He wrote 300 short stories, six novels, three travel books, and one volume of verse. Due to complaints from NBC executives, this part of the script was never filmed.[22]. In 1869 Maupassant started to study law in Paris, but soon, at the age of 20, he volunteered to serve in the army during the Franco-Prussian War. At age thirteen, Maupassant was placed as a day boarder together with his brother in a private school. After his graduation, he became a volunteer in the Franco-Prussian War. The Franco-Prussian War broke out soon after his graduation from college in 1870; he enlisted as a volunteer. He also authored a travel book titled, La Vie errante'. He is remembered as a master of the short story form. During this time his only recreation and relaxation was boating on the Seine on Sundays and holidays. His mother urged her husband when they married in 1846 to obtain the right to use the particule or form "de Maupassant" instead of "Maupassant" as his family name, in order to indicate noble birth. Maupassant was the elder of the two children of Gustave and Laure de Maupassant. Additionally, Maupassant also wrote under several pseudonyms, including Joseph Prunier, Guy de Valmont, and Maufrigneuse. Facts about Guy de Maupassant 1: His education Maupassant ever studied Law in Paris. NEVEUX "I entered literary life as a meteor, and I shall leave it like a thunderbolt." These words of Maupassant to Jose Maria de Heredia on the occasion of a memorable meeting are, in spite of their morbid solemnity, not an inexact summing up of the brief career during which, for ten years, the writer, by turns undaunted and sorrowful, with the fertility . His first published story, "Boule de Suif" ("The Dumpling", 1880), is often considered his most famous work. Discover Walks contributors speak from all corners of the world - from Prague to Bangkok, Barcelona to Nairobi. The same year, he came out with the novel, Notre Cur'. During his apprenticeship with Flaubert, Maupassant published one or two stories. Besides,all European literature influenced his works. He was very devoted to his mother, who was a well-read woman with a passion for classical literature. Maupassant would go on to develop a fear of death and paranoia of persecution caused by the syphilis he had contracted in his youth. Made famous by his first short story, he worked methodically and produced two or sometimes four volumes annually. He was the first son of Laure Le Poittevin and Gustave de Maupassant, both from prosperous bourgeois families. We strive for accuracy and fairness.If you see something that doesn't look right,.css-47aoac{-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;text-decoration-thickness:0.0625rem;text-decoration-color:inherit;text-underline-offset:0.25rem;color:#A00000;-webkit-transition:all 0.3s ease-in-out;transition:all 0.3s ease-in-out;}.css-47aoac:hover{color:#595959;text-decoration-color:border-link-body-hover;}contact us! As soon as Boule de suif was published, Maupassant found himself in demand by newspapers. ")", Abamine, E. P. "German-French Sexual Encounters of the Franco-Prussian War Period in the Fiction of Guy de Maupassant. Mathilde always felt like she should have been born to the upper class and is unhappy in her married life, hating their home, their food, and her lack of fine clothing and jewelry. On February 17, 1884, his short story titled, La Parure' was published in the French newspaper called, 'Le Gaulois'. In 1890, he authored the short story 'L'Inutile Beaut. When Guy reached the age of thirteen, his mother placed her two sons as day boarders in a private school, the Institution Leroy-Petit, in Rouenthe Institution Robineau of Maupassant's story La Question du Latinfor classical studies. Additionally, He often ate lunch in the restaurant at its base. Several of Maupassant's short stories, including "La Peur" and "The Necklace", were adapted as episodes of the 1986 Indian anthology television series Katha Sagar. Une Vie (1883, tr. He was born on August 5, 1850 as Henri Rene Albert Guy de Maupassant and died on July 6, 1893 inPassy, Paris at the age of 42. This short story was made into an opera named, The Greater Good in 2006. In 1880, Flaubert published one of his most famous short stories "Boule du Suif," about a prostitute pressured to provide her services to a Prussian officer. Guy de Maupassant was born on August 5, 1850, in the Normandy region of France. Taking his cue from Balzac, Maupassant wrote comfortably in both the high-Realist and fantastic modes; stories and novels such as "L'Hritage" and Bel-Ami aim to recreate Third-Republic France in a realistic way, whereas many of the short stories (notably "Le Horla" and "Qui sait?") Between the years 1872 and 1880 Maupassant was a civil servant first at the ministry of maritime affairs then at the ministry of education. Hes my disciple and I love him like a son, Flaubert said of Maupassant. Guy de Maupassant. Maupassant contracted Syphilis in his youth. [9] From his early education he retained a marked hostility to religion, and to judge from verses composed around this time he deplored the ecclesiastical atmosphere, its ritual and discipline. He died in a private asylum at the age of 42. La Parure (The Necklace) is the best-loved stories of him. In 1881 he published his first volume of short stories under the title of La Maison Tellier; it reached its twelfth edition within two years. Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. A Life),Bel-Ami (1885),Pierre et Jean (1888),Notre Cur (1890, tr. Henri Ren Albert Guy de Maupassant (UK: /mops/,[1][2] US: /mopsnt, mops/;[2][3][4][5] French:[i d() mopas]; 5 August 1850 6 July 1893) was a 19th-century French author, remembered as a master of the short story form, as well as a representative of the Naturalist school, who depicted human lives, destinies and social forces in disillusioned and often pessimistic terms. In 1868, when he was eighteen, he saved the life of poet Algernon Charles Swinburne, rescuing the latter from drowning off the coast of Etretat. This led him to be expelled in his penultimate year. Use of the CNN name and/or logo on or as part of NEWS18.com does not derogate from the intellectual property rights of Cable News Network in respect of them. They help Maupassant for editing and selecting his collection of stories. Michel Drach directed and co-wrote a 1982 French biographical film: Guy de Maupassant. Let's look at the Top 10 Intriguing Facts about Guy de Maupassant 1. The following year, he went to the Lyce Pierre-Corneille School, where he took part in drama and became passionate about poetry. Your email address will not be published. Below is the article summary. Born in 1850 #16. It was in the latters home that he met many writers, including Emile Zola and Ivan Turgenev. Even though he is known for writing he started out by studying law in Paris. . Maupassant was one of six writers, led by Zola, who each contributed a short story on the Franco-German War to a volume called Les Soires de Mdan. He is not a naturalist like Zola; to him, physiological processes do not constitute the basis of human actions, although the influence of the environment is manifested in his prose. He also introduced him to some of the leading writers of the time, such as mile Zola, Ivan Turgenev, Edmond Goncourt, and Henry James. He has written more than 300 short stories, six novels, travel books and also a book of poetry. Maupassant was one of six writers, led by Zola, who each contributed a short story on the Franco-German War to a volume called Les Soires de Mdan. Hearst Magazine Media, Inc. Site contains certain content that is owned A&E Television Networks, LLC. Some of the best-known authors for whom Maupassant was an inspiration include W. Somerset Maugham, O. Henry, and Henry James. He owes most to Flaubert, from whom he learned to use a concise and measured style and to establish a distance towards the object of narration. We have talked facts about Gay de Maupassant. it was probably the finest story he ever wrote. French writer, Gustave Flaubert played a pivotal role in guiding him through his earlier days in literature and journalism. Fort comme la mort Guy de Maupassant 1975 Car l'amour est fort comme la Mort, la passion inflexible comme le Schol. Maupassants story, Boule de suif (Ball of Fat), was not only by far the best of the six, it is probably the finest story he ever wrote. Maupassant was a protg of Gustave Flaubert and his stories are characterized by economy of style and efficient, seemingly effortless dnouements. Bel-Ami, novel by Guy de Maupassant, published in 1885. In 1887, he came out with the short horror story titled, Le Horla'. Articles from Britannica Encyclopedias for elementary and high school students. His firsthand experience of war was to provide him with the material for some of his finest stories. He felt a decided antipathy for this form of life and deliberately engineered his own expulsion for some trivial offense in 1868. He developed a constant desire for solitude, an obsession for self-preservation, a fear of death and paranoia of persecution. He attempted suicide in 1892 and was committed to an asylum, where he died at age 42. The short stories of writer Guy de Maupassant detail many aspects of French life in the 19th century. In the next 10 years he published some 300 short stories, six novels, and three travel books. [8] She was an exceptionally well-read woman and was very fond of classical literature, particularly Shakespeare. He published the story in 1880. The story was written in the form of journal. However, his law studies were interrupted in 1871 when he volunteered for the army during the Franco-Prussian War. Indeed, there can be little doubt that the early years in Paris were the start of his phenomenal promiscuity. "[19] He delighted in clever plotting, and served as a model for Somerset Maugham and O. Henry in this respect. https://www.britannica.com/summary/Guy-de-Maupassant. His law studies were interrupted by the Franco-Prussian War; his experience as a volunteer provided him with material for some of his best works. Our Hearts) are several example of his best novel. The turning point came in April 1880, the month before Flauberts death. Read the story: The Necklace, Character Analysis & Summary, Genre & Themes, Literary Devices . Naturalism is a subgenre of Realism. The couples second son, Herv, was born in 1856. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). CNN name, logo and all associated elements and 2023 Cable News Network LP, LLLP. .css-m6thd4{-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;display:block;margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0;font-family:Gilroy,Helvetica,Arial,Sans-serif;font-size:1.125rem;line-height:1.2;font-weight:bold;color:#323232;text-transform:capitalize;}@media (any-hover: hover){.css-m6thd4:hover{color:link-hover;}}Who Is Dilbert Cartoonist Scott Adams? He moved from Normandy to Paris after the war, and after leaving his clerkship in the French Navy he worked for several prominent French newspapers. During the Franco-Prussian war, Maupassant volunteered. Henry-Ren-Albert-Guy de Maupassant was the eldest of the two children of Gustave and Laure, born on Aug. 5, 1850 in Dieppe, France. Looking for interesting Paris facts? 4) At the age of 13, Maupassant was placed at a private school which he disliked and got himself expelled from. Copyright Network18 Media and Investments Ltd 2023. Lets look at the Top 10 Intriguing Facts about Guy de Maupassant. His literary education came through his informal apprenticeship to Gustave Flaubert, who was a friend of his mothers. Gustave Flaubert is a good friend of Laure Le Poittevin (Maupassants mother). All rights reserved. After a gruesome suicide attempt in 1891 (he tried to cut his throat),de Maupassant spent the last 18 months of his life in a Paris mental home, the celebrated private asylum of Dr. Espirit Blanche. The story is particularly known for its surprising ending. It has been suggested that his brother, Herv, also suffered from syphilis and that the disease may have been congenital. One of his famous short stories, "The Necklace", was imitated with a twist by Maugham ("Mr Know-All", "A String of Beads"). https://www.thoughtco.com/guy-de-maupassant-biography-740701 (accessed March 4, 2023). Novelist #137442. The other facts about him will be explained below. Corrections? "Was it a Dream? Guy de Maupassant and "The Necklace" Background Literary Devices Themes The Deceptiveness of Appearances The reality of Mathilde's situation is that she is neither wealthy nor part of the social class of which she feels she is a deserving member, but Mathilde does everything in her power to make her life appear different from how it is. However, he was committed to the private asylum of Esprit Blanche at Passy, in Paris., where he died on 6 July 1893 from syphilis. Happy travels! document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Corrections? What is Guy de Maupassant best known for? So, they liked rowing and sailing. Guy de Maupassant was a 19th-century French author who wrote more than 300 short stories. Bel-Ami is drawn from the authors observation of the world of sharp businessmen and cynical journalists in Paris. Maupassant suffered syphilis when he was 20 years old. By User Den fjttrade ankan on sv.wikipedia, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=1250918. French writer Guy de Maupassant (August 5, 1850July 6, 1893) wrote short stories such as "The Necklace" and "Bel-Ami" as well as poetry, novels, and newspaper articles. Isaac Babel wrote a short story about him, Guy de Maupassant. It appears in The Collected Stories of Isaac Babel and in the story anthology Youve Got To Read This: Contemporary American Writers Introduce Stories that Held Them in Awe. From his early education, Guy de Maupassant retained a marked hostility to religion. Guy de Maupassant was an important French naturalist writer who was most well known for his short stories. Guy de Maupassant (5 August, 1859 6 July, 1893) was a French writer and a master of short stories. Author E. Renouar on Wikimedia. Maupassants mother sent him to make Flauberts acquaintance at Croisset in 1867. when he returned to Paris after the war, she asked Flaubert to keep an eye on him. He used Maufrigneuse from 1881 to 1885. The commercial success of his writing made Flaubert famous and independently wealthy. Maupassants full-length novels were Une Vie, Bel-Ami (1885; Good Friend), and Pierre et Jean (1888). In it, a prostitute traveling by coach is companionably treated by her fellow French passengers, who are anxious to share her provisions of food, but then a German officer stops the coach and refuses to let it proceed until he has possessed her; the other passengers induce her to satisfy him, and then ostracize her for the rest of the journey. The following year, his book of short stories titled, Mademoiselle Fifi' was published. Please check our Privacy Policy. But de Maupassant's horror fiction is only a small portion of his work, some 39 stories or so. [11], In 1867, as he entered junior high school, Maupassant met Gustave Flaubert at Croisset[fr] at the insistence of his mother. He cruised on his private yacht Bel-Ami, named after his novel. q&a; trivia; popular; trending; random; Guy De Maupassant. He wrote and himself played (1875) in a comedy - " la feuille de rose, maison turque" - with Flaubert's blessing. Maupassants short stories and books focus on many themes. When he was thirteen, he went to learn classical studies at the Yvetot seminary for a brief period. His prolific and deeply admired body of work influenced a great number of writers including William Somerset Maugham, O. Henry, Anton Chekhov, Kate . While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. What is Guy de Maupassant best known for? Guy de Maupassant wrote in the Naturalism genre of literature. Maupassant also wrote under several pseudonyms, including "Joseph Prunier", "Guy de Valmont", and "Maufrigneuse" (which he used from 1881 to 1885). The following year, his novel, Bel Ami was published. Famous Birthdays. 8) Maupassants talent and business acumen made him a rich man. For classical studies in Institution Leroy-Petit, in Rouen. describe apparently supernatural phenomena. Guy De Maupassant . Maupassant was phenomenally promiscuous, and before he was 25 years old his health was being eroded by syphilis. Flaubert used to invite Maupassant on lunch on Sundays when staying in Paris. We hope this study guide is particularly useful for teachers and students eager to appreciate the nuances of the story. [18] On 2 January 1892, Maupassant tried to commit suicide by cutting his throat; he was committed to the private asylum of Esprit Blanche at Passy, in Paris, where he died (6 July 1893) from syphilis. From 1870-71, Guy de Maupassant served in the French Army. The suicide attempt was believed to be a result of his impaired mental state. [20], Leo Tolstoy used Maupassant as the subject for one of his essays on art: The Works of Guy de Maupassant. Flaubert took young Guy as a kind of protege, introducing him to significant writers of the day such as Emile Zola and Ivan Turgenev. Facts about Guy de Maupassant 2: His family Maupassant was one of a fair number of 19th-century Parisians (including Charles Gounod, Alexandre Dumas, fils, and Charles Garnier) who did not care for the Eiffel Tower[15] (erected in 1887-1889). A protege of Flaubert, Maupassant's short stories are characterized by their economy of style and their efficient effortless dnouement. Author of, Literary and music critic. Construction of the Eiffel Tower was highly controversial amongst the Parisians. In 1871, he left Normandy and moved to Paris where he spent ten years as a clerk in the Navy Department. Leo Tolstoy used Maupassant as the subject for one of his essays on art, The Works of Guy de Maupassant. ThoughtCo, Aug. 28, 2020, thoughtco.com/guy-de-maupassant-biography-740701. His work is characterized by the clarity of its prose and the objective irony of its presentation, as well as its keen re-creation of the physical world. Many of his stories were based on the Franco-Prussian War and the lives of innocent people who were caught in it. His parents were both from prosperous bourgeois families. Unfortunately, their parents divorced when he was 11 years old and his brother was 5 years old. Search. Maupassant is perhaps best known as a writer of short fiction, and he utilizes the shorter form as a structuring principle for his longer productions. The Necklace is an ironic story about the distinction between appearance versus reality, written by Guy de Maupassant in 1884. In 1884, his short story La mere Sauvage' and 'La Parure' was published. Biography [ edit] Guy de Maupassant at 7 years of age Guy de Maupassant and his mother His father, Gustave de Maupassant, by Hippolyte Bellang (2020, August 28). He died at the age of 42 in Esprit Blanche at Passy, in Paris. However, he often ate lunch in the Eiffel Towers restaurant. Helpful Discussion Questions for 'The Necklace', Biography of Ernest Hemingway, Pulitzer and Nobel Prize Winning Writer, Biography of Kate Chopin, American Author and Protofeminist, Biography of Washington Irving, Father of the American Short Story, A List of Every Nobel Prize Winner in Literature, High School Vocabulary in Context Worksheets, Flash Fiction From Baudelaire to Lydia Davis, Classic British and American Essays and Speeches, Biography of Ray Bradbury, American Author, Life of Wilkie Collins, Grandfather of the English Detective Novel, Biography of Italo Calvino, Italian Novelist, M.A., English Literature, California State University - Sacramento, B.A., English, California State University - Sacramento. In 1894, he became the subject of Leo Tolstoys book The Works of Guy de Maupassant'. All Rights Reserved. For example, "Une Vie" written by Maupassant, has clearly been influenced by Flaubert's style of writing. For local insights and insiders travel tips that you wont find anywhere else, search any keywords in the top right-hand toolbar on this page. Author of. In 1878, he was transferred to the Ministry of Public Instruction. Maupassants mother, Laure, was the sister of Alfred Le Poittevin, who had been a close friend of Gustave Flaubert, and she herself remained on affectionate terms with the novelist for the rest of his life. In 1881, he came out with 'La Maison Tellier', his first collection of short stories. Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree. Her sacrifices had been for nothing. He first gained attention with Boule de Suif (1880; Ball of Fat), probably his finest story. But it was her friend Flaubert who opened doors for the budding young writer. However, he had never loved working, all his free time Maupassant spent in women pursuit. [10] Finding the place unbearable, he finally got himself expelled in his penultimate year. In 1871, he left Normandy and moved to Paris, where he spent ten years as a clerk in the Navy Department. When he was eleven years old, his mother separated from his father. He devoted his spare time to writing novels and short stories. As we know that Maupassant lived with his mother and brother after his parent seperated. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. The supernatural in Maupassant, however, is often implicitly a symptom of the protagonists' troubled minds; Maupassant was fascinated by the burgeoning discipline of psychiatry, and attended the public lectures of Jean-Martin Charcot between 1885 and 1886. In the absence of the father, Maupassant's mother became the most influential figure in the young boy's life. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. We may all come from different walks of life but we have one common passion - learning through travel. William Saroyan wrote a short story about Maupassant in his 1971 book, Letters from 74 rue Taitbout or Don't Go But If You Must Say Hello To Everybody. Lombardi, Esther. He would spend the next ten years of his life, serving in this position. Your Privacy Choices: Opt Out of Sale/Targeted Ads, Birth Year: 1850, Birth date: August 5, 1850, Birth City: Dieppe, Birth Country: France. Robert de Langeac (de son vrai nom le Pre Augustin Delage), rpondait alors au souhait que lui formulait le clbre thologien Garrigou-Lagrange : " le bien des mes l'emporte plus que votre dsir d'effacement ". He was prolific, publishing over 300 short stories and six novels, but died at a young age after ongoing struggles with both physical and mental health. His best novels are considered to be Une Vie (1883, tr. He was later admitted into a private mental institute, Esprit Blanche at Passy, in Paris. Guy de Maupassant learned in his early 20s that he had syphilis, which was then a frightening and widespread malady. Unfortunately, he has to leave his studies due to he becomes a soldier. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. In 1883 he finished his first novel, Une Vie (translated into English as A Woman's Life), 25,000 copies of which were sold in less than a year. He hated to work and spent much of his free time in . point of highest interest or excitement climax struggle within one person's mind internal conflict most important person in a story protagonist all-seeing, all-knowing omniscient the story introducing another story frame a single happening in a story incident If the author tells the story but does not take part, it is told in _____ person. One can see from a story like Mouche (1890; Fly) that the latter were more than merely boating expeditions and that the girls who accompanied Maupassant and his friends were usually prostitutes or prospective prostitutes. He resumed his law studies in Paris. In 1880 he published his first masterpiece, "Boule de Suif", which met with instant and tremendous success. Lombardi, Esther. Friedrich Nietzsche's autobiography mentions him in the following text: "I cannot at all conceive in which century of history one could haul together such inquisitive and at the same time delicate psychologists as one can in contemporary Paris: I can name as a sample for their number is by no means small, or to pick out one of the stronger race, a genuine Latin to whom I am particularly attached, Guy de Maupassant.". Stories like The Necklace (1884), The Horla (1887) and Mademoiselle Fifi (1882) were all written by the noted author who is known for his twist endings and depicting human lives and destinies in pessimistic terms with many of his works being set during the Franco-Prussian War of the 1870s. "Certain Madness: Guy de Maupassant and Hypnotism". A protege of Flaubert, Maupassant's short stories are characterized by their economy of style and their efficient effortless dnouement. With a natural aversion to society, he loved retirement, solitude, and meditation. They write new content and verify and edit content received from contributors. The author also wrote six novels, three travel books and one volume of verse. The writers were mile Zola, Ivan Turgenev, Edmond Goncourt, and Henry James. Here are 5 of the best facts about De Maupassant The Necklace and De Maupassant Guy I managed to collect. http://www.professorguerrero.com/2012/07/necklace-by-guy-de-maupassant-essay-2.html, http://enria.org/society/life-tips-in-the-interpretation-of-guy-de-maupassant. "[This quote needs a citation] In the script Questor copulates with a woman to obtain information that she is reluctant to impart. Photo by Nadar. Taken together, his stories present a broad, naturalistic picture of French life from 1870 to 1890. His writing belonged to the genre of naturalism. Please note that this site uses cookies to personalise content and adverts, to provide social media features, and to analyse web traffic. Maupassant is considered a father of the modern short story. Maupassant also wrote under several pseudonyms such as Joseph Prunier, Guy de Valmont, and Maufrigneuse. [12] Next year, in autumn, he was sent to the Lyce Pierre-Corneille in Rouen[13] where he proved a good scholar, indulging in poetry and taking a prominent part in theatricals. Some critics have charted his developing mental illness through the subject matter of his stories. His mother urged his father when they married in 1846 to obtain the right to use the form de Maupassant instead of Maupassant as his family name. It was through Flaubert that de Maupassant became familiar with (and part of) the naturalist school of writers, a style that would permeate nearly all of his stories. The novelist Guy de Maupassant, allegedly hated the Eiffel tower so much that he often ate lunch in the restaurant at its base, the only vantage point from which he could completely avoid glimpsing its looming silhouette. Henri-Ren-Albert-Guy de Maupassant, born on 5 August 1850 at the late 16th-century Chteau de Miromesnil (near Dieppe in the Seine-Infrieure (now Seine-Maritime) department in France), was the first son of Laure Le Poittevin and Gustave de Maupassant, who both came from prosperous bourgeois families. Whether you want to learn the history of a city, or you simply need a recommendation for your next meal, Discover Walks Team offers an ever-growing travel encyclopaedia. Maupassant volunteered, served first as a private in the field, and was later transferred through his fathers intervention to the quartermaster corps. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is De Maupassant so important! Gustave Flaubert took him under his protection and acted as a kind of literary guardian to him, guiding his debut in journalism and literature. His friendship with the Goncourts was of short duration; his frank and practical nature reacted against the ambiance of gossip, scandal, duplicity, and invidious criticism that the two brothers had created around them in the guise of an 18th-century style salon. 2) Laure Le Poittevin, Maupassants mother, became the most influential figure in his life. Soon after graduation, Maupassant served as a volunteer in the Franco-Prussian War, after which he pursued a career as a civil servant working in the Navy Department and the Ministry of Public Instruction. Flauberts sudden and unexpected death in 1880 was a grievous blow to Maupassant. She took custody of Guy and his younger brother, and it was her influence that led her sons to develop an appreciation for literature. Your email address will not be published. His father came to his assistance again and obtained a post for him in the Ministry of Marine, which was intended to support him until he qualified as a lawyer.

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