in a fight. The Pteranodons break free, crash the helicopter, and proceed to chase the group. And unlike Dr. Grant, Darius reclaimed his necklace. While waiting in the dorms, Darius confronts Kenji about his motivation, but this argument is inconclusive. While this is probably the least precarious loose thread in Camp Cretaceous, viewers may wonder about the fate of Brooklyn's social media channel, a major concern for a chunk of the series, will . They then see a woman, much to their shock. However, Darius crashes the gyrosphere, causing it to lose energy. Darius was born sometime in 2003. The pilot manages to free the helicopter and the dinosaur eats the mercenary as the helicopter flies away with Kenji, Sammy, and Ben on board, leaving Darius, Yaz, and Brooklynn behind to fend for themselves against the massive predator. Darius has a close relation to his older brother Brandon despite the latter sometimes making fun of him. His friend is in shock at the revelation but then hugs him. Surrounded by the raptors and just when it seems that they are going to eat them, Roxie turns on the lights of the corral and uses the meat as a distraction to rescue them. Kenji is annoyed with Darius because he believes he took risks with Brooklynn's life. There he finds a dinosaur head under a sheet, which makes him fall scared and horrified. This page contains spoilers from an upcoming, or newly released, installment of the Jurassic Park franchise. Her and the others knocked out the lights and attempt to exit the train before it speeds into a downed monorail train. After Hawkes tells Darius and Yasmina that Brooklynn would be held captive until they brought back the laptop, Hawkes, Brooklynn and Wu head to the helicopter. She accepts Sammy and Yaz's relationship and is happy to see them together, even screaming in joy and giving them a couple name. The campers hide as they witness him attempt to free the tricked-out other, though the other Baryonyx appears and quickly chases after them. Upon reaching the top, the group appears to be extremely tired, but arrives just in time to see a Brachiosaurus feeding on a tree. After Kenji confides in him that he was just trying to make his father proud, Darius lies too much to cover up for Kenji. Darius informs the group once he gets down that they can't head east as the Pteranodons are nesting in the mountains to the east. Other than her phone addiction, she is a generally friendly and slightly rebellious person but has a bad habit of unnecessarily snooping around and getting her nose into other peoples businesses. Darius turns off his radio as he goes to find him. In order to protect themselves, the six electrify the fence. While they continue searching, the campers break for some frozen pizzas that Kenji found but they can't eat them because they are frozen. They decide to head to the dock to try and find supplies to repair the ship. The Indominus rex suddenly approaches, ambushes the employees and eats them. Brooklynn remarks that the island "doesn't look like Costa Rica". After everyone reaches the stands, they take some time to rest as the sun goes down, but suddenly sirens are heard. However, Darius stands his ground even when the pair approaches him. Darius wakes up shortly, as the campers are still disoriented. When Kenji rejoins the group after having realized that they were right about his dad's ruthless nature and after earned back their trust by helping Ben to rescue Bumpy, Darius remains angry and withdrawn, the sole member of the group who is not happy about Kenji's return due to his hurt and anger over Kenji betraying and leaving them. Just as Darius is about to leave with Ben, the Scorpios rex attack the Ankylosaurus herd, but the dinosaurs move in formation to protect Bumpy. Unbeknownst to the campers, this was caused by a hybrid called Scorpios rex, created by Dr. Wu and the one Kenji accidentally released from cryogenic sleep in season 2. During the day, Brooklynn and Darius are scared by Kenji on a few occasions, much to his amusement and their annoyance, which then causes the two of them to talk about pranking Kenji back. This feels like the simplist way the directors could find to fix the whole Darius and Kenji argument and it seems dumb. The Carnotaurus proceeds to attack the group as they narrowly evade it in the confined space. Rexy closes in, roaring at the hunters as they try to flee. Brooklynn, Sammy and Yaz arrive with the snowmobile and chase away the Dilophosauruses that were attacking Darius, Kenji, Ben and Mae. The episode ends with the campers building the shelter for themselves and Sammy returning Darius's tooth necklace that he lost after the incident. They get in an argument about which one of them had a harder childhood, somewhat coming to the conclusion that both of their childhoods were exploited for numbers, whether that be internet followers or track records.

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