Scarlet said that Michelle had died. It was created by her adoptive father, Linh Garan, before he succumbed to Letumosis. LitCharts Teacher Editions. Cinder/Princess Selene. She would kill him. The guard had never closed it. Does peony live in Cinder? With some attention and a good cleaning, it could be restored to its former glory., No, were talking about her daughter. On the fifth step, she heard the bolts snap. She knows that doing so would make her the monster everyone fears shell become. Like I said in a different ask, hes a bit more physically needy. But usually they sleep facing each other like in this art I found. She thought about telling Thorne about her being Princess Selene, but decides against it. She could make people see things that werent there. Squinting, she jutted a finger at the doctor. A tingle passed down her spine. She straight up tells Skye that shes not welcome and needs to leave. He knows Cinder has not had an easy life, but the fact that she put aside all the shit Adri did to her and gave her the BSB patents astounds him. New Beijing, Cinder's home, faces twin threats: a deadly plague called letumosis and the Lunars, a race of highly-evolved humans who have colonized the moon. I would never lie. He stuffed the hat back onto his head and squinted up at Cinder. It makes her artificial heart melt. Kai wakes up on board the ship and Cinder tells him her true identity, that she is the missing Princess Selene. Kai slowly begins to develop feelings for Cinder, asking her to the ball several times, even gifting her beautiful gloves. Cinder has a slight, thin build, naturally tanned skin and straight brown hair below her shoulders, which is usually worn in a messy ponytail. Basically any time that she feels slightly insecure or intimidated. They landed in the Sahara, located in Africa. But not my little girl. An ironic smile twisted up his lips. He likes burying his face in it when they sleep.Cinder loves Kais smile. You'll also get updates on new titles we publish and the ability to save highlights and notes. Dr. Erland also informed Cinder that he had discovered her to be a Lunar shell as well, which upset her. Kai has reading glasses and Cinder thinks they make him look sexy. PDF downloads of all 1699 LitCharts literature guides, and of every new one we publish. Cinder reaches for Kais hand under the table when they have meetings or at press conferences. Cinder, although tough, has a soft side that she occasionally shows, particularly to Emperor Kai. But they would be looking for a ghost. Torin is shaking his head in the background and Cinder is trying not to cringe. She did not die, but lost her left hand & leg, and was taken to Earth by Logan Tanner. Before theyre out of the ballroom, Cinder tells them . They dont really argue, but they often tell each other to go to bed. A battle of bioelectric manipulation begins between Cinder and Levana, with Cinder coming out as the victor. He understood the mistake he would be making if he agreed to marry Levana. If Adri and Pearl were her only family left, she would be better off alone. Cinder soon begins to adapt to her cyborg parts and befriends her younger adoptive sister, Linh Peony. 24) Who whispers inappropriate things in the others ear during inappropriate times? Cinder didn't find Michelle but found out about Scarlet, her granddaughter. When Selene was three years old, she was thought to be killed by a nursery fire started by Levana, in order to claim the crown permanently for herself. Cinder, learning this and the fact that Cress lives in a satellite orbiting Earth, agrees to go and rescue her. She could send him a comm, but what were the chances he was checking them during the ball? The doctor injected her with tagged Letumosis pathogens and waited for them to take effect so he could give her a test antidote. As a result, 16,000 Earthens were killed. Which one is ticklish:Kai. After the coronation, Kai found Cinder in the throne room. lindy's homemade ingredients . I will do what is best for them.. Cinder then ran out of the palace, pursued by Levana, Kai & guards. He did escape, albeit taken by Cinder upon the Rampion. Channary thought about having Selene marry Kaito, prince of the Commonwealth, which is ironic as that's exactly what they did later on of their own free will. Cinderella Plot: The series follows a teenage cyborg named Cinder who lives in New Beijing with her wicked stepmother and two stepsisters (a mean one and a nice one). Her mother had shown only kindness to her, letting her sleep in her bedroom and feeding her herself. They kidnapped him and met up with the group on the palace roof. Just like the original fairy tale, Cinder is almost always covered in grease stains. Queen Levana, who was visiting the Eastern Commonwealth, had given a plague antidote to Kai, just after his father (Emperor Rikan) had died and Kai delivered it to Dr. Erland. 21) Who is more likely to start dancing with the other?Kai is the one to initiate dancing of course. Skyes husband is irritated. Refine any search. Free shipping for many products! She cant very well be worse, he said. Everything he knew about her had been a lie. Teach your students to analyze literature like LitCharts does. & if so, how did they originate? The soldiers were about to attack her, but she slipped into the minds of twelve guards and attacked before jumping into Artemisia Lake. Kai because he was resigned to the fact that his entire life was going to revolve around his people and he would never get to do things for himself. Almost every time he thought of her, he wished she could escape. Cress leads Kai into the podship dock where Cinder was repairing Iko. You'll also get updates on new titles we publish and the ability to save highlights and notes. A strange new electricity was thrumming beneath her skin, telling her she wasnt just a cyborg anymore. They first met when he entered her booth at the marketplace at New Beijing Market, in the disguise of a gray hoodie to avoid paparazzi, to have his broken android, Nainsi, fixed. He wears very formal clothes like suits, silks, dress shirts, etc., although he would rather wear jeans & T-shirts. Cinder arrives at the throne room and sees Thorne with the queen, being manipulatively held near the ledge of the throne room. Most of the time he does it to see if he can get a reaction out of her, a hint of red on her cheeks, anything. She had to warn him. It was made out to be some sort of honor, giving your life for the good of humanity, but it was really just a reminder that cyborgs were not like everyone else. Though she tried to block out the question, it continued to plague her, echoing in her thoughts.Maybe Dr. Erland was right. They then met again with Dr. Erland under the impression that she was fixing a med-droid. The capital of. Pain lanced through her chest, squeezing the air out of her. Her dress was new, her red shoes were borrowed from Winter, her grandma's European Federation Pilot pin was something old and her something blue was the word "Alpha" embroidered in blue on her wedding dress by Winter. Cinder later befriended Peony, Garan and Adri's youngest daughter and Pearl's sister, along with the family's android, Iko. During the private tour for him and Lunar ambassadors, Winter & Jacin, he shares his frustrations about how some Earthens are still under the impression that Cinder manipulated him into trusting her and having feelings for her. Cress led Kai into the podship dock where Cinder was repairing Iko. Levana saw her there and recognized her as her glamour was similar to her mother's. Guards come to take Cinder, Adri & Pearl to trial, and Cinder, now enraged, lifted Adri up by her shirt saying she will force Adri to gouge her own eyes out if she tells them that Cinder's cyborg foot is removable. Levana has him jump off the balcony, but Cinder catches him as Thorne started punching Cinder due to being forced to by Levana. She, unfortunately, didn't have any control over her mother and sister abusing Cinder. My students love how organized the handouts are and enjoy tracking the themes as a class., Requesting a new guide requires a free LitCharts account. 14) Who kisses the hardest?I I really want to say Kai. They make excuses to get the wedding prepped up as they distract Scarlet. They were lucky to have lived this long, many thought. Id say its pretty even. She revealed how Channary was abusive as when they were young, Channary's favorite trick was to pretend that she loved Levana, having never felt love from her parents and then torturing her. Both society and her stepmother view her as more machine than human, resulting in Cinder having fewer rights than humans enjoy. The "rogue fugitives" flew into space. Maybe she had to run. Cinder then found out that Dr. Erland was a Lunar. Using his Lunar gift, the doctor made Cinder feel tired & safe as he persuaded her to not attack him. Ive said before that I headcanon Cinder as a closeted singer, so Im carrying this over. He also urged her to escape New Beijing Prison and meet him in Africa to help overthrow Levana. She is also strong willed and has perseverance. When Kai snaps out of it, gestures to Skye, and tells Cinder who she is, Cinder is ready to throw down. PDF downloads of all 1699 LitCharts literature guides, and of every new one we publish. Cinder is no longer hesitant to keep secrets from him and they both realize that they are absolutely perfect together. She felt the loss of power at the base of her calf, sending a blinding warning signal up to her brain. Kai on the other hand? While Cinder is working, Iko arrives wearing lipstick and a strand of Adri's. He would never have been able to do something like that. When Kai snaps out of it, gestures to Skye, and tells Cinder who she is, Cinder is ready to throw down. Headcanon that when Kai announces on press conference that Cinder is pregnant, reporters are asking him all these questions and he starts fangirling with them about baby's gender and name. When Cinder escaped, Queen Levana was quick to blame Kai because of his feelings for her. When the rampion crew is around, Throne will make gagging noises when they do that. When Selene was eleven, Logan started her cybernetic surgeries since he was going insane from Lunar sickness. Kai seemed to have been distressed by this as liked her and felt betrayed, for he didn't know if his feelings for Cinder was just her messing with his mind or real. She is a 16-year-old. Cinder was severely injured in a read analysis of Cinder/Princess Selene. The townspeople of Farafrah saved them and they escaped to New Beijing to stop the wedding. Cinder is also a pretty touch starved character, she grew up thinking that she wasnt worth any type of affection, so she doesnt go out of her way to hug people or tell someone she loves them, or anything like that. But just as she cannot trick the netscreens, neither can she trick a mirror., So they dont like mirrors because they dont want to see themselves?, Vanity is a factor but it is more a question of control. Levana, knowing Channary had been a horrible ruler, thought that her niece would be one as well. Even though it was confirmed by the med-droids that she did not contract the plague, Cinder believed that she must have passed the plague from Chang Sacha, as she was taken to the quarantines earlier, to Peony. Teachers and parents! Cinder tells the prince about Nainsi and how it started speaking about the search for Princess Selene. He marries Levana and crowns her as empress of the Commonwealth. She might have pointed out that, as she was the one doing the work, the money should have been hers to spend as she saw fit. Due to their connection with Dr. Erland, they meet up several times. But when her life becomes intertwined with the handsome Prince Kai's, she suddenly finds herself at the center of an intergalactic struggle, and a forbidden attraction. Kai goes down to the garage and gets her when shes tinkering too late into the night. She apologizes to him and vice versa. Selene was thought to be dead and Levana became the queen, as opposed to queen regent, which she was before Selene's "death.". They may have been worried about what would happen on Luna, but they worried about and handled it together. Cinder finds that she's not getting a dress for the ball because it would be too expensive and she hasn't fixed their hover car yet. Lunar Chronicles Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. Cinder pondered this, unsure if she should find Dr. Erland in Africa, but decided to go to France to look for Michelle Benoit to find out more about her past. Does Cinder care about that though? Thorne & Cress had to sneak into the palace, hack into the security system and open the gates to the outer sectors in order to let Cinder's army infiltrate Artemisia Palace and to play Cinder's trial in her perspective which shows the queen's true face while Cinder, Jacin & Iko sneak into the palace labs and steal the Letumosis antidote to then bring it to the infected sectors. The fewer people who knew she was cyborg, the better. After Levana commands Kai's ship to be searched for any stowaways, they plan their escape. That our society would fall apart if they were allowed to live. One day, as she is fitting herself with her new metal foot, Prince Kai comes to her, asking her to fix his android, Nainsi. Send me fic and headcanon requests, but look at my. He also promised to make a private account with her own earnings - away from Adri's reach. He starts to run towards Cress and stabs her multiple times. There is one time though that thorne managed to get a piece of gum in Cinders hair and Kai had to cut it out. At the beginning of the novel, Cinder was in desperate need of a. answer choices. When theyre in teasing moods, theyll call each other Your Majesty. The warm air enclosed her. Subjects had been carted in from provinces as far-reaching as Mumbai and Singapore to act as guinea pigs for the antidote testing. Featuring: baby BAMFs, Mai and Zuko being chaotic goth BFFs, the Yuyan adopting not one but two (2) feral children, and June making excuses to visit the Pohuai Stronghold in order to check in on her apprentices (*cough, cough . Cinder then asks Kai to hold a meeting with the world leaders regarding the Treaty of Bremen. They like calling each other by their names because from anyone else it comes with a title ahead of it. I was expecting an old man.. Princess Winter took custody of her and Scarlet became her majesty's new "pet." In early drafts, it is said that Cinder hates cooking. 2) Big spoon/Little spoon? What happens when someone else steps up to take his place? She doesnt, of course. Complete your free account to access notes and highlights. Which one proposes:We all know that Kai was the one to propose, and I think he would still be the one to propose. She told him that the tear ducts would have been in the way of her retina scanner and netlink. She is a 16-year-old cyborg (human/robot hybrid) mechanic who lives in the futuristic city of New Beijing, in the Eastern Commonwealth. They're like having in-class notes for every discussion!, This is absolutely THE best teacher resource I have ever purchased. Adri loved to remind her of that. From the creators of SparkNotes, something better. He is studious, dedicated, and focused. [citationneeded], Kai was the Crown Prince of the Eastern Commonwealth. Jacin, Princess Winter's best friend & royal guard, who was protecting Sybil on the satellite, betrayed Sybil by shooting her, claiming Cinder was controlling him. Suddenly, the crowd stops chanting, and Queen Levana appears on the balcony. The group is then reunited with Kai, Winter & Jacin. Since Garan had the prototype that would protect the princess from manipulation and using her gift, they inserted it into her axis vertebrae. The silk gloves. She was the only kind to Cinder. Also, she didn't want to be seen by Levana, she knew she wouldn't be allowed to by Adri, she was already planning on running away and she had no money for a gown. known as Kai, and he is the emperor of the Eastern Commonwealth. The original text plus a side-by-side modern translation of. Shes preening like a damn peacock, showing off how well she married and how expensive her gown is and all the dumb stuff that doesnt really matter. Kai is not known for backing down (neither is Cinder) whether it be to the press or a tyrannical queen and she really admires that about him. Sixteen year old Cinder is a cyborg who has a mechanic booth in the city's marketplace. Soon, the whole world would be searching for herLinh Cinder. She tells them the blueprints to the device are inside Iko and Adri has full ownership to the distribution of the chip, leaving Adri pleased knowing this device will make Adri & Pearl very rich. Garan died from Letumosis a few weeks after adopting Cinder, consequently making Adri Cinder's new legal guardian. When they arrive, a bunch of journalists start badgering the ex-Queen so Scarlet scares them off by firing her gun. Lunar Chronicles Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. Struggling with distance learning? He may not know much about Cinder, but if she could find out about the lost Lunar princess, then he could find out more about her. Lifting her head, she looked up at the grate in the prison door. Cinder because Adri made her feel worthless. Which one complains about the crumbs in the bed:Cinder. In Winter, Kai and Cinder officially commence their relationship. Winter was very excited and interested in Cinder, being her lost cousin & friend and her being a cyborg. Maybe she had to try. Her father is unknown, due to Channary, who slept with many men. Personality Trait: her kindness. When they arrive, they find Adri, Cinder's evil stepmother and her two stepsisters, Pearl and Peony, getting fitted for dresses to wear to the ball. And maybe shed been right to do it. Cinder is featured in the The Little Android as a mechanic who helps Star. Like Cinder, Kai faced decisions that could result in sacrificing his own life for what he perceived as the greater good. And Cinder never really thought of love until Kai came around. Im guessing you mean memories about each other, so Im going to do those, but also personality traits, because why not? People said Lunars could alter a persons brainmake you see things you shouldnt see, feel things you shouldnt feel, do things you didnt want to do. Every morning, a new ID number was drawn from the pool of so many thousand cyborgs who resided in the Eastern Commonwealth. go to da moon copy and paste. 26) What would be their theme song? Scarlet, Wolf & Cress join the scuffle as Cress shoots two of Thorne's fingers off. Releasing the new prosthesis, Cinder covered her ears and buried her face against her knee. Most of her customers couldnt fathom how a teenage girl could be the best mechanic in the city, and she never broadcast the reason for her talent. However, since Cinder thinks her status as a cyborg and Lunar makes her unfit for Kai, she repeatedly turns him down by making up random excuses. Question 5. They return Kai to Earth, where his palace was being burned. He was terrified and thought she might not make it, so the fact that she opened her eyes was a miracle to him. So many people convinced that it was the right thing. His lips partedshe had no choice but to look at them and then immediately back into his eyes. [3] Kai takes Cinder and asks her to marry him, leading to a future together. Cinder fixes the family's android, Iko, in hopes of impressing her adoptive family. They surprisingly get along and Kai notes that Cinder is a very capable and charming girl who is easy to converse with. Dr. Erland let Cinder leave, but said she must come back for more check-ups. However, Channary died of regolith poisoning and her sister, Levana, took the throne. For the first time since the revolution ended, Cinder contemplates using her glamour to kill someone. Cinder kissed him in an attempt to stop him, but it didn't work, and Levana only laughed at her. While there they find a secret bunker that seems to be where the princess may have been kept and made cyborg as a child. Kai goes back to the Commonwealth, but still maintains his relationship with Cinder. Michelle then renamed Selene "Cinder" - a name that shows how Selene was reborn from the cinders of the fire. Kai tells Cinder that Levana is dead and that she is now the queen of Luna. Adri had Cinder taken away to the palace to be used for Letumosis research against Cinder's will. It looks more like a rotting pumpkin., Cinder shut the hood with a bang, sending an impressive dust cloud over the android. Find related themes, quotes, symbols, characters, and more. Metal clattered against stone as she crashed down to the gravel pathway. Work Search: tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10 My mental stability, my psychological health, my very senses are failing me because l refuse to manipulate the thoughts and feelings of those around me. 25) Who needs more assurance? Citizens then began fighting the guards and, with Maha's help, the people accepted Cinder's revolution. Or: What happens if Iroh isn't present for the Agni Kai? Wolf reveals he planned everything, knowing the publicity surrounding their wedding was irritating Scarlet as he wanted her to be happy. Complete your free account to access notes and highlights. Cinder became furious, stating that Michelle sent her off without telling her that she was Selene and Scarlet apologized. Dr. Erland, a researcher in the palace, drew blood from Cinder and when she woke up, he opened up her control panel and scanned her, revealing that she was 36.28% cyborg, therefore 36.28% not human. She could almost count the black lashes around them. Maybe it did make sense to use the ones who had already been tampered with. Aside from that I dont think they use nicknames very much. So close, she could catch a faint soapy smell coming from him. Cinder froze against him, stunned and wide-eyed at the feel of soft, warm lips against hers. Cinder looks very much like her mother, Channary Blackburn. You made me trust you., Be fair. Garan took her to the Eastern Commonwealth to live with him, despite his wife, Adri, refusing to accept the girl into their family. If he finds and reinstates her, then he will not be forced to marry the evil queen. All six Earthen Unions claimed war on Luna. Definitions and examples of 136 literary terms and devices. You were attacking me with a wrench., Dr. Erland opened his palms to her, I assure you, Miss Linh, in the twelve years that I have been on Earth, I have not abused the gift once, and I am paying the price for that decision every day. In Cress, Kai accepted Levana's marriage proposal but hoped that Cinder would stop their wedding, or that he could escape. Logan Tanner hadn't used his Lunar gift for years, causing him to have Lunar sickness, so he completed the cybernetic operation with Linh Garan before he put himself into an asylum. Creating notes and highlights requires a free LitCharts account. Summary Linh Cinder is a teenage girl, part human, part cyborg who, as a result of her hidden past and lineage, finds herself the center of a war between the Lunars, Earth, and her own family. All those cyborgs. When Kai woke up and found Cinder, he was upset and angry at her, but she explained her reasoning behind the kidnapping as well as her being Princess Selene, the true heir to the Lunar throne. when does kai find out cinder is princess selene By on June 12, 2022 judy farrell obituary diana silvers parents So Cinder is Princess Selene, Kai is engaged to Queen Levana, and Scarlet is Wolf's mate. Cinder drags (or carries) Kai out of his office when hes up too late looking over legislation or other important documents. Cinder would later become the Empress of the Eastern Commonwealth. Ill go, she muttered, Ill find him., Dropping his hand, Kai met Konn Torins gaze, his eyes hollow. when does kai find out cinder is princess selene 05 Jun. She felt for the prosthetic limbs in her lap and wrapped her hands around them. He was more focused on learning diplomacy. Scarlet accused Cinder of not trying to save the Earthen Union and instead hiding. She's part tomboy and doesn't particularly care about how she dresses; she does, however, wear a ball gown to the Commonwealth ball. It is the third novel in The Lunar Chronicles series and the sequel to Scarlet.The story is loosely based on the fairy tale of "Rapunzel", similar to its predecessors Cinder and Scarlet which were loosely based on . My students love how organized the handouts are and enjoy tracking the themes as a class., Requesting a new guide requires a free LitCharts account. Citizens find it endearing how happy their emperor is and are all excited . Kai?, Her stomach twisted. Cinder then wakes up in a clinic with Kai & Dr. Nandez, a cybernetic surgeon who was flown in to fix Cinder. No. The girls then lead Scarlet downstairs where the house is transformed and Scarlet's friend, milie, has arrived. Feel things they shouldnt feel. Besides, who is Adri in cinder? The group (excluding Scarlet) was later reunited in the hotel, but were cornered by the Commonwealth military. (id like to think this is because the month they spent together on the Rampion after Kai was kidnapped and they slept on a twin bed together). Peony ended up dying, so Cinder gave the antidote to Chang Sunto, the son of Chang Sacha. Every year on Kais birthday he goes to visit his fathers grave alone. From the creators of SparkNotes, something better. They kissed, but were disrupted by a newsfeed: Levana had massacred the town that had helped Cinder. His father, Rikan, who died of letumosis at the beginning of Cinder, was the previous emperor. It is easier to trick others into perceiving you as beautiful if you can convince yourself you are beautiful. Emperor Kai is Cinder's love interest. While Iko was left behind, Jacin drove Cinder along with the antidote to the sector where they met up with a sick Scarlet & Winter. Skye, the dumb bitch she is, laughs and asks Cinder if shes jealous of Skyes former relationship with the emperor. Kai & the world (as it was caught on video) learned that Cinder was a Lunar & cyborg, and Cinder was thrown into New Beijing Prison. Sybil Mira discovered the plan and sets a trap. Cinder fought back, aiming the gun away from herself. Which one hogs the blankets:Cinder. Cinder puts Iko's personality chip into the ship. Cinder was the last Queen of Luna as she willingly abdicated the throne and transferred the government into a republic. Lunars were a society that had evolved from an Earthen moon colony centuries ago, but they werent human anymore. Youyou brainwashed me, just like the queen. Someday.". Levana informed Kai that she was a Lunar and that she wanted Cinder back to the moon to await a "trial" to which Kai refused. Kai, on the other hand, makes a point to always be holding her hand, or whisper a quickI love you when theyre in the middle of a world leaders meeting. In Winter, his hair is longer and messier. The first peace ball after Cinder and Kai get married, Skye shows up with some stupidly rich asshole on her arm. He had no idea his wife had a fling with the emperor. Kai seems to be extremely distressed by this as he actually likes her and feels betrayed, for he does not know if his feelings for Cinder are just her messing with his mind or real. Cinder reveals that she is Princess Selene and Kai is shocked, but genuinely interested in knowing all about Cinder. Which one sings and which one plays an instrument:Cinder sings, though no one knows about it. Kai does it a lot actually. Cinder's figure is too angular and too boyish, though with slight curves. And so my little Crescent Moon was taken away, like all the others. Kai, the entire bloodline, every last one of them has been greedy, violent, corrupted by their own power. He told her that she was Princess Selene, the daughter of the late Queen Channary, and that Cinder should reclaim her rightful place as ruler. Cinder agrees to spare Levana's life after the queen surrenders. When Selene was three years old, she was thought to be killed by a nursery fire started by Levana, in order to claim the crown permanently for herself. Cinder confessed her fear of what to do next about Levana and Kai consoled her. Dr. Erland then discovered a chip imbedded in Cinder's spine, preventing her from using her Lunar gift and making it seem like she was a shell. It would completely ruin your life. Read Selene Chapter Eleven from the story Selene - The Lunar Chronicles Fan Fiction by RoseTylerr (rosie) with 361 reads. Kai is skilled in ballroom dancing as he expertly guided Levana & Cinder across the floor at the ball. Auburn hair fell in silken ringlets to her waist and her unblemished ivory skin shimmered like mother-of-pearl in the sunshine. -Graham S. Chang Sacha is the baker in the market where, Would not have made it through AP Literature without the printable PDFs. Kai's mother had also passed away from the same disease. She was sure shed go mad if all the market shopkeepers looked at her with the same disdain as Chang Sacha did. Cinder told him that when she was eleven, she was in a hover crash that killed her parents and was given a control panel, a metal hand & leg to replace the limbs she had lost. Kai telling cinder about his previous not-serious gfs and when they're at the ball he meets one and is chatting and laughing with her cinder recognizes her what will be her reaction?will she be jealous or insecure or none of those pls give head canons/one shot. Kai then forced Cinder to tell him all of her secrets. I wanted to sayIm not a Robot by Marina and the Diamonds, but I feel like thats much more of just Cinder song. Theyre royalty. She's a second-class citizen with a mysterious past, reviled by her stepmother and blamed for her stepsister's illness.

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