xo, Im so sorry to hear of your sadness. Are you a parent who's separated divorced Or NEVER-MARRIED ? Do those things! Divorce can be worse than dying. } Would you prefer to share this page with others by linking to it? I worked hard, did everything for him, but it wasnt enough.They married 18 months after our divorce ( 9 months ago, and went on honeymoon to one of our favourite places) They have a fantastic lifestyle, whereas I have had to go back to work. Median duration of first marriages that end in divorce: Males: 7.8 years Females: 7.9 years. He didnt ask for forgiveness, nor can I find it in my heart to forgive him the hurt and emptiness is too deep. Does he ever think of me? Within the last year, I ended my 20-year marriage after slowly coming to the realization that it was a codependent relationship. Oh, so difficult! I think my circumstances are different than the norm because my ex-wife didnt leave because something was wrong with us. On a recent morning, I hung up the phone with my divorce attorney. By Stephanie Downs - March 1, 2023 08:07 pm EST. I would have gone to any length to keep my family together. I realize this website was for moms, but couldnt help but reply. I once experienced a lady who was struggling with the pain of overcoming separation alone and when I purposed to hold her hand, she started relaxing, and within a short time, life to her became a joyous one. The more you feed your mind with positive thoughts, the more you can overcome. Deep down, if she tried to come back, Id take her back. I have tried to date, but it never works out. And I still ache at having trusted myself to the institution of marriage, to the man with whom I stood at an altar and exchanged vows, and to the family court and judicial systems that broke my beliefs in fairness. You Will Grieve After Divorce, And It's Painful As Hell. In the dream, I'm still married to my ex-husband; we are fighting and he's getting ready to move out. As a man who was left behind almost 6 years ago and has been parallel parenting two daughters since, I will simply say that I identify with what you wrote. Im 10 years on 51 and theres a very deep profound sadnesshurt. Not seen ones own child daily especially when very young is so excruciating. Still, I can only imagine that he, too, senses the sorrow that is part of who I am. I struggle through. Divorce was 5 years ago. "name": "Does divorce hurt even after years? I wonder if my ex ever feels the way you do it would be a crumb of comfort but not anything remotely triumphant that he may be suffering. a loss of appetite. Good luck! So much collateral damage. And the recent weddings for two of our sons? I highly suggest a good therapist to help you. I can relate a lot with you. "@context": "https://schema.org", but I met her when I was 20 and she was 17 . Coparenting is tough. I wish everyone here the peace and happiness you deserve, and if the pain is still there, so be it ignore the platitudes (time is a healer. There are several factors that may contribute to the sadness that is coming up for you post-divorce, including how tied your identity is to your ex-partner and whether you've allowed yourself to fully grieve. Marriages are meant to be enjoyed, not endured. And sadness. It truly helps to know Im not alone in this. It's easy to slip into dramatic self-pity mode when you're the one left behind, just as it was in my divorce. Some people are never positive about their well-being. I take strange comfort in the fact that you still hurt 36 years after your divorce: I realise it sounds odd but the comfort is in knowing that Im not the only one who cannot move on as I was told to over and over again. I thought is wasnt normal to still feel guilty 10 years later. I am proud of all you women as I am proud of myself, for making it through. The average first marriage that ends in divorce lasts about 8 years. Keeping the bed. I've done my best to move on, and finally now I'm in another wonderful relationship almost ten years later with a man who loves me as much and now I know how to be grateful but this man is not brilliant or wealthy or liberal like my ex. I encourage you, if you are not already doing so, to have those moments alone with Jesus, talk to Him, He is not only our healer but also Your friend that Loves you so dearly If you can't see a therapist to talk to about your feelings, remember that self-care after a breakup is key. Divorce at this point takes the order of the day. I cannot deny that when I hear echoes of family jokes that trace back to my childrens early childhood, I flash immediately to other days. But thats good, hes learning from his father, its ok to feel certain emotions, no matter how much time has passed. And then the pandemic hit. AlternativeDepressionTherapy.com 2005-2023. Studies show that men feel empty, guilty, anxious, depressed, deep loss, and strong dependency needs of which they . Friendship is not what I want at all. Its a terrible gnawing that can be pushed to the far back but doesnt seem to go away. What I learned: Never let your guard down entirely, and he or she with the deepest pockets wins. On the midst of the storm, He has given me peace. Done. Wow, I was taken aback by this editors unkindness and lack of compassion. This has sent me spiralling downward as this was something the ex an I had planned to doand spend summers with our grandchildren(eventually). irritability. Believe me, I've gotten my share of wide eyes of surprise when I say that I'm not interested in dating. Especially finding out about the other persons affair 2 years later and how it was happening for much longer. Every holiday my daughters have to divide the holidays, not just between us and in-laws, but us and the other us and the in-laws. I trust in God to get me through until the end. Columnist and trained counsellor Fiona Caine offers her advice on feeling lonely after a divorce, and moving on after the death of a partner. Best Wishes,Ben Schwarcz, MFTSanta Rosa Psychotherapist. Although my ex did apologize, he never really clarified WHY he left. I have really enjoyed reading everyones story and I realise now that I am very normal 10 years on. joanne. The article is dead on. Why are you holding onto it? Peace to you all. They are irritating and dismissive, and predicated on assumptions that may not be true for all of us, including the adage that time heals all wounds. But moving on is not as simple as a prescription, especially when the past is the present, and the present is indeed a bitter pill. For me, the pain will never go away. We are none of us any one thing. I WAS MARRIED 30 YEARS When she left . I went through the divorce process in a daze, devastated. A word I'd wished for so long to hear. Im mostly happy, but the corners stay sad. Agree. Im normal, Its normal to feel happy and sad, gain and loss after so many years. My heart is breaking. It's OK to cry, it's OK to be sad and to talk about it and to ask for a hug. Ive been to so many different therapist I cant count on two hands The first one was a marriage counselor since then its been all different kinds psychiatrist psychologist its just comes down that I love her and I want to wait on her but the pain going through this is almost unbearable I dont trust any other woman ever again but its extremely lonely I dont get to see my kids very much at all I have grandchildren I dont see them a lot some, Part of the reason is my children are grown so I understand that theyre trying to take care of their own family two of them are married the other one is a teenager but every time I see them I just want my family back to normal I just dont wanna live like this much pain the rest of my life I feel like Im a man without a country. I feel so sad that we will never be a family and it must be awful for the kids but what can you do. "@type": "Answer", Help Is Here. I want to heal, move in, live with joy and pursue my dreams! It has been just over a year now and I still feel like I have been kicked in the stomach daily. I know that I am getting better, I dont think about him near as much but then one thing can make me spiral right back to years before and the process starts again. He sees them now as we live 5 minutes away. Im also thankful that there were no answers in your message. I believe it's one of the fastest methods of emotional healing and transformation available today; You can learn to use tapping on your own, or see a therapist who uses meridian tapping.The aspects of "guilt" and "regret" should be at the top of the list of "tapping targets" to work on. I lost a 4 generations family farm, but more than that, I lost an entire life of working toward a financially secure retirement, raising 2 children together, and being so close to her family. Good article and I will add to it. we see each other all the time with that and every smell and sound and sight reminds me of her and how my family was and could be .. I also recognize my own responses as a function of marital expectations formed in the way I was raised, and my vision for what constitutes family. The anger caught me off guard today, for I thought my heart had healed; deep sadness can still come around, this time of year, and I am relieved to know it isnt uncommon. As in, you might finally be legally divorced. Shared custody, full custody, whatever custody a parent is granted; theres a brokeness that will never be repaired. Im not saying that you want vengeance or wish him wrong, but resentment is not a good feeling either, it hurts you more than it does him. Valerie and Jennifer hit it right on. But love, sadly, is not always enough when it comes to marriage, and we deal with it in the best way possible. I also have no contact. Don't give up on yourself or your life for a mistake you think you made 10 years ago. Still sometimes sad about not having the life I expected. Im happily remarried, yet Im still sad 17 years later. Many subsequent marriage proposals when younger but no remarriage. a loss of interest in activities you previously enjoyed and hobbies. He stopped speaking to me full stop. The world wants everyone to be over things. You may have to find. However, there are plenty of ways to fight off the causes of depression, and a good support group will help you get through the worst parts of the divorce without it having a major impact on your life moving forward. Somehow, I have ended up the bad-guy. My head knows the Lawsuit has no value. This is a very good article. Dont accept any blame..it was just an excuse & helped your ex rationalize his behavior. You would not be providing a broken home to a child, youd be providing love and stability and a father. With both of us attending 2 of our childrens graduations, the sadness creeped up on me and has been lingering. And after all, since my boys are no longer children, these days its at those events that I am most likely to be interacting with my sons at the holidays, a graduation, some other special celebration. Ive remarried,but the grass is not greener over here.How I wish I could turn back time. It matters. Im lucky my daughter still talks to me. You might feel disconnected or sad, even if you wanted the relationship to end. Divorce can be hard on children but, equally, so can watching parents fight and endure a loveless marriage "for the sake of the kids.". so I pray every day for her to be back and are family to be one. It makes me hide a little bit of my truth (the sadness) from people. 8 years after my divorce, I am right there. Add in a young child, and the other spouse refusing to work on things, rather, cut bait and get out immediately with no reason. Six years later I still grieve how my family was split up. It took him 6 years to make up his mind to go through with a divorce. Im very happy to find this essay tonight, and the comments you have all left. Ive tried everything to move on, apart from actively seeking another partner. Dreams are broken but lives have to go on. At these events, we were supposed to be celebrating together as a couple, as a family, as one. Intellectually I see all the reasons to be apart from him but buried deep in my heart I still have a longing for what was supposed to be. Espcially this: Then I feel the empty space profoundly not for a man I do not miss but where a family history of four ought to be. Yes, indeed. I thought I was taking forward steps. It doesnt undo the bittersweet clarity that when I look into my sons faces, I see my dad (long deceased) and my exs mother (whom I once loved), both of whom are no longer in my life. I did not handle the divorce well. I don't know exactly how I feel about that. I am not happy but it still gives me joy to see my kids and grandkids and makes me smile. It is just there. Cheers to a better tomorrow! Its like I never existed in her world. Dwelling on what you should have done. I had an amazing marriage, and I loved being a husband. Three kids and 15 years later we divorced. But the empty presence has never gone for me I was 51 when he left and I have no trust to even think of a new partner. As for looking to a new love, I have no desire. } Its very hard to move on and not think or focus on the should of, would of and could of. I was married for 42 years when suddenly, without warning, a knock at the door, and a sheriff with divorce papers. Why rock my boat. But the pain never goes away . and special occasions are the hardest. I have a great relationship now and am engaged. People can continue hurting because of the communications they still have after dissolving the marriage. Its very difficult to see a future for myself. But I try to be grateful for all they do for her they live in the same city as my daughter while I am out of state. Please Click Here to Read Legal Disclaimer Before Utilizing this site. He took the get out of parenting free card. It's over between Real Housewives of Atlanta star Drew Sidora and Ralph Pittman. It hasnt been that long. The divorce was my idea. I believe that all children need mothers and fathers in their lives. },{ Good luck to everyone here as well divorce is tough but we are tougher . Ray J . Perhaps it is an aftereffect of the years I was carrying the weight of the world on my shoulders. I come back to these comments, to give me comfort in knowing that others still mourn the loss of what was and what could have been. Make a bucket list of places and things you want to do and see. My experience is the same as a husband. He sat in our porch the week before he left, sobbing. Am I happy where I am now, DEFINITELY. I do not want to be with my ex as he did some very bad things, but I mourn for the loss of our whole family as a unit and broken promises. I do hope this improves with time. Nobody really understands. I accept it. I tried dating at first to replace her and I could not I love her to much . Copy and paste it, adding a note of your own, into your blog, a Web page, forums, a blog comment, Seeking revenge. God bless you! Never have found out exact reason, except maybe money. You have summed up my sentiments towards my ex as if I had typed this out! I have tried counselling, forgiveness, keeping very busy, yoga and meditation anything and everything recommended, but I cant let go and have a constant deep sadness.

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