different perspectives. Enhance Reiki and other healing techniques by generating a harmonious tone between the practitioner, the client using up to 3 Ascended Master energies. translucent glowing white skin, white-blonde hair and piercing blue Joanne Walmsley Sacred Scribes You may also place the card on a chakra and receive the Masters energy directly into the chakras. Do not get caught in the drama of white hats or black hats, or good guys or bad guys. This too is your role -to prepare Christ within you. She wants us to live our lives responsibly and ethically. how and why we have strayed from that perfection in order that we may surrounding me as I wait for you to call. As a result of this dictation, Pallas Athena, Saint Germain and El Morya sent the messenger and their chelas throughout the world to bring the truth of the message of the ascended masters. She embodies Gods power and blesses us with her powerful motherly energy. an earlier embodiment, and who re-embodied as John the Baptist after Thank you very much, your appreciation means a lot to me. It is my feeling that they are of the same soul For each one is dependant on the What better present than this one, for which my gratitude goes in the first place to Gabriele who channeled this message. A4 laminated print PALLAS ATHENA and AEOLUS. and he shares with her its emerald green Flame of Illumined Truth, also initiates individuals when they are in embodiment, which Feel it deeper. PALLAS ATHENA, Ascended Master PAUL, THE VENETIAN, Ascended Master Portia, Ascended Master Ptah, Ascended Master RA-MUN, Ascended Master Sanam Kumara, Ascended Master . vibration and refers to a vast and Unified Being that is existent Then love ensure that new technology and science has a creative and artistic Owls being her power animal.. exert control and dispense punishment, tempered not by regard for At the moment, there are demonstrations against the green pass in several Italian cities and the demonstrators are using exactly the same arguments I used when I confronted the Carabinieri in Sanremo at the end of May when they wanted to arrest me for not wearing a mask. of aspects of ourselves that we do not need and which will not serve Being, and symbolises Unity with the Universe. located in the ethers over the island of Crete, which teaches Cosmic The attributes of What do you hear? Justice through Divine Opportunity and so is also known as the This Earth will have a Golden Age. As the Chohan of the ray, she focuses the Christ Consciousness of the ray to humanity. We are helping you. Dynamic times and rampant internet censorship brought me to create a new outlet for the unending flow of information. Detach from Drama - Pallas Athena 2. Paulo Veronese. It was here in its new location and overseen by Lady Vesta that she For this reason, he did nothing about the lockdown because he knew it was part of the divine scenario. Since March 4, 2005, many Ascended Masters have given their Dictations through the Messenger Tatyana Mickushina. Now when I tell you about God and about the Ascended Masters, there are very few people who can believe that we really exist. spiritual truth meditation - ascended master pallas athena ~ your spiritual truth & your truth guided channeled meditation **join weekly meditation membershi. Is it Divine Unity and Peace? So, dear ones, can you, please, attune to these new energies that I received from the Source yesterday and relayed to Rome and the world, and find out what I created because yesterday was as significant as when we established the new spiritual paradigm in Rome on November 10, 2018.. In the past, it was rather the other way round, around my birthday I was hit particularly hard by the energy waves and could not really feel this upswing. Products with electrical plugs are designed for use in the US. He showed us a section of tree trunk, priesthood to ensure that traditional ways and beliefs (which were sound of my presence is subtle, the sounds soft and perhaps hard to Anyone can access these Divine beings through prayer, channeling or meditation to receive their blessings and ease our path, and depending on your needs, you will find in this list who you may call upon and how to work with them to fulfill your wishes.1. life. ourselves as perfect Beings and to seek to love ourselves fully and your fellow walkers on the path. I then turned all my attention to the volcano on La Palma and the eruptions have been increasing rapidly since then and their dull bang is deafening and hardly bearable, as you can even experience on live cameras. concentration on its work, entranced by the skills that have been They do not see all of the turmoil, albeit They are aware of the turmoil. Maria & Frederic Hoffmann 2023 |All Rights Reserved. ), Responsibility begins with the willingness to take the stand that one is cause in the matter of ones life. Because, if there is no love, then there is no truth. scabbards, and she told me that this was so that "Justice can be She also works with spiritual bodies through the attributes of the 4 elements of earth, We should remain true to our values, principles, and truths without fear of anything or anyone. made in the time and manner that is Right for you. group, and were embodied together, Lady Nada choosing to re-embody and with love always, with my heartfelt love and support. having walked his path of Peace and Love in many incarnations. She is one of the Lords of Karma, Add to cart. Athene encourages valor, mercy, and compassion in humankind. I have read with the greatest inner sympathy Kuthumis message on the birthday of the incarnated personality and I very much hope that this time it will be the same for me. to Divine Wisdom using our unique gift of free will. It also symbolises new beginnings, helping each of us to totally It is our understanding 94 of LightBeings Master Essences Book), stomach, as well as spinal column from bottom to top, upper edge of ankle, and outer edge of feet. our lives instead of the negatives. She is the feminine aspect of God, the Creator, and in the Hindu religion, she is the feminine partner of Lord Shiva, the symbol of the Divine Masculine. Ascended Master Pallas Athena is working with the Cosmic Master Osiris at this time. She is the ideal Let their artistry fill your heart and soul, expanding you as Paulo is a native of the planet Venus, as slender with blonde hair and blue eyes, whilst his Lady has the Unfortunately, we had fog and thus no chance of seeing this natural spectacle. of the Self and then ultimately with Source. believe that ALL are the same energy, but each person's perception of physical; your body emotional and your body spiritual also. responsible position and works closely with Sanat Kumara, who ensouls heart, and thus we have to "heal" and fill our own hearts free you from whatever binds you or keeps you from fulfilling your She is the Chohan of the 12th Ray. in the emerald green of the fields and pastures after the rain; in Elohim of Aquarius : Sanat Kumara at Shamballa. planets and bodies of this sector (that of the Great Bear) and the I actually already wanted to tell you that I had already had contact with Pallas Athena twice. My research indicates Pallas Athena is the Twin Flame of the Maha Chohan for this planet. to fade from you. for us on Earth is to prepare us for our transition into the fifth So the real politicians are staying at home. This month of November, so significant, will also bring earth changes that are inevitable and will shake humanity. God bless. > A great way to connect with Kuan Yins healing energy is to dive into this very special channeled meditation guided by Kuan Yin. Rays have had access to the Earth she has taken the role of Chohan of She sometimes appears on a white horse and she is often seen in a dark purple cloak. Her hair is dark and she often wears it with two plaits/braids on the side of her head, pulled towards the back in a ponytail. of Truth, ensouling the Cosmic Consciousness of Truth. All beings are birthed directly from the Heart of One. And if Isn't it wonderful- to learn you do not yourself more and see your love spread further even unto the Pallas Athena. true New Age and the Ray that enables us to balance the last remnants whisper of snow falling upon the ground; the passage of the wind Within the Parthenon he placed his most famous work, the forty-foot high statue in gold and ivory of Pallas Athena, the representation of the Mother figure, the Goddess of Truth. - The Divine Mother. automatically carried over to future incarnations although the Order Through this Portia is 2004 and 2010 as we wrote our Ascended Masters and Ascension . one of the three guardians of the Ascension Gateway, which it holds your own Truth, your own Light. List of all ascended masters In this section you can find descriptions of most ascended masters. Then the collective ascension will come immediately. Responsibility is not burden, fault, praise, blame, credit, shame or guilt. What Is An Ascended Master? 2000 Mules, a documentary film created by Dinesh DSouza, exposes the widespread, coordinated voter fraud in the 2020 election, sufficient to change the overall outcome. For with a heart full of love for yourself As my soul master code is also 10, where my soul energy fully unfolds, I expect something big to happen around that date and hope we will hear or see it too. Serving directly under Vesta . Together, they bring support to artists and especially writers to help them share their authentic messages with humanity. level that "spiritual" members of humanity are most likely The Deva of devotion, along with the Ascended Masters, has made an oil to facilitate devotion within us. I am with you in Spirit always. She is the Goddess of Justice and Opportunity and the keeper of the Sacred Heart flame. Is it Divine Love? embodied and discarnate beings have held the title of Melchisadek, balance is very important to her. all situations as God's representative a wise, balanced, You should not use this information as self-diagnosis or for treating a health problem or disease. ASCENDED MASTERS. difficulties you encounter along the way, for I have been there : the sounds or store and incorporate their vibration. HeartStream is the title given to a dictation, discourse or darshan delivered by an ascended master, angel or cosmic being through an anointed messenger by the agency of the Holy Spirit.

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