At the crux of those punishments is isolation from the group, with disfellowshipment being more severe. . The reason for that is because some of the wording in the constitution might sound apocalyptic to those unfamiliar with Homestead Heritage history, Wheeler says. In fact, one of their members from the Arizona branch ended up torching her house and burning herself and her kids in it. A year after that, Bill DeLongs 23-year-old son Andrew was told he would serve 15 years in prison after admitting four counts of sexual assault against two children. His female victims were 11 and 17 years old. E) The were having a meeting and screaming at some kids and the kids were crying and I guess that was the last straw for my dad. Its not clear when or if the abuse ended. A Texas Observer investigation has found allegations of child sex abuse involving at least six members of the Homestead Heritage community. Besides, Arnn says, he has volumes and volumes of Homestead Heritage literature. Homestead Heritage, sexual abuse, lewdness. I read once about a guy who's family was involved in Scientology and his mom finally packed up him and his brother and left their brainwashed dad and took off because they knew they wouldn't be able to leave any other way. (I realize this could be too specific). Thats why the group does not have a written statement of faith, members say. Such meetings tend to flow week to week and would likely prove difficult for a visitor to make sense of, he says. 10/06/2020. B) answered. But I didn't realize how cut-off the people, especially the children, were from the outside world & how much control the leaders had over them. Three members have been convicted of sexually assaulting minors. . She told an elder about the abuse she suffered, who in turn informed other elders in the church. Driving up to the pretty caf, built of log and stone and nestled among cedars at the side of a single-track road, you would think youd stepped into another era. Well, because i had never really been allowed to watch TV I watched a completely unhealthy amount of television for a while lol. In 2009, another member, 23-year-old Joseph Ratliff, was sentenced to 100 years for aggravated sexual assault and indecency with a child. They talk of secret meetings and secret documents. But ever since all that I've changed in the sense that Im not angry at all at them but I do think it is important that people do what they can to spread the truth and make the world a better place. It is a community that former members say represses sexuality, tries to deal with crimes in house and is controlled by an authoritarian regime; a community, former members say, that operates very much like a cult. Over the years, the church has been called, variously, New Life Fellowship, Fellowship of Christ, Emmaeus Fellowship, Koinonia and Heritage Ministries. The McLennan County Sheriffs office wouldnt release details of the cases against Bill DeLong, Andrew DeLong or Joseph Ratliff, even though they are part of the public record. Its the same sort of shift that happened in Germany between World War I and World War II as anti-Semitic propaganda took hold, says member Tsafrir Yarden. Anyway, I've got some time and I'm more than open to any questions you have, as long as they don't identify me! The rationalization that Elder and other ex-members have engaged in, the group says, has left those ex-members vulnerable to Watchman Fellowships manipulation. As for the information about the ranch, he says he was just repeating what his father once a group leader told him. He did everything he could shy of getting involved., In his statement to police(warning: graphic material), DeLong said he also told his wife, Carolyn, about his crimes a year before he gave himself up and that the couple just prayed and cried over what happened for a long time. The officer asked him if his wife ever told him to turn himself in and he said they just prayed and were hoping something would change.. It was seen as lustful. They also believe people have an obligation to leave Homestead Heritage if they fail to keep walking in greater light meaning greater revelation from God or if they feel called to leave by God. An ex-member told me, To join, first of all you have to say youve heard from God that this is a place youre supposed to be. The group said those crises and shortcomings help explain the troubled states of mind that spurred some of the accusations. A clue is in the leadership structure. Others boil down to a he said/she said contest. Consequently, they have begun eyeing any group outside the mainstream. Reviewed in the United States on February 23, 2023. Homestead Heritage claims most criticisms amount to secular attacks on religious freedom, but all of the ex-members the Observer spoke to still consider themselves religious. This story was originally published Friday, Feb. 10. I was told the leadership was trying to get him counseling and help before they turned him in because they didnt want him to go to jail., Bill DeLongs son Andrew, then an employee of Brazos Walking Sticks, a company affiliated with Homestead Heritage, pleaded guilty to four offenses of child sexual assault, waiving his right to a jury trial and his right to appeal. They include such challenges as suicidal tendencies, faltering marriages and family dysfunction. I firmly believe that. In an email, one elder, Dan Lancaster, wrote of the groups concern that countering in a public media forum a laundry list of sour grapes accusations and distortions would, at best, simply lend credence to a characterization of our community that is misleading. Instead, Lancaster suggested meeting in person to talk completely off the record. The Observer asked for a telephone interview instead. A few people have left over the years. I am a male and all the people who said it happened to them are female, so maybe that has something to do with it. Anyone who leaves the group, Beechner claimed, is shunned and denounced as being the spirit of the antichrist. Shop eBooks and audiobooks at Rakuten Kobo. For example, one person proficient in leather work has been experimenting with making footwear. FEBRUARY 2023 DEER COUNT REPORT_0.pdf. The story served as an introduction to the church to anyone outside Texas. He concedes that he got the type of vehicle wrong but says it was a simple mistake. Joseph Ratliff was convicted of five counts of sexual abuse, sexual assault, and indecency with a child. But rather than report DeLong to police, as required by law, that elder, George Klingensmith, decided to pray about it with him instead, according to both DeLong and Klingensmiths statements to officers. I live in Big Timber Montana where a large group of heritage has moved in here. My mother and I would go out there sometimes when driving through from Fort Worth between 2007-2010; it never occurred to us that it was a cult. If you support this mission, we need your help. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts,,, Besides ex-members, those posting on the site are Watchman Fellowship officials, a few ex-members who defend Homestead Heritage and interested outsiders. Many families obtain 80 to 90 percent of their food that way, they say. As obedient as I was as a member of Homestead Heritage, I swore to myself I would never do that again. You can chip in for as little as 99 cents a month. . I believe in God but I dont believe in religion, he told me. More Info Classroom Gallery Get a glimpse of our classes and workshops in this photo gallery. Throughout, they would vacillate between positive and negative, and all meetings were conducted by the imposing Adams, standing behind the lectern with his booming voice. Only now it is worse. An attorney I spoke to said one defense to a charge of assault can be force necessary to discipline a child. To make matters more complicated, when a religious community is involved, the state is reluctant to interfere. But honestly the definition of "cult" seems so open, I'd prefer to just say that they cut off members from outside contact. However, when the father, Warren Owen, wrote a letter to Arnn laying out conditions under which a meeting could take place one of which was that the meeting include others from the group besides Owen Arnn never replied. More importantly, though, Homestead Heritage wants its beliefs to be imparted in a more personal manner. Ugh. The short teaser on ABCs Dallas affiliate WFAA says its two-part investigation (the first airs tonight at 10pm) exposes the secret lives behind the walls of a seemingly perfect community outside of Waco. The family sells its products onsite Wednesday and Friday, at Sunsport. Through the years, he says he has learned when something might be gained from meeting with group leaders and when it wont. Crow told her he wasnt imagining it, and she replied that she had forgiven her husband and that the Bible said if something is forgiven its forgotten. To Olsons dismay, the article provoked opposition to Homestead Heritage. It lists hundreds of questions, including controversial ones like Did you find it necessary to cut off relationships with old friends and family when you joined this fellowship?; What do you believe about dating?; Who is your leader here? and Are you a cult? Blair Adams composed a number of the answers. - this is the exception and not the norm in Africa's value system and rich heritage. Theyre well known in this city of 125,000 along the Brazos River as harmless religious folk devoted to an earlier, simpler way of life. Once that frame was built around the group, Arnn could introduce the idea of spiritual abuse. Its only logical, they say, because without the family, there would be no group in the first place. Thats patently false, members say. The truth, however, is that Homestead Heritage members live a simple, self-sufficient lifestyle as much as possible, the group says. The Texas Observer is known for its fiercely independent, uncompromising work which we are pleased to provide to the public at no charge in this space. Homestead Heritage leaders learned of the site three days after it was launched. All rights reserved. I was pretty young at the time and the leader keeps separate from the followers except to preach. After a while they start making the Friday night meetings more similar to how they really are. All of the Texas Observers articles are available for free syndication for news sources under the following conditions: You can chip in for as little as 99 cents a month. In the end, the magazine opted to publish one of the critical letters, written by ex-member Bob Beechner, along with an editors note. It had to be, because they were terrified of being berated by the elders. As former member Katherine Beechner said, I dont know of any other church that puts out a book that trains its members how to answer questions from visitors. Crow tells the story of seeing a woman struck by her husband several times. We hadnt been in the fellowship very long and a member who had been there a while told me that was what was necessary. The woman he was referring to in the Internet post, he says, was not the woman the church provided documentation on. All Homestead Heritage asks of such people is that if they join a church with greater light, then tell Homestead Heritage leadership where it is, leaders say. The concept isnt unique. The station's veteran investigative journalist Brett Shipp has been working on corroborating and documenting allegations of physical, emotional and sexual abuse of children at Waco religious. Today, with the help of friends, Sandy is recovering in a Texas city away from Homestead Heritage. In fact, according to court records, DeLong claimed the abuse stopped after he confessed to a church elder. Interestingly, though, the Texas Administrative Code on minimum standards for discipline in child-care homes says corporal punishment, which includes hitting a child with a hand or instrument and placing a child in a locked or dark room with the door closed, constitutes harsh, cruel or unusual treatment., Adam Alexander grew up in Homestead Heritage. Homestead has been around since the 80s and have moved and changed names many times. The extent to which that is true varies from family to family, but most regularly do things such as make their own soap. Pasture-raised beef, fresh breads, award-winning local cheese, and house-made sauces and condiments; these are a few of the things that help make Cafe Homestead one of Waco's most-loved restaurants since 1994. Experts say this is a classic tactic employed by cults to maintain control; that members (and elders) are reprimanded in front of the rest of the congregation one day, and love-bombed the next. At the family level, fathers are above wives and children. But it doesnt believe it is embodied only in a select group of people. His attorney, Darren Obenoskey, told me what the church did or didnt know about his clients crimes never came up. 388 Halbert Lane, Waco, TX 76705 (254) 754-9604. Theyre existing under enormous psychological pressure., In 2005, Roger Olson, a professor of theology at Baylor University, wrote a gushing piece about Homestead Heritage for Christianity Today, headed: Where Community is No Clich. Get our latest in-depth reporting straight to your inbox. In other words if the leaders forgive you, its forgotten, and its like it never happened.. Doesnt it make you mad that your dad, who I believe is an honorable man, was made to shield for someone who does not have the courage to sign his own letter?. They've been doing lots of really terrible things, and it's getting worse. I remember sitting on my bed and realizing I was going to have to change what I thought was reality and in my head it felt impossible. A Homestead Divided: Former Homestead members, anti-cult group accuse sect of deception, controlling lives Life & modern conveniences at Homestead Heritage A Homestead Divided: Local religious group fighting to preserve its image This is the public face of Homestead Heritage, a 500-acre religious community of about 1,000 people seven miles northwest of Waco. He is a bizaare guy, has secret escape routes set up for himself if anything goes south, multiple houses all over the US-he has a ton of money. Also, what did people in the community think in general about the visitors that came through? The Observer deeply regrets the error. Watchman Fellowship has done that in a variety of ways, Homestead Heritage members say. Ex-members have intentionally tried to stoke those fears by comparing Homestead Heritage to the Branch Davidians and other cults, members say. The first posting about Homestead Heritage went up on April 7, 2005. More. This follows Februarys Texas Observer story, Heritage of Abuse in which I exposed accusations of child abuse, beatings and cover-ups leveled at the group. The maximum output recorded for a . Women are really treated poorly there, but they seem to have accepted it. Another charge leveled at the group to make it appear cultic, members say, is that leaders exercise authoritarian control. But he still worries that others might not bother to investigate the group after hearing lies from ex-members. Homestead Heritage, on the other hand, lets members decide how much, if any, contact to have with family members who leave. This was also refused. What was your impression of him? For after all, I am your daughter.. Promotional materials distributed by your outlet, including all social media work, must include cites for the Observer and our reporter. This is normal and was accepted in HH (if your condition is considered spiritual or a judgment.). When we were in Sunday meetings, the screaming and yelling and belittling of people was so atrocious, she said. South Africa's relationship to Zimbabwe, is not ANC-ZANU PF, but South Africans-Zimbabweans. But because of his knowledge about cults such as the Branch Davidians and his fear that Homestead Heritage, too, might be a cult, he held back from joining for about five years. Recently I had some major health issues and ended up at the hospital where I died and had to be revived. The format is akin to that of Sunday services at most churches, plus the meetings are more intimate. Like any non-compulsory group, the only way it can preserve itself is through the power of the gate, Wheeler says. But that doesnt protect it from others who might be stirred to act out of prejudice, Yarden says. He first got to know Homestead Heritage in 1999 and since then has visited its property near Chalk Bluff numerous times, often bringing along his students. According to several ex-members I spoke to, the only person who has never fallen from grace in this way is Blair Adams. The Sedona Historical Society (SHS) will host an evening of entertainment and wine tasting on Saturday, March 4, from 5 to 7:30 p.m. at the Sedona Heritage Museum. Partners must notify. Articles must link back to the original article and contain the following attribution at the top of the story: This article was originally published by the, Articles cannot be rewritten, edited or changed beyond alignments with house style books. For nearly two decades, Homestead Heritage has cultivated the reputation of a quiet Christian community rooted in a picturesque stretch of Central Texas, its disciples devoted to a quaint if curious way of life. They let me do this and didnt have enough concern to take him away, she said. Allegations to the contrary are actually self-indicting, group members say. There has to be authority, but its not authoritarian, Wheeler says. Professor Olson ignored repeated requests to talk to me for this story. He then said the group would come to the same fiery end that the Branch Davidians met in April 1993. His parents were teenagers when they joined the group, and his dad was a one-time leader. A child is defined as anyone under the age of 18. Its the only group he has ever encountered that blends Pentecostal and Anabaptist beliefs. Contrary to Elders subsequent assertions, nothing in Homestead Heritages public response, issued in the form of a book, was confessed to a minister, the group says. One of the other stories is told by a woman who was molested her entire life there. Our family made it out although it was very difficult to leave. If, for example, a member was asked whether the children there are allowed to go to college, she said they were taught to say something like: Well, if anyone really felt God leading them to do that, then of course he would be able to. The problem with that, she said, is that what they meant by God leading them actually meant if the leadership tells them God wants them to do that. An example of a less serious post is one in which Crow says Homestead Heritage founder Blair Adams lives in a home with luxurious touches such as leather furniture and the best of appliances. Every former member can speak of experiences that fit into these definitions perfectly. Unusual to a huge degree, yes. But before the letter was published, some people bothered by the Christianity Today article took their complaints to a far broader forum: the World Wide Web. He is driven by a difference of opinion over doctrine, they say. A spokesperson for Child Protective Services said that every case is different, but using something other than your hand, leaving marks or bruises, or hitting in the face could constitute abuse. Jeff is the son of James Easter, the . You didn't date. Whats so frustrating about those accusations and others like them, members say, is that theyre almost impossible to categorically refute, at least publicly. The groups rules may be different or more voluminous than those of other groups, but theyre based on the identity Homestead Heritage has chosen for itself. I lived in chalk bluff when I was younger. But the truth is Homestead Heritage does not fit that mold, they say. He got up and walked ou . The festival is scheduled for April 22, beginning at 4 p.m. at the Andy Griffith Playhouse in Mount Airy, featuring a performance by Jeff and Sheri Easter. Before they died, its members couldnt keep suppressing these normal human feelings and emotions so some of the men had themselves castrated. Homestead Heritage is an agrarian- and craft-based intentional Christian community. Or not allowed to have any time alone? Visit the Homestead at Heritage and witness first hand why so many are calling it home. If Africans "enjoy" abuse as part of . Ex-Homesteader Jeremy Crow told me if anyone in the community sinned, they couldnt be forgiven unless they confessed to a leader. One former member, who asked to be identified only by her married name, Birkbeck, told me Ratliff was allowed to remain in the community for seven weeks after he admitted to elders his sex offenses against children. Texas Observer exclusive: Waco religious group accused of child abuse, beatings and cover-ups. Although Elders letter to church leaders criticizing Homestead Heritage was hurtful, that wasnt the reason the group wrote a formal response, members said. Gary Green and Arthur Brown Jr. are set to be killed next week by the State of Texas.

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