Extremely Strong - You will be one of the top lifters at most local, natural powerlifting meets. For someone who weights 155lbs I guess benching 350lbs squatting 475lbs and deadlifting 500lbs or 510 or something is pretty damn good, don't know why I even doubted myself but like you said seeing guys bench 800lns makes me feel weak especially as a 17 yr old dood. I gotta say I was a bit discouraged before I read this article and now I feel a lot more confident in my numbers. lifters who have entered bench press, squat and deadlift into our calculator. The results were insane bench 465 squat, squat 4 plates for 10, deadlift 6 plates on all sides and I never trained deadlifts. LifterCalc. /im1 6 0 R /Filter/FlateDecode The 21-year old Russian powerlifter, Daria Efimtseva @efimtseva_daria, probably has one of the highest totals on this list. Total. Even more impressive is the fact that in January 2022, he broke his own deadlift record by lifting 903.9lbs (410kg) in the 220lbs (100kg) weight category. I've seen some pretty staggering natural lifts in my day. But there is support available in the form of Whats a good dots score. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. 600 is good. Keep up the good work. Steve Shaw is an experienced raw masters powerlifter with over 31 years of iron game experience. His best raw performance is a total of 1477lbs / 670kg at a bodyweight of 128.9lbs/58.5kg, which made his Wilks score of 584.96 the third best in this list. Since I am only 16 I often doubt my strength. It's a simple, easy-to-use tool that can be a valuable asset for any strength athlete. The use of bench shirts, squat suits, steroids and growth hormone has made it difficult for most natural athletes to understand just what strong means. This is what I'm afraid of but I think it's necessary to update it since old Wilks has been made totally redundant. DOTS favors (more or less) the middle of the weight range, vs very large or very lean people. You are in the running to be the Greatest Of All Time. Read more. These awards are only given to one male and female athlete. Thanks for sharing your visualizations. % /Width 1200 5 0 obj You are probably in the top 10 in the world in your weight! Lifter B is lifting less than 1.5 x bodyweight and is only lifting 55kg over his own body-weight. Breaking news, female powerlifters exist too. Terms of Service. Nobody knows. 550 and youre in a very small percentage of people (like one in less than 100 in the world). How New Lifters Can Learn Valuable Lessons From Poker. endobj The total is the sum of the heaviest weight lifted for the squat, bench press, and deadlift. The Strength Level Powerlifting Calculator measures your strength in powerlifting against other lifters who have entered bench press, squat and deadlift into our calculator. Steve, when I was younger I would do five sets of ten with 225 lbs. #1 - Training Gear. Simple calculations based on how many times bodyweight you can lift is not a good indication of the strength of powerlifters, as this does not scale in a linear fashion. Your email address will not be published. arms and pullups on friday. month4 This was my first competition and I had no idea what to expect. Basically, its a pound-for-pound comparison here. Im 6,2 tall I weight 290, and I have 23% body fat. The truth is that very few lifters ever attain a 400lb bench naturally. The Wilks Calculator takes into account the weight of the athlete and the amount of repetitions they can perform with that weight. Perhaps you should direct your energy to any female power lifters on this site who might be able to mirror this article based on female standards. Men and women have different body-weight categories. Your email address will not be published. There are also rules around competing in a specific weight and age class, which impact the scoring system. And only 7 of the top 22 (what you see when you open OPL) are men. Some of these federations are large, and some modest in size. At the recent Lone Star Classic held last month in Texas, she gave her best performance and achieved a DOTS score of 482.53. I have been lifting for almost 40 years and have never competed, other than having competed with myself. However, the second last appearance was way back in 2018 during the PA State Championships. Each scoring system has slightly different mathematical formulas to compare lifters across body-weight categories. Today were taking a look at the top 5 female powerlifters in the junior category as well. The total weight lifted (in kg) is multiplied by the coefficient to find the standard amount lifted . Math can be a difficult subject for many . Weve created a tool that allows you to find out your Wilks Score easily. These numbers will give you somewhat of a reasonable look at "elite" strength levels. A 1500 pound 3-lift total is a huge accomplishment, and will be hard to beat at most local, natural powerlifting meets. We have a very easy-to-use version for you here:Wilks Calculator. As such, the sport of powerlifting divides athletes into these separate categories, and the total will only rank lifters within that given category (not across categories). Default Dots has to be the way here. /F2 9 0 R The purpose of the Best Overall Lifter award is to determine who is the strongest lifter on a per-pound basis. Meanwhile, last year in September, Cora achieved a 534 DOTS score in the open division while lifting RAW during The Bucked Up Showdown meet. It should also be noted that it is darn near impossible to hit a 2000 raw, natural powerlifting total. A woman weighing 120lbs (54.4kg) squatting 400lbs (181.5kg) gets 218.29 Wilks points. Accessibility Statement. You lack finesse. POWERLIFTING MEETS. How New Lifters Can Learn Valuable Lessons From Poker. A 1200 pound 3-lift total (bench press, squats and deadlifts) is more than 95% of gym rats will ever accomplish. /Resources The Wilks formula is as follows: Wilks Formula for Men: Wilks Score = TWL * 500 / (a + b * BWT2 + c * BWT3 + d * BWT4 + e * BWT5 + f * BWT6) Where: TWL is the total weight lifted [kg], BWT is the body weight of the lifter [kg], a = -216.0475144, b = 16.2606339, c = -0.002388645, d = -0.00113732, e = 7.01863E-06, f = -1.291E-08. Each scoring system has slightly different mathematical formulas to compare lifters across body-weight categories. One formulation says decent male lifters should be able to squat 1.5 times body weight; good lifters double, and advanced lifters 2.5. Simple calculations based on how many times your bodyweight you can lift is not a good indication of the strength of powerlifters, as this does not scale in a linear fashion. {{ 'rep' | pluralize(benchRepetitions) }}, {{ 'rep' | pluralize(squatRepetitions) }}, {{ 'rep' | pluralize(deadliftRepetitions) }}, One Rep Max #2 - Drugs. Couldnt be bothered with womens standards? What is considered a good score for a woman is not for a man, for biological reasons. I used the following multipliers to determine these numbers: Most of you aren't competitive powerlifters, nor do most of you have the goal of weighing 270 pounds or more. This is what throws off the graph and has the average women below the average men. His best competition lifts are a 602.5 pound squat, a 672.5 pound deadlift, and a 382.5 pound bench press. Lets go back to our example of a 59kg lifter with a total of 600kg versus a 120kg lifter with a total of 625kg. Would it even be worth my time to consider a competition. In addition, there is a handicap system that allows lifters to compete across weight categories, which Ill explain below. 185 squat 5 sets 10 reps slow and easy nothing crazy for 3 months. Powerlifting Calculator : Calculate your total, Wilks score, Malone score, and more. Grip strength standards are a good measure of this so I'd just apply the same ratio here. week 6 25, Can you please elaborate a bit for clarity. Id like to see him compete and get some training/advice to help him meet his goal he does a 1200 total lift of all three but he has more in him and Id like to see what his max potential is. Just a quick look at his last two meets reveals a massive improvement in Blakes performance. Formulas are pulled from this pdf by the International Powerlifting Federation. In his latest meet at Hybrid Showdown 4, Blake scored 2006.2lbs (910kg) total with an almost unchanged bodyweight of 181.4lbs (82.2kg). Very good application Solve any problem. Become A Member Events Results Records Memberships Training Centers Coaches Get Social If you look at the winner of this category, Teresa Yeung, the heaviest squat was 157.5kg, bench press 97.5kg, and deadlift 172.5kg. Do you have any recommendations? During the same event, John pulled 887.3lbs (402.4kg) deadlift, which is absolutely insane. M | 815kg | 131kg | 454 Dots | USAPL | Raw, M | 590kg | 102.5kg | 355 wilks | CPU | Raw, M | 572.5kg | 120kg | 327 Dots | USAPL | RAW, M | 18 | 535kg | 67kg | 414 DOTS | Classic Raw, F | 432.5kg | 90kg | 385.6DOTS | USPA Tested | RAW, M | 895 | 100KG | 554.29dots | WRPF | Raw w/wraps. Would that even be considered a decent PB for my weight. I see far too many strong forum lifters refer to themselves as weak, simply because they do not understand what reasonable natural standards are. ;;;G! Not true at all. There are many of them. I haven't measured my ROM on press but it must be at least 15", maybe a couple more. SinfulTorc 9 mo. I only weigh 150 pounds but can bench 355 pounds, squat 500, and deadlift 510. I've wondered if those records are just guys with questionable form who are pressing the bar only a few inches? It is going to be slightly subjective, but these are pretty ratings, based on looking at a large amount of data and talking to experts. Web design by Digital Focus. The heavier lifter in this scenario lifted 25kg more overall weight, but he also weighs over twice as much as the 59kg lifter. This was a really good article for me. H %XRKngonwvT[myl _6' ABe*$@0^`0`0`0`0`01s>./1~6L"H~&q"i? Yea, I shouldve included an unscaled graph. Remember, the highest number that is lifted for each individual lift is added together to make the total. But if youre interested in learning more about how these formulas were created, I encourage you to read the following resources: In recent years, the Wilks Score has been phased out by many countries as a way to determine the Best Overall Award (although Australia still uses it). there's only about 500 records two SDs above the mean but over 10,000 two SDs below. Comparing Coefficients of Variation. I forget where I saw that but I do remember it was allegedly drug free. Dividing athletes by gender is pretty straightforward, so lets discuss further how body-weight and age categories work in powerlifting. Use them to assess your progress, and potential for future gains. The top 8 dots all time are women. A subreddit for the sport of powerlifting, Press J to jump to the feed. Ray Williams aka. Hailing from the Lone Star state, Taylor Ingram is one of the promising powerlifters you need to keep an eye on. Scores are calculated by comparing a weight lifted to that of numbers achieved by other lifters at the same bodyweight. Hi, MD. Among many other factors, the main thing that makes this untrue is that women produce only minuscule amounts of testosterone. We all lift and watch the videos on youtube. !|+l :!5p vw iBM bWYD u`s(eG'=K(uZaxolk`.E"-AK@ !G8Tq0Xc"Vv#8m 2.DOTS seems generally the most approved of when new coefficients have been discussed in the past. I've gone over 500 on multiple occasions with an alltime PR of 515. I've been lifting for almost 2 years entirely natural not even using supplements. Though thats just cuz Im a tall fatty with no arch who pulls conventional so total looks better. Very Strong - In the muscle building and strength training realm, this would be considered intermediate level strength. Are you virtue signaling here? The same goes for squats suits. The Wilks formula is used to compare lifted weight in powerlifting between lifters of different body weights and gender - so you can compare the strength of men and women and lighter and heavier lifters. As you can see, the 59kg lifter, even though their total was less than the 120kg lifter, their IPF GL Points is higher. The formula is based on research and a coefficient calculated by Robert Wilks of Powerlifting Australia and is used in most powerlifting federations around the world. /Title (_ Models Evaluation-I - 2020 - 1.0.3-en \(with contents\)) Great Article! endobj Im at the 1385 total. Thanks for the article. /ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC/ImageI] I had a discussion with my nephews and sons about this same topic. What is a good dots score - Best of all, What is a good dots score is free to use, so there's no reason not to give it a try! You are +1 sigma which means your total is higher than 84% of the people with the same body weight. WTF are IPF points? Great article! Click on one of the links below, depending on your preferred unit of mass, to visit the tool. Heres to hoping Robert continues to bring his top game at the upcoming events. I'm guessing because less women on the whole lift heavy compared to men, unfortunately. I used to be a bit of a gym rat and am looking at trying to regain some of my form, bench press specifically, as I rapidly now approach age 60. However, there is one award called the Best Overall Lifter where athletes DO compete across weight classes. However, in certain cases, it is necessary to . Powerlifting is the sport in which athletes attempt to lift as much weight as possible. /Contents 5 0 R I powerlifted in my 20s and 30s in the 165 class and 181 class and was able to achieve a 523 deadlift, 475 squat and 293 bench. You dont walk in off the street without training doing this, This could be achieved in 1-2 years of focused effort and training for most lifters, In smaller countries/states, this might win you a medal at the nationals, Odds are, that in most countries you will be competing at a national level with 400+ Wilks. The first thing I noticed is that the following lifts are extremely hard to achieve: It's safe to say that if you hit these numbers, you're well into Elite territory for a raw, natural lifter. A post shared by Christiane Hazzard (@christyhazz_sbd). could be a sampling error? I would assume for a natural lifter i should be capable of reaching 405Bench 500Squat, 600Dead to have that 1500+ total. bench week 4 asounding 20 I prefer DOTS myself and dislike having anything in this sport draw attention to that bag of assholes Robert Wilks. If we limit our search for the best Wilks score to only raw lifting in doping-tested powerlifting federations, the top three as of October 2019 is held by Ray Williams, Jesse Norris and Sergey Fedosienko and an honorable mention to Larry Wheels max lifts. I'm in the same boat at 5'11" and 226 lbs. How Many Calories Do You Burn Doing Circuit Training? Only a small handful of natural lifters have performed this amazing feat. From what I can tell the amount of very strong women is substantially less than very strong men compared to all lifters. You are probably in the top 10 in the world in your weight! The Best Overall Awards take the strongest lifters from each weight class and use a mathematical formula to compare who is the best pound-for-pound lifter. How old are you? He achieved 1978.6lbs (897.4kg) total with a 179.4lbs (81.37kg) body weight, which is super impressive. HD Testosterone Booster for example is just a combination of zinc, magnesium, and vitamin B6. During the recently held Arnold A7 Pro-Am Equipped Pro Raw, she lifted RAW 418.8lbs (190kg) in deadlift and 264.5lbs (120kg) in benchpress. During the latest Ghost Clash, he secured a 1890.4lbs (857.4kg) total at a 178.8lbs (81.10kg) body weight, making him the lightest lifter on this list. I believe right now the top 7 are all women. >> Deadlifts hover at around the same . Open Powerlifting does have dates for each record, although Im not sure how complete the older data is. Your strength levels land you in the top 1% of humanity. /CreationDate (D:20200417091037+03'00') There are some powerlifting articles here on M&S, but you could also search YouTube for channels that focus on that sport to help you learn more about training for comps. Over 400 is legit and . I weighed 145 and never thought that I was that strong. He lifted 804.7lbs (365kg) in the deadlift, 501.5lbs (227.4) in benchpress, and 694.4lbs (314kg) in squat during the same event. During the Ghost Clash meet held last month, she achieved a 540 DOTS rating in the open division with wraps. I dont have my first meet under my belt yet so its whatever from me lol. Since then his numbers have improved massively. /Type/XObject At 22 years old, she can squat 400lbs (181kg), bench 180lbs (81kg), and deadlift 455lbs (206kg). /Type/Page A post shared by Caitlin Berry (@cat60kg). . 29209. . /Parent 3 0 R 500 and youre in the top 10 discussion in your weight category. Congratulations, you are going to the world championships! Good to see what is actually realistic when you are flooded with superhuman monsters all of the time. << Its mostly linear up to the 80th percentile, starts to pick up at the 90th, and the top 1% and .1% are absurdly stronger than everyone else. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, M | 632.5 Kg | 74.6 Kg | 452 Wk | USPA | RAW Masters, F | 487.61 kg | 80.5 kg | 457.87 DOTS | APF | RAW w/ Wraps, M | 767.5kg | 99.8kg | 472.8 DOTS | USPA Tested | Raw, F | 315kg | 57.7kg | 358.04Dots | USPA | RAW, M | 690kg | 80.6kg | 473 DOTS | RPS | Multi-ply, M | 550kgs | 86kgs | 359Wilks | USPA | Raw, M | 652.5kg | 96.9kg | 402Wks | USPA | RAW, M | 625kg | 98kg | 384 Wks | USPA tested | Raw w/Wraps, M | 602.5kg | 74.3kg | 434.86Dots | WRPF | RAW, M | 868.5kg | 128.5kg | 488.02 Dots | NASA | RAW. You guys need to troll harder. In addition, third parties, including Facebook, may use cookies, web beacons, and other storage technologies to collect or receive information from PowerliftingTechnique.com and elsewhere on the Internet and use that information to provide measurement services and target ads. In that order of preference. /F1 8 0 R The Wilks formula is used to compare lifted weight in powerlifting between lifters of different bodyweight and gender so you can compare the strength of men and women and lighter and heavier lifters. She also has some of the most impressive numbers in deadlifts and benchpress in her class. Barbell They are not meant to be elite standards in and of themselves. I use as a standard for me to become the best that I can. A post shared by Jawon Garrison (@majin_avenger). The respective coefficients are multiplied by the respective totals. Address:1300 Avenida Vista Hermosa, San Clemente, CA 92673, United States|Phone Number:+1 (949) 248-0131|Email:contact@veganliftz.com. These rankings are based on the individual athletes DOTS number. Powerlifting is a sport that accepts all comers, some great lifters, some not so great. This article reviews each sport and discusses the benefits and potential downsides of each. Anyone who can bench 100lbs over their body weight is very strong. /MediaBox[0 0 595 842] Back in the day I totaled a solid 1,500lbs in the 198lb class clean and raw. She is 22 years old and can already squat 363.7lbs (164.9kg), bench 248lbs (112kg), and deadlift 396.8lbs (180kg). What would it take you to reach elite level (500+ Wilks) at your current body weight? Let's dive into the topic of raw, natural strength standards by analyzing the national records of several drug-free powerlifting federations. A subreddit for the sport of powerlifting, Press J to jump to the feed. These are pretty good (as good as any) and accurate standards in my experience, too. >>stream Were a news, analysis, and opinion platform for everything related to the vegan diet and fitness. Lets discuss that now. IPF Points are stupid and new Wilks is far too controversial to say the least. The DOTS powerlifting calculator provides a DOTS score which can be used to compare the strength levels of lifters adjusted for bodyweight . I would also like to know where your strength levels currently are, and what natural goals you are after. My 3-lift total was 1501 that day. Unfortunately, there just doesn't seem to be many people left that want to lift raw and natural, it's all about the biggest number possible in ANY manner possible. GREAT ARTICLE! For example, a 59kg lifter can have a total of 600kg, and a 120kg lifter can have a total of 625kg. /Height 400 My last meet used it and its close enough to Wilks that it won't be a huge change. Of course, there are outliers where a lifter in a lower weight category might exceed the total of someone lifting in a heavier weight category. On this basis of total weight lifted, Jamal @jamal_b15 easily comes out on top with 2182.5lbs (990kg) total. Training gear is not magical though. I should be stronger but I will survive. I used to think I had terrible strength levels when compared to pros but I'm not that bad. Total speculation, but Im guessing the .1% are people whore able to make powerlifting their entire career (and are genetic freaks) while the rest of us work day jobs. Its basically a pound-for-pound comparison. Required fields are marked *. Hailing from Florida, USA Jawon @majin_avenger is known for his explosive performance. The DOTS system uses a series of complex formulas, taking into account athletes weight, gender, the type of event they participated in, and the category to calculate a final number. A woman weighing 120lbs (54.4kg) squatting 400lbs (181.5kg) gets 218.29 Wilks points. Ray Williams aka. If you do so you will exceed your expectations. My goal is two get into the thousand pound club by the end of next year. I've been lifting for 30 years now, life long raw, natural (creatine is the "strongest stuff" I've used) lifter. Only a handful of lifters have ever achieved 600+ Wilks none of them in doping tested federations. /Subtype/Image I know of a guy who is 58 210 lbs who was repping 455 6x for bench and was fairly lean (very agile). Related:Calculate your powerlifting Wilks Score. Is using HD Testosterone Booster allowed if tested in natural competitions or is that not allowed? The Wilks formula is used to compare lifted weight in powerlifting between lifters of different body weights and gender so you can compare the strength of men and women and lighter and heavier lifters. We live in a world full of Instagram 500lb bench presses and 800lb squats. . The powerlifting total is what ranks powerlifters within a category. Jesse Norris of USA, competing for the USA in the International Powerlifting Federation best ever performance to date earned him the second spot in this list. Current raw 1rm..bench: 245 squat:325 deadlift:420.

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