? A fan mentioned in reference to the scene. // Load A police convoy is ambushed by two gunmen who leave three officers dead and their prisoner hospitalised. Coronation Street spoilers: Daisy faces Justin in court, but who will win? window.onload = function(){ change_link = false; SteveSirAlpha Charlie 4-5Sarge (formerly)Southern 156 (series 1)Wee Gobshite In 2008 he passed the detectives course, and qualified as an Authorised Firearms Officer in 2009. Warning: this article contains plot spoilers. Steve Arnott By series six, little Josh is barely acknowledged, except in the occasional glimpse at Kates screensaver. combines improbable buddy comedy with . Following this, Arnott and Fleming visit DCC Andrea Wise who orders an external investigation of Hastings by DCS Patricia Carmichael and AC-3. [CDATA[ */ j.async = true; var ignore = 'https://imgix.pedestrian.tv'; That would have been perfect #LineofDuty @martin_compston @Vicky_McClure., And another asked: Ok so when are steve and kate getting together???? Kate quickly notifies Steve to get to the hospital and check on the witness. Ted Hastings. } Officers raided flat 59 in error as the 9 had fallen upside down therefore making it look like 56. If they don't, then there is no meaning of that promotion. function external_links_in_new_windows_loop() { He has her kidnapped - and when he opens up the back of her burner phone, he finds some kind of listening or tracking device on her microchip . if(all_links.href.search(/^http/) != -1 && all_links.href.search('www.pedestrian.tv') == -1 && all_links.href.search(/^#/) == -1) { (5) Initially, I was annoyed that Fleming was promoted. Ultimately Gates had a change of heart and saved Arnott's life and AC-12 continued investigating. h = d.getElementsByTagName('head')[0], Heres some of the examples of how shes more dependable and more suitable for the specific requirements of a DI: (a) shes thorough with her investigations, doesnt get distracted or conned, and dots all the is (Hastings has previously indicated Steve was sloppy, and gullible); (b) similarly, she stays focused and dedicated, not letting her personal life affect work (besides the Akers affair that Hastings never learned of, has never compromised the integrity of a caseno legal loopholes shes created, from Hastings perspective); (c) she executes her work by the book and with the utmost integrity (every bosses dream)compare this to the DI in S5 who cited wrong law on search warrantArnott would totally cut corners like this; (d) She is calm, and Hastings knows thatll be crucial for the pressure of job; (e) is liked and respected by almost everyone; (f) is able to oversee operations; (g) can be depended upon (Never been a wild card); (h) is known to give honest feedback while staying respectful (Steve challenges w an attitude); (i) shes a product of Hastings, hes molded her and shes accepted his guidance, and since who promoted is a reflection back on Hastings, hed want person he had greatest hand in shaping to do things his way (Steve started elsewhere, can sometimes be his own drummer); (j) shes been committed to the department for years, so wouldnt bolt after promotion (Steve said he would only be there a while, back in season 1); and finally, (k) yes, she ticks a box, diversityHastings selecting a diverse candidate for promotion will reflect well back on him. He speaks with a South East London accent, indicating he was not born in the Midlands where the show takes place. But by series five, Kate told Steve, Me and Mark are making a go of things and I can be a proper mum. Threeof theculprits have been revealed in previous seasons as Assistant Chief Constable Derek Hilton (Paul Higgins), Gill Biggeloe (Polly Walker) and DI Dot Cottan. During AC-12's investigation into DCI Anthony Gates, Fleming went undercover at Kingsgate Station. She's been DI Steve Arnott's ( Martin Compston) partner since the first season, where she was undercover at serious crime unit TO-20. external_links_in_new_windows_load(external_links_in_new_windows_loop); He also loses his temper and unreasonably defends his termination-worthy misconduct. img#wpstats{display:none} (Britbox currently has it, FYI). Of course, most of the female characters in Line of Dutys line-up are completely, utterly flawed. } We have to assume Hastings pondered and realized the following: (4) whereas Steve had more time as a DS, and thus seemingly more worthy of the promotion, he has several personality flaws which make him a less suitable candidate to be a DI, as they hold massive responsibility. lol?? Season 1. First Appearance Vicky McClure. // forced if the address starts with http (or also https), but does not link to the current domain Jersey Shore star Deena Cortese welcomes baby number two with husband Christopher Buckner as duo reveals cute name, Jane McDonald breaks her silence after fianc's death and says he 'taught her life is for living', Laura Whitmore's furious rant online in which she branded polite journalist 'vile' is hypocritical, Chloe Ferry strips naked for steamy bath selfie before sharing a cheeky knickerless snap, Jersey Shores Angelina Pivarnick shows off her curves in tight sparkly dress after undergoing plastic surgery. I found Kate's reaction to the Denton situation completely outrageous seeing as she was sleeping with the husband of someone who's death she was investigating. There was also that question of whether Hastings was a freemasons persisting from Season 3 that may have fed into it. DS Arnott was captured by the OCG with the help of DCI Gates and was tortured. He wrote: OTD 8 years ago#LineofDutypremiered@BBCTwo, a little cop show squeezed between Wimbledon, the Olympics and Euro 2012, starring@RealLennieJames-- oh, and these three., Martin quickly got in on the action, tweeting in response: 8 years man so much has happened, except a promotion for Steve of course.. Memorable dialogue: "This is beginning to feel like a life's work!" Anyway, he's going to have to get it now to fill AC12's disability/diversity quotas (Ros mentioned it during an interview IIRC). He speaks with a South East London accent, indicating he was not born in the Midlands where the show takes place. That was horrific., Another shared: Would he want one? Read about our approach to external linking. Its an A+ show in general, but what kept us coming back weekly was the extremely watchable dynamic between Detective Olivia Benson (Mariska Hargitay) and Detective Elliot Stabler (Chris Meloni). We use your sign-up to provide content in ways you've consented to and to improve our understanding of you. } Indeed when Carmichael (Anna Maxwell Martin) pointed out his habit of shagging witnesses and suspects he doesnt really have a leg to stand on (even before balaclava man put him in a wheelchair). Steven David Arnott It's time to celebrate Vicky McClure's iconic character for her fearless, flawed ways. This may include adverts from us and 3rd parties based on our understanding. Ted meanwhile, was living Alan Partridge style in a budget hotel with only laptop porn to keep him warm. Katherine Laura "Kate" Fleming is one of the two deuteragonists of Line of Duty franchise. BBC police drama Line of Duty has seen dozens of deaths and jaw-dropping plot twists over its five previous seasons as DSI Ted Hastings (played by Adrian Dunbar) continues to try and bring so-called bent coppers to justice with the help of his loyal employees DS Steve Arnott (Martin Compston) and DI Kate Fleming (Vicky McClure) at the anti-corruption unit (AC12). With AC12 being dealt a brand-new challenge in the form of suspicious police officer Detective Chief Inspector Joanne Davidson (Kelly MacDonald) in season six, will they finally get to the bottom of who is heading up the OCG? oldonload(); Unbeknown to any of her colleagues (except Hastings), she is then placed undercover at 4th Street Station in Lindsay's Missing Persons Unit, under the alias of DC Kate Foster. #LineOfDuty #LOD6 #LineofDutyFinale #SteveArnott #KateFleming.. Failing to answer their questions would make him ineligible for witness protection - but answering would make him ineligible for immunity from prosecution. However, after discovering that Tommy's handler was in fact her close friend and former colleague, DS Jayne Akers, she leaves the investigation. Series six sees the AC-12 team joined by DC Chloe Bishop (Shalom Brune-Franklin), The first series saw Tony Gates (Lennie James) investigated by Arnott and Fleming, The second series saw DI Lindsay Denton (Keeley Hawes) come under suspicion, A shooting involving Danny Waldron (Daniel Mays) kicked off the third season, Thandie Newton took centre stage in series four, Stephen Graham is revealed to be "Balaclava Man" in series five, AOC under investigation for Met Gala dress, Mother who killed her five children euthanised, Alex Murdaugh jailed for life for double murder, Zoom boss Greg Tomb fired without cause, The children left behind in Cuba's exodus, US sues Exxon over nooses found at Louisiana plant. While this in part is a good thing, it also means she doesn't challenge Hastings in the same way. Now, stop making a tit of yourself and piss off.. Ted Hastings and the rest of AC-12. But when he was framed as the Caddy and arrested, Sam dumped him their later attempt to rekindle their flame fell flat, leaving Steve, the former notorious swordsman, unable to rise to the occasion. I think it's a combination of factors. Press J to jump to the feed. } Jo was given a new identity and found happiness with a girlfriend and a dog in a country house. Line of Duty star admits initial doubts over BBC series, Line of Duty season 6: Kelly Macdonald revealed as latest AC-12 foe. Enter Line of Duty, the cult BBC crime series that follows a police anti-corruption unit in an unnamed British city. The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites. { And one replied: Theyre setting us up for steve/kate romance in s7., DON'T MISSEscape to the Country presenter apologises for house hunt failure[COMMENT]Tom Jones appearance on Lorraine sends fans into frenzy[REACTION]Emmerdale spoilers: Lydia Hart to exit? woodbridge high school stabbing; 1000 blythe blvd parking lot b ", Kate asks her whether she'd done something wrong but she refuses to answer and says "Yours first." Realising his career is over, Tony takes his own life - but the corruption does not die with him. Home of the Daily and Sunday Express. ( function( w, d, s, l, i ) { Anyway, in the first episode of Line of Duty Season 1 we meet our new heroes, Kate Fleming (Vicky McClure) and Steve Arnott (Martin Compston). I hope too! You can unsubscribe at any time. Kate has been a major player in Line Duty from the get-go. Last season saw DS Steve Arnott and DI Kate Fleming get their closest yet to uncovering the real head of the organised crime unit (OCG). (3) Hastings became more aware of his partiality, it is assumed, because of how he was clearly partial to Steve and this is unwarranted. // forced It became clear in series two that, after 37 years, all was not well in Ted Hastings marriage. I hope they are wrong though. Well he was going to get it - then he was pushed down the stairwell. 2023 BBC. #LineOfDuty #LineofDutyFinale, a tweet read. Shocking moments: Corbett's murder; Biggeloe being attacked. And what about Hastings? .custom-menu-item a { Martin Compston January 27, 2020 | Rating: C+ | Full Review. "A Disastrous Affair" Then we have their job performance. He was also smeared by Dot in S3 which did nothing to help his reputation. Line of Duty has teased us with Kate's rocky marriage and Steve's catastrophic love life which has seen him cosy up to suspects (Steve, no!). Published: Sunday, 26th June 2022 at 8:00 am. Were also yet to hear if Line of Duty will get a seventh season. Kate's cover is blown and she is left at the back of the repair garage, alone. See today's front and back pages, download the newspaper, order back issues and use the historic Daily Express newspaper archive. Subreddit for the BBC original drama series, Line of Duty. Alive Series three found them celebrating their first anniversary, and Steve declaring I only want to be with you. While living in his normal semi-detached with his family, Buckells was a bungling detective inspector. The writer, showrunner and all-round TV thriller king is currently in the midst of post-production on the second . What we do know is that this flawed, complex woman who loves curry, catching criminals and calling everyone mate has raised the bar for women on screen in the past decade. It was then revealed Terry Boyle had been freed and rehoused by social services, Farida Jatri was also freed and returned to active service and Darren Hunter was arrested. what is the oldest baseball bat company? From Series 2 to Series 5 she and her husband are separated due to the restrictive nature of her work and her affair with Richard Akers. Most likely she would only have been taken off the case and then too it was Steve who asked her not to disclose about the affair to save her career. Arnott's first case was an investigation into DCI Anthony Gates, attached to TO-20 at Kingsgate Station. But with AC-12 always complaining about insufficient workforce? Line of Duty season 6 theories: Ted Hastings revealed as H? Fleming actually possesses the bulk of the traits Hastings wouldve wanted. Fleming was born on the 3rd November 1985. In season six, there wasnt much interaction between Kate, her ex-partner and son - unlike previous seasons. Ian Buckells is NOT H after Line of Duty fans unearth his blunder? During a tense interrogation, Hastings turns the tables by exposing lawyer Gill Biggeloe (Polly Walker) as part of the OCG. Could the star be hinting at an upcoming role change for his alter-ego Steve in the upcoming season? Shocking moments: DC Georgia Trotman (Jessica Raine) being thrown out of a window; Denton attacking a neighbour with a bottle. Steve and Kate become an item in S7 is my guess? Gender After Jayne was murdered in the series two ambush, Kate asked to be taken off her friends case. Read our Line of Duty live blog for the up-to-the-second updates. So if theyre like me in some ways or in how they react to a situation well, happy days.. A key can be found below along with a table. I don't understand why Kate was promoted over Steve. That's what they did with Dot as well IIRC - DCC asked him if he was up for it, and they started next season with him promoted. 'https://www.googletagmanager.com/gtm.js?id=' + i + dl; s.async = true; There was no huge conspiracy to control the police - there was just one over-promoted, under-talented and incredibly greedy man - Ian Buckells. 37 episodes 2012-2021. In comparison, Kate wears functional clothes in order to get on with the job. Hes not calm under pressure. display: none !important; Steve examined the footage of Dots dying declaration in more detail and made a huge breakthrough, realising what he had really been trying to communicate. In series four, the Superintendent resisted the charms of lecherous lawyer Gill Biggeloe (Polly Walker), although he wasnt above sneaking a peek at her curves as she sashayed past in her pencil skirt. Its a much more mixed landscape.. } ()); The Caddy) and was since promoted to Detective Sergeant. (John Corbett), Line of Duty is on BBC One at 21:00 GMT on Sunday 21 Marc. And in five frenetic series weve been given some fascinating glimpses into what goes on when AC-12s Kate, Steve and Ted are, er, off the line of duty. w[ l ].push( { (a) This is a job about chain of commandArnott can be insolent to authority; hes disobeyed rules of decorum, and several times, outright disobeyed orders. Not only is it against Hastings morals [clutch pearls!] More info. A man in a balaclava throws Steve Arnott down a flight of stairs. Ted Hastings. It comes after one of the final scenes saw Kate sit down with a counsellor from the health department. She is a Detective Inspector in Central Police assigned to AC-12. Kate Fleming hints at romance with Steve Arnott for Line of Duty season 7, Line of Duty fans say Nigel Morton should have been H. This scene baffled me! The series ends with Steve returning to duty, the chief abuser being convicted and Kate receiving both a commendation and a promotion. Katherine Laura "Kate" Fleming is one of the two deuteragonists of Line of Duty franchise. Upon putting on her coat and heading towards the door, Kate notices Lindsay's neighbour is playing considerably loud music and offers to speak to them, however Lindsay quickly asks her not to. And hes helped by the brilliant acting of Vicky McClure, whose CV included stints at Dorothy Perkins and a sunbed shop before she eventually landed the role of Lol in This Is England, then Kate in Line of Duty. .postid-1764461 .panel-signup { But when Ted was accused of being H and was taken in for questioning, Steve and Kate took it upon themselves to try and prove their boss innocence. Is it just me or does it still not feel tied up I mean Buckles never actually admitted to cullusion, Hastings has appealled his retirement and Kate and Steve are clearly meant to get together Roll on season 7 #LOD #LineofDutyFinale #LineOfDuty THERE'S MORE TO THIS STORY! The raid was masterminded by DS John Corbett (Stephen Graham), who has been posing as a criminal in order to identify the mysterious H. Before Corbett can unmask H, he is betrayed by second-in-command Lisa McQueen (Rochenda Sandall) and brutally murdered. She has shown that she can follow the evidence as well as Steve, but she can also get to wrapped up in her emotions which can blind her to all the possibilities. j = d.createElement( s ), dl = l != 'dataLayer' ? With many questions still to answer about the organisation the trio are desperate to bring down, could Steve be given a whole other new challenge after it was hinted the character could be receiving a promotion in season six? But after Ted's unauthorised undercover operation, Kate has no choice but to report him to DCC Andrea Wise, resulting in AC-3's investigation into Hastings led by DCS Patricia Carmichael. Not to mention a regular clandestine meeting spot for sharing work-related tea. Stale Take: Line Of Dutys Kate & Steve Have Filled The Benson/Stabler-Sized Hole In My Heart, You Cannot Call Yourself A True Crime Buff Until Youve Witnessed These 8 Docos On Stan, Detective Daddy Chris Melonis Done A Thirst Trap Shoot & You Have The Right To Remain Horny, WARNING: This article contains only very mild spoilers for, Law & Order Daddy Chris Meloni Has Confirmed He Is A Thicc Boy After Phat Ath Photo Went Viral, Ultimate BFFs Benson & Stabler Will Reunite On Law & Order: SVU For The First Time In 10 Years, Detective Stabler Is Back To Punish Criminals For Their Heinous Crimes In An SVU Spinoff, Why Heinous Fans Who Dumped SVU After Stabler Left Deserve A Night At Rikers. Famously, Jed Mercurio isnt great at talking to women in real life he made headlines in 2019 for calling a young TV critic a c**t but he is bloody good at writing women. Ted, we discovered, was in the dog house after losing their savings and then some in a dodgy property scheme in his native Ireland. (Lindsay Denton). var force = ''; 18 months after the events of Series 5, Kate is shown to have voluntarily moved on from AC-12 and joined the Murder Investigation Team based out of Hillside Lane Station. Also can two DIs be partners? Line of Duty seasons 1-5 can be streamed on BBC iPlayer and Netflix now. document.links[t].setAttribute('onClick', 'javascript:window.open(\''+all_links.href+'\'); return false;'); I just just just wish that Steve and Kate had a snog. With seriously exciting things expected for series six, expect him to be disappointed. var change_link = false; But he is finally exposed by DI Denton who, having been acquitted of conspiracy to murder, dies at his hand emailing the list to AC-12. Huntley returns to work with a concealed hand injury. Its not the exclusively masculine world of the police and crime series of the past, but nor is it just the one exceptional woman whos having to fight battles on her own, says Prof Williams. By signing up, you agree to Pedestrian Group's Terms of Service and consent to our Privacy Policy. It seems Steve is trying to reestablish his relationship with DS Sam Railston, however this is unsuccessful. He always gets the brunt but never the rewards., If you don't get promoted this time, I'm coming for H myself, wrote another fan, with a fifth agreeing: Give Steve a promotion.. In Series 5, he relocates to Redman Road Apartments, also in the Kingsgate area. function external_links_in_new_windows_load(func) Fleming is a Nottingham Forest Football Club supporter. The tweet included photos of the shows core trio of Adrian Dunbar, Vicky McClure and Martin Compstonalongsideatribute to the programme. window.dm.AjaxEvent = function(et, d, ssid, ad){ chickasaw nation hunting and fishing license application Facebook margaret josephs book sales Twitter platinum jubilee merchandise Instagram where did jaime escalante live YouTube tulare county office of education selpa Pinterest. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Taking charge of the crime scene, Huntley implicates Ifield in another murder. But it was revealed how central police were attempting to stop any evidence of corruption being heard in open court. That's what they did with Dot as well IIRC - DCC asked him if he was up for it, and they started next season with him promoted. BBC Breakfast viewers furious over Line of Duty spoiler 'No point'. Memorable dialogue: "People have underestimated me my whole life!" Line of Duty viewing figures: How many people watched the LOD finale? However, withtheir work far from incomplete, could Steve be back in a position of even greater responsibility as things heat up further? In a poignant moment, Ted admitted to Steve, We married at 18 it was only ever her, but Roisin dropped the bombshell that she has met someone else. (function() { Kate Fleming's look from Line of Duty Season 5. Showrunner Jed Mercurio shared a tweet yesterday tohis93.6k followers marking eight years since the thrilling drama first aired. And its the same with Line of Duty and Kate Fleming / Steve Arnott. var f = d.getElementsByTagName( s )[ 0 ], By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. but showed such an egregious error of judgment, lack of self control, and selfishness that he really should have been fired for sabotaging the Denton case (after cafe waitress, nurse, colleaguealthough Hastings only knew of the nurse and Denton). display: none; Danny is then himself killed, but not before alerting Fleming to the existence of a list of people involved in a child abuse ring. change_link = false; Kate is one of us and this is never more apparent than when you consider her wardrobe. Kates parenting prowess may not win her mother of the year, but her hard work is eventually rewarded, when she gets promoted ahead of Steve. DC Denton commandeers DC Fleming to be her witness for the conversation with her CS Raymond Mallick about the assault on Lorna Barrett. Its gripping, it has twists, and its highly fkn addictive. "No-one makes mugs of AC-12," said Hastings as the three finally got their man after six years. instead, there was some questionable flirting with DCI Joanne Davidson (Kelly Macdonald). Rank DC Fleming accompanies DI Denton to speak to a friend of Carly Kirk, a non-priority misper on 28 day review. She flew under radar w Gates by flirting, but had no strategy after that and was way too overt. At the end of Series 3, Kate was awarded a commendation in apprehending Matthew Cottan (a.k.a. [THEORY]Line of Duty star admits initial doubts over BBC series[INTERVIEW], Fans were divided over whether Steve should receive a promotion, with one noting: You dont deserve one. if(document.links[t].hasAttribute('onClick') == false) { This Doco Explores The Coded Queer Messaging Of Ads From 100-Years Ago & My Heart Cant Take It, How To Spend A Long Weekend In Townsville If The Thought Of Winter Is Already Crushing Yr Soul, Dysons Slinging Up To $400 Off Its Famous Sucky Bois If Yr Sick Of Crumbies Underfoot, Weve Already Copped A Bit Of Spicy Intel About What Goes Down At The MAFS 2023 Reunion, Rihanna & A$AP Rockys Sweet Bb Has Made His Official Debut With An Adorable Vogue Shoot, Sign up with your Facebookor Linkedin account, Please select at least one of the following options to continue. What happened to Philip Osborne line of duty? Fleming re-enters the communal office and looks for Denton but cannot locate her - she then receives a text message from Denton to meet her at A&B Carriage Repairs on the Canalside Industrial Estate. Seems his luck has not changed. Kate talks about lying to a dead man's family but Lindsay refuses to believe her and claims she wasn't being honest with her, putting Kate on edge and exiting sharply. Ted Hastings, the team uncovered links to Organised Crime. BBC I beg you give us season 7 of Line of Duty pic.twitter.com/EdJw1lLMS5, Omg Steve and Kate just need to have a snog already, ok so when are steve and kate getting together???? He confessed disclosing the identity of an informant in the OCG - and told her: "Whatever you do, do it because you care about truth and accountability. Arnott confides in Stephanie Corbett about his struggles with addiction. A routine drugs test detects high levels of analgesics in his system, and Arnott is called to attend an appointment with operational health which he repeatedly puts off. Line of Duty: Kate Fleming's husband As for Kate, she first appeared to be that rarest of beasts - a happily married copper. First up the Gaffer. dm.AjaxData.push({ et: et,d: d,ssid: ssid,ad: ad}); ? A fan mentioned in reference to the scene. Express. But thats also what makes them so brilliant. She is also more governed by the rules and regulations than Steve. I don't think she gets away with everything, but you are absolutely right about the Lindsay Denton thing. Fans were confused by Kates remark about Steve and how she cherished so much and they took to Twitter to discuss. Personally recruited by Ted Hastings (Adrian Dunbar), Steve is put to work on DCI Tony Gates' case, whilst Kate Fleming ( Vicky McClure) goes undercover at TO-20. [CDATA[ If you have a story suggestion email entertainment.news@bbc.co.uk. (2) Hasting was initially predisposed to select Arnott, (a) as Arnott had greater experience and (b) Hastings was more comfortable working closely with other men (hes low-grade sexist, probably due to age + devout faith). DS Carmichael on paper, the pinnacle of proficiency and professionalism has a smugness that makes the blood boil. She makes conversation with Denton over topics such as her cat and house but proceeds to leave when she notices her company may be unwanted. Line of Dutyseason 6 spoilers:Kate Fleming revealed as bent copper? Created by Jed Mercurio, Kate follows in the footsteps of other women in police dramas, says Melanie Williams, professor of film and television studies at the University of East Anglia, name-checking DCI Jane Tennison (Helen Mirren) in Prime Suspect and DCU Stella Gibson (Gillian Anderson) in The Fall. If Kate and Steve hook up, it will just make things awkward, and I worry that Line of Duty Season 7 might be the time the writers introduce that storyline, just to spice things up. As Roz pointed out, AC-12 (and/or Hastings) has had a serious lack of female officers being promoted above the rank of DI. Someone who is not really a one-man woman, however, is Steve Arnott. In series 4, DCI Roseanne Huntley apprehends a serial killer. Beyond Paradise on BBC One: Guest cast includes two TV legends! And tongues wagged about Kates domestic woes. .podcast-banner.show_mobile { w[ l ] = w[ l ] || []; Shocking moments: Huntley and Ifield's fight; Arnott being attacked. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Steve Arnott. As well as Georgia and Lindsay, there was a romance with DI Nicola Jolly Rogerson. In fact, Chris Meloni told Inside The Actors Studio back in 2016 when asked why the characters never kissed or boned: That, I think, they always knew would be the death knell of that relationship. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Speculation has been rife as to whether there is going to be a seventh series and if there is, viewers are convinced romantic sparks will finally fly between Kate and Steve. Often praised for being down-to-earth and straight-talking, the actor who still lives around the corner from her parents in Nottingham isnt phased when people draw comparisons between herself and Kate. Police Officer When we see women in positions of leadership, taking control of situations, it creates the possibility within peoples imaginations to understand how that might also happen beyond fictional representations..

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